Re: [9fans] examples for setting up secstore for a laptop

2024-12-18 Thread a
I like secstore, but the chicken-or-egg question is real. It's from the world where you have a dedicated auth server, and that doesn't always track with a laptop needing a key to get to the network. I do store my wpa key outside secstore for this reason, and then use it for everything else. Still,

Re: [9fans] examples for setting up secstore for a laptop

2024-12-18 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
hiro writes: > maybe we should get rid of secstore then? or how could it be made useful? Not replace. Sectore is useful for more than just factotum. But the sectore interface is very clunky, and I think that's what turns people away from it. While I keep confidential files other than factotum

Re: [9fans] examples for setting up secstore for a laptop

2024-12-18 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM) writes: > Not replace. Sorry, I meant to say 'not remove'. -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:

Re: [9fans] Plan9 C compiler targetting WASM

2024-12-18 Thread moody
Just wanted to note that in addition (and with the help of) Richard Miller's work on riscv, I was able to import the userspace portions for riscv into 9front. The result of that work is not merged (there has yet to be someone that has put in the work to write a 9front kernel for riscv) however t

Re: [9fans] examples for setting up secstore for a laptop

2024-12-18 Thread Frank D. Engel, Jr.
I use it (in my 9front Pi cluster).  Works for me. It could probably use some improvement in terms of tools for managing the stored keys, plus I never figured out how to avoid needing to enter my secstore password twice instead of just once every time I log in, but it's not exactly broken.

Re: [9fans] examples for setting up secstore for a laptop

2024-12-18 Thread sirjofri
18.12.2024 04:05:52 hiro <>: >> for some reason, they wrkey/keyfs/secstored/secstore/factotum dance >> was something I always struggled with. Some things never change ;-) > > maybe we should get rid of secstore then? or how could it be made useful? Iirc it's quite insecure also. At

Re: [9fans] Plan9 C compiler targetting WASM

2024-12-18 Thread gnufan42 via 9fans
> Does anybody know of any implementation of Plan9 C compiler targeting WASM ? I don't think there is one. I found a project that claims to be a WebAssembly port of Plan9 not long time ago:, and they used Emscripten. If you want a Plan9 C compiler targeting

Re: [9fans] examples for setting up secstore for a laptop

2024-12-18 Thread Charles Forsyth
I did a go implementation of secstore, for reasons, based on the Inferno one, and the protocol isn't ideal at several points (which I'd have to look up again), for error handling as I recall. it uses AES in a CBC mode, over an RC4 SSL (just for the records, not for anything really SSL). The Go secf

[9fans] tr2post & Bopen historical mystery

2024-12-18 Thread Anthony Sorace
Here's a pair of small historical mysteries that came up on IRC. Bopen allows you to open a file OREAD or OWRITE; you cannot open it read+write. That's been true at least since 2nd Edition. But /sys/src/cmd/postscript/tr2post/picutres.c contains a pair of invocations of "Bopen(pictmpname, ORDWR

Re: [9fans] examples for setting up secstore for a laptop

2024-12-18 Thread Ron Minnich
I spent years working with chromebooks and once I did a coordinate transformation from that security model to what Plan 9 does, things made a lot more sense :-) That said, I think, if anyone has time, it's worth taking a look at what chromebooks did for security. It might have some use in the futu