I have an open APAR on this problem, however I thought I'd share it with
the list.
A customer reported the problem described below which seemed to
indicate the TSM CLIENT system attempted to perform a LANFREE
restore of files which were in the TSM Server disk storage pool.
The system has been co
Hi All,
Could I have someone confirm my understanding of what happens under
various circumstances when a backup is interrupted? Do I understand
this correctly?
Per the manuals, client sessions are cancelled when the server is
halted. If an operation, such as a backup or archive process is
Ich werde ab 27.02.2003 nicht im Büro sein. Ich kehre zurück am
Ich werde Ihre Nachrichten nach meiner Rückkehr beantworten.
I will respond to your message when I return.
In dringenden Fällen erreichen Sie mich unter der Nummer +49(0)172-6619088
Mit freundlichem Gruß
Andre Schwier
That looks good.
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Gretchen L. Thiele
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: ACSLS or Native TSM manager
Dameon White wrote:
> We just bought a used
I will appreciate if any one can share his/her experience and advice on TSM
server upgrade from version 4 to version 5.
I am planning to upgrade TSM server from V. 4 R 1 to TSM Server 5.1 on AIX
Last time when I upgraded TSM server from V3 to V4 I did following:
exported admin, node
Would you still need ACSLS for a 9310 PowderHorn with Fiber attached 9940B Tape Drives?
-Original Message-
From: Prather, Wanda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 1:55 PM
Subject: Re: ACSLS or Native TSM manager
We run AI
I haven't seen your exact error message before, but it looks like you server may have
DNS name resolution issues. I would suggest checking three things first: (1) make
sure the server knows it's own hostname properly (check sys:etc\hostname). Also, make
sure that the hostname the server thinks
This sounds like APAR IC35000, for which a fix is not yet available
(currently targeted for 5.1.6).
The APAR text contains a possible circumvention. You can find information
about this APAR via the web:
1) Go to www.ibm.com
2) Enter IC35000 in the search box (near the top right of the pa
I was recently advised by Gresham that I might want to stop using the
Gresham AdvanTAPE 9840 driver and switch to the TSM driver because the
devtype GENERICTAPE (used when using AdvanTAPE driver) isn't supported by
the SAN storage agent.
Alex Paschal
Freightliner, LLC
(503) 745-6850 phone/vmail
We run AIX 4.3.3, have gone from TSM 3.1 to 3.7 to 4.1 to Etc.
On ADSM 3.1, you needed ACSLS to support some types of devices that ADSM
didn't support native.
And at one time you could put two types of drives in the library if you used
ACSLS, and TSM doesn't support that with native
Hi Christian Svensson and others,
I tried to downgrade my java vm to 1.2 and it still doesn`t work. The I tried another
thing: to access a client in another computer. Then, in the first time, automatically
it sugest you to download the JRE by clicking ok. It works perfectly, and the console
I would always use the TSM driver when possible, especially on Windows.
I have gotten in trouble before when using the generic driver, then
upgrading to a version of Windows that "sees" the device differently. Not
likely to happen, but I have never had any problem using the TSM drivers.
It really depends on the tape drive technology. DLT uses the TSM device
driver - which is what I assume your L700 is running.
Joshua S. Bassi
IBM Certified - AIX 4/5L, SAN, Shark
Tivoli Certified Consultant -ADSM/TSM
eServer Systems Expert -pSeries HACMP
AIX, HACMP, Storage, TSM Consultant
I am having the same type of problem running TSM on z/OS 1.1.
Except my tapes are in my tapepool not the offsite copypool. I just tried
the procedure you described and I still have the problem. I have not even
looked at my OFFSITE pool, yet. Is anyone else experiencing this?
We just bought a used STK L700 with 4 DLT7000 drives. We
have TSM on AIX and I am confused as to why/if I
would need to use ACSLS to manage the library? Does ACSLS
provide any features not available with TSM's native
library manager? We will want to share this L700 with
another TSM serve
Dameon White wrote:
> We just bought a used STK L700 with 4 DLT7000 drives. We
> have TSM on AIX and I am confused as to why/if I
> would need to use ACSLS to manage the library? Does ACSLS
You don't need ACSLS for an L700. I found that I could do
everything I wanted without it (I do h
TSM server on AIX 4.3.3
Netware 5 (latest TSA nlm's) TSM client
I just installed the client on 4 new Netware 5 servers. On 3 of
them I'm getting the following error in the dsmerror.log:
02/26/2003 14:07:52 GetHostnameOrNumber(): gethostbyname(): errno = 35.
