> http://tirania.org/blog/archive/2012/Aug-29.html
If developmental stability was all it took to attract third party developers
then why didn't FreeBSD "win the desktop" a decade ago? Or indeed Plan 9 (I
suppose this is reductio)?
arn...@skeeve.com wrote:
>I have to toot my own horn a bit:
>The manual is careful to distinguish standard awk from gnu awk
>If someone is up to porting gawk 4.0 to Plan 9, I'd be interested to
Mr. Robbins' boo
Anyone experienced definining pmake's ".SHELL" target as rc (the standalone)?
Mine keeps exiting at every non-zero return status. And I'm getting tired of
reading the pmake manuals (well written as they are).
This is on FreeBSD 8.1.
erik quanstrom wrote:
> > without having access to a unix machine right now, i'm guessing that
> > the code at jtcommon should replace
> > if(*cp == '\0')
> > with
> > if(*cp == '\0' || *cp == ';')
> >
> > at lines 428. similar change at line 328.
> sorry, fat fingers. 428 and 438.
P9P sed gives me the error "Label too long" on:
% echo foo | sed 's/./&/;ta;b;:a;s//*/'
but not on:
% echo foo | sed 's/./&/
As though the label commands require immediate newlines.
Anyone else experience this?
How might I split a file into pieces specified by size?
split(1) lets me specify lines and regex contexts as delimiters, but what if I
want a 40MB file split up into 1.44MB chunks, say?
erik quanstrom wrote:
> ; flag v && echo true
> flag v && echo true
> ; ed .rcrc
> ed .rcrc
> 900
> 1
> 1
> if (test -e /etc/rcrc)
> q
> q
It looks like you're you're using the Rakitzis rc; is readline involved?
"Rudolf Sykora" wrote:
> I have a file say like this
> ABC asassadfasdf asdfasdf asdfasdf CBA hhjjioioioi
> sodifs
> sdfsd
> dasdfas aasdfa
> njnjn CBA
> and I want to get
> ' asassadfasdf asdfasdf asdfasdf '
> 'dasdfas aasdfa'
> 'njnjn'
> ...i.e. delimited with AB