On Aug 27, 5:55 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gorka Guardiola) wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 11:50 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Does anyone have some favorite sam command language idioms, tips,
> > tricks, etc.?
> You probably want
> this:http://plan9.bell-labs.com/sources/contrib/steve/doc/s
Does anyone have some favorite sam command language idioms, tips,
tricks, etc.?
Can anyone recommend a good reference that explains those elements of
the Sam mouse interface that function like Smalltalk (e.g., deleting
selected text actually cuts it to the snarf buffer, Ctrl-W non-cut
deletes the previous word)? The Sam paper and manual don't seem to
explain many of these feat
Besides the paper, manual, and language tutorial, is there anything
else I should read to help me learn how to use sam? Would any
background reading on Plan 9, ed, or anything else be helpful? Thanks.
Is the 1997 version of sam for Windows 95/NT available on netlib the
most recent port of sam to Windows? If not, where can I find the
latest version of sam for Windows? Thanks very much.