On Sun Jul 19 07:53:33 EDT 2009, 9f...@hamnavoe.com wrote:
> > I think it's better to remove the timeout from bulk endpoints (perhaps by
> > making it optional)
> There's already a general way to time out any read/write operation
> alarm() and notify(). Why add a special case option for one par
> sd doesn't deal with this problem. for example, currently most
> of the sd devices (orion is an exception) are uninterruptable.
> and you get whatever timeout you get.
> the sticky bit is that scsi and ata devices implement timeouts
> on the devices. these might not always be appropriate and
> > isn't it easier to set
> > up time timeout at the beginning?
> Not if you use normal read/write to talk to usb endpoints (which
> seems to me a Good Thing). Normal read/write system call doesn't
> have a timeout argument.
do you mean "normal read/write" vs. an rpc protocol, say, like
On Sun Jul 19 12:26:24 EDT 2009, eeke...@fastmail.fm wrote:
> I was never satisfied with dircp. It's practice of copying the contents
> of one directory into another seemed limiting at best, obstructive at
> worst. The recursive copy options of Gnu cp seemed much more elegant(!),
> preserving the u
> Observe:
also observe (as ron noted) this happens mostly on
pipes. this would tend to cause pipes to shutdown
from right to left.
; 8c -FVTw roman.c && 8l -o roman roman.8
; {roman | dd >/dev/null} & sleep 7; slay dd|rc
write good
write good
; note: sys: write on closed pipe pc=0x270a
On Sun Jul 19 19:30:10 EDT 2009, benave...@gmail.com wrote:
> cp plan9.ini plan9.ini.old
8.3, remember.
- erik
> Run 9fat: first, then run acme in the same window. Or, run acme, then
> do the command "Local 9fat:" inside the editor.
in rio, i prefer to plumb the string "Local 9fat:". this
means that all new windows will inherit /n/9fat in their
- erik
> one last kick of a dead horse: see that's exactly what I'm
> talking about -- all these exceptions and for what? I'm
> pretty sure if we change the devpipe today not to send
> a note nobody would even notice...
since you're confident that this exception is spurious,
why don't you remove it from
> & [what] does mkext stand for), and
make extract, i assume.
> file /bin/mkfs
> /bin/mkfs: cannot open: '/bin/mkfs' file does not exist
> Dude, like, huh?
you must have missed the first few lines of the man page
disk/mkfs [-aprvxU] [-d root] [-n name] [-s source] [
On Mon Jul 20 04:11:39 EDT 2009, gd...@9grid.es wrote:
> hello
> today i found 9grid plan9 under heavy load, stats reports load ~2000, syscall
> ~6, context ~22000, i was trying to discover which proc has gone crazy,
> but i can't even complete a ps. I can do other operations, such as send
> Sure. Let me get a modest little cybernetic interface to one of those
> temporal vision thingummabobs they have these days and I'll call you right
> back.
> Sorry if that was a bit harsh, but I've had far too much 'advice' to 'just do
> this easy little thing'... Computers are supposed to s
> I think the latter approach would produce a more usable, less frustrating
> filesystem than the former.
plan 9 seems to me to be firmly in the fs rather than
the database camp.
before i moved to plan 9, i thought that locate was a
very cool tool. things had gotten mighty hard to find
minooka; time rc -c 'du -a . | wc'
> On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 2:41 PM, erik quanstrom wrote:
> > on coraid's worm, a find on main takes not too long:
> >
> > minooka; cd /n/ila
> > minooka; time rc -c 'find . | wc'
> > 356164 356164 139878
i did some looking through the plan 9 source.
(it's great to have it all in one place.)
all of this group, to a quick scan, should work
if the note is removed. many can lose their
note handlers, because the the pipe signal is
the only there to catch writes on closed pipes.
grep 'closed pipe' `{f
On Mon Jul 20 22:05:50 EDT 2009, r...@swtch.com wrote:
> The programs that know about the signal are
> not the programs that need to be worried about.
