Re: [WiX-users] ICE57 with HKMU

2014-06-12 Thread neslekkim
Was there any solution to this?, I have the same problem, ICE57 when I
install with ALLUSERS=1
The RegistryValue for the shortcut's keypath is registered only on HKCU, if
I use HKLM og HKMU I get the ICE57 error.
Someone up in the thread said you should ignore it, but it's an error so it
dont produce output, can I supress it somehow?
Or is there an better way?
The shortcuts itselfs are installed correctly, so that is ok, but not the

There are some info here:
where one mentions property DISABLEADVTSHORTCUTS but i don't quite get it
(And not sure yet about what is advertised installs?)

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[WiX-users] Problem with registrering shortcuts when using perMachine installations

2014-06-13 Thread neslekkim
This example:

If one takes that example, and changes it a little, Allusers=1 and HKLM in
registrykey for the shortcut component";>


Key="Software\Microsoft\MyApplicationName" Name="installed" Type="integer"
Value="1" KeyPath="yes"/>


then I get these errors:

error LGHT0204 : ICE38: Component ApplicationShortcut installs to user
profile. It's KeyPath registry key must fall under HKCU.
error LGHT0204 : ICE43: Component ApplicationShortcut has non-advertised
shortcuts. It's KeyPath registry key should fall under HKCU.
error LGHT0204 : ICE57: Component 'ApplicationShortcut' has both per-user
and per-machine data with a per-machine KeyPath.

If I change to HKMU (as described here: )
I get this error:

error LGHT0204 : ICE57: Component 'ApplicationShortcut' has both per-user
data and a keypath that can be either per-user or per-machine.


If I change back to HKCU, everything works fine for compile, I can install,
program installs correctly, shortcuts are put in the public start menu (or
public desktop for my project where I also do that), but the registrykey is
put in the registryhive for the user installing the program, I want that to
be for local machine, as it is documented to be that way.
As far as I understand, this is required to uninstall properly?, The user
who installs this software on our clients computers can be another person
than the one that will be servicing and updating next time, thus, different
registry hive for the other user.

Btw, the orginal example does not work correctly, the Target property in the
shortcut element is wrong, and the linker gives me the following warning:
warning LGHT1076 : ICE69: Mismatched component reference. Entry
'ApplicationStartMenuShortcut' of the Shortcut table belongs to component
'ApplicationShortcut'. However, the formatted string in column 'Target'
references file 'myapplication.exe' which belongs to component
'myapplication.exe'. Components are in the same feature.

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[WiX-users] Main MSI with sub-msi's

2014-06-13 Thread neslekkim
I'm creating four MSI's now, three MSI's are setting up each an WebService,
and, one main MSI that installs an clientapplication.
Today, these are separate MSI's, and will probably be that for those who
want to install separately.

But, the main MSI, we want to be made so it includes the other MSI's
somehow, preferably all linked in the main MSI file, so everything can be
installed, and choosed from an featuretree in that installation.

But, it seem that this might not be very easy?

If I choose bundle, I will get an EXE, not an msi file (since MSI supposedly
cannot start an msi?)
Bundle will not include the MSI either, they need to reside next to the
exe-file, or be downloadable from somewere.
Neither of those we want..

But, are there other ways of doing this?, is it kosher to make MSM modules
AND MSI modules for the service packages?, and include the MSM modules
inside the main one?
Or, is it better to include the wix sources from the service packaged into
the main MSI, and also use them in their own msi's?
I guess there will be problems with component id's, and I will get problems
with product codes, updates etc.. :(

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[WiX-users] Localizations and missing cultures

2014-06-13 Thread neslekkim
I found an small issue when I was building msi for IIS application, when you
include WixIIsExtension, and you set your culture to say, "nb-NO", then I
was getting lots of errors like this:

error LGHT0102: The localization variable !(loc.ConfigureIIs) is unknown. 
Please ensure the variable is defined.
error LGHT0102: The localization variable !(loc.ConfigureIIsExec) is
unknown.  Please ensure the variable is defined.
error LGHT0102: The localization variable !(loc.StartMetabaseTransaction) is
unknown.  Please ensure the variable is defined.
error LGHT0102: The localization variable !(loc.RollbackMetabaseTransaction)
is unknown.  Please ensure the variable is defined.

To fix that, I just copied the file en-us.wxl from
src\ext\IIsExtension\wixlib (sources of Wix 3.8), and changed the
culture-attribute on the WixLocalization element, then included it in the
linker-step like this (I'm using msbuild):

-loc iisExt_nb-NO.wxl
At least that made the linker happy, and I'm not sure if these messages
would provide any usefulness for the end user if they was translated either,
so I keep them like this.

It would though, have been nice if Wix could have been instructed to use
en-us as the default locale for missing locales in the various extensions,
and just give these errors as warnings instead.

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Re: [WiX-users] Main MSI with sub-msi's

2014-06-13 Thread neslekkim
scubasteve2 wrote
> A bundle can contain a collection of executables, MSIs, MSPs.  They can
> all be compressed within the bundle.  Read up on Burn and WixStdBA and
> WixManagedBootstrapper.

Ok, but an bundle itself will be an Exe-file right?, not an MSI?
Will read more about this, I was not sure how much of the bundle stuff is
ready in 3.8, I thought it was still an ongoing thing?

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Re: [WiX-users] Main MSI with sub-msi's

2014-06-13 Thread neslekkim
It seems that with an Bundle, one cannot have feature selections?
So that one cannot choose to install some of the included packages?, that
limits the usage somehow.. 

