could someone help clean this crappy patch up a bit? i'm drunk and sam
not being able to understand my scrollwheel is really pissing me off.
at least this works despite it being ugly and steeped in cheap
diff -r 5f1b36ecd9db src/cmd/samterm/main.c
--- a/src/cmd/samterm/main.
i need to push my zones to a site that accepts
only bind zones.
for some strange reason i thought it would be
easier write a program to do the conversion from
ndb file than to keep doing it by hand.
i was wrong.
but for very interesting reasons. it's interesting
to note that and
> Does this mean Plan 9 is not compatible with Xen 3.2, or does it just
> need a recompile or some other quick fix?
It's compatible with Xen 3.0.x for some x. I haven't checked
how much the Xen API has changed for 3.2 -- do try recompiling and
see what happens!
> of the source files are no lon