Re: [Xen-devel] X86 Community Call - Wed Apr 11, 14:00 - 15:00 UTC - Call for Agenda Items

2018-04-02 Thread Ji, John
Hi, Lars, 
Chao and I will be traveling and thus will miss the meeting. From our side, we 
propose continue to discuss the features which we didn't cover last time, 
including SGX, SPP, PT-VMX and 288 vCPU. 

Best Regards

John Ji

-Original Message-
From: George Dunlap [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 10:41 PM
To: Lars Kurth ;
Cc:; Juergen Gross ; Janakarajan 
Natarajan ; Tamas K Lengyel ; Wei Liu 
; Andrew Cooper ; Daniel Kiper 
; Roger Pau Monné ; Christopher 
Clark ; Rich Persaud ; Paul 
Durrant ; Jan Beulich' ; Brian 
Woods ; intel-xen 
Subject: Re: X86 Community Call - Wed Apr 11, 14:00 - 15:00 UTC - Call for 
Agenda Items

On 03/22/2018 10:22 AM, Lars Kurth wrote:
> Hi all,
> please find attached
> a) Meeting details (just a link with timezones) – the meeting invite will 
> follow when we have an agenda
>Bridge details – will be sent with the meeting invite
>I am thinking of using GotoMeeting, but want to try this with a 
> Linux only user before I commit
> c) Call for agenda items
> A few suggestions were made, such as XPTI status (if applicable), PVH 
> status Also we have some left-overs from the last call: see 
> tml#01571
> Regards
> Lars
> == Meeting Details ==
> Wed April 11, 15:00 - 16:00 UTC
> International meeting times: 
> onth=4&day=11&hour=14&min=0&sec=0&p1=224&p2=24&p3=179&p4=136&p5=37&p6=
> 33

It looks like the above should say "15:00 - 16:00 BST"?

I'll send agenda items closer to the time of the meeting.

Xen-devel mailing list

Re: [Xen-devel] X86 Community Call: Wed March 14, 15:00 - 16:00 UTC - Meeting Minutes

2018-04-12 Thread Ji, John
Agree with Chao. This is more accurate statement. 

We have spent lots of effort on adding vIOMMU support with irq remapping and 
should continue after George wraps up vNVDIMM design discussions with us in 
this short period. 

Best Regards

John Ji

-Original Message-
From: Gao, Chao 
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2018 9:19 AM
To: Lars Kurth 
Cc: Ji, John ; George Dunlap ; Peng, Chao 
P ; Juergen Gross ; Tamas K Lengyel 
; Wei Liu ; Andrew Cooper 
; Daniel Kiper ; Roger Pau 
Monné ; Christopher Clark ; 
Janakarajan Natarajan ; Rich Persaud ; 
Paul Durrant ;; Jan Beulich' 
; xen-devel ; Brian Woods 

Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] X86 Community Call: Wed March 14, 15:00 - 16:00 UTC - 
Meeting Minutes

On Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 05:10:40PM +, Lars Kurth wrote:
>## Longer Term - Agreed to Pause
>### [PATCH v4 00/28] add vIOMMU support with irq remapping function of 
>### virtual VT-d
>Sent in for meeting agenda by George
>v3 posted by Lan Tianyu on 22 September 2017: 
>v4 posted by Chao Gao: ​
>**Seems to have had review by Roger Pau Monne (1 ACK) No issues** 
>Primarily needs George as reviewer Agreed to park this, because NVDIMM 
>work is more important

I want to clarify that I will continue to working on this, i.e. send out 
patches and respond to comments. "Pause" here only means review will be paused 
because George and Roger who are willing to review this series have to finish 
NVDIMM work first.

Xen-devel mailing list

Re: [Xen-devel] x86 Community Call - Wed May 9, 14:00 - 15:00 UTC - Call for agenda items

2018-05-01 Thread Ji, John
Hi, Lars,
Our status and plan is below, I marked in blue.

== [PATCH v4 0/4] x86/cpuid: enable new cpu features The agreement was to park 
until patches arrive, which as far as I can tell have not @John, @Yang: please 
let me know if there is any progress and whether thus this item should be put 
onto the agenda
--Yang will start doing this around 16 May.

== Longer Term / Blocked
=== [PATCH RESEND v1 0/7] Intel Processor Trace virtulization enabling ACTION 
(April): Lars to talk Intel, George & Wei with a view of whether a 
design/discussion could be arranged at the summit and whether it makes sense. 
It will need some preparation by the reviewer though.
@John, @George, @Wei: Are there new developments?
@Luwei, your latest status says “Get some comment form Xen maintainer Jan and 
Wei.”, what’s your plan to send a new version.
-- Yes, Jan and Wei raised some questions last week and still under discussion. 
Furthermore, not all the patches have comments. So, it still need some time to 
reach an agreement, prepare patches and send new version.

