On Thu Sep 3 20:53:13 EDT 2009, r...@sun.com wrote:
> "None of those technologies [NFS, iSCSI, FC] scales as cheaply,
> reliably, goes as big, nor can be managed as easily as stand-alone pods
> with their own IP address waiting for requests on HTTPS."
> http://blog.backblaze.com/2009/09/01/p
> what does BLK stand for?
big kernel lock.
- erik
On Thu Sep 3 21:38:30 EDT 2009, driv...@0xabadba.be wrote:
> To ensure only one thread in the kernel at a time?
yes. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giant_lock
it allows only one kernel thread to run at a time.
the pool lock allows as many threads to run as
one would like, but they can't allocate
> Did you even read the article or any of the examples? There are plenty
> of things that you can "do" with blocks that you can't with just
> function pointers. That's besides the fact that some of them are more
> elegantly expressed with blocks that look sort of ugly with function
> pointe
> > that sucker is on the stack. by-by no-execute stack.
> > how does it get to the stack? is it just copied from
> > the text segment or is it compiled at run time?
> >
> I don't think I posted the whole code, so that's my bad. The X was on the
> stack to begin with as the first X was an aut
> But this has no more to do with parallelism than any other
> feature of C. If you used __block vars in a block, you'd
> still need to lock them when the block is called from
> different threads.
that's a lot worse than a function pointer. with
a function pointer your going to get unique space
> This caught my attention and you are the storage expert here. Is there an
> equivalent technology on SATA disks for controlling enclosure facilities?
> (Other than SMART, I mean, which seems to be only for monitoring and not
> for control.)
SES-2/SGPIO typically interact with the backplane, n
> There's one multi-color (3-prong) LED responsible for this. Nominally,
> green should mean drive running and okay, alternating red should mean
> transfer, and orange (red + green) a disk failure. In case of 7200.11's
there's a standard for this
red fail
orange locate
green activity
> I could be wrong, but I feel like you're not really interested in
> entertaining that this idea could be useful, but more interested in shooting
> it down [...]
remember, if a guy says to the king, hey you're fly's undone,
we send that guy to the stockades for a week. meanwhile
the king's fly r
> I concur with Erik, I specced out a 20tb server earlier this year,
> matching the throughputs hits you in the wallet.
even if you're okay with low performance, please don't
set up a 20tb server without enterprise drives. it's no
guarentee, but it's the closest you can come. also,
the #1 predi
> Where exactly does it say that?
> >dispatch_block_t p;
> >
> > if(cond){
> > p =^ { print("cond\n"); };
> > }else{
> > p =^ { print("cond\n"); };
> > }
> > p();
> >
> > since the first part is equivalent to
> >
> > if(cond){
> > s
> *with*, not *on* right?
with. it's an appliance.
> Now, the information above is quite useful, yet my question
> was more along the lines of -- if one was to build such
> a box using Plan 9 as the software -- would it be:
> 1. feasible
> 2. have any advantages over Linux + JFS
aoe i
> as i believe was originally explained,
> i ripped that example *directly* from the apple grand central
> documentation on page 37 in the "Data Types" section:
> http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/Performance/Reference/GCD_libdispatch_Ref/GCD_libdispatch_Ref.pdf
> maybe you
> I think what he means is:
> You are given an inordinate amount of harddrives and some computers to
> house them.
> If plan9 is your only software, how would it be configured overall,
> given that it has to perform as well, or better.
> Or put another way: your boss wants you to compete with
i'm not a lisp fan. but it's discouraging to see
such lack of substance as the following (collected
from a few posts):
> Oh, yay, a Xah Lee quote, he's surely a trusted source on all things
> Lisp. Didja read his page about hiring a prostitute in Las Vegas? Or
> the one about how he lives in a ca
> I have an older Dell OptiPlex GX1 (600MHz PIII) that I am having
> trouble installing Plan 9 onto. I am using a bootable CD ISO of Plan
> 9 that I downloaded last night so things should be current.
> The system has two 130GB hard drives installed. Everything works
> under Debian Linux.
