Re: When Performing Scheduled Selective Backups?

2004-04-07 Thread Andrew Raibeck
Sung, Yes, selective backup uses the include/exclude list. There is no concept of DOMAIN processing for archive or selective backup, so you need to specify the paths in your OBJECTS list. If your goal is to selectively back up entire drives (though why one would do this I do not know), you can up

Re: Difference between move data and backup stgpool

2004-04-07 Thread Tantlevskiy,Sergey,GLENDALE,GLOBE Center AMS
Andy, BACKUP STGP does not check headers inside an 'object' on a tape, so if your file is damaged somewhere in the middle, but both start and end of the file good, then backup stgpool will not complain and you will never know that both primary and copy versions are bad until you do audit volume.

Difference between move data and backup stgpool

2004-04-07 Thread Andy Carlson
I have run into a sticky situation, and am wondering if I am on the right track, and how I can figure out how pervasive this error is. We recently installed 10 IBM 3592 tape drives to use as out new copypool. My choice was to copy the new data from disk to 3592, and after some time copy the onsit

Re: Backing up Oracle on Raw volumes

2004-04-07 Thread French, Michael
I found the answer, use the "backup image" command, it supports multiple raw disk types. Michael French Savvis Communications IDS01 Santa Clara, CA (408)450-7812 -- desk (408)239-9913 -- mobile > -Original Message- > From: French, Michael > Sent: Wednesday, April 07,

When Performing Scheduled Selective Backups?

2004-04-07 Thread Sung Y Lee
TSM and ADSMers, I have a question about performing scheduled selective backups. Is it possible to create a schedule to do a selective backup of the nodes without having to list each filespace inside the "objects"? Like for UNIX can i do Options: -subdir=yes Objects: "\*.*" and for Windows O

Re: 3494 with 3592-J1A on Linux/390

2004-04-07 Thread Steve Roder
> >Before I go hunting for doc/info, has anyone configured Linux running > >a z/Series to use a 3494 and 3592-J tape drive? The Linux LPAR is runing > >SUSe 8. > > > > I assume that IBMtape is required, and that the Install guide for it > >will help me get the drives configured for the 359

Restoring a Win2k server

2004-04-07 Thread Dearman, Richard
I'm running TSM 5.2.2 on Aix and I have a client that is a Win2k server which we use as a print server. I tried a test restore by just building a win2k server and loading TSM client 5.2 on it and restoring from a backup set. I did a backup of the original print server first including system objec

Re: need solutions for offsite storage.

2004-04-07 Thread Pearson, Dave
We used to use Iron Mountain... Now we have Datasite Northwest ~David Pearson~ -Original Message- From: Tammy Schellenberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 1:11 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: need solutions for offsite storage. We also use Iron Mountain

Re: need solutions for offsite storage.

2004-04-07 Thread Tammy Schellenberg
We also use Iron Mountain for our offsite storage. Tammy Schellenberg Systems Administrator, MCP Prospera Credit Union email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] DID: 604-864-6578 -Original Message- From: Coats, Jack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: April 7, 2004 1:10 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sub

Re: need solutions for offsite storage.

2004-04-07 Thread Coats, Jack
we use a commercial service. IronMountain. They pick up and deliver. > -Original Message- > From: Hart, Charles [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 2:35 PM > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: Re: need solutions for offsite storage. > > Are you running Expiratio

Re: 3494 with 3592-J1A on Linux/390

2004-04-07 Thread Richard Sims
>Before I go hunting for doc/info, has anyone configured Linux running >a z/Series to use a 3494 and 3592-J tape drive? The Linux LPAR is runing >SUSe 8. > > I assume that IBMtape is required, and that the Install guide for it >will help me get the drives configured for the 3592. I wonder

Re: DST on OS/390 Server

2004-04-07 Thread Shannon Bach
Go to the command line of the TSM Server Admin and type:        ACCEPT DATE and enter That should take care of your problem. Shannon Bach Madison Gas & Electric Co. Operations Analyst - Data Center Services

Re: need solutions for offsite storage.

2004-04-07 Thread Hart, Charles
Are you running Expiration and then Reclamations? -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Yury Us Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 2:33 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: need solutions for offsite storage. Hi everybody, I hope if somebody can s

need solutions for offsite storage.

