we have a server running sun solaris 8 behind a firewall.
Therefore TSM Schedmode is configured for polling (polling intervall 1 h).
DSMCAD is started and configured to start the scheduler.
Something strange happens:
on the console is now a timer counting down every hour and updating every
Hi all,
W2K server, SP2, TSM client
TSM client scheduler crashes at various times during backup due to unknown
reasons, sometimes after 20 minutes, sometimes after 10 hours.
There is last part of dsmsched.log:
08-04-2002 20:23:54 Normal File--> 344
I wouldn't say I understood it, but I was comfortable saying, "How much
would an Oracle license cost on a Tier 2 server? OUCH!! YOU MEAN IT'S
It was really very comforting to have that process established.
-Original Message-
You mean you understood it??
David Longo
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/08/02 07:11PM >>>
we just get used to the old pricing model and they change it on us
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/04/2002 8:19:58 >>>
TSM 5.1 was announced today.
Here is the link:
we just get used to the old pricing model and they change it on us
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/04/2002 8:19:58 >>>
TSM 5.1 was announced today.
Here is the link:
There were some recent discussions about Tivoli and
BMR. Here's a statement I just found on the Veritas
Statement of Intent
"VERITAS Software will honor TKG's remarketing
agreement with IBM. VERITAS intends to provide support
for and maintain BMR for TSM, including BMR support
for the u
>> When I installed it on W2K, I had to logoff and back on. Do not know
but that was the minimum restart to get it to work. I worked on it for
hours. I have never been successful at using EXCEL but I have been very
successful with ACCESS. What application are you trying to use to access
We get pretty darn close to what you want with the viewacct script.
(Great minds think alike?)
We get the information from the accounting log.
See http://www.servergraph.com/techtip3.htm
Mr. Lindsay Morris
CEO, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
I think this may have worked with the old Exchange client (not Outlook). I
tried putting the MSPST.INI in my Windows directory with Outlook 2000 and it
didn't seem to work.
With a few quick tests today, I was able to backup my PST file after 1 hour
of inactivity in the PST file (I just use my PS
Has Tivoli/IBM released any differences articles/papers/pdfs? I'm eager
to find out whats new with 5.1 over 4.2
This file does not exist on OUTLOOK XP nor anything like it.
-Original Message-
From: Andrew Raibeck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 1:51 PM
Subject: Re: mailbox.pst
Sorry folks, I inadvertantly left the "Subject" off my last post. Here it i
TSM 5.1 was announced today.
Here is the link:
I don't think this will be solved for you.
>From what I understand there are client upgrades that may have some coding
that will update the TSM server database in such a way that downleveling
your client will
make "functions" unusable and that's why for some upgrades you will get a
Server on AIX 4.3.3, Client on W2K.
I'm wondering how other sites are dealing with the system objects in W2K. We
have an include statement for adsm.sys in de dsm.opt, and intend to make a
separate management Class for it. Sounds that familiar?
> At 12:08 PM 4/3/2002 -0500, Scott McCambly wrote:
> >How many sites are running with databases this large or larger? On what
> >hardware?
> Our DB is now 116GB assigned (92% full).
> Hardware is RS6000/M80, 2GB RAM, SSA disks (db is mirrored by TSM)
> As others have said, "it depends". If you
Does anyone have a script out there that produces the following output ?
Nodename: Schedule: Start Time: End Time: Bytes Transferred: Transfer
Time: Transfer Rate: Elapsed Time: Aggregate Rate:
Based on an input time. This is kind of a merge between a "q event" and a "q
At Andy's suggestion, I called this problem into support. Not for
the faint of heart, but the critical restore that I needed to get
done today has now completed.
This only affects WinNT and Win2K clients and the problem is the
server, not the client. Support says that it will be fixed in the
I guess they do compression or something -
I see one yesterday that reports 125 MB backed up by the ANE4991 message,
but the TSM server's accounting log message says only 65 MB.
Mr. Lindsay Morris
CEO, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
Thanks for your insight. So, I would just treat as a client and choose
the files that I'd want to backup on daily base. Then, schedule it,
right? If wrong, please correct me. I checked our current backup files
on mainframe. They are just like financial aids, all lib users, business
In general, any upgrades/downgrades done to a library require
you to halt TSM server and restart it to pick up the new info.