> I'm much more worried about making sure that
> commands like
> grep pattern /n/dump/slow/slow/sys/log/mail | sed 5q
> stop as early as possi
On Tue Jul 21 22:34:47 EDT 2009, leim...@gmail.com wrote:
> ctrl-p is reboot!? That's surprising. I thought it was Ctrl-t-t r.
only on a cpuserver. this means that you can C into a cpu server
and type ^p and reboot the cpu server, without worring about
nuking your terminal.
- erik
On Tue Jul 21 22:37:35 EDT 2009, michaelian.en...@gmail.com wrote:
> echo ctlpoff >/dev/consctl
> would have to be run each time the system boots right?
> ian
god invented /rc/bin/cpurc for a reason.
- erik
> I tried ctrl-p because I just learned that ctl-a moves cursor to
> beginning of line, or point; and I thought, I wonder if there's
> a keybinding that will always move cursor to point - so for the
> hell of it, I tried the "obvious" ctl-p.
this is a modern invention. i think it may be an emacs
> ... but which would be considered the most logical place to deal with
> things such as setting hd parameters for the machine on bootup like
> the 'echo dma on > /dev/sdC0/ctl' example above?
also see dmaon(8). just as an obvious note, this only
affects interfaces using ide or ide emulation. yo
On Wed Jul 22 11:49:54 EDT 2009, s...@plan9.bell-labs.com wrote:
> Very odd. There are no blocking operations in reading the status file in
> /proc.
> The only thing I can think of is that you have something bound (snapfs?) in
> /proc
> and that you're hanging on a stale mount point.
> Is the
> /n/sources/contrib/steve/rc/gmap -s eastleigh road, havant
> [credit to erik for the much needed polishing of this tool]
anyone can polish. the important bit is the gem.
- erik
ian at coraid got good and motivated and registered iwp9.org.
so you can now reach the web site at
in addition to iwp9.quanstro.net. thanks, ian.
ian has also convinced dr. smith of uga to help
us out. good deal that, too.
reminder: five weeks left until the paper submis
since fgb is so cool, he let me debug on his back.
we found a couple of non-obvious problems on an
ich9r laptop with a segate momentus drive.
if you're dual-booting plan 9 with vista, it's a good idea to avoid
using a fat16 partition because vista will create a type 0xe
(fat16lba) partition, which
> PS: I have read old logs where it was discussed that awk should be a
> native plan9 application and not an ape port (or, at least, it should
> use rc instead of the ape shell). Is there any reason this was not
> done? or was it not worth the trouble?
probablly because it'll (or could, anyway) br
> I've just installed the plan9port as described here (
> http://swtch.com/plan9port/man/man1/install.html) on a debian box.
> I was comparing the speed of some commands between the plan9 and the GNU
> version, and I get consistently poorer results for the plan9 ones.
> 'grep' for example, is at le
> This is what I get:
> PBS1...
> Plan 9 from Bell Labs
> pcirouting: South bridge 8086, 2810 not found
> islba: drive 0x80 extensions version 48.0 cx 0x5
> exgetsize: drive 0x80 info flags 0x0
> bios0: drive 0x80: 1,000,204,886,016 bytes, type 3
> reading drive 0x80 offset 0 into se
On Fri Jul 24 06:06:31 EDT 2009, bval...@gmail.com wrote:
> We are going to see your changes in the distribution CD soon, right?
> (Its strange to find great solutions and fixes in the /contrib
> section, why are they not included in the regular install CD?)
well, i made some pretty big changes to
> I still get 'biosdiskcall: int 13 op 041 drive 0x80 failed, ah error code
> 0x1', but then everything seems OK:
> ahci0: port 0xfebff800: hba sss1; ncs 31; coal 1; mports 3; led 1; clo 1;
> ems1;
> unk: sata-II with 4 ports
> sdiahci: drive 0 in state ready after 0 resets
that message isn't ve
> #!/bin/rc
> hget http://dictionary.com/browse/$1 | htmlfmt | awk ' /dictionary
> results/, /Cite This Source/ {print } '
> chmod 755 $home/bin/rc/odict
> odict simple
unfortunately the default charset is 8859-1, and in the http headers
dictionary.com sets the charset to utf-8. t
- 9fans.
trying not to post too much.