2004-04-07 Thread Yury Us
Hi everybody, I hope if somebody can share with me the experience how do you keep offsite tapes. As for today I have about 140 tapes offsite from copy pools. And the number keeps growing. Currently I have 3 cartoon boxes, but they are full already. The worst part I have to keep those tapes in the

Re: Help needed to free slots in a 3583 library

2004-04-07 Thread Rushforth, Tim
You haven't showed if the volumes below are in a Filling of Full status. If they are all in a filling status the problem may be that you have the maxscratch parameter set too high for your tape storage pools. What value is that set to? -Original Message- From: Copperfield Adams [mailto:

3494 with 3592-J1A on Linux/390

2004-04-07 Thread Steve Roder
Hi All, Before I go hunting for doc/info, has anyone configured Linux running a z/Series to use a 3494 and 3592-J tape drive? The Linux LPAR is runing SUSe 8. I assume that IBMtape is required, and that the Install guide for it will help me get the drives configured for the 3592. I wo

Re: Help needed to free slots in a 3583 library

2004-04-07 Thread Mark Bertrand
We had the exact same problem, this fixed it for us. ;) Sorry, but it's the truth. Mark Bertrand -Original Message- From: Mike Bantz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 10:57 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re:

Oracle TDP & Versions

2004-04-07 Thread Lakeybloke
Hi Yall, Could anyone confirm whether TDP/RMAN sends the Oracle database backup to the TSM server as a single object, or a number of objects?. I am trying to work out TSM Database sizing and any help would be appreciated. Kind Regards, R.

Backing up Oracle on Raw volumes

2004-04-07 Thread French, Michael
I have an Oracle cluster running on raw volumes (Solairs box), how would I do a cold backup of this data? Michael French Savvis Communications IDS01 Santa Clara, CA (408)450-7812 -- desk (408)239-9913 -- mobile

Re: DST on OS/390 Server

2004-04-07 Thread Andrew Raibeck
Sam, A FAQ was posted on March 30 regarding the effects of time zone changes (including DST) on TSM. This FAQ describes the limitation that you ran into: that the TSM server must be restarted on z/OS systems whenever the system clock is changed. (What I knew as "MVS" has since been changed to "OS/

Re: Help needed to free slots in a 3583 library

2004-04-07 Thread Prather, Wanda
If these tapes are marked FULL, then the tapes ARE being filled efficiently. It's just that, as you said, your data is expiring at different rates. Because TSM doesn't expire files based on date, this is a natural side effect; tapes don't all free up at the same time. This is normal, and I've seen

Re: Help needed to free slots in a 3583 library

2004-04-07 Thread Prather, Wanda
-Original Message- From: Copperfield Adams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 11:22 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Help needed to free slots in a 3583 library Hi all, I have a query regarding tape usage: Analysis: We currently have TSM 5.2 installed on a WIN2k

DST on OS/390 Server

2004-04-07 Thread Sam Sheppard
Once again, after the semi-annual time change, all of my schedules are running an hour off. We are running TSM 5.1.8 server on OS/390 2.10. After the same problem last October, I talked to support and the answer was to set the _TZ environment variable in USS, which I did. Apparently, this had no

Re: Help needed to free slots in a 3583 library

2004-04-07 Thread Mike Bantz
I was in your same boat. It sucks. We have since turned colocation off since we're more of a backup shop, not into tons of restores. Also, we will leave the DRM tapes in the library to get filled more rather than sending them offsite every day (we do not have daily tape delivery. Yet.) We current

Help needed to free slots in a 3583 library

2004-04-07 Thread Copperfield Adams
Hi all, I have a query regarding tape usage: Analysis: We currently have TSM 5.2 installed on a WIN2k Server platform backing up appx. 50 nodes to 2 disk pools and then migrating to LTO tapes in a 3583 library, one copy for offsite vault and one copy to remain onsite within the tape library. W

Re: CNT TSM Healthcheck?

2004-04-07 Thread Gill, Geoffrey L.
>Anyone familiar with this product, or company? My supervisor has been >contacted by a CNT sales rep and is wondering if it is worth the (read >my) time. I believe this is a service that other companies offer as well. I received a fax from IBM offering a TSM Healthcheck recently and after speaking

Re: Moving Nodes between servers

2004-04-07 Thread TSM_User
As helpful as Mark's wonderfully detailed e-mail might I add the following. For a while now you have been able to issue the export node with options that let you export and import all in one step provided you have a server. The help text may have these same details but I really like the way it i

Re: CNT TSM Healthcheck?