David LOngo
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/08/02 08:16AM >>>
I have installed a second 18 slot column in to the Ultrium and from the control
I can see and move a tape with
On Aix after a LTO drive was replaced in a 3584, I had to rmdev the
drive and then do the cfgmgr again before TSM would recognize the drive
again. Don't know if this would help with your problem or not.
Does it then delete them from the TSM database and free up the tapes? Are
there any issues with doing this and disaster recovery?
-Original Message-
From: Martin Trcka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 3:54 AM
Subject: Re: tdp r3 a
Well the q event, like the level 2 tech mentioned, only reports on whether
the batch command started successfully, not on whether the actual tdp
commands within the batch were successful. If it is tdp for exchange you are
trying to monitor, you may want to try and do a 'q act begint=whenever
We have that exact setup - a 3494 library with 4 3590 E drives - about 200 J
style tapes and about 200 K's. We have let the library choose from one major
scratch pool - it does not seem to matter to the operation of TSM (VEr
4.2.1) - if you want a particular pool to select k's - You can assig
David -
We let the library decide what cart goes where - we have roughly 4500 tapes
in our TSM environment (on-site and off-site), the majority of which (~2/3)
are K's. We had originally planned to phase the J's out as K's came in -
but that was postponed (permanently) when we started running ou
=> On Mon, 8 Apr 2002 14:09:44 -0400, David E Ehresman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> How have folks in an Aix environment handled a 3494 library with 3590 drives
> and a mixure of J and K (standard and extended length) carts? Do you try to
> control which storage pool goes to which length cart or
How have folks in an Aix environment handled a 3494 library with 3590
drives and a mixure of J and K (standard and extended length) carts? Do
you try to control which storage pool goes to which length cart or do
you just let the library randomly pick? If you control, how do you
control which car
I've done it on a 3575.
If I remember right, the steps were:
Set the drive offline to TSM
Used tapeutil to mount a scratch volume
Ran the mksysb using the /dev/rmtX
Used tapeutil to eject the volume
Updated the volume in TSM
Set the drive back online
-Original Message-
From: Gene Green
You should report the crash (Dr. Watson) problem to IBM support.
Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/IBM@IBMUS
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked
I found some info via a Google search:
There is exclusive lock on PST file and backup
software cannot even read this file - MSPST.INI
should be used for setting locking mechanism :
Actually, I think the key factor is expiration. And one reason it is an
issue is that expiration is also single-threaded. And, expiration can
take much longer than full DB backup on an active system, making it a
more critical factor in determining ultimate capacity of a hardware
In most AIX platforms I worked on we always used mksysb (keep small image)
or sysback (keep rootvg as small as possible) and wrote scripts that
re-created the other volume groups and their logical volumes then the same
scripts would invoke dsmc restores which restored the data to the other
Thanks I'll give it a try.
|| "Poland, Neil" |
|| |
|| |
|| 04/08/02 12:12 |
|| PM |
|| Please respond |
Gretchen, you should contact IBM support. In at least some cases, they can
probably help reset your client levels.
Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/IBM@IBMUS
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If your library supports partitoning (if you have IBM library 3584.)
You can partition it so that the AIX has use of one drive and some tapes.
thats one idea.
Petur Eythorsson
IBM Certified Specialist - AIX
Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional
We used to run a shell script that took one the drives offline temporarily,
let AIX use it for mksysb, then set it back online for TSM. We didn't have
a good way to have that tape volume be managed by TSM - we just put it in
the same box with the rest of the vault tapes, with a manual label on it
When you use the TSM scheduler to launch a script/batch file on the
client, then TSM invokes an instance of the operating system command
processor and passes it the name of the script. When the script finishes,
it passes back its return code to the command processor, which in turn
passes back a re
Does anyone have any other ideas other than sysback for an aix mksysb or savevg
to tsm library? It's frustrating trying to automate all backups and put them in
a single basket.
Thanks for help,
If you have other people loggin into the machine tsm will drop a
dsmerror.log file in the current directory
the user is in when they execute dsm/dsmc and there is an error condition.
