Re: [WiX-users] WiX 3.6 beta and virus checker

2011-11-02 Thread Peter Hull

> > Can you open a bug with this information in it? I'm not exactly sure what
> > we'll do about it but we should at least track the issue.
> Yes I will do when I'm back in work. I am a bit surprised nobody has seen 
> this; I would have thought that there would be many other corporate users 
> with Trend OfficeScan and a similar config.

Done (bug #3431068,
I wrote my own program to make a similar change in the registry and nothing 
happened, so I'm not sure why the burn engine 'provokes' Trend in that way.
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[WiX-users] Managed bootstrapper application issue

2011-11-02 Thread Nicolas Penin
Hi all,

I have this issue regarding the Managed Bootstrapper application :

-  If I don't have .NET Framework 4 on Windows XP, it installs it and 
then run my .NET WPF Installation Interface.

-  If I don't have .NET Framework 4 on Windows 7, it installs it and 
then displays again the bootstrapper application instead of displaying my .NET 
WPF Installation Interface. If I close the installer and run it again, it loads 
successfully my WPF Installation Interface.

In the log, the only information I have is : "Loading prerequisite bootstrapper 
application because managed host could not be loaded".

Any idea ?

Nicolas Penin
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[WiX-users] Question about wix fragments and componentgroupref markup

2011-11-02 Thread Kiran Hegde

I am very new to Wix, having transitioned from Install Shield.

I did run into an issue(or probably my mistake) with Wix fragments. I used
heat.exe to generate 6 different Wix fragments. In each of
these Wix fragments, i used the same Id for ComponentGroup.

Later on, i wanted to include all of the components in these 6
different Wix fragments in Product.wxs and associate them with the ***
same** *feature.
However, i hit an issue as follows:
error LGHT0091: Duplicate symbol   (I do not have the complete message)

I am using  wix v 3.5.

To get around this issue, i changed the ComponentGroup id's in all of the 6
different wix fragments to be unique,after which things worked as expected.

Could anyone kindly clarify, if this is the expected behavior?
Is there anything i could do to have the same ComponentGroup  id being used
in different wix fragments and then use them in Product.wxs?

Kiran Hegde
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Re: [WiX-users] Question about wix fragments and componentgrouprefmarkup

2011-11-02 Thread Peter Shirtcliffe
Yes, that's expected. The point of the Id attribute is to distinguish between
different ComponentGroups and so you can't have the same ID twice in one
If it helps, you can set the component group ID that heat creates using the
-cg switch on the command line.

-Original Message-
From: Kiran Hegde [] 
Sent: 02 November 2011 10:29
Subject: [WiX-users] Question about wix fragments and componentgrouprefmarkup


I am very new to Wix, having transitioned from Install Shield.

I did run into an issue(or probably my mistake) with Wix fragments. I used
heat.exe to generate 6 different Wix fragments. In each of
these Wix fragments, i used the same Id for ComponentGroup.

Later on, i wanted to include all of the components in these 6
different Wix fragments in Product.wxs and associate them with the ***
same** *feature.
However, i hit an issue as follows:
error LGHT0091: Duplicate symbol   (I do not have the complete message)

I am using  wix v 3.5.

To get around this issue, i changed the ComponentGroup id's in all of the 6
different wix fragments to be unique,after which things worked as expected.

Could anyone kindly clarify, if this is the expected behavior?
Is there anything i could do to have the same ComponentGroup  id being used
in different wix fragments and then use them in Product.wxs?

Kiran Hegde
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Re: [WiX-users] VB6 Component Questions - JSBtnBar.ocx

2011-11-02 Thread David Birch (XStream Software)
Right, finally got round to implementing what you mentioned, Thank-You for
your response, all is pretty much well, though the application is not
loading fully, the COM components appear to be reasonably happy with their
new home.

-Original Message-
From: Rob Mensching [] 
Sent: 08 October 2011 17:31
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] VB6 Component Questions - JSBtnBar.ocx

0. heat is not perfect. Sometimes (particularly for complex COM goo like old
VB requires) you have to fix it up yourself.

1. I take the heat output and clean it so it doesn't look so messy. Then I
include that cleaned up file in my setup like I'd include any file I wrote
from scratch.

2. heat did not correctly associate the TypeLib with the File it needs. Try
nesting the TypeLib element under the File it belongs to.

3. It looks like heat got confused and tried to put a File Property
reference in there instead of a Directory reference. Change those values to
point to the correct Directory/@Id.

4. Personally, when getting that deep into COM goo, I spend a little time on
MSDN refreshing my memory of all the registration. Then I go make sure all
the registration is correct. COM can get complex quickly, but if you keep it
simple the Class, ProgId, TypeLib and Interface elements make it look really
pretty (better than tons of RegistryX elements ).

On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 2:13 AM, David Birch (XStream Software) <> wrote:

> Hi all.
> I have one very old installer file and 2 patches created with vb6 and 
> InstallShield. My task is to form a single, shiny new installer, 
> without using any of the original source code (which is AWOL).
> I've started with a fresh XP virtual machine, using DefenseWall (a 
> host intrusion protection system)  I have identified the files that 
> the original installer installed. A lot of it was put into the 
> SystemFolder. I've copied it all into a subfolder in my project named 
> SystemFolder, which itself is a child of assets. Then I've gone ahead 
> and run `heat dir assets\SystemFolder -gg -sfrag -template fragment -svb6
-out vb6file.wxs`.
> I have tried copying and pasting all the components from vb6file.wxs 
> between  of an existing (an 
> up until that point, functional project) but am receiving a few 
> errors, that I've been unable to troubleshoot.
> Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, what is the correct way to 
> include the output file?
> Second, the errors begin with ...
> "The typelib element is non-advertised and therefor require a parent 
> File element"
> ... which appears to originate with a component by the name of 
> JSBtnBar.ocx.
> I also have 3 lots of ...
> "The TypeLib/@HelpDirectory attribute's value, 
> '!filBFDE46EC343B0E499B5B2D6EA1A0CC52', is not a legal identifier.
> Identifiers may contain ASCII characters A-Z, a-z, digits, underscores 
> (_), or periods (.).  Every identifier must begin with either a letter 
> or an underscore."
> ... with various differing value's.
> Also, throughout the file, there are many '!fil...' 
> RegistryValue/@Value 's that aren't mentioned, that look a little 
> "unwelcoming" to my untrained eye.
> Please cast your expert eyes over this and point me in the right 