2004-04-07 Thread Hart, Charles
We just recently went through one on one of our TSM Servers. It's a goo over all sanity check, especially if you do not have a grasp on what your environment is like. Charles -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of James Hunt Sent: Wednesda

Re: CNT TSM Healthcheck?

2004-04-07 Thread James Hunt
You may also want to view Jim Hunt ___ GlassHouse Technologies, Inc. Parkville, MO 64152 816.547.4165 cell 816.505.2169 fax [EMAIL PROTECTED] -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jim Kirkman Sent

CNT TSM Healthcheck?

2004-04-07 Thread Jim Kirkman
Anyone familiar with this product, or company? My supervisor has been contacted by a CNT sales rep and is wondering if it is worth the (read my) time. I've got a powerpoint presentation to check out but thought I'd check with the 'community' as well. Thanks! -- Jim Kirkman AIS - Systems UNC-Cha

Re: Adding new DB & RecLog volumes whilst TSM server is running (on OS390)

2004-04-07 Thread John Naylor
Paul Van De Vijver wrote >>Because the TSM Server options file (//OPT) is in exclusive use by the TSM >>started task >>I have to stop the TSM Server before being able to execute the format job. Your jcl is fine. Check your ADSM started task jcl. Make sure your opt dd is disp=shr regards, John

Error backing up Linux client and un-closed APAR

2004-04-07 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
I have a client reporting these kind of errors errors: 04/02/2004 23:04:02 PrivIncrFileSpace: Received rc=164 from fioGetDirEntries: / 04/02/2004 23:04:04 ANS4023E Error processing '/': file input/output error 04/02/2004 23:04:04 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'UCSMCV.DAILY' failed. Return code = 12. 0

Re: TDP SQL Transaction log not truncating

2004-04-07 Thread Del Hoobler
Chris, I have a few comments: RESTORE VERIFYONLY checks to see that the backup set is complete and that all volumes are readable. RESTORE VERIFYONLY does NOT check the structure of the data on the volumes. I always wondered how this is a "verification" of a restore if you don't really restore th

Re: Adding new DB & RecLog volumes whilst TSM server is running (on OS390)

2004-04-07 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
I never stop my TSM server to add volumes. I just let the TSM server format the volume. Define the cluster using standard IDCAMS as you have and then just define the volume to the storage pool. TSM does the rest. Or, I just have a dummy copy of the "opt" file to perform the standalone formating.

Re: deleting filespaces

2004-04-07 Thread Aaron Durkee
could be type ... type=unicode >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/06/04 06:18AM >>> Try using the filespace id instead. Regards, Karel -Oorspronkelijk bericht- Van: Moses Show [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Verzonden: dinsdag 6 april 2004 12:21 Aan: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Onderwerp: deleting filespaces

Re: Adding new DB & RecLog volumes whilst TSM server is running (on OS390)

2004-04-07 Thread Joni Moyer
Paul, You should be able to allocate & format the volume dynamically and then add it to your TSM server. You shouldn't have to stop/start the server at all. (At least I never have...) Then you should be able to define the new db or log volume to your tsm server. If you have any questions about

Adding new DB & RecLog volumes whilst TSM server is running (on OS390)

2004-04-07 Thread Paul Van De Vijver
Hi, TSM Server (Version running on OS390 2.10 (in the near future Z/OS) Up to now I always halted the TSM Server to define & format additional volumes See example JCL below : //ALLOCAT EXEC PGM=IDCAMS //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * DEFIN

Re: Deletd files question

2004-04-07 Thread Purushotham, Vivek
Hi Due to archive being different from incremental backup , a monthend archive will only backup up data existing on that particular day. Hence TSM would not know of any files deleted in between the archives Cheers Vivek Purushotham System Administrator - FM Midrange IT Service Delivery T

Deletd files question

2004-04-07 Thread Henrik Hansson
hi fellow tsm'er I've a question regarding the archive part of tsm and how it treat deleted files. I've got the following settings for my backup mgmt class Versions Data Exists 28

Query to find out how much data was backuped for each schedule ...

2004-04-07 Thread PAC Brion Arnaud
Hi all, Does anyone have a good query to summarize the amount of data sent by a group of clients associated to a certain schedule, for all existing schedules, during the last 24 hours ? I tried this one : select ((sum(a1.bytes)/1024)/1024) as "MB backed up", a2.schedule_name from summary as a1, as