== Longer Term / Agreed to pause
=== [PATCH v4 00/28] add vIOMMU support with irq remapping function of virtual 
@John: let me know whether this is still paused. If so, I propose not to discuss
-- Roger already gave some comments on the version 4. Chao will follow up on a 
new version.

Best Regards

John Ji

-Original Message-
From: Lars Kurth []
Sent: Tuesday, May 1, 2018 11:32 PM
To: xen-devel 
Cc:; Juergen Gross ; Janakarajan 
Natarajan ; Tamas K Lengyel ; Wei Liu 
; Andrew Cooper ; Daniel Kiper 
; Roger Pau Monné ; Christopher 
Clark ; Rich Persaud ; Paul 
Durrant ; Jan Beulich' ; Brian 
Woods ; intel-xen 
Subject: x86 Community Call - Wed May 9, 14:00 - 15:00 UTC - Call for agenda 

Hi all,

please find attached
a) Meeting details (just a link with timezones) – the meeting invite will 
follow when we have an agenda
Gotomeeting, phone bridge details and slack channel will be sent with the 
meeting invite

== Meeting Details ==
Wed May 9, 14:00 - 15:00 UTC
Wed May 9, 15:00 - 16:00 BST (London)
Wed May 9, 16:00 - 17:00 CEST (Berlin)

Further International meeting times:

b) Call for agenda items

The meeting minutes of the last call are at and

Are there any new items to discuss?

In the tracking/action section, the following items probably need to be covered 
briefly. I am listing these below.
If things are progressing and need no further discussion, please let me know by 
Monday and I will just add a note to the agenda/minutes. That would provide an 
opportunity to discuss other issues

Please search for your name with an @ before.

== AOB
ACTION (April - DONE): George to send list of phone numbers to Lars ACTION 
(April - DONE): Lars to include list of phone numbers in invite ACTION (April - 
DONE): Lars to include slack channel in invite

== [RFC XEN PATCH v4 00/41] Add vNVDIMM support to HVM domains There are a few 
action's outstanding.
@George, @Royger: Please let me know whether we need further discussion or 
whether this is in hand/has not progressed.

== [PATCH RFC 00/10] x86 passthrough code cleanup ACTION (April - DONE): Brian 
Wood to ping Suravee Suthikulpanit (AMD)
@Wei: Not sure whether Suravee has responded

ACTION (April - DONE): Lars to propose fixing CC issue in xen.git:MAINTAINERS 
copying the R section entries from Linux.git:
ACTION (April - DONE): Lars to have a back-channel discussion with AMD on how 
to solve this.
For now, CC Brian

== [PATCH 0/7] paravirtual IOMMU interface ACTION (March): Paul to resend the 
series with a clear problem statement. It may also make sense for Andy, Paul 
and George to sit together
@Paul: let me know whether you want this on the agenda

== [PATCH v4 0/4] x86/cpuid: enable new cpu features The agreement was to park 
until patches arrive, which as far as I can tell have not @John, @Yang: please 
let me know if there is any progress and whether thus this item should be put 
onto the agenda

== PVHv2 Status (Royger)
Update: At the AB meeting it was confirmed that Boris will not be working on 
PVHv2 Linux for a while
@Royger: Anything to add here?

== PCI Emulation - Future Direction (Royger, Stefano, Julien) We have a call 
set up
@Royger, @Paul: Not sure whether you want to give an update to the larger group

== Recently Un-blocked Series/un-blocked dependencies According to the minutes, 
the following series should not be blocked anymore
* AMD AVIC Series
* [RFC Patch v4 0/8] Extend resources to support more vcpus in single VM

Re: [Xen-devel] Setting up a Xen x86 community call

2018-03-03 Thread Ji, John
Hi, Lars and all, 
This is really great and absolutely needed! We are very glad to see this can 

From Intel, Peng Chao will attend all sessions and features owners (Zhang 
Haozhong, Huang Kai, Feng Boqun, Zhang Yi, Zhang Yu, Kang Luwei, Zhong Yang) 
will attend according to topics. We are also discussing to have more people 
from Intel to attend. 

Time: 6:00AM~12:00AM China time is all ok for us. 

