Re: CAD seems confused about what time it is?

2007-11-28 Thread Robert Clark
Have you looked at the output from a "dsmc query schedule" to see if anything weird is being returned? [RC] On Nov 15, 2007, at 8:57 AM, Allen S. Rout wrote: On Thu, 15 Nov 2007 09:07:31 -0700, Andrew Raibeck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: No, this shouldn't be a DST thing, unless the OS isn't

Re: NDMP over IP Performance

2007-11-28 Thread Robert Clark
I haven't run any throughput tests against NDMP yet, but I'm curious to see what kind of numbers it can do. If the TSM server runs on AIX, you can look at the output from "vmstat -i 1" to see how many interrupts are are being processed per second. Going to jumbo packets and using interrupt mitig

Re: Re: Mig stg question.

2007-11-28 Thread David Bronder
Richard Sims wrote: > > Given that the migration is to serially accessed, sequential media, I > don't see the need for more than one major thread per migration > stream, anyway. In such a context, I see a one-for-one > quantification of threads and processes (where we keep in mind that a > TSM pro

Re: 6 vs 8 (volume labels)

2007-11-28 Thread Kelly Lipp
And it seems that at times it really believes the L2, L3 or L4 designation and flat refuses to put a tape in a drive it thinks isn't correct. I have not been able to find any rhyme or reason for this or a simple way around it. Thanks, Kelly J. Lipp VP Manufacturing & CTO STORServer, Inc. 485-B

Re: 6 vs 8 (volume labels)

2007-11-28 Thread Richard Sims
On Nov 28, 2007, at 2:22 PM, Nick Laflamme wrote: Oh, this is embarrassing. Could someone, perhaps from ADSM development, explain Technote 1212111, please? It says explicitly that Different generations of media are identified by the trailing 2 barcode characters of an 8-character external

Re: 6 vs 8 (volume labels)

2007-11-28 Thread Nick Laflamme
Wanda Prather wrote: TSM doesn't know anything about the technology level of the media just because you are using the 8 digits. TSM doesn't care, in fact. If it did, it wouldn't be happy sticking an LTO2 cartridge into an LTO3 drive (which is a legitimate thing to do). The LIBRARY uses the last

Re: Mig stg question.

2007-11-28 Thread Richard Sims
On Nov 28, 2007, at 1:11 PM, David Bronder wrote: The question wasn't about migration _processes_, but migration _threads_ internal to TSM. As you and Andrew both describe, there are multiple migration _processes_ kicked off in both cases. Given that the migration is to serially accessed, seq

Re: Re: Mig stg question.

2007-11-28 Thread David Bronder
PAC Brion Arnaud wrote: > > Your instructor should read his books again ... The question wasn't about migration _processes_, but migration _threads_ internal to TSM. As you and Andrew both describe, there are multiple migration _processes_ kicked off in both cases. I hadn't heard anything about

Re: 6 vs 8 (volume labels)

2007-11-28 Thread Wanda Prather
TSM doesn't know anything about the technology level of the media just because you are using the 8 digits. TSM doesn't care, in fact. If it did, it wouldn't be happy sticking an LTO2 cartridge into an LTO3 drive (which is a legitimate thing to do). The LIBRARY uses the last 2 digits, I think, to

6 vs 8 (volume labels)

2007-11-28 Thread Nick Laflamme
Our TS 3500 tape library can be configured to report volume labels as six digits or eight. We've used six digit identifiers all along, but as I read materials on mixing LTO drive (and tape) levels in the same partition, I suspect we should have gone to eight volume labels all along so TSM has the

Re: TSM Client Software for NT

2007-11-28 Thread Andy Huebner
On our NT 4.0 servers we run which has been stable enough that we have not wanted to upgrade it. I think there is a and a The last one has the security bug fix. I do not think 5.2 or higher will run on NT 4.0. And as far as IBM is concerned, you are on your own. Our ser

How big can a filelist be?

2007-11-28 Thread Angus Macdonald
I'm planning to archive a large list of specific files, scattered all over a biggish fileserver. I can generate a text file with the paths to all the files I want to archive and plan to use it as a TSM filelist. Is there a limit to how big a filelist can be, or to how many lines it can contain?

Re: DP for SQL Server full backup failure

2007-11-28 Thread Loon, E.J. van - SPLXM
Hi Del! I asked our SQL guy to send me his tdpsql.cfg file. It contains the following: BUFFers 3 BUFFERSIze 1024 FROMSQLserver KL109FLE SQLAUTHentication INTegrated SQLBUFFers 0 SQLBUFFERSIze 1024 SQLSERVer KL109FLE STRIPes 1 LOGFile tdpsql.log LOGP

HSM for Windows x64?

2007-11-28 Thread Schaub, Steve
Can any IBM folks give me an idea of when there is going to be an HSM for Windows x64 available? Thanks, Steve Schaub Systems Engineer, Windows Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee 423-535-6574 (desk) 423-785-7347 (mobile) Please see the following link for the BlueCross BlueShield of Te

Re: Mig stg question.

2007-11-28 Thread PAC Brion Arnaud
Andrew, Here, a snippet of the administrative command line online help "h mig stg" : This command creates one or more migration processes that can be canceled with the CANCEL PROCESS command. The number of processes is limited by the MIGPROCESS attribute of the storage pool definition. To disp