I have an Intel P55C MMX (233 MHz), with the same
problem as that given here:
However, I'm trying to boot off the Plan 9 CD, and
don't currently have a way of compiling a kernel
with the suggested changes (or booting from it).
(Also, I think those changes are p
Suject: 82583 support
i put a new version of 82563 in my contrib area.
it adds support for 82583 and ich9 integrated mac.
more interestingly, it uses one block pool per
interface, is intended to reduce ilock contention.
in modest aoe tests, system time was reduced 20%
when using 2 interfaces for
unfortunately i let this one fester until it cost
us some time. this problem has cropped up
again http://9fans.net/archive/2009/07/305
(it appears that my worry about expandable arrays
was unfounded.)
the problem is that the size of an undefined
struct as the last element of a struct is not
reported here http://9fans.net/narchive/2009/08/1042
i haven't had much time to even look at this problem. this
will at least abort the compile, rather than miscompile. so
it's marginally better than nothing.
the warning is just documentation of the problem. i recompiled
everything with this p