Likely the dsmerror.log files which are appearing in odd places are caused
by users executing tsm.
Look at t
I believe the problem is that you are scheduling the command from the excfull.smp
script which is shipped with the client. This command is pasted from that script.
start /B tdpexcc backup * full /tsmoptfile=dsm.opt /logfile=excsch.log >> excfull.log
When you run the start /B it opens a
yes William the only place i know about where you can define the errorlog
retention is in the dsm.sys file.
you can do it like this
ERRORLOGNAME %the path and the name of the errrolog file%
ERRORLOGRETENTION %how long you are going to keep the log%
ERRORLOGNAME /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/b
Here are some tidbits to scheduling Rman backups:
First off, the method I am going to discuss can be found at:
http://www.tivoli.com/asktivoli (registration is required, this is free)
When using the TSM scheduler to automate the TDP Oracle backups, the
differences in how these two clients wor
While I S.A. about 16 TSM servers I am not a TSM administrator and know
little about TSM other than how to install and config the client and how to
kick off the scheduler. However, I am responsible for the scheduled backup
of these TSM servers to other servers and therein lies my dilema.
I had a similar problem and reported it tsm support. They said I should
contact TSM support and they could fix the problem by patching the TSM
database. Not a very elegant solution. It has something to do with the
4.2.1 client and unicode support I believe.
Jim Sporer
At 09:46 AM 4/8
The switch on which our TSM server (AIX, TSM refreshes his mac
tabel every now and then. The back-up client (mostly NT/Win2000, TSM 4.1.x
and 4.2.x) will sends its data, but the switch doesn't know were to put it.
So it sends it to all its port and the switch will overfloat. Is there a wa
We've done that same test here, form AIX to Solaris and although the actual
process of migration appears to work, there were some huge inconsistencies
in the databases post migration. If you value your data its definitely not a
viable option.
I dont know of any documentation from Tivoli
Thanks to all who responded to my domain backup issues. Andy, thanks for
bringing this setting to my attention.
-Original Message-
From: Andrew Raibeck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 10:21 AM
Subject: Re: dsm.opt domains not
Here is your trouble, from the client options set information
(I've "squeezed" some of the blank spaces out to avoid line
Option Sequence Override Option Value
--- -
>If this is for digestion by another program, use the -comma or -tab
>switches on the dsmadmc command line.
It is not.
>Note that the WIDTH of your
>terminal window can also affect whether
>table or list format is selected.
So is there a way I can make my (unix) file the same WIDTH as my
I know that the restoration of a TSM database onto a new platform type is unsupported.
To be specific, an organization I know of has standardized on Solaris as a Unix
platform. In keeping with this policy, they would like to see the current TSM server,
an older RS6000/AIX model, replaced with a
Did you ever resolve this? If you're having a problem accessing the drives it could be
a problem with Windows since TSM connects through Windows drivers to IBm drives (IBM
drives are not supported natively by TSM).
On W2K check under Computer Management->Removable Storage->Physical Loc
I don't know which OS you're using, but the LTO Ultrium driver has to be
restarted to be able to use the extra slots.
On NT/2000, all you have to do is to tell LTO Ultrium driver to restart.
On UNIX, you'll probably have to do a restart.
Best Regards
Daniel Sparrman
Hi Burak!
I know, but I can't afford the downtime, so I like to do it online. The
error doesn't affect TSM operations, so it can wait until 4.2.2 is
Kindest regards,
Eric van Loon
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
-Original Message-
From: Burak Demircan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Nope, I know IBM has recognized the problem and is working on it.
But really the only way I've found is to delete the client and define a new one. Or
alternativly define a second node within TSM for the client.
-Original Message-
From: Gretchen L. Thiele [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECT
Server: v4.2.1.11 (AIX 4.3.3)
Client: v4.2.1.0 (Win2K), and later patch levels as well
I am getting hit hard by the problem with the Windows client
(or is it a server problem?) resetting the platform and the
version so that an earlier operating system can't access the
Case 1: Client bac
it is still working but your shoud it as a parameter to "dsmserv"
08.04.2002 16:09
Please respond to ADSM-L
I'm not sure what you mean. We currently use long term retention for legal
issues and have never had a problem with any of our restores. Like wise we
have done many full server recovery tests that work with no problems at all.
