One more deprecation away from being forced to redo devdraw in
Cocoa or OpenGL.
On Feb 20, 2012, at 4:05 AM, Brian Vito wrote:
> Has anyone tried running sam on Mountain Lion? Devdraw launches for
> me, but just shows a blank window.
On 9 February 2012 13:07, Rudolf Sykora wrote:
> Hello,
> when I try to use any ligature in troff (on p9p, but if I remember
> correctly also on p9) , such as \(fi, I don't get it. Instead I see:
> tr2post: :6735 :WARNING: cannot find glyph, rune=0x66
> stoken= troff font R
As I have
Has anyone tried running sam on Mountain Lion? Devdraw launches for
me, but just shows a blank window.