Well, I found the TIVguid.pkg in:
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
02/26/2003 01:36 PM
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"
>The tapes are pre-labeled and initialized.
I would advised *always* doing your own media labeling of incoming
volumes, and to not assume that the media vendor has done it right.
This also provides an initial test of tape writeability.
Richard Sims, BU
To bind your system objects (Win2K) to a specific management class, the
syntax is:
Include.SystemObject ALL smallserver
You can find this in the "Using the Windows Clients" manual (for either V4
or V5).
The manual also says specifically that no other type of include/exclude will
affect how SYSTEM
I haven't used dsmcad on Unix yet. This is how I start scheduler
on AIX.
In /etc/inittab I have:
dsmc:2:once:/etc/rc.dsmc > /dev/null 2>&1 #Start TSM Scheduler
The contents on /etc/rc.dsmc are:
# Start scheduler for regular FS increme
Hi Jack,
You are clearly having some problems, either hardware or microcode, if you
are getting this many errors. You will probably continue to get more of
these errors until you pursue what is going on.
That said, we can try to clean up the tape mess.
Let's deal with the "destroyed" tapes firs
I use /etc/inittab file. If you're not familiar with AIX, please refer
to document;
Entries that you should add may look like the followings;
tivoliba:2:respawn:/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmc sc
This has been discussed a few times if you look in the archives, but the
answer for copypool tapes that are offsite:
update vol access=readw
audit vol fix=yes
update vol access=offsite
No need to actually return the tape back to the library.
-Original Mes
Winfried --
>From the README.SRV for the server:
TSM now includes support for the second generation of LTO hardware. This
was introduced at and is supported by any level released later;
any attempt to use LTO2 devices on a lower level than is not
What is the preference of the TSM community? To use the vendor supplied
drivers for the library and tape drives or the TSM driver?
Is performance effected?
STK L700 Library
STK 3100 Bridge (Crossroads)
7 X 9840 Tape drivers
At this point the licensing scheme is sold one way and incorporated into
the TSM Server a second completely different way. One way I thought of
to bring the two licensing schemes would be to have each node registered
with a number of processors entered with it as an option. That
The tapes are pre-labeled and initialized.
This is my response when I do a "q libr". According to the output below, I
don't think the library is shared. We do share a robotics unit with another
agency but they have their own library.
Library Name: 3494VTS
Library Type: 349X
Anders --
1) I'm not familiar with tsmcad (I'm on 4.2) and I use "dsmc sched" to
launch the schedule proceess
2a) as root - mkitab (local:2:once:/etc/rc.local 2>&1 > /dev/console))
(see 'man mkitab')
2b) in /etc/rc.local, include this line:
nohup /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmc sched >/dev/nu
Your using Delete Volume discarddata=y...(this will wipe the primary
and copy pool clean!).
This issue has been posted many times before ..have you tried searching
..search.adsm.org on your keywords.
- Original Message -
From: "David Lin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Query the occupancy of the node
Query the filespaces of the node (active data is space occupied)
occupancy less space occupied will be the inactive data
This will give you an easy if not 100% answer.
"Tuyl Adrie, A.C. van" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 02/26/2003 09:14:07 AM
Please respond to "AD
Here is what I use to check for migration processes. You can modify the
select statement for any process. Make sure the case of the text between the
quotes matches exactly what you see when you do a Q PROC.
Name Line Command
-- --
You have two options:
- partition your 3584, first partition with LTO1, second with LTO2
- wait for ITSM 5.2 (comes in April). It ought to provide this within a
single library (AFAIK).
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant
Winfried Heilmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMA
I noticed the same problem a couple of times and was able to track it down
to so some of the clients doing their own manual backups after the copy of
the disk storage pool in the morning. Once a client was upgrading his
server and wanted a more current backup in case of files, another was a
Any Solaris users out there wondering where the TIVguid and README.GUID are
on the ftp site? I'm looking here:
and can't find them. Both files, however, appear at the AIX downlo
And from IBM (this week):
Servant Technology, Inc
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
> bbullock
> Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 3:25 PM
> Subject: (Veri
I have never run into anything like this.
I run this script regularly:
select char(stgpool_name,12) as stgpool, -
cast(sum(physical_mb)/1024 as decimal(10,1)) as Physical_GB , -
cast(sum(logical_mb)/1024 as decimal(10,1)) as logical_gb, -
sum(num_files) as objects -
from occup
> My only complaint is the speed of the expiration - it's never fast
> enough for me.
Gretchen, what is your expiration speed?