> #!/bin/rc
> hget http://dictionary.com/browse/$1 | htmlfmt | awk ' /dictionary
> results/, /Cite This Source/ {print } '
> chmod 755 $home/bin/rc/odict
> odict simple
unfortunately the default charset is 8859-1, and in the http headers
On Fri Jul 24 13:20:17 EDT 2009, quans...@quanstro.net wrote:
> - 9fans.
sorry. i don't know what marshal did to me.
- erik
On Fri Jul 24 12:06:03 EDT 2009, jason.cat...@gmail.com wrote:
> To complicate the answer: there's an effort to make article and book styles
> along the lines of Tufte's books. Sidenotes, Palatino and Bera Mono fonts
> (I use Inconsolata for both paper code segments and in Acme), and shallow
> se
> I took some more timings after some correspondance with
> bug-g...@gnu.org. I do recall gnu grep was twice as fast as p9p grep
> when given a plain ascii environment, but I haven't kept other results.
> I don't know if the gnu grep maintainers are looking for a fix, or even
> if they consider
> traceroute can't get to that IP address, so I'm pretty sure the corporate
> firewall is doing its job.
traceroute failure just means that someone is not passing icmp
traffic. the only thing you know is icmp traffic won't pass.
here's a dirty trick you can do with plan 9 traceroute:
; ip/tracer
i apologize for not hunting this down, but i don't want to
get diverted from hunting other bugs right now.
; cat /tmp/allproto
; disk/mk9660 -9cj -b bootdisk.img -p /tmp/allproto /tmp/9atom2.iso
warning: proto lists rc/bin/kill twice
warning: proto lists sys/lib/postscript/troff/hx twice
> > ; cat /tmp/allproto
> > +
> > ; disk/mk9660 -9cj -b bootdisk.img -p /tmp/allproto /tmp/9atom2.iso
> > warning: proto lists rc/bin/kill twice
> You don't say where you are running this command,
> but I bet a case-insensitive file system or file system
> protocol is involved. There should be
> Also, not so much from the perspective of a standalone terminal, just general
> questions:
> What's the inter-relationship/difference between the following two commands:
> 'auth/keyfs' and 'auth/wrkey'? I've read their respective man pages, but I'm
> still a bit hazy on what exactly are the r
On Sat Jul 25 23:09:49 EDT 2009, co...@bitworthy.net wrote:
> > > Why is sysname= not documented in plan9.ini(8)? Just an oversight?
> >
> > because it's not set there. ndb/cs sets sysname.
> > see comments in /rc/bin/cpurc.
> >
> I got the notion that you can set sysname via plan9.ini from thi
> However, in the class of languages for which I am trying to
> provide support, certain characters are meant to be produced
> by an ordered combination of other characters. For example,
> the general sequence in Devanagari script (and this extends
> to the other scripts as well) is that
> consona
> to be fair to the unicode people, this decoupling of glyphs and codepoints
> is (i think) the most straightforward way to implement some languages like
> arabic, where the glyphs for characters depend on their position within a
> word. that is, a letter at the beginning of a word looks different
On Sun Jul 26 02:12:21 EDT 2009, bval...@gmail.com wrote:
> I suggest that you keep the floppy-install option. If Plan 9 is
> installed, its normally on a virtual machine, or on an older computer
> somewhere in the garage, often with floppy-drives only. But if its
> time consuming to support it...