Best Regards

John Ji

-Original Message-
From: Lars Kurth [] 
Sent: Friday, March 2, 2018 11:40 PM
To: xen-devel 
Cc:; Jan Beulich ; Andrew Cooper 
; Li, Susie ; Ji, John 
; Hurwitz, Sherry ; Brian Woods 
; Babu Moger ; Chao Peng 
;;;; Rich Persaud 
; Tian, Kevin ; Razvan Cojocaru 
Roger Pau Monné 
Subject: Setting up a Xen x86 community call

Hi all,
(sorry for the extensive distribution list - I went through MAINTAINERS and 
people who may have an interest)

I would like to start organizing a recurring x86 community call to discuss and 
sync-up on upcoming features for Xen on x86. This call would mirror and follow 
a similar structure to the ARM call (see for the last one)

I expect that the call will contain

a) Coordination and Planning
Coordinating who does what, what needs attention, what is blocked, etc. 
I would prepare a list of non-merged patch series of a certain size (e.g. more 
than 5 patches) and attach to the invite If anything is missed, I would expect 
that these are sent to me before the meeting

b) Design and architecture related discussions: in particular for bigger, more 
complex items, ... 
Although all of this could be done by email, in reality, we are all human and 
many people find it easier to collaborate and communicate by talking to each 
other, rather than by email. This is not a must, but an option to highlight 

c) Demos, Sharing of Experiences, Sometimes discussion of specific 
This is something which happens frequently on the ARM call and seems to work 
very well

I would suggest to start with a 1 hour monthly meeting: possibly every 2nd Tue 
or Thu each month (depends on timing). I know that people are spread across 
different timezones (from China to the US), so I would like to gather thoughts 
before choosing a time. We may have to have alternating time-slots every other 
month: but this is not ideal for some.

To do this, please
* Raise your hands on whether you or your org would want to participate
* Provide your timezone
* Provide a UTC time range when you can attend 

Your sincerely,

Xen-devel mailing list

Re: [Xen-devel] X86 Community Call: Wed March 14, 15:00 - 16:00 UTC

2018-03-09 Thread Ji, John
Thanks, George! This includes part of Intel features. Chao is working on a 
complete list of patch series and their status for all Intel features. 

Best Regards

John Ji

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of George Dunlap
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2018 12:01 AM
To: Lars Kurth 
Cc: xen-devel ;; 
Juergen Gross ; Janakarajan Natarajan ; 
Tamas K Lengyel ; Wei Liu ; Andrew 
Cooper ; Daniel Kiper ; 
Roger Pau Monné ; Christopher Clark 
; Ji, John ; Rich Persaud 
; Paul Durrant ; Jan Beulich' 
; Brian Woods 
Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] X86 Community Call: Wed March 14, 15:00 - 16:00 UTC

On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 4:26 PM, Lars Kurth  wrote:
> On 07/03/2018, 17:02, "George Dunlap"  wrote:
> >> * Title of series
> >>
> >> * Link to series (e.g. on 
> >> markmail, …)
> >>
> >> * Number of outstanding ACKs (and by whom), number of ACKs
> >
> >I assume you're suggesting that individuals should reply to this email
> >with that information?  And that to begin with you'll be acting as
> >secretary to keep track of it?
> Correct.
> Although it is also OK for someone within an organization to do that on 
> behalf of several developers within that organisation.
> I will also chair the meeting and write up high-level notes. But for deeply 
> technical discussions, which requires detail: I would prefer if someone else 
> wrote notes for the section and sent them to me afterwards, or replied to the 
> notes I would send out.

OK, well here are some series I have lurking around my inbox that I think 
coordination might need doing for:

* Intel EPT-Based Sub-page Write Protection Support.

RFC posted by Zhang Yi Oct 19, 2017; No acks, reviews only by memaccess 
maintainers / developers.

* Virtual VT-d (vIOMMU)<>

v3 posted by Lan Tianyu on 22 September 2017.  Seems to have had review by 
Roger Pau Monne (not counted acks).

* Extend resources to support more vcpus in single VM<>

RFC posted by Lan Tianyu on 13 September 2017.  I have an idea this may have 
been reposted but I dont' thave that link to hand.

* Add guest CPU topology support<>

RFC posted by Chao Gao on 1 January 2018.  Some feedback from Andrew Cooper.

* Intel Processor Trace virtulization enabling<>

v1.1 Posted by Lan Tianyu on 15 January 2018.  No feedback.

*  x86: guest resource mapping<>

v17 posted by Paul Durrant on 3 January 2018.  Seems to have a fair amount of 
R-b's, but still more feedback.

* paravirtual IOMMU interface<>

v1 posted by Paul Durrant on 12 Feb 2018.  Seems to have had a lot of feedback 
from Kevin Tian.

* Add vNVDIMM support to HVM domains<>

RFC posted by Haozhong Zhang on 7 December 2017.  A few messages about the 
overall architecture; some more detailed comments by Anthony on the integration 
with the toolstack.

