[9fans] mount the local foler in the virtual machine use 9p

2012-04-11 Thread
hi, I try to mount the local foler in the vm, use the 9p protocol, it mount success, enter the foler, i can read and write the files already in the folder ,but can't create new folders and files in it. why and how can i solve it? i created the vm use qemu -fsdev local,id=test_dev,path=/root/share

[9fans] (no subject)

2012-04-11 Thread
hi, I try to mount the local foler in the vm, use the 9p protocol, it mount success, enter the foler, i can read and write the files already in the folder ,but can't create new folders and files in it. why and how can i solve it? i created the vm use qemu -fsdev local,id=test_dev,path=/root/share