> I wasn't, in this case at least, implying something not backed by firm
> evidence. Conditional branching embodied in actual computers goes back to
> Plankalkuel on Z3. The idea is as early as Babbage. It comes as natural
> even to first-timers, following much more difficult conception of a not
> > The instruction most conspicuously absent from the instruction set of the
> > Z3 is conditional branching. [...] but there is no straightforward way to
> > implement conditional sequences of instructions. However, we will show
> > later than conditional branching can be simulated on this machin
> I executed the fossil 'sync' command when my terminal was under
> moderate I/O load earlier today. Fossil seems to have locked up. Has
> anyone seen anything like this?
> I have a dump of the first 256mb of kernel memory and all physical
> memory. Are there any structures that are kept at reas
> True, I feel to be pushed to these. On the other hand I really like
> rc. Compared to bash/sh/ksh/zsh... I like its simplicity as well as
> that it is the only shell in plan9. I use it in linux too (although I
> miss some abilities it really should have, like ability to break from
> a loop).
> > would you be willing to try
> >ftp://ftp.quanstro.net/other/9atom.iso.bz2
> Okay, that works. 9atom.iso found both of my hard drives.
that's great!
> What is the difference between 9atom and the Plan 9 ISO I downloaded
> from the official website?
essentially, the kernel and 9load
> After running fdisk on sdC1 I see the following error message when I
> am returned to the installer menu:
> Preparing menu...test: unexpected operator/operand: /dev/sdC1/plan9
never seen that. i don't see what the problem is
by simple inspection. but i have confused the
installer on occ
> > if you can't get back on track by forcing the step
> > by just typing it at the prompt
> I can't seem to do that; the installer doesn't give me a prompt after
> the configfs step.
open a new window? takes selecting New with
right click outside any window. then a right
button sweep of tw
> % test -f /dev/sdC1/plan9 # works, I think
> % test -f /dev/sd*/plan9*
> test: unexpected operator/operand: /dev/sdC1/plan9
interesting. i tested that here and got no errors.
and what is the output of
test -f /dev/sd*/plan9*
on my machine, i cannot get test to compla
i agree the computer industry as a whole tends
to be long on dogma and yet suffers from an accute
inability to recall previous mistakes.
> For some reason, the fact that we program rational machines in logic-
> based languages deludes us into thinking our experience is the same as
> everyone el
remember the deadline is today to get
your papers in. the deadline for wips
(works in progress) is oct 5.
- erik
> maybe the bootstrap can be done with linuxemu.
wouldn't that just give you yet another linux elf binary?
- erik
> Why are VtLocks in liboventi? And why does liboventi have an
> implementation of a subset of the thread library (rwlocks and
> rendezvous?)
fossil and venti do seem to break the rules a bit. they
don't pass style(6) muster. i can only guess this is for
portability. but as p9p already provides
> From what I've seen that are (well, implementations of them).
> Some thing they're fun too :) Generally universal comments anyway.
is this english++? i just can't parse it.
- erik
> 1. A simple example for a combined cpu/auth server, the
> machine, could be:
> ipnet=mynet ip= ipmask=
> auth=bouncer
> cpu=cycles
> dns=lookup
> dnsdom=9fans.net
> authdom=9fans.net auth=bouncer
assuming that you mean authdom
On Mon Sep 7 18:37:15 EDT 2009, ja...@cs.ioc.ee wrote:
> On 8 Sep 2009, at 01:13, erik quanstrom wrote:
> > and if you have cpu and auth set to carp.lan?
> Doesn't seem to change anything.
rather than me playing battleship, perhaps it would make sense
for you to start en
> ipnet=mynet ip= ipmask=
> auth=carp
> cpu=carp
> authdom=home.net
> dns=
> dnsdom=lan
> authdom=home.net auth=carp
> ip= sys=carp dom=carp.lan
> #sys=carpet dom=carpet.lan
> If I remove the ip address for carp
> The bug must only be a problem where /dev/sd*/plan9* actually matches
> more than once.
i don't think so. i tested that before
i asked the original question. what does this
whatis x
ls -q /dev/sd*/plan9*
- erik
>Is anyone aware of where the configuration data is concerning drawterm
> logins? I initially set my system up as crashing.dom and since put the
> system into production as plan9.union.edu for my final honors project in CS.
> Unfortunatly fixing the /cfg plan9.ini and /lib/ndb/local to the
On Mon Sep 7 23:11:27 EDT 2009, benave...@gmail.com wrote:
> it's still stored in the nvram, you'll need to
> echo blah > /dev/sdC0/nvram
> reboot and enter the right one
i could be wrong, but i don't think nvram has anything to do with drawterm.
- erik
> Eric thanks for your quick reply, good to know you actually are a human.
you're wecome. but that's funny. everybody knows i'm dumb as a box of rocks.
- erik
On Tue Sep 8 00:05:51 EDT 2009, lu...@proxima.alt.za wrote:
> > As soon as I put a wildcard into the test string, e.g.,
> Yes,
> test -f /dev/sdC0/plan9 /dev/sdC1/plan9
> is an invalid command. Only one argument is expected.
> You're going to have to pick one of the two argument
> > ignore is the operator applied to any argument after the first, by
> > my reading and experimenting with the code.
> You mean that
> test -f /dev/sdC0/plan9 -o -f /dev/sdC1/plan9
> would not work as expected?
test -f a b n
actually is the same as
> I read the paper you wrote and I have some (probably naive) questions:
> The section #6 labeled "core improvements" seems to suggest that the
> fileserver is basically using the CPU/fileserver hybrid kernel (both
> major changes are quoted as coming from the CPU kernel). Is this just a
> one-
> >Is there anything I can do to get around this or a possible fix to
> >test?
> >
> run that portion of the installer manually, and don't perform the test,
> they are only shell scripts
> if you have a plan9 already, you can roll your own installer
> my efforts documented here
> http:/
> Any suggestions or solutions would be greatly appreciated. I'd love
> to get Plan 9 installed on my computer. Indicentally the same Plan 9
> ISO installs just fine on another computer that I have: that computer
> only has one hard drive.
remove one hard drive. add hard drive back after instal
> So what about having venti on an AoE device, and fossil on a local drive
> (say an ssd even)?
sure. we keep the cache on the coraid sr1521 as well.
> How would you handle (or: how would venti handle), a
> resize of the AoE device?
that would depend on the device structure of ken's fs.
On Wed Sep 9 04:36:52 EDT 2009, com...@panix.com wrote:
> In article <0ef4163eff31942c1dfd704af0f43...@yyc.orthanc.ca>,
> Lyndon Nerenberg - VE6BBM/VE7TFX wrote:
> >> relax
> >
> >If I want platitudes I have the whole rest of the internet to gorge
> >on. Here we try to do actual content.
> Bu
> gcc happily compiles a definition like
> #define CT_v249 ((void*)startLabel+464)
no it doesn't.
$ cat > x.c
long long offset = (void*)startlab+464;
$ gcc -Wall x.c
x.c:2: error: initializer element is not constant
- erik
> anyone written any software recently?
> at this point it probably doesn't matter whether it was for plan 9 or not.
the problem with writing code is that then
everybody will tell you ten ways it sucks.
it's best to keep your code under wraps.
russ, thanks for the archive. it's very useful.
- e
> I have a bunch of threads, simply scheduled with yield() at the moment
> (I'll use alt later on), and each of them is calling dial() at some
> point. I don't want the other threads to wait for "too long" when one
> of them is blocked on a dial() that will eventually time out.
> So I was thinking
On Thu Sep 10 05:37:12 EDT 2009, com...@panix.com wrote:
> In article ,
> erik quanstrom wrote:
> >> gcc happily compiles a definition like
> >> #define CT_v249((void*)startLabel+464)
> >>
> >
> >no it doesn't.
> >
> >$ cat >
> it seemed safer at first if I didn't have to worry about the procs
> preempting each other (and appart from that dial() bottleneck, I don't
> need them to), that's why I started with threads. I was thinking of
> sticking to threads and not using procs until I really do need them. But
> yeah, no r
> term% time resample -x 1600 -y 1200 glenda.pic >/dev/null
> 36.07u 0.01s 36.21rresample -x 1600 -y 1200 ...
> term% time resize -b -s 1600 1200 glenda.pic >/dev/null
> 0.91u 0.02s 1.06r resize -b -s 1600 1200 ...
> The -b option is for bilinear interpolation. Without that, it goes
> HI..everyone:
>Is there some ways to input Simplified Chinese in plan 9 ? I
> know plan 9 supports Unicode, so it is no questions for plan 9 to
> display Simplified Chinese... and i have seen some pictures on
> Internet to prove it...so i have a question like that above...
>I'm lo
> If you noticed the code is a bit fussy, it's because it was
> written to use on an fpga-based soft cpu (nios2) with no
> hardware divide instruction and no floating point. It should
> run pretty effortlessly on your core i7.
it seems significantly less fussy than resample.
evidently, i didn't l
> I don't know anything about Korean writing system or IMEs but since CJK
> ideographs (most importantly Han characters) are involved similar
> statements may apply.
for korean per ce, there are only 24 characters:
one would imagine that han input
> That's true but isn't exactly the same thing. "Irregularly" pronounced
> combinations are still valid combinations. I'd say the universal example
> for languages that are written in Latin alphabet or a variation thereof
> would be the (notorious) 'fgsfds.' It's an invalid combination because
> > i'm not a linguist, but the linguists i know subscribe to the
> > viewpoint that the written and spoken language are separate.
> > and evolve separately. i would derive from this that writability
> > is independent of pronouncability.
> If a sequence of symbols corresponds to something from
remeber the deadline is october 5. this deadline
can't be extended.
i think you'll find that it's well worth the time it
takes to write things down.
- erik
> > These are novel and amusing orthographies and in-crowd jargon and nothing
> > more [...]
> I think we agree there: I said they were fad.
i think you need to read some chaucer. you are
the boiling frog in a pot of words.
- erik
On Sat Sep 12 14:10:20 EDT 2009, sqw...@gmail.com wrote:
> I have a fairly simple task - I'm trying to mirror a disk. So I run
> the obvious:
> dd -if /dev/sdE0/data -of /dev/sdF0/data -bs 1048576
> That's sitting there on it's merry way, and I get curious as to how
> much progress it has m
> 9atom boots fine so I think I owe Erik another beer :)
> Just for completeness, the system is an oldish amd - nforce2
> motherboard, SIL3112 SATA with a couple of 300g ST3300831AS disks.
take a look on segate's site for a firmware update for those drives.
i'm not saying that's your problem,
{dd -if ../sda1/data -bs 64k
-count 2}
* copyright © 2009 erik quanstrom
enum {
Stack = 64*1024,
Block = 64*1024,
Buffer = 3,
Memcmp= 1<<0,
Sha1= 1<<1,
Ferror = 1<<1,
> I am going to try my hands at beating a dead horse:)
> So when you create a Venti volume, it basically writes '0's' to all the
> blocks of the underlying device right? If I put a venti volume on a AoE
> device which is a linux raid5, using normal desktop sata drives, what
> are my chances of
On Mon Sep 14 20:09:25 EDT 2009, st...@quintile.net wrote:
> I have just hit a fossil deadlock. the symptom is simple enough,
> fossil wedged, stats continued to be updated and I could run whatis
> in a rio window but any attempt to access the local fossil caused
> the command to hang.
> If an
this fixes a bug triggered by steve's bug report.
; diffy -c readjpg.c
/n/dump/2009/0914/sys/src/cmd/jpg/readjpg.c:441,453 - readjpg.c:441,452
uchar tmp[2];
m = marker(h);
- switch(m){
- case EOI:
+ if(m == EOI || (m&~7) == RST){
*markerp = m;
reported here http://9fans.net/narchive/2009/08/1042
i haven't had much time to even look at this problem. this
will at least abort the compile, rather than miscompile. so
it's marginally better than nothing.
the warning is just documentation of the problem. i recompiled
everything with this p
unfortunately i let this one fester until it cost
us some time. this problem has cropped up
again http://9fans.net/archive/2009/07/305
(it appears that my worry about expandable arrays
was unfounded.)
the problem is that the size of an undefined
struct as the last element of a struct is not
Suject: 82583 support
i put a new version of 82563 in my contrib area.
it adds support for 82583 and ich9 integrated mac.
more interestingly, it uses one block pool per
interface, is intended to reduce ilock contention.
in modest aoe tests, system time was reduced 20%
when using 2 interfaces for
> The secondary name servers all run BIND on UNIX, and I need
> to do zone transfers to them, from Plan 9. Will simple zone
> transfers (given the -n flag to ndb/dns) suffice, or does the
> outgoing ndb file somehow need to be reformatted for BIND?
looks like it should work. if you should need an
> I have MX records that pertain only to certain subdomains.
> In BIND speak:
> mail.example.com MX 1 mx.server.com
> so, in this case, I suppose I would need a separate dom=
> block for mail.example.com? I'm not sure how I would specify
> that mx record from the main domain block.
standard bind i
> Does this indicate that I should use your ndbtozone program?
> How do you automate the process of converting to dns format
> and then sending the data, when doing a zone transfer?
> My secondary nameservers are running BIND on UNIX.
ndbtozone creates a textual zone file that's compatable
with bi
try this patch
/n/dump/2009/0916/sys/src/cmd/ndb/convDNS2M.c:260,266 - convDNS2M.c:260,270
- STRING(rp->host->name); /* rfc2782 sez no name compression */
i don't know how ingo managed to put his
finger on so many reasons i enjoy plan 9
by counterexample.
Linux is a 18+ years old kernel, there's not that
many easy projects left in it anymore :-/ Core kernel
features that look basic and which are not in Linux
yet often turn out to be not that simple.
> Now, Plan 9's kernel is pretty old too, isn't it?
that's the point. age is a red herring.
> What has saved other 'popular' kernels from this? For instance, no body
> ever complains about FreeBSD being a complex cluster, but it has
> pretty wide adoption (even as a 'desktop'). What about OS
i don't know why this can't be done with sed. if the
task is to just change the second field without messing
with whitespace, why doesn't this work
; cat x
1 3 4 8
1 2 3 4
; sed 's:^([^ ][ ]*)([^ ]):\1hell:g' < x
1 hell 48
1 hell 3 4
- erik
On Thu Sep 17 12:28:18 EDT 2009, maht-9f...@maht0x0r.net wrote:
> look who's trolling now :)
if that's your opinion, then maybe you have
misunderstood my point. perhaps i made it
the plan 9 kernel often looks basic but is actually
quite sophisticated. (this is even more true of
the file
> As I said in my second post, neither the field (the problem with sed)
> nor the string to be used as a replacement (no problem) is not known
> in advance...
> Apparently nobody reads but the 1st post... :)
why would it be hard to build up the regular expression
with a script?
something like thi
> # usage: buildre n replacement
> fn buildre {
> re = '^'
> for(i in `{seq 1 $1})
> re = $re ^ '([^ ][ ]*)'
> re = $re ^ ([^ ]):\' ^ $2 ^ ':'
> }
sorry. quote snafu.
fn buildre {
re = 's:^'
for(i in `{seq 1 $1})
re =
> Good luck trying to get Plan 9 to play video!
minooka; lc /sys/src/9/pc/*tv*.c
devtv.c vgatvp3020.cvgatvp3026.c
- erik
i don't think you need an extra () for the leading
white space. just tack it on in with the leading expression.
the hoc is unnecessary. just start with 2.
fn buildre {
re = 's:^([ ]*'
for(i in `{seq 2 $1})
re = $re ^ '[^ ]+[ ]+'
re = $re ^ ')([^
> ... In case anyone is wondering what they could be doing instead of feeding
> this massive thread more fatty foods.
there's lots of complaining on the list about the
content of the list.
it's not like there aren't good meaty issues to discuss.
what happened with either of the recently-reported
> Anyway, what do you think about that problem with the empty group? Why
> linux is ok with it while plan 9 is not? Is there any reason? Is that
> a bug in plan9 sed?
it is not a bug. see regexp(6). there is no production in the
grammar that allows ().
- erik
> bootfile=ether0!/386/9pccpu.gz
> bootargs=tcp!!564 -D
> fs=
> auth=
> sysname=cpu-003
> *nomp=1
> *debugload=1
> *nodumpstack=1
i think that should be should be (indent for clarity)
> it isn't really a `big kernel lock' in the linux sense.
you're right, technically it is a very different problem.
the effects seem similar. the lock is just in the block allocator
rather than the syscall interface. if you're doing a lot of i/o
in a standard kernel, there's a lot of block allo
it's probablly worth mentioning that if you have nvram
in an emulator, your secstore password is available in the
clear to whomever can read your emulator's emulated disk.
- erik
> I assume (perhaps incorrectly) that the netbooted host can not use a nvram
> store located on kfs. Please share with the list if you are aware, or use
> a different method to store your nvram data, either in virtualized
> machines or physical hardware. Preferably without the use of disk/floppy
On Fri Sep 18 11:52:23 EDT 2009, driv...@0xabadba.be wrote:
> Is there some method of lock profiling on plan9? For example when I do
> work on freebsd and say remove a giant lock from the keyboard subsystem; I
> run the lock profiler before and after the change to see how long the system
> > drive mfgrs don't report write error rates. i would consider any
> > drive with write errors to be dead as fried chicken. a more
> > interesting question is what is the chance you can read the
> > written data back correctly. in that case with desktop drives,
> > you have a
> > 8 bits/by
> At least by what i've seen, a good number of these submits have been
> fixing the same area, over and over again. How much of this is
> actually good development anyways (i.e. The "does this really belong
> here?" comments).
