What is the library you are using? 3583? Look at drivers.
Show slots will give you a good idea where your tapes are.
This cmd has to be run when there are no sessions mounts proc etc for it to
work. Remove any tapes except for the tapes the vendor recommend eg IBM use
IBM. I have had a
Thanks for your reply.
I had already read the Technotes you referred to. I try to hit the
knowledgebase before I go to the list; of course, I am certainly capable of
overlooking something.
The element numbers being misassigned would cause mounts to be done
John -
The joy of inherited environments, where you have no solid
information on how things were configured by your predecessors...
In my experience, an ANR8469E unload failure is always due to a tape
drive hardware problem (possibly a sensor or motor problem). Check
your records or logs to gau