On Sun Jul 26 10:14:51 EDT 2009, tlaro...@polynum.com wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 09:48:23AM -0400, erik quanstrom wrote:
> >
> > my opinion (not that i'm entitled to one here) is
> > that the unicode guys screwed up. unicode is not
> > consistant. expla
> the real problem isn't in viewing them however, but comes when you
> start searching for them: it's easy to search for ë (e-umlaut) for
> example, but what if it's described as e+"U+0308 COMBINING DIAERESIS"?
> the answer is the UTS#18 Regular Expressions technical standard which
> probably contr
On Sun Jul 26 14:40:56 EDT 2009, knapj...@gmail.com wrote:
> If I'm reading you right, you're saying it might be easier if
> everything were encoded as combining (or maybe more aptly
> non-combining) codes, regardless of language?
> So, we might encode 'Waffles' as w+upper a f f l e s and let th
> each time using the same process/steps) - and now it doesn't go away,
> even on a completely fresh install, even after I wiped the drives completely.
what's your disk wiping procdure?
> Now, every time I install plan 9 on this machine, even when I don't change
> the clock or timezone in any way
> there was then a long pause and then i got lots and lots more i/o
> error messages, and it failed to boot.
sounds like missed irqs.
> init: starting /bin/rc
> ndb/dns: can't read my ip address
> 2009/0728 00:53:27 err 4: write /dev/sdC0/isect offset 0xb0a4000 count
> 65536 buf 1dc6000 returned
> ls -l /386/bin/venti
> reboot
> ... but the changes I applied to arena.c do show up; which
> leads me to believe my changes aren't being used by the
> system.
no you're not missing anything except for the sleezy trick.
venti is built into the kernel. you will also need to rebuild
> "I suspect what's happening is the motherboard clock is set in
> the future, you are formatting venti based on that time, and then later
> firing up timesync which interprets the RTC as local time. If your RTC is
> set to UTC and you're in the western hemisphere, the RTC clock will be
> ahead
On Mon Jul 27 22:41:35 EDT 2009, lyn...@orthanc.ca wrote:
> Does anyone have a copy online of a working plan9.ini for pxe booting a
> diskless cpu server from a fossil? I've been going through the manpages
> and wiki but things just aren't clear to me exactly what needs to be done
> wrt configur
> > -L used with -r to indicate the real time clock is in
> >local time rather than GMT. This is useful on PCs that
> >also run the Windows OS.
> >
> I must be stuck in some sort of logic error, so please correct me where I'm
> wrong:
> * the Plan
On Tue Jul 28 14:00:22 EDT 2009, lyn...@orthanc.ca wrote:
> Okay, it's authsrv(2) that describes the nvram search sequence. And for
> whatever reason I had it in my head that these days it was possible to
> grab the nvram across the wire, which in hindsight makes no sense
> whatsoever. And now t
> i guess i need to update this man page. i didn't recall the
> search algorithm was documented. thanks for pointing that out.
sorry for the obtuse reference. now that i've made it on the list,
i'll just explain myself. i made a local change to how
nvram is found because i kept needing to upda
> years back I modified the library so that it could use the cmos nvram.
> no more disk. We used this when Andrey
> put plan 9 in FLASH.
> It was nice to not have any spinning media for nvram.
> It gets a little tricky because cmos is not sane in where you can
> store bits, but it's doable.
On Tue Jul 28 18:16:08 EDT 2009, davide...@cs.cmu.edu wrote:
> > The right fix is probably to comment out the print in venti
> > and move on, which you have already done.
> I'd suggest: if the time is off by more than 24 hours, warn once.
> That will mean timezone problems will be silently ignor
> #6 - reboot, (first-time login), as glenda:
> - remove -L switch from $TIMESYNCARGS in /rc/bin/termrc
if the time was already correct modulo timezone, why did you do this?
also, after allowing the machine to run for some time, does timesync
cause the system time (date -n) to jump? i.e
> Approximately how long is 'some time'? (so I know how long to wait)
5-10 minutes. /sys/log/timesync should be informative.
