Lanfree behaviour question

2008-06-04 Thread Robert Ouzen Ouzen
Hi to all I have a TDP for Oracle version 5.3.3-0 on a linux machine RHEL3 u8 with Oracle 10g , I backup the database with LanFree backup with a HBA Emulex Lp9002-L . During the backup I got the following messages: (the TSM server version is on a AIX machine) 06/05/2008 02:05:1

Re: x64 systemstate backup failure client

2008-06-04 Thread Richard Sims
On Jun 4, 2008, at 1:30 PM, Schaub, Steve wrote: Tsm server Tsm client I haven't found anything on Tivoli or quickfacts relevant to these errors from dsmerror.log, has anyone experienced/solved something similar? ... Steve - See

x64 systemstate backup failure client

2008-06-04 Thread Schaub, Steve
Tsm server Tsm client I haven't found anything on Tivoli or quickfacts relevant to these errors from dsmerror.log, has anyone experienced/solved something similar? I'm getting the error consistently on only 1 node of an identical 3-node MS cluster (W2K3 R2 x64) used for fileservi

Re: VTL and TSM - Hyper Reclamation ????

2008-06-04 Thread Kelly Lipp
I'm with Wanda on this: reclaim aggressively on file device class stuff. Might as well have as much space available as possible. We set up our disk based STORServers with reclamation thresholds of 20%. Heck, the system sits doing nothing a lot anyway might as well have it moving bits around. B

Re: Directories Management Class

2008-06-04 Thread Skylar Thompson
Lepre, James wrote: Everyone, I am a little confused. How would I setup management classes for both Directories and Files? I came across a problem awhile back where the Client GUI did not show the directory structure and I was told by IBM support that the directory structure had expired, an

Re: VTL and TSM - Hyper Reclamation ????

2008-06-04 Thread Thorneycroft, Doug
Our reclaim settings vary with the storage pool. The storage pool that I point our database servers to gets a lot of large files each night, but also expires a lot of large files each day. I keep it set at 70%, Occasionally, a volume will stall and just sit there day after day at 40 or 50%. When

Re: VTL and TSM - Hyper Reclamation ????

2008-06-04 Thread Schneider, Jim
We run ours at 25% except one pool that we reclaim at 5%. Really, 5%. We ran incrementals direct to VTL with 30 servers backing up at one time, each to a separate virtual tape. Pool utilization was about 42% but %Migratable was at 93%. All those virtual 100 GB tapes with 1.2% utilization messed

Re: Copy Pool

2008-06-04 Thread James Choate
You can create another copy pool for offsite that is LTO4, and then backup your primary pools to the LTO4 offsite copy pool. -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dollens, Bruce Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 9:15 AM To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.

Re: Directories Management Class

2008-06-04 Thread Anil Maurya
We use same Management class for files and directory , we never came across such problem. I am using TSM 541 Good luck -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lepre, James Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 10:51 AM To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU S

Re: Copy Pool

2008-06-04 Thread Anil Maurya
This can be accomplished same way how we make copy from primary pool. Start backing to LTO4 pool , when you done complete backup to LTO4 , DELETE LTO2 copy pool. Good luck -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dollens, Bruce Sent: Wednes

Copy Pool

2008-06-04 Thread Dollens, Bruce
We recently upgraded from LTO2 drives to LTO4 drives in our 3584 library. We have around 200 LTO2 tapes in our offsite storage pool that we would like to get moved over to LTO4 before the end of July. Is there an easy way to do this? I know with our onsite pool we can migrate it, but if I remembe

Re: Directories Management Class

2008-06-04 Thread Lepre, James
Everyone, I am a little confused. How would I setup management classes for both Directories and Files? I came across a problem awhile back where the Client GUI did not show the directory structure and I was told by IBM support that the directory structure had expired, and that I needed a man

Re: VTL and TSM - Hyper Reclamation ????

2008-06-04 Thread Andy Huebner
We run ours at 50%. One thing to consider is whether your server and VTL will have the bandwidth to reclaim at those percentages. Andy Huebner -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Richard Rhodes Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 8:08 PM To:

Re: select statement for active sessions based on policy domain

2008-06-04 Thread Choudarapu, Ramakrishna (GTS)
select session_id,client_name from sessions where session_type='Node' and client_name in (select node_name from nodes where domain_name='DOMAIN_NAME') -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tim Brown Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 4:48 PM To: