Re: [9fans] Chaucer on 9fans

2009-09-13 Thread Jason Catena
Eris discordantly quoted, from a Pink Floyd song (, "an account of the famous defeat of Mary Queen of Scots at the battle of Langside that took place in the 16th Century." Here's a translation and analysis of the full text, written in a Scottish dialect

Re: [9fans] Chaucer on 9fans

2009-09-13 Thread Akshat Kumar
There's a thread by yy about additions to Acme. It contains code, which could be made better given the appropriate feedback and time. It's also useful and not ridiculous. ak

Re: [9fans] "Blocks" in C

2009-09-13 Thread David Leimbach
On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 4:08 AM, Anant Narayanan wrote: > On Sep 11, 2009, at 10:36 PM, Roman V Shaposhnik wrote: > >> I still do care very much (and in fact, I've been meaning >> to provide some of the answers on this mailing list, but >> apparently one can't upgrade to Snow Leopard over the >>

Re: [9fans] sd(3) and concurrent readers/writers?

2009-09-13 Thread erik quanstrom
> dd -if /dev/sdE0/data -of /dev/sdF0/data -bs 1048576 i was thinking about your technique, and it occured to me that this command is equvalent to for(;;) read(E0, buf, 1mb) write(F0, buf, 1mb) but if you wrote it like this dd -if data -bs 64k -count

Re: [9fans] Chaucer on 9fans

2009-09-13 Thread Eris Discordia
"Aye an' a bit of Mackeral settler rack and ruin Ran it doon by the haim, 'ma place. Well I slapped me and I slapped it doon in the side and I cried, cried, cried." [...] "Aye! A roar he cried frae the bottom of his heart That I would nay fall but as dead, dead as 'a can be by his feet; De ya ken?

[9fans] Chaucer on 9fans

2009-09-13 Thread Andrew Simmons
Namoore of this, for Goddes dignitee!!! Myn eres aken of thy drasty speche! 'By God', quod he, 'for pleynley, at a word Thy drasty posting is nat worth a toord!'