> My point though is that yes, it makes the timezone change take
> effect immediately - and it likewise causes the 'creation time after
> last write time' /dev/kprint's t
> Hmm. A few years ago, I ran into a similar problem and added a
> variable that could be set in plan9.ini to specify where the nvram
> actually is. It works reasonably well
difficult to maintain in a pretty active environment;
one more reason for boot failure.
- erik
On Thu Jul 30 00:05:45 EDT 2009, el...@andrew.cmu.edu wrote:
> My familiarity with the kernel source code is superficial to say the
> least, but it seems to me that this code (from /sys/src/9/pc/trap.c)
> contains a race condition:
> 702 if(sp<(USTKTOP-BY2PG) || sp>(USTKTOP-sizeof(Sa
On Thu Jul 30 04:42:29 EDT 2009, rogpe...@gmail.com wrote:
> this ape program gives a floating point exception error:
> #include
> void
> main(){
> strtod("421567849e316", 0);
> }
> this made awk crash when i was running dumpvacroots.
> it dies at /sys/src/ape/lib/ap/stdio/strtod.c:473
On Thu Jul 30 08:18:45 EDT 2009, rogpe...@gmail.com wrote:
> 2009/7/30 erik quanstrom :
> > fixed,
> >
> > http://9fans.net/archive/2009/01/234
> ok, thanks, i had a very vague memory of this, but obviously
> my googling was inadequate.
> did you submit a
!> ; echo 421567849e316 | awk '{print}'
> 421567849e316
> ; 9fs sources
> ; ; echo 421567849e316 | /n/sources/plan9/386/bin/awk '{print}'
> /n/sources/plan9/386/bin/awk: floating point exception 6
> source line 1
- erik
> > plan 9 threads are cooperatively scheduled. so
> > the correct term is proc. but you are correct,
> > another proc sharing memory with this one
> > could be running. however, that proc would
> > not have access to this proc's stack. (rfork
> > doesn't allow shared stack.) and even if it
> I think you may be right, Elly. Multithreaded programs indeed have their
> stack running outside the stack segment, so this could happen there.
> splhi won't even do on a multiprocessor. One should probably lock down
> the segment.
> We've never seen this happen, of course — or rather, we haven
> Speaking of, I had a disk in my server die recently, and eventually
> it affected the nvram partition. So of course, when I booted up it
> couldn't read it and prompted me for the auth credentials, then tried
> to write back to nvram, got an i/o error and rebooted.
> The reboot could have been
> >
> > no. it happens to me all the time. (when there is no
> > place to write nvram, as when no disk is partitioned.)
> OK, but you won't hit an error in that case either. I was wondering
> whether the i/o problem was tripping it up.
> -sqweek
factotum handles this case.
- erik
On Thu Jul 30 14:13:18 EDT 2009, st...@quintile.net wrote:
> no it doesn't, I had this a few days ago, moving disks about so
> nvram couldn't be found. I could still boot the system but I had to enter
> the nvram info from the keyboard, it did then try to write the data back
> which (of course) fai
> process1:
> still in kernel:
> memmove(buf, ...)
> *fault*
> trap()
> fault386()
> fault() => -1
> if(!user){
> panic()
> > could you be more specific. what is your test program,
> > where is it crashing (if you know), and what is the panic
> > message, if any? i must be dense, but i'm confused by
> > your process diagram.
> He posted it earlier in this thread
> --dho
please post a reference. i do not see
> it ensures mmuflushes in all other processes (sharing that segment) as well.
> in fact, the crash you describe just emphasises that point:
> the page reference no longer exists, hence the fault.
> the problem (which frankly doesn't bother me) is that fault386
> is being overly cautious in assu
On Fri Jul 31 23:13:51 EDT 2009, rminn...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 6:56 PM, J.R. Mauro wrote:
> > Doesn't ASUS burn the Linux distro into a chip, though? Maybe there
> > are utilities to flash it with something else.
> see flashrom at coreboot.org
> This is a great idea a
> http://man.cat-v.org/unix_8th/
Super Bats!
