I have the files 03270425a.9gz, 06170729.9gz, 07291014.9gz and
and beside this a file named 'versions', I'm not sure, where it comes
03270425a.9gz update 988250913 updating 985745432
03270507.9gz update 989254626 updating 985745432
03270526.9gz update 991073352 updating 985
Can we tell somehow from eresized() that our window has been hidden or
- Yaroslav
Anyone already ported (back ported?) p9p's stats to plan9?
I want to see stats of plan9 and linux boxen on my plan9 desktop.
Here's a little issue I found w/ the new Python 2.7.3 port:
acme# cd /n/sources/plan9/
acme# grep isinf */include/ape/math.h
arm/include/ape/math.h:#define isinf(x) isInf(x)
mips/include/ape/math.h:#define isinf(x) isInf(x)
power/include/ape/math.h:#define isinf(x) isInf(x)
> So it's probably safe to just have
> #define isinf(x) isInf(x,0)
> in /*/include/ape/math.h
yes, let's do that.
i'd like to move all the function definitions in /$objtype/include/math.h
to /sys/include/ape/math.h and move the system dependent goo to
/$objtype/include/u.h. this would requ
On Feb 11, 2013, at 6:46 PM, Jeff Sickel wrote:
> So it's probably safe to just have
> #define isinf(x) isInf(x,0)
yes, I've used that in the past.
Federico G. Benavento
you can read from /dev/wctl and check wether the window
is "visible" or "hidden", see rio(4).
On Feb 11, 2013, at 7:32 AM, Yaroslav wrote:
> Can we tell somehow from eresized() that our window has been hidden or
> unhidden?
> --
> - Yaroslav
Federico G. Benavento