Re: [9fans] Favorite sam command language idioms?

2008-08-28 Thread plus852
On Aug 27, 5:55 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gorka Guardiola) wrote: > On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 11:50 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Does anyone have some favorite sam command language idioms, tips, > > tricks, etc.? > > You probably want > this:

[9fans] Favorite sam command language idioms?

2008-08-27 Thread plus852
Does anyone have some favorite sam command language idioms, tips, tricks, etc.?

[9fans] Reference for Smalltalk-like aspects of Sam?

2008-08-18 Thread plus852
Can anyone recommend a good reference that explains those elements of the Sam mouse interface that function like Smalltalk (e.g., deleting selected text actually cuts it to the snarf buffer, Ctrl-W non-cut deletes the previous word)? The Sam paper and manual don't seem to explain many of these feat

[9fans] Learning how to use sam

2008-08-08 Thread plus852
Besides the paper, manual, and language tutorial, is there anything else I should read to help me learn how to use sam? Would any background reading on Plan 9, ed, or anything else be helpful? Thanks.

[9fans] Latest sam for Windows

2008-08-04 Thread plus852
Is the 1997 version of sam for Windows 95/NT available on netlib the most recent port of sam to Windows? If not, where can I find the latest version of sam for Windows? Thanks very much.