9f...@mail2news.bath.ac.uk writes:
> The comp.os.plan9 Usenet Newsgroup is a moderated Newsgroup.
> Articles require approval before being posted.
Does this still make sense given the low traffic from Usenet?
Christian Neukirchenhttp://chneukirchen.org
> Does this still make sense given the low traffic from Usenet?
Usenet is full of spam. Of all places, it seems the least likely where
spam would have any effect, but I support spam is a gas that expands
Aram Hăvărneanu
> And since neither i do have a running 9atom nor are there 9atom
> sources available for non-9atom runners (i think) i just don't
> know yet how it feels or which awk is running and wether it has
> the bug or not. _Soy_.
> But many thanks for answering the mail.
> I think this system rocks.