I guess you could try:
Edit X/^'.. ./ e
The leading apostrophe selects dirty windows (also directories won't
match), and the trailing dot (note the space) ensures filename is set.
If you want to reread non-dirty... then +Errors and dirs/ should be
excluded - this looks uglier:
Edit X:^... [^+].
Thanks for your response Ilya.
I tried your first suggestion I get the following Error.
Edit: no file name given
For the second suggestion I get this Error.
Edit: is a directory
I closed the directory windows and it was executed, however dot was
replaced with the contents of a file.
In this c
Or even
Edit X r
Kostarev Ilya
On 24 Mar 2015 at 20:04:41, Kostarev Ilya (uvelichi...@gmail.com) wrote:
Edit X/.*/ r
can do
Kostarev Ilya
On 24 Mar 2015 at 19:54:03, Aram Santogidis (gnubun...@gmail.com) wrote:
Hi all,
imagine you have multiple files open in acme and then you
Edit X/.*/ r
can do
Kostarev Ilya
On 24 Mar 2015 at 19:54:03, Aram Santogidis (gnubun...@gmail.com) wrote:
Hi all,
imagine you have multiple files open in acme and then you
$ git checkout somebranch
now there is the need to update the views of each open file. You can type Ge
Hi all,
imagine you have multiple files open in acme and then you
$ git checkout somebranch
now there is the need to update the views of each open file. You can type
Get in the tag of each
window and middle-click it, yes. It would be nice to have a Getall along
the lines of Putall, though.
I wa
Seems, he was a last one from this film ?
2015-03-24 16:48 GMT+03:00 Steve Simon :
> http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/gregory-walcott-dies-the-blameless-actor-who-couldnt-shake-off-being-a-part-of-the-worst-movie-ever-10128828.html?icn=puff-9
> -Steve