I have physical issues with trying to perform fine-grained mouse
operations (uncontrollable small hand tremors). The net effect is
that anything more much specific than window selection is difficult
and takes several seconds - pretty much the antithesis of the study
results that showed that editin
> needing to copy/paste previous commands in terminal windows, etc.
see " and "" scripts
The finnicky mouse stuff is indeed an annoyance in acme. I use sam &
a trackball & a huge font. some conveniences have been added to sam,
^B and ^G to switch from sam window and back to buffer. Make use of
There's a huge difference using my mouse in Plan9 than in Plan9port on my
mac. Plan9 feels almost unusable by comparison. I suspect much of this is
the very finely tuned acceleration/fine-pointing behavior of the mouse on
modern desktop platforms.
That's probably a ripe space for improving the Pl
> taking advantage of Fitts' law in UI interactions
another fairly standard practice: organise window management
to leave a pixel or two around the edge to allow slamming
mouse to the nearest extremity in order to access rio b3 menu.
blasphemy: I occasionally wonder how difficult it would be
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