We expire over a million objects per hour (AIX 4.3.3, TSM
My only complaint is the speed of the deletion - out of +4 million
examined objects, none is deleted t
Using Aristotle's experimental model (pure mental what-if), I've concluded
it might be possible to export the /app filesystem to tape, rename the
filesystem to /app/users/fred, import the filesystem from tape to get your
/app filesystem back. My mental gyrations lead me to believe you would then
select * from processes where process='Space Reclamation'
Alex Paschal
Freightliner, LLC
(503) 745-6850 phone/vmail
-Original Message-
From: Loon, E.J. van - SPLXM [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 6:17 AM
Subject: Select for daily m
You might also use the dsmulog utility to log your server's console output.
That can think of a few situations where the actlog no longer records
entries, so if that happens and then you crash, that console output could be
invaluable. However, I don't know if dsmulog is available on Windows
Hi, Adrie.
You might try
export node mynode filedata=backupactive preview=yes
You could do the same with filedata=backup, then subtract the two numbers,
and that should be your inactive.
Good luck.
Alex Paschal
Freightliner, LLC
(503) 745-6850 phone/vmail
-Original Message-
From: Tuyl
From: David Lin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I have 2 tapes in the copy storage pool that I cannot get rid
> of. When I try to do a "move data" command, it says that the
> tape has no data on it. When I try to do a "delete volume"
> command, it says that the tape still contain data. (What a
> c
Well, for that matter, why not just have the client send the processor info
back to the server?
It sends back the OS level. Seems to me the software should collect the
information if that's what it needs...
-Original Message-
From: Joshua S. Bassi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday
You will need to setup different device classes for each device type.
Joshua S. Bassi
IBM Certified - AIX 4/5L, SAN, Shark
Tivoli Certified Consultant -ADSM/TSM
eServer Systems Expert -pSeries HACMP
AIX, HACMP, Storage, TSM Consultant
Cell (831) 595-3962
-Original Messa
Hi all
I have 2 tapes in the copy storage pool that I cannot get rid of.
When I try to do a "move data" command, it says that the tape has no data on
When I try to do a "delete volume" command, it says that the tape still
contain data.
(What a contradiction!!!)
Does anyone have any suggestion
One thing you have to watch out for is that...
when you do that you alter the keys which TSM uses...
Key fields in various situations are NODE, FILE_SYSTEM (filespace_name),
directory path ie stuff between the mount point & where the file resides
(hl_name), FILE (ll_name)
Now you used to have /app/
I just upgraded from an ATL P3000 (329 slots) to an ATL P7000 (399
slots) which was on new hardware, and my upgrade path was to do a
database restore. I never had any problem seeing the new slots.
The term "stored statically in the database" is slippery. Some things
are, and some are not, and some
Hi Ben!
That library you got is a Overland LibraryPro LP2. (New name PowerLoader
We are looking at perhaps getting this small HP/AIT library to use for backups
at a remote site.
I'm not finding it on the list of supported devices on this web page or in the
Look for the file dsmserv.err.
Sometimes when the server crashes it puts useful info in there.
-Original Message-
From: Jozef Zatko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 11:50 AM
Subject: TSM server crashing
Hello guys,
Can you help me please wi
Hi Dan!
I have never get SUN ver of Java Machine to work with the TSM Web GUI.
Thanks, I got the answer. Paul hit it on the head. My summary of clients
is given by the SQL query:
select platform_name as OS, -
client_os_level as OS_VER, -
cast( cast(client_version as char(2)) || '.' -
|| cast(client_release as char(2)) || '.' -
|| cast(client_level as char(2)) || '.
I thing that the modules you need are:
1. IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Extended Edition
2. IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for SAN
3. Tivoli SANergy
You need licenses for all your processors and for library if you have more
than two drives in 3583 (where the max is 6)
Bese Regards,
Svetoslav Tole
we plan to install LTO-Drives (LTO-Generation 2) in our IBM3584 which is
know using only LTO1.
Does anybody have an idea how this works?
Must I define separate libraries?
Does anybody have experiece with such a configuration?
Where is the best place for starting dsmcad during boot on AIX 4.3.3?
Like /etc/rc.d/rc.local for Linux
I got some suggestions yesterday but not really described exactly.
I'm not a AIX Guru but I know Linux.
ManagedServices is webclient schedule
dsmcad is in /var/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/b
I've seen some posts recently that look similar to these:
What is wrong this this command?
QUERY XYZ produces the output below. Is this a bug?
I set up the client scheduler, but it doesn't kick off whe
Just one of the scripts we are using:
/* -*/
/* Script Name: BKUP_STG_TAPE_COPY */
/* Description: Backup a storage pool, after*/
/* migration is finished. If */
/* migration is still running */
/* try
Actually, NW cluster support is available with client and higher. I
would advise using
There is a Novell TID about an issue with NSS volumes (shared disk) that affects
backups as well.
