Just a question: would it help if I had a SATA-DVD drive on sdE1 ? (And the
target on sdE0, as it is now). Could I then install from the CD without
fiddling? Perhaps, not more than editing plan9.ini?
Thanks, regards,
> I still get 'biosdiskcall: int 13 op 041 drive 0x80 failed, ah error code
> 0x1', but then everything seems OK:
> ahci0: port 0xfebff800: hba sss1; ncs 31; coal 1; mports 3; led 1; clo 1;
> ems1;
> unk: sata-II with 4 ports
> sdiahci: drive 0 in state ready after 0 resets
that message isn't ve
I have enabled AHCI in bios (instead of IDE mode before), now I can boot from
sdE0!dos!9pcflop.gz, but only up to '[partdisk]: no disk devices were found on
your system. The installation process cannot continue.'
I still get 'biosdiskcall: int 13 op 041 drive 0x80 failed, ah error code 0x1',