Try to audit the volume: audit volume xx fix=yes
Joni Moyer
Systems Programmer
Steve Bennett
Jeff G Kloek wrote, in part:
I've just begun to take over this environment from the admin who left.
I have a large number of filespaces across a lot of my systems that have
not been a part of these systems for years.
I'm wondering what governs TSM keeping those filespaces out there. ...
*SM neve
I've just begun to take over this environment from the admin who left.
I have a large number of filespaces across a lot of my systems that have
not been a part of these systems for years.
I'm wondering what governs TSM keeping those filespaces out there. All of
the filespaces in question represent
How do I get rid of this volume?
I have a offsite tape that shows 0% util and no contents. Reclamation tries
to reclaim but it fails. This prevents other volumes from being reclaimed
until I get 001086 deleted from the storage pool.
TSM V4.2.2.10 with DRM on Win2000 SP2. IBM 3494 with two SCSI at
I agree. However, to my knowledge that is either the default for the P660
offering or there is no way to set it. We use hardware on our Windows
machines. Even then, you have to process the packet queues and when moving
70MB/sec of 1500 byte packets, it takes some resources.
Paul D. Seay, Jr.