As a matter of fact in our test W2K lab we have done entire 5.5 recover
Hi Burak!
This is good news! I'll wait for then. I heard they are working on
it, so I guess it will be released soon, maybe together with 5.1?
Kindest regards,
Eric van Loon
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
-Original Message-
From: Burak Demircan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday,
We have worked about this problem with IBM. They said it will be resolved with
version 4.2.2.x
08.04.2002 16:09
Please respond to ADSM-L
Let me begin by saying that this rant is in no way meant to be directed to
Mark Stapleton, his advice has helped me many times and he is a great asset
to the group, he never hesitates to help.
Be aware, q event ONLY reports on the success or failure of the backup
script being ran, NOT the actual
You could look at each filespace (query filespace) and see when its last
successful backup date is.
"query events" may hve problems both as you describe - event says error when
client really completed - and also the opposite - event says completed but
nothing happened. The latter may happen if t
> I'm running TSM on AIX and I recently removed and added a couple of
> storage pools. Now I'm seeing the famous messages:
> ANRD asutil.c(225): ThreadId<0> Pool id -2 not found.
> ANRD asutil.c(225): ThreadId<0> Pool id -2 not found.
> ANRD asutil.c(225): ThreadId<0
Hi Mark. I'm not sure what your talking about here. I've personally restored
data several months old before. What exactly does not work when you do a
-Original Message-
From: Mark Stapleton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2002 11:39 PM
Hi TSM-ers!
I'm running TSM on AIX and I recently removed and added a couple of
storage pools. Now I'm seeing the famous messages:
ANRD asutil.c(225): ThreadId<0> Pool id -2 not found.
ANRD asutil.c(225): ThreadId<0> Pool id -2 not found.
ANRD asutil.c(225): ThreadId<0> Pool i
I have installed a second 18 slot column in to the Ultrium and from the control
I can see and move a tape within it. However, when trying to checkin a tape
column one is full the TSM software does not know about column two and just
reads the
tape and then places it back in the bulk l
This is not a bug in TSM. Setting a volume unavailable makes the volume not
available to TSM and thus, TSM does not try to mount that volume for read
or write. But, TSM still has information regarding the valid data in the
volume. You can not remove a volume from a storage pool till the volume
For a long time we have performance problems with our TSM server. In a
attempt to find out where the problem is a run a number of back-ups and
restores with the traceflag=perform tracefile=c:\trace.out switches.
The back-up works fine, but the dsmc res -traceflag=perform
yes, we use it in our environment and works exactly as designed; SAP backup
(brbackup/brarchive) utilities manage backup IDs
and delete apropriate ones according to the option MAX_VERSIONS in an
initSID.utl file (see below).
Martin Trcka
Versioning: enabled
> backup of SQL is executed at 03:00 o'clock morning and I am sure no jobs
> SQL were running at this time. It is relatively small system with about
> GB of full backup ...
> My last question, exactly what time-out parameter am I supposed to
> I hadn't found any such timeout value
i recently saw a posting relating to nt client scheuled events appearing as "errors"
when the backup did really complete. i am seeing the same situation with netware
clients. the nt resolution was a ptf level. is there anything i can do so that these
netware backup will indicate as completed..
Attached are the files that you requested...
Thanks for all of your help.
-Original Message-
From: Andrew Raibeck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: dsm.opt domains not working
Can you paste in the output f
Hi Del,
backup of SQL is executed at 03:00 o'clock morning and I am sure no jobs at
SQL were running at this time. It is relatively small system with about 2,5
GB of full backup ...
My last question, exactly what time-out parameter am I supposed to increase?
I hadn't found any such timeout value
I have problems relabel volumes in TSM. I have volumes defined in my
primary archive pool. These volumes I want to reuse so I updated the access
for thoose to unavailiable.
Then i tried to do a label libv with the parameter overwrite=yes. The
command fails with the message that the volume alre
The later versions of Outlook, (I think Version 98 onwards) has a timeout
on the .pst file lock after 30 minutes of inactivity, so you can back it up
that way
if users are leaving Outlook running and going home for the evening.
I'm not sure if its configurable.
> -Original Message-
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