I halted aquarela(1) with a ^D sequence, and made sure
all processes were gone. ps(1) lists no processes on
the server that could possibly be using port 445 (the
port aquarela listens on for the CIFS service). And yet,
netstat -n showed that TCP port 445 was still in LISTEN
state. Naturally, I ran
> I tried booting 9atom; it failed with the same error, then printed
> random garbage across the screen.
> I'll try poking around with it to see where it crashes once I have an
> install to build from on my other computer.
> I'll try poking around with it to see where it crashes once I have an
Is the 8/15 deadline for full papers or just abstracts?
As a note, I fired off an email to the submissions/query email address and
have not gotten a response...
EBo --