[WiX-users] WIX 3.0 hates my mergefiles

2007-04-24 Thread Thomas B


I have the following Merge entries inside the root  tag


these are all added to a feature via the  tag. On Wix2.0 this
builds just fine, on WIX 3.0/Votive 3.0 i get the following errors:

Error34ICE27: Action: 'DuplicateFiles' in InstallExecuteSequence
table must come after the 'InstallFiles' action.light.exe01
Error75ICE32: Possible Mis-Aligned Foreign Keysinstaller.msi
Error76ICE32: Possible Mis-Aligned Foreign Keysinstaller.msi

This makes me think the fault actually lies in the Mergefiles themselves,
which I deem odd since they are from Microsoft. Any takers?

- T
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[WiX-users] Automating MSI merge into bootstrapper?

2007-04-24 Thread Thomas B


What would be a nice way to have the MSI merged into the bootstrapper
unifying it into just one setup.exe file and nothing more? Can this be done
with a buildproject just like creating the bootstrapper?

- Thomas
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[WiX-users] Unmanaged install/admin deployment

2007-04-26 Thread Thomas B


It seems we want to enable administrators to deploy our software via simple
commandline (eg setup -user= pass= key=). How can you set a WIX/MSI package
to skip GUI and just use the passed parameters as properties?

- T
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[WiX-users] Are there any size restrictions?

2007-04-27 Thread Thomas B

Does MSI packages have any size restriction? On one of our Virtual boxes our
installer refuses to run if I add another 50 Mb .data file to the MSI
package making it 140Mb instead of 90.
It just gives a (loosely translated) "Cannot open the installationpackage.
Contact the distributor  to confirm this is a valid Windows Installer
package". This  happens on the VM with a clean WinXP SP2 install (no .NET
2.0 etc). I first thought it was the mergemodules since removing them fixed
it, but i later found removing any of the larger (30+ Meg files) made it run
(taking the MSI package down to around 100 Mb instead of upto 140ish). Does
Windows Installer version matter for this maybe?

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[WiX-users] Uninstall event?

2007-04-30 Thread Thomas B

If I want to call a custom event right before files are deleted, what event
would I chain it before? How to detect if it's an uninstall etc. (Our
application needs to be called with a switch on uninstall)

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[WiX-users] Changing property or control-property from Custom action/DLL

2007-05-02 Thread Thomas B

Hey in one of our dialogs we are showing the status of installed
dependencies and also want to put in a state-icon, thing is the icon is
bound as following:

Now I can't seem to change that with a MsiSetProperty (according to logs it
deletes the property?).

I also thought I might just have 2 bitmaps overlapping then setting 1 to
hidden and the other not but how can I set a controls hidden property from a
DLL? (An event could possibly be used aswell).

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[WiX-users] Can you pass parameters in quotes?

2007-05-02 Thread Thomas B

if the username entered has a space inn it (which Names usually have) it
fails, it doesnt send -u Firstname Lastname. What fixes are there?
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[WiX-users] CustomAction Feedback and shortcut order

2007-05-09 Thread Thomas B

Hi is there some nice way to create feedback on a custom action like a
CD-Key check? I tried creating a dialog to show but launching that if the
CDkey entered was wrong causes the user-registration dialog to close (Using
NewDialog). I also tried setting a label to [CDKErrorMessage] and setting
CDKErrorMessage to an errormessage, but that label won't update before I go
back to previous dialog and to the User-reg dialog again. Anyway to force
the dialog to update?

The other issue I'm having is shortcuts on the startmenu. Is there any way
to put them in a specific order instead of sorted by name?

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[WiX-users] Event execution install/Uninstall

2007-05-10 Thread Thomas B.
I have some events i need to be called appropriately, how can I make an 
event be called only after an install and how can I make an event be called 
only before files are removed (even from GAC) on an uninstall (Need to 
execute my application after install and need to execute it before files are 
removed/cleared from GAC). I tried using InstallFinalize but that event 
seems to be called even on uninstall and I couldn't use conditions either? 
As in


or simular.


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[WiX-users] Add/remove programs buttons

2007-05-10 Thread Thomas B.
When looking at add/remove programs I see some apps have a modify and 
remove, some have "modify/remove" and some have only remove. How can I set 
our installation to only have a "remove" button?


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