[9fans] Change of plan9 partition size

2017-10-12 Thread Pavel Klinkovský
> > Once you have that, you can run it on Plan 9 on the Raspberry Pi to > bootstrap the current release of go. > Another stupid question - sorry for that ;)... 9pi has about 1,7GB plan9 partition size. On my 8GB SD card the rest is unused... Is there a way how to extended plan9 partition to use

Re: [9fans] Change of plan9 partition size

2017-10-12 Thread Pavel Klinkovský
> > 9pi has about 1,7GB plan9 partition size. > On my 8GB SD card the rest is unused... > Maybe it would be wise to use Venti on that unsed space... ;) Pavel

Re: [9fans] Change of plan9 partition size

2017-10-12 Thread fgergo
On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 11:33 AM, Pavel Klinkovský wrote: >> 9pi has about 1,7GB plan9 partition size. >> On my 8GB SD card the rest is unused... > > > Maybe it would be wise to use Venti on that unsed space... ;) > > Pavel > If you don't have a venti server somewhere near your pi yet, then defin

Re: [9fans] Change of plan9 partition size

2017-10-12 Thread Pavel Klinkovský
> > > Maybe it would be wise to use Venti on that unsed space... ;) > > If you don't have a venti server somewhere near your pi yet, then > definitely yes. > It will be a fight... ;) I just created a new partition of PLAN9 type there (according to https://9p.io/wiki/plan9/setting_up_Venti/index.h