- erik
> Well, if the DOM is compatible with traditionnal IDE it could be, too,
> an option for installation: an easily pluggable HD instead of floppy or
> CD.
the dom is compatable with traditional ide, and with the distributed
sdata.c. before i found the doms, i used a pata <-> cf bridge.
- erik
diff -c /n/dump/2009/0801/sys/src/9/port/sysproc.c sysproc.c
/n/dump/2009/0801/sys/src/9/port/sysproc.c:234,247 - sysproc.c:234,248
ulong magic, text, entry, data, bss;
Tos *tos;
- validaddr(arg[0], 1, 0);
- file = (char*)arg[0];
+ file = nil;
indir = 0;
On Sat Aug 1 21:40:18 EDT 2009, quans...@quanstro.net wrote:
> diff -c /n/dump/2009/0801/sys/src/9/port/sysproc.c sysproc.c
> /n/dump/2009/0801/sys/src/9/port/sysproc.c:234,247 - sysproc.c:234,248
ready. shoot. aim.
sorry. i sent the wrong patch.
i also should have mentioned that this patch i
On Sun Aug 2 05:39:10 EDT 2009, fus...@storytotell.org wrote:
> Hi,
> I installed Plan 9 under Parallels 3 back in November of last year and
> it worked without a hitch. I tried to install another copy tonight and
> the bitmapped display isn't working in the new one, I just get a pure
> b
> Ron, have you researched any long-term wear studies on these flash
> drives? I've heard a lot of good things,
> but I'm really put off by terms like "wear levelling", filesystems
> optimized to work around flash's delicateness,
> etc.
> I'm really interested in any numbers anyone has.
just lo
> Erik,
> Thanks for your speedy assistance! I think the two things are closely
> interrrelated via the global variable hardscreen. Reverting this file
> solved the problem. I wouldn't be surprised if there were something
> weird about Parallels' MTRR support, and since this isn't the curr
> > assuming honest mtbf numbers, one would expect similar
> > ures for the same io workload on the same size data set
> > as mechanical disks. since flash drives are much smaller,
> > there would obviously be fewer ures per drive. but needing
> > 10x more drives, the mtbf would be worse per byte
> 2009/8/2 erik quanstrom :
> > http://www.pcworld.com/article/143558/laptop_flash_drives_hit_by_high_failure_rates.html
> >
> > surprising, no? there are still plenty of reasons to want an
> > ssd. it just seems that reliablity isn't one of those reasons yet.
> For the Intel SSD one must also consider:
> > 3.5.4 Write Endurance
> > 32 GB drive supports 1 petabyte of lifetime random writes and 64 GB drive
> > supports 2 petabyte of lifetime random writes.
> That is equivalent to writing the capacity of the SSD 31250 times. At
> the specified random
On Mon Aug 3 05:27:06 EDT 2009, 9f...@hamnavoe.com wrote:
> > Hopefully I'll be able to afford a copy of the new
> > version of Parallels in a little while and perhaps that will help
> > further isolate the problem.
> It's not just Parallels. The new vgavesa also fails to work on
> my VIA
i've suggested using my contrib/sd to a few people
who are having trouble with sd devices. unfortunately,
it's hard to apply patches without a working system. so
as an experiment i built a cd that differs from the cd
on sources only in the kernel and 9load and plan9.ini used.
everything else is t
>mine does. so we have to figure out what we're doing wrong with
>your hardware, or decide that there's something wrong [with your
there, fixed that for me.
- erik
> Your iso image boots OK, however the kernel still doesn't see PATA.
mine does. so we have to figure out what we're doing wrong with
your hardware, or decide that there's something wrong.
> The iso boots off PATA, 9load finds and reads plan9.ini, it fails
> to find the kernel (because it is loo
> I was one of those people, and I must say, the sd drivers work great and seem
> to offer a degree of flexibility that the "stock" driver does not.
> Why not just incorporate them into the "official" distribution?
i'm glad it works for you. thanks for the feedback. i appreciate
all feedback go
> >
> > Google?