* x86: emulator enhancements<>

v4 posted by Jan Beulich on 28 Feb 2018.  Most patches seem to have acks or 
r-bs, but I know this one has been around a long time, so it might be worth 
making sure we can get it in before the feature freeze.

Xen-devel mailing list

Re: [Xen-devel] x86 Community Call - Wed July 11, 14:00 - 15:00 UTC - Minutes

2018-07-12 Thread Ji, John
I will Yu and Yi to send out discussion notes.

>>### Add vNVDIMM support to HVM domains
>>Stakeholders: Zhang Yi, Intel, Zhang Yu, Intel, George Dunlap, Citrix ``` _As 
>>far as I understand a simple and clean way to implement this has been found, 
>>but the design session notes are still missing_

>>_We spent almost two days on NVDIMM related discussions: we have something 
>>that should be fairly simple and easy to implement. Dan Williams is happy to 
>>take changes into upstream as long as they are sensible._

Best Regards

John Ji

-Original Message-
From: Lars Kurth []
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2018 5:07 PM
To: xen-devel 
Cc:; Tamas K Lengyel ; 
intel-xen ;; Roger Pau Monne 
; Christopher Clark ; Rich 
Persaud ; Brian Woods ; Stefano 
Stabellini ; Julien Grall ; 
Juergen Gross 
Subject: Re: x86 Community Call - Wed July 11, 14:00 - 15:00 UTC - Minutes

Also attached minutes as PDF and Markdown

# Agenda and Minutes: x86 Community Call July 2018

_No new items were added to the agenda._ ​ _Minutes are added in blue (in the 
PDF only)_

## Attendees

Lars Kurth, Citrix
Roger Pau Monne, Citrix
Juergen Gross, Suse
Jan Beulich, Suse
Christopher Clark, OpenXT
Janakarajan Natarajan, AMD
Brian Woods, AMD
Rich Persaud, ​OpenXT
George Dunlap, Citrix
Wei, Andy, Paul - Citrix

## Release Cadence for Xen 4.12

Following the release cadence session at the developer summit (see​
edit​) we have to make a decision whether
* Go on as we are for 4.
* Move to 9 months, until we fixed the underlying issues as outlined in the 
thread and
write-up: the problem is that unless we get some sort of commitment to address 
the issues, just changing the release cadence will not make a difference
* Skip a release as a one-off: Set ourselves some goals that must be achieved 
in this cycle around testing - this will need some commitment from vendors

I was planning to allocate up to 30 minutes to this discussion

Juergen: raises the point that keeping the release cadence at 6 months is very 
unfair on Jan who has raised many times that the workload resulting from having 
to maintain so many release branches would be too high. After running 6 monthly 
releases for some time, this has in fact come true, when at the time Jan’s 
concerns were dismissed. The overhead breaks down into backporting fixes, 
backporting security fixes and dealing with the release mechanics.

Jan: raised the point that hardly anyone responds to calls for back-ports and 
if so, only send change-sets and lat Jan do the backporting. Jan also says he 
suspects that people may not respond to backport requests, because that would 
require them to backport the patches.

George: points out that unless he remembers at the time he writes or reviews a 
patch, whether it is back-port worthy.

George and Andrew raised the idea that we could maintain a list of pending 
backports and assign backport tasks to people.

Jan: maintaining releases as a single person is the most efficient way of doing 
it. A single person doing all trees is most efficient, but then we need to 
restrict the number of trees. And
2 releases per year are too many.

Andrew: suggests that an even/odd releases model with different support cycles 
would solve this. By doing this, we would retain the discipline of doing 

Juergen: this would however impose the release overhead

Andrew: agrees that we need to reduce our release overhead regardless, but this 
issue is orthogonal from the release cadence.

**Staying at 6 months we would either have to find someone who would like to 
carry the maintenance load, or move to a longer cadence. Also we need to make 
it clear that reducing the release overhead is independent from release cadence 
and process. We should be doing this irrespective depending on the cadence.**

Juergen: We could l​ **ook at 8 months (instead of 9)it is better from a 
scheduling perspective (working around public holidays).** ​ With an 8 month 
release cycle, the release occurs at only 3 different dates during the calendar 
year, rather than the 4 dates with a 9 month cycle. This makes planning easier 
for selecting dates that avoid public holidays. 8 months is also closer to the 
6 month cycle for those preferring shorter cadence. An 8 month cycle would not 
increase the number of concurrently supported branches when compared with a 9 
month cycle.

**ACTION: George will put together a survey for the committers outlining the 
issue and trade-offs and then go from there**

## Project Management stuff to keep the Momentum going

We have made significant progress on design related questions at the developer 
Although not all the notes for these have been published (SGX and NVDIMM are 
missing, the former are on my plate).