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Re: [WiX-users] Main MSI with sub-msi's

2014-06-13 Thread neslekkim
yes, it doesn't need to be an tree..

The main msi have just main node+node if one want to exclude installation of
shortcut on the desktop.

the other three msi's only have one feature, so the selection in the bundle
would only be to select if one want to install all services and the client,
or only the client sort of.
If I can tailor an gui in the bundle for that, it would be good enough I
think, just need to find some good examples on this.

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Re: [WiX-users] Localizations and missing cultures

2014-06-14 Thread neslekkim
How would that commandline be for that case?
If you have wxl files for both languages I kinda understand it, but here I
was including the IisExtension, and using nb-NO cultures which it did not
contain, If I then had to get the english wxl to make it to fallback to
that, I'm kinda just as far.
But in the case of compiled extensions, automatically fallback would have
been nice.

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Re: [WiX-users] Problem with registrering shortcuts when using perMachine installations

2014-06-18 Thread neslekkim
anyone?, or is it perfectly ok to store this in hkcu for perMachine installs?

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Re: [WiX-users] Build issue

2014-06-27 Thread neslekkim
That is not valid XML, wrap it into an CDATA block like this

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Re: [WiX-users] How to allow autogenerated ComponentGroup to autogenerate Guids

2014-07-10 Thread neslekkim
commandline or msbuild?

On commandline you can add -gg to generate guid's when heat is run, or -ag
to use "*" instead.
With the msbuild task I use this: GenerateGuidsNow="true" to generate them.

I use msbuild, and have heat setup like this:

which gives me a file like this:";>

In the handcreated wxs file I reference APPLICATIONROOTDIRECTORY on an
Directory element, and i reference cgFilesToInstall in an Feature Element.

Probably other ways to do this also, but this works for me.

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Re: [WiX-users] How to Show/Hide a Text Control on Server Installation

2014-07-15 Thread neslekkim
the wxs file is an xml file,  is yours valid xml?

why not use CDATA on the second condition also?

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Re: [WiX-users] How to Show/Hide a Text Control on Server Installation

2014-07-15 Thread neslekkim
aha, you said it did not work with < so.. 

check this?

VersionNT64 should be 601 for both server2008r2 and windows 7x64 (but not
set(undefined) on Windows 7, 32bit)

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Re: [WiX-users] Main MSI with sub-msi's

2014-08-11 Thread neslekkim
If I want to build the src\Setup, to see what is connected where (there are
some files i cannot find etc, which probably are created during build), How
do I do that?

This tells me to use msbuild:

but the rebuildAll.cmd in src\Setup is refering nant??, but the proj files
around there seems to be msbuild?, what's up?, Isn't the complete sources
checked in, or am I looking at wrong files?

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[WiX-users] Customizing BA for Burn/Bundles

2014-08-25 Thread neslekkim
I'm creating lots of small msi's so I can modularize my installation package,
and have been using the bundle feature (Burn?), to make an Exe that can
install everything.

The problem with this is the UI.. I have somewhat managed to make UI in the
MSI, but I cannot use that UI, and need to make an UI in the Bundle package
It seems like I cannot use any the ui features that have been aquired for
MSI, so Have to relearn everything in an totally different "language" for
bundles.. Where can I find docoumentation on this format?, the Theme files
seems to be kinda easy to manipulate, but i cannot find any information
about sequence?, or adding other "pages"?
What I need, is to implement some form of featureselection, not many
selections, but a few, does it exist any bundle projects out there other
than the wix installer (which is just a few pictures to click on), that show
how to do this?

Or is the idea that everyone need to make their own Bootstrapper

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Re: [WiX-users] Multiple entries in ARP

2014-09-11 Thread neslekkim
Does it use 3 or 4 digits?, ie, 1.0.0 or ?

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Re: [WiX-users] Ensure a Windows Feature is enabled?

2014-09-12 Thread neslekkim
Ensuring that it's there should not be the same as you install it :)

Anyway, I need to detect if this feature is installed, so i can abort the
install if it's missing, It's easy to detect IIS and .net, but is there any
examples on how to do this feature checking?
Is WMI really the way to do it?, was hoping that i didn't need to create an
custom action.. 

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Re: [WiX-users] Multiple entries in ARP

2014-09-12 Thread neslekkim
Ok, the clue is to make sure you have 4 digits for the Bundle, when one
installs an new version of the bundle, it uninstalls the previous bundle
after installing the new one.
The difference is that one get two logfiles when installing the new bundle
when things are correct, the last one with action uninstall.

Now it would be interresting to know if the Bundle's detection of it's
msi's, if those also need to have the fourth digit so the Bundle can detect
if it is about to reinstall some of those msi's, or if it is using MSI's own

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[WiX-users] LGHT0284: Support for more than 260 characthers in Path?

2014-09-15 Thread neslekkim
I thought Windows supports more than 260 characters by now?

According to this:

We run into path problems way to often with this.. 

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[WiX-users] FireDaemon and WiX?

2014-11-07 Thread neslekkim
We are using FireDaemon for hosting services, instead of writing our own
When using the OEM versioin, we need to do all the install ourself, and that
we want to automate during the installation of rest of the software, but it
seems like we cannot use the normal way using ServiceInstall and
ServiceControl, since it have its own way of doing things:

Not sure yet if that way is made as an convenience, or if it is possible to
use sc.exe etc, but so far we havent found any good way.

Have anyone tried that?, or have some clever idea?

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