On 31 May 2015 at 17:31, Ori Bernstein wrote:
> > It doesn't understand the named ... variant, which I suppose is more
> recent
> > tinkering. Use the older __VA_ARGS__.
> IIRC, the named variant is older, but it's also a GNU extension.
I've looked at the C99 and C1x standards and both descri
On Sun, 31 May 2015 11:14:42 +0100
Charles Forsyth wrote:
> It doesn't understand the named ... variant, which I suppose is more recent
> tinkering. Use the older __VA_ARGS__.
IIRC, the named variant is older, but it's also a GNU extension.
Ori Bernstein
> There have been many fixes to BWK's code since then. If you're going to
> start over, it should be done from his current code, available from
> his Princeton home page.
9atom's awk has been updated with bwk's recent source. it also has a fix for
the problem
sometimes seen with plan 9 installs
> Have the MKS sources ever been released?
I don't believe so. I think they were the basis for z/OS, which is
a POSIX environment on top of IBM's MVS.
The MKS awk made its way out into the world via Solaris, which for some
reason chose that code base, instead of a more recent version of BWK's
Kurt H Maier wrote:
> I mangled some webshit earlier today on that server (bad timing I guess).
> Correct link to the hg repo is https://code.9front.org/hg/awk
This appears to be based on Brian Kernighan's awk from sometime in 1999
and not written from scratch.
There have been many fixes to BWK
On 25 May 2015 at 19:44, Jens Staal wrote:
> It did however not work (I guess the "..." and "##" are to blame?) so now
> I wonder how/if it is possible with the posix compiler on plan9?
It doesn't understand the named ... variant, which I suppose is more recent
tinkering. Use the older __VA_ARG