> Yup, and it works good! Of corse you can also use BSD by d
> > i would think this is acceptable. at these low levels, something
> > else is going to get you -- like drives failing unindependently.
> > say because of power problems.
> 8% rate for an array rebuild may or may not be acceptable
> depending on your application.
i think the lesson here is d
On Mon Sep 21 14:51:07 EDT 2009, w...@authentrus.com wrote:
> erik quanstrom wrote:
> Our top-of-the-line Sub Zero and Thermidor kitchen appliances are pure
> junk. In fact, I can point to Consumer Reports data that shows an
> inverse relationship between appliance cost and reliabili
> > i think the lesson here is don't by cheep drives; if you
> > have enterprise drives at 1e-15 error rate, the fail rate
> > will be 0.8%. of course if you don't have a raid, the fail
> > rate is 100%.
> >
> > if that's not acceptable, then use raid 6.
> Hopefully Raid 6 or zfs's raidz2 works
> > storage vendors have a credibility problem. i think the big
> > storage vendors, as referenced in the op, sell you on many
> > things you don't need for much more than one has to spend.
> Those of us who know something about Coraid understand that your company
> doesn't engage in fudili
> At work, we recently had a massive failure of our RAID array. After
> much brown noseing, I come to find that after many harddrives being
> shipped to our IT guy and him scratching his head, it was in fact the
> RAID card itself that had failed (which takes out the whole array, plus
> can ta
> Apparently, the distinction made between "consumer" and "enterprise" is
> actually between technology classes, i.e. SCSI/Fibre Channel vs. SATA,
> rather than between manufacturers' gradings, e.g. Seagate 7200 desktop
> series vs. Western Digital RE3/RE4 enterprise drives.
yes this is very mi
> > "We're getting bloated and huge. Yes, it's a problem," said Torvalds."
> So may be Tanenbaum was right, after all, there's a reason we make
> things modular.
rob, presotto, ken and phil did not agree with tanenbaum's
ideas about modular kernels.
this was a direct response to ast many yea
> We as people don't always agree on a subject. I can't agree completely
> with some of the Bell labs staff on some subjects. C or C++ for
> example, I strongly prefer Ada.
that's cool. i like to do embedded work in object cobol.
- erik
On Mon Sep 21 20:06:15 EDT 2009, news...@lava.net wrote:
> Just built the kernel modules and tested them out, seems to work
> fine. For those who don't want to build their own, here are
> the modules I built for the 2.6.27 kernel:
> http://www.thenewsh.com/~newsham/x/9/9p.ko
> http://ww
> > - Microkernels are the way to go
> >False unless your only goal is to get papers published.
> >Plan 9's kernel is a fraction of the size of any microkernel
> >we know and offers more functionality and comparable
> >or often better performance.
> not intendin
> Are these systems more complex to reason about though? Probably :-). But
> when you've only got 7 system calls (per the original L4 specifications I've
> read over) you don't really have a lot to debug. Just gotta make sure you
> chose the correct primitives to compose all the software you ne
On Tue Sep 22 11:06:37 EDT 2009, leim...@gmail.com wrote:
> The argument is that if something is logically separable from a larger
> system, and independently testable, then once you've verified it is correct,
> and that the "glue" is correct that is used to compose a larger system, that
> you can
> btw, there's even been one ukernel recently that has a formal
> proof of correctness (against its specification and some containment
> properties). Roughly a 10 man-year effort for about 7.5kloc.
> Not something you'd likely be able to do yet against something linux-
> sized.
the other way of l
> I don't know. I am not sure the code does either. Since this is only
> seen so far in 9vx I am guess it is a 9vx thing.
i see this now than then on regular plan 9
Tue Sep 1 18:51:15: unexpected reply tag 51; type 109
Tue Sep 1 18:51:15: unexpected reply tag 16; type 109
Tue Sep 1 18:51:15: u
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