how to backup CITRIX server?

2002-09-22 Thread Abdulaziz Almuammar
Hi guys, i have CITRIX META FRAME 1.8 and i want to backup this server. the problem is i installed the windows2000 client 4.2.2 on it but when i schedule the backup some how the schedule stops and the backup dosen't go fine. i tried to backup the server manually but i found that it didnt backup

Re: Schedule Question.

2002-09-22 Thread Zlatko Krastev/ACIT
What about two schedules - one running daily with Objects set to S: - one running on Fridays with Object set to D: Even if they are set to same startup time, TSM scheduler is smart enough to start them in sequence. Or simply set 5 min difference between them. You can still bind all D: contents to

Install a IBM MAGSTAR 3590 E11 Tape to a Sun machine ?

2002-09-22 Thread aiggno
Hi all, Did anyone install a IBM MAGSTAR 3590 Tape to a Sun machine ? I had an IBM 3590 B11 installed in my Sun (with a Dual Different UltraSCSI Card). Now I want to install a new IBM 3590 E11 and use the remain port on my SCSI card. The problem is that the system can not recognize the new 3590 E

Re: info on download

2002-09-22 Thread Mark D. Rodriguez
Chetan H. Ravnikar wrote: >Hi all > >I have one small request, I could not find the URL to download TSM server > or Could you send me the address please > >I was looking at > > >thanks for all your time >Chetan > > Try

Re: info on download

2002-09-22 Thread Seay, Paul er/ Paul D. Seay, Jr. Technical Specialist Naptheon Inc. 757-688-8180 -Original Message- From: Chetan H. Ravnikar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Sunday, September 22, 2002 4:46 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subjec

Re: info on download (TSM server versions for Solaris 2.8)

2002-09-22 Thread Chetan H. Ravnikar
Justin hi thanks for the info, unfortunately I am looking at Server versions for Solaris and the info below points to just 5.1.10. Seems there isn't a or .6 for Solaris !?? ftp> pwd 257 "/storage/tivoli-storage-management/maintenance/server/v5r1/Solaris/LATEST" is current directory. ftp>

Re: info on download

2002-09-22 Thread Justin Bleistein anonymous ur_email_address cd storage/tivoli-sttorage-management/maintenance --Justin "Chetan H. Ravnikar" To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: info on download

info on download

2002-09-22 Thread Chetan H. Ravnikar
Hi all I have one small request, I could not find the URL to download TSM server or Could you send me the address please I was looking at thanks for all your time Chetan

Re: RAW volumes or not

2002-09-22 Thread Cowperthwaite, Eric
I run my TSM servers on Solaris 8. I use raw volumes built with Solstice DiskSuite (Solaris Volume Manager in Solaris 9). When I first brought TSM up on Solaris I put my db, logs and disk pools on UFS with logging and the performance was awful. Solaris 8 UFS is actually quite fast for most applica

Re: Time for IMPORT with TSM 4.2.2 ???

2002-09-22 Thread Justin Bleistein
import will usually take significantly longer then an export, because with an import it's constantly opening database indexes and creating rows. Plus the tape drive maybe a huge bottleneck as well as the disk attributes of your destination storage pool for the import (if it's disk). --Justin

Time for IMPORT with TSM 4.2.2 ???

2002-09-22 Thread Jesper Bidstrup
Hey "out there" Have anyone any experinces in how long time IMPORT'ing data for a node takes ?? We are using a IBM3583 wiht ULtirum drives. ( 50GB/hour ) on a Windows2000 platform The EXPORT was about 7 hour and that is ok for 320GB of data ( 4 tapes compressed) This is our first BIG IMPORT, so