Just got:
cpu% ls -l /n/sourcesdump/2009
ls: /n/sourcesdump/2009: venti i/o error or wrong score, block
Sources itself seems up, tho'.
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Hi all,
So I followed the install scripts from the iso in /sys/lib/dist/pc/inst
to install manually from 9vx (pretty interesting to look at btw), which
turned out to work pretty well, until I reached the copydist stage.
If I understood correctly, that part is basically a replica/pull, so I
> but after a few dozen seconds, it seems that 9vx froze (everything
> stopped and I couldn't act on any of the windows nor open a new one).
> I killed 9vx and retried (after having checked/fixed fossil from fscons),
> and got the same behaviour.
> ...
> Stuart, haven't you encountered this problem
I have written a couple of documents using plan 9's troff utility, but
it can be safely assured that I am a troff newbie.
Now I have to write some sort of manual, and I am using eqn(1) to
write all the formulas and equations, but I ran into trouble as soon
as I had to write a ≥ character.
> I think that this is probably a bug in plan9's troff (or maybe I am
> doing something wrong) since with groff
> eqn manual.ms | groff -ms -Tps > manual.ps
> works just fine with the eqn(1) aproach and with the troff aproach.
you seem to be missing "psfonts" in your pipeline, unexpectedly
It's back now; we rebooted the venti server and sources.
> you seem to be missing "psfonts" in your pipeline, unexpectedly
> adding it did not correct my output. (i get "g g e". definately using
> the wrong font.) also there seem to be some font confusions, too,
> as nroff produces this incorrect output:
>; echo '≥ $>=$ \(>='|9 eqn -d^'$$'|9
> >; echo '≥ $>=$ \(>='|9 eqn -d^'$$'|9 nroff | sed 1q
> >≥ > >
> not as incorrect as it appears on first glance.
> $ echo '≥ $>=$ \(>=' | 9 eqn -d'$$' | 9 nroff | sed 1q | xd -c
> 000 e2 89 a5 _ \b > _ \b > \n
> 00c
> $
on the other hand, appearance is the
erik quanstrom wrote:
it seems that core i7's work just dandy with plan 9,
even resample seems just a tad pokey. :-)
If only the motherboard my two were plugged into wasn't a the bleeding
edge of design :-(