Did the library show the tape as mounted or mounting? We see a tape
drive in the state you describe several times a week, but we have only
seen what you describe once and the library had the tape in the mount
We were reset the library and TSM timed out the hung process, which is
only a litt
We have a similar set-up with FAStT storage in two locations that are
not mirrored. Although we use the IBM 3583 tape library. This is how
we approached the problem of not extending the SAN to the DR location:
TSM in location A is created with library client and library manager
DR site
Hi Steve,
If using the GUI, you can use the "/TSMOPTFILE=xxx.opt"
and the "/CONFIGFILE=xxx.cfg" GUI parameters to solve this.
This would enable you to have a set of DSM.OPT files
and DP/SQL configuration files that do exactly what you want.
You would have a set of these two files for each SQL serv
We have 1 TSM server that is SAN attached to two 3494 libraries, one
local and one remote although the TSM server sees them both as local since
all data goes through the SAN. All of our TSM clients backup to the local
site and it's 3494 library and thyen during the day, that chunk of data
The Data Protection for SQL IA64 bit package
supporting SQL Server 2005 is now available on the IBM FTP site:
1 drive failure per month, out of >34, may or may not be that far from
"normal", depending on your environment & workload.
In the first place, no one, including IBM, has ever said that LTO
drives will take the kind of heavy-duty pounding that 359X drives will.
That is the difference between them
Estarei ausente do escritório a partir de 20/12/2005 e não retornará até
Estarei ausente até 12/01/2006. Para assuntos referentes a TSM contate o
Sr.João Manoel (41) 3305 3518, Implantação de Projetos contate Sra.
Margarete (41) 3305 1603 ou Sra. Josmara (41) 3305 1614
Estarei ausente do escritório a partir de 20/12/2005 e não retornará até
Estarei ausente até 12/01/2006. Para assuntos referentes a TSM contato com
João Manoel (41) 3305 3518, Implantação de Projetos contato com Margarete
(41) 3305 1603 ou Josmara (41) 3305 1614
The .xml files are the customized templates for your daily reports.
If you are looking for the reports themselves, look for .htm files,
which also by default go into the /console directory.
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Large, M (M
As Henrik indicated, you'll need those .xml files, and possibly any other
customized ones that you might have had.
Also, any customized reports will have ".ext" extensions...so you'll want
to restore those as well.
Mail Recipient lists are exported as ".rcp", if you had any of those
The s
On Dec 20, 2005, at 3:39 AM, Hooft, Jeroen wrote:
Happens to us when an logarchive is aborted (eg kill -9 xx).
We did not find an other solution then restarting the notes
There's a good STE presentation on TDP Domino which was conducted on
It contains a lot of good info, and
Versions mulitplied with (to backup a 400Gb database / 10 slots a 20GB tapes)
= capacity problems...
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of VOJTA
Sent: den 20 december 2005 10:19
Subject: AW: [ADSM-L]
Thanks for that Henrik,
I can see those files in the console dir, but no other xml files. Are
non-default reports added to these files or are more xml files
Thanks again,
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Henrik Wah
It seems you are running out of space with the old 3590 technologie.
With 3592 and 300GB (uncompressed value) cartridges it will be OK.
But I believe thats not the answer you have expected...
yours sincerely
Othmar Vojta
We're using TSM 5.2 and attached using single drive library (3590). Can
anybody help me, on how to estimate a tape usage
as one of our client has a database size og 400GB. We'll be doing full and
incremental backup . One drive consist of 10 slots and the tape capacity is
only 20Gb.
Happens to us when an logarchive is aborted (eg kill -9 xx).
We did not find an other solution then restarting the notes application.
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Allan Mills
Sent: dinsdag 20 december 2005 5:20
Take a look at thoose XML files. If I remeber it correctly all reports
are stored as XML files and thoose listed belows are the default
\...\tsm\console\default_rep_eng.xml and default_mon_eng.xml
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROT
Hi TSMers,
TSM on W2K3
In a server move a colleague has mislaid my MMC reports - can any one
tell me what form these reports had before they were deleted? The system
was regularly backed up so I can restore them, if I know what to
Many thanks,
TSM Consultant
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