> I retried complete copy (16KB copy) of the first block of fscache.
> as erik pointed me.
> recover main
> end
> is enough.
great! i've done that twice to recover something that wasn't
quite right. in both cases help from hardware, and operational
mistakes both were required to get
Thanks, erik and cinap,
I have believed that tag/path of first block in fscache is to be created by
config mode.
but not.
I retried complete copy (16KB copy) of the first block of fscache.
as erik pointed me.
recover main
is enough.
thanks again
Kenji Arisawa
On 2013/02/22,
> the response were:
> check tag PC=12336 w"/dev/sdC0/fscache"(0) tag/path= /15.36:
> expected
> and then returned back to the selection prompt.
> why tag/path in fscache is the problem in recovering?
> they must be cleaned based on fsworm.
on the real file server, the command is
/dev/SD0 is typo.
please replace by /dev/sdD0
Kenji Arisawa
Thanks Cinap,
that is merely an exercise for disk corruption.
I assumed /dev/sdC0 is corrupted.
the back up is on /dev/SD0 with partitions 9fat, nvram, fscache, fsworm,
9fat, nvram on D0 is same as those of C0.
cwfs config in the first block of /dev/sdC0/fscache is copied to that of D0.
see the recover command from the fsconfig(8) manual. to enter
config mode, you have to pass the -c option to cwfs. on boot, you
can do it on the bootargs line like local!/dev/sdXX/fscache -c
(thats the only 9front specific part, afaik theres no local cwfs root
filesystem support by the standard dis
I have been playing with cwfs64x on 9front since last summer as my home system.
My current chief concern is, how to restore data when the disk is corrupted.
I have a copy of /dev/sdC0/fsworm on /dev/sdD0/fsworm.
However, I don't understand how to ream fscache based on the existing fsworm.
you are right... just did it... dd'ed the worm partition to another
disk rebooted... changed main configuration to mirror the
worm and added other filesystem. halt... reboot... done.
i updated the local.c in my contrib so that config mode never
ends or timeouts after it was selected.
i'm happy no
> hmmm... as i'm thinking of it... this is broken... if for example
> you want to do a devopy, you always have to type end before it starts
> doing its work right? but init will continue and try to mount it wich
> will fail in this case panic the kernel.
i'm not sure why devcopy would be usefu
yes, here is a console... buts quite hacky:
strcpy(buf, "end");
outin("cwfscmd", buf, sizeof buf);
if(strlen(buf) > 0)
fprint(p[0], "%s\n", buf);
if(strcmp(buf, "end")==0)
> used the cphist program from http://www.quanstro.net/plan9/history.pdf
> and wrote a /dev/(bin)time faking fileserver
> (/n/sources/contrib/cinap_lenrek/delorean) that fools cwfs and replica
> about the current time, but does not confuse cron and fossil. you
very sneaky! i love it.
thanks for
Have converted my fossil/venti filesystem to cwfs (with history) and
made boot code so that i can start off from it. On the way i had to change
cwfs a bit so that it can cope with the long filenames from my mp3
collection and as it was supposed to run on my cpu server, i reduced
the cache memory s
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