"Peter Pijpelink - P.L.C.S. BV Storage Consultants" wrote:
> No not yet. Will become available
Hi *SM-ers!
I'm currently using the Q PROC command in my daily maintenance scripts to
determine if the previous task has completed or not. I capture the
returncode and if it's not equal to 0 then no task are running and thus the
next script can be executed.
I'm trying to find a way to make this mor
go into the control panel and open the java control panel applet. Go to
the tab that says browser and unclick both boxes if they are checked. Save
and close control panel and close IE. Relaunch IE and try it again.
Dan Carlo
Freitas Peres
The column names you refer to in your select list need to be included in
the GROUP BY clause.
Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (change eye to i
No not yet. Will become available in next release I heard. (5.2) - but ask
you Tivoli sales rep since this is not an official comment on what will be
in that release for sure!
At 09:45 26-2-2003 +, Jason Stoessler wrote:
Hi all,
Just a quick question relating to TSM support for NetWare.
Jason, you can find this information in the client manual for NetWare (go
then pick the HTML or PDF version of the book to read). There is a chapter
devoted to this topic.
Andy Raibeck
IBM Software
Hi Theresa
I've upgraded my (w2K) server TSM, to v., and I have no problems
like this. Just thought you'd like to know.
G. Halvorsen
-Original Message-
From: Theresa Sarver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 25. februar 2003 18:46
Subject: Re: Upgra
Hi people,
I'm having a problem in some machines when i install de TSM 5.1.5 in Windows
2k Server.
I first install the Java VM for Windows and after de TSM. But when I try to
enter de user and the password, the next screen appears ok in the rigth frame, but the
This is correct. In fact, APAR IC35343 was opened for this problem, and
subsequently cancelled with the following closing text:
Installation of maintenance must be dome from all available
rather than latest available as documented in the README file
for installing the maintenance. If ALL availab
Is there a safe way of displaying the amount of active data and inactive
data of a node?
In the BACKUPS table the state of an abject is stored, but not the size of
the object.
Besides that I don't think a (joined) select on the BACKUPS table is a good
idea considering the amount of data in th
I totally agree! Follow the book! It makes life a lot easier.
Bruce Kamp
Midrange Systems Analyst II
Memorial Healthcare System
P: (954) 987-2020 x4597
F: (954) 985-1404
-Original Message---
Hi all,
We are on TSM server version and I have noticed that the stats for
MediaW in the Summary table is incorrect some of the time, but not all of
the time. In doing a LAN-free backup, the total time for the backup was 43
minutes. The summary table showed 2143 secs of mediaw time (35mi
On Wednesday, Feb 26, 2003, at 04:17 US/Eastern, Gerhard Rentschler
In my opinion seems to be the stable version we have been
I think I can second this. I've been at v5.1.6.2 on our production
servers for about
a week and the big issue here was the recovery log pinning.
>I have 2 tapes in the copy storage pool that I cannot get rid of. When I try
>to do a "move data" command, it says that the tape has no = data on it. When I
>try to do a "delete volume" command, it says that the tape still contain data.
A frequently asked question. Start by doing a Query Conte
Hi TSMers
I have a question for you.
I'm running TSM on a Solaris 2.7 machine. We are about to do some
reconfiguration of the file systems of one of our clients as follows.
At the moment we have one massive /app dir with loads of subdirs for
various applications (5 72GB disks software r
Hi all,
Just a quick question relating to TSM support for NetWare. Does TSM support
NetWare 6 clusters?
Many thanks,
Jason Stoessler
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
intended solely for the
we have on AIX 4.3.3 since 2 days. We upgraded from I would
like to mention a few points.
I have not seen any problems with the server help menus.
After the upgrade the inittab entry for the ACSLS interface was missing.
There is a slight problem with the formatting of the
Carefully check all the versions of the application and help (or msg)
I have seen this a number of times where the MSG files do not get
updated when you select 'update all' on AIX for example.
Locate the correct version (and language) msg file and install
Hi David,
my experience with MS Cluster and SQL backup is as follows: Follow the book.
If things does not work, remove TSM services and TSM cluster resources and
start over, going by the book.
I have never had to do it more than twice, and I know that the times I had
to do it more than once, was wh
The adsm.sys dir contains a copy of your registry. This is not the same as
the files going into the SYSTEM OBJECT filespace. These files are needed to
maintain a consistent system state. Some info from the help files:
Backing up system objects
Certain Windows NT, 2000, and XP system objects can be
78 matches
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