Thanks for that, I will probably write up a script if I get it often enough.
Basically I sometimes get emails with
now subparts like below
7: H
7text/html 0
(from,,[HamRadioHelpGroup] Digest Number
7: 7.1
!no sub parts
I have a suspicion it has to do with which version you read. generally emails
are sent with two multiparts, text and html. perhaps you need to reply to the
text version.
failing that you could try running
| htmlfmt | sed 's/^/> /'
if this is a common problem for you you could write a scr
Hi all
Anybody have any tips on how to quote an html format email. even after the
message has went through
!htmlfmt and I was able to read the email the " command will quote the html
I am using p9p version of upas/nedmail and upas/marshal.