> the exception that proves the rule? they emphatically
> don't go for posix semantics...
why would purveryers of 9p give a rip about posix sematics?
- erik
> I fear I may not have applied the patch correctly:
> /sys/src/9/pc% mk CONF=pcf
> 8c -FTVw devarch.c
> devarch.c:733 not enough function arguments: cpuid
> devarch.c:733 argument prototype mismatch "IND ULONG" for "IND INT":
> cpuid
> devarch.c:739 argument prototype mismatch "INT" for "IND
> fiddle% date -u
> Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 GMT 1970
> fiddle% cat /dev/time
> 0 0 0
> 1 fiddle%
> fiddle% # wait a few seconds
> fiddle% cat /dev/time
> 0 0 0
> 1 fiddle%
what's especially wr
> Anyway, a couple of areas to look into, if you want plan9 on
> vbox: try changing the memory layout of plan9 or figure out
> what qemu did to make plan9 run well and apply that change to
> vbox.
what makes you think its a memory layout issue?
- erik
this has been driving me nuts for a long time. i've had
to have a mouse for each machine running rio because
mouse.c wasn't very amenable to either hot-plugged ps/2
or kvm-attached ps/2 mice. since steve mentioned the
led problem, i was motivated to finally rid my desk of
extra rodents:
oddly, neither file(1) nor the linux file can identify the awk
that is included in this tarball.
- erik
> Steve, can you list the total configuration of this machine... motherboard
> model etc? This sounds a lot like what I was thinking of building for home.
> I also would like to try Erik's new ISO, but sadly, haven't had a lot of
> free time to do anything with it. (I already downloaded it)
> This one still has a fan. Is there anything decent *and* fanless out
> there?
unless you think via is fast enough, you'll have to wait for
pine trail. ich7r just requires too much power to go fanless.
it's quieter than the buttons on my mouse, though. and
absolutely silent in comparison to my
> The dual-processor epia board was pretty snappy but it's no longer
> available.
> Many of the via processors have sha-1 in microcode, which could
> be useful for a venti server if someone got around to putting the
> support into libsec.
only if sha1 speed is a bottleneck. is it?
- erik
On Wed Aug 5 05:05:26 EDT 2009, 9f...@hamnavoe.com wrote:
> and a normal 20-pin atx power connector compared
> to the Intel's newer 24-pin one.
note that a 24-pin connector is preferable. my atom
mb has a 24 pin connector but it is sold with a 20 pin
power supply. the extra 4 pins are not requ
> hi,
> did anyone succeed to install out-of-the-box when target HD is /dev/sdE0, and
> CD is on /dev/sdE1 ?
> i did not succeed with install on SATA from IDE CD. i ask before i go to buy
> i promise to update wiki 'installation' page when i succeed ;-)
yes. i didn't have any prob
> Works like a charm. Knowing the the correct manual page(s) to be looking
> at certainly helps!
> I can't help though but be curious as to why there's no command, or
> an additional switch to changeuser, to remove users from the keyfile.
> I guess due to Plan 9's simplicity motto?
> I
> That wasn't a rhetorical question. Why bother locking your door?
> Any intruder worth his weight in salt can circumvent such a simple
> security mechanism with ease.
> Out of X number of would-be intruders, only a small fraction of those would,
> under most circumstances, have the balls a
On Thu Aug 6 04:50:48 EDT 2009, fus...@storytotell.org wrote:
> I googled around and haven't found anything, but I notice there is a
> file /sys/src/cmd/aux/searchfs.c, and a corresponding binary aux/
> searchfs. The code doesn't seem to explain what it does very well but
> it piqued my curio
i just pushed an update of nupas to sources.
it fixes a few bugs, including
- a recursive sync loop has been eliminated..
(this has been the source of some mystery crashes)
- dualing upas/fs operating on the same mbox
no longer miss deletions. the fix is less than elegant.
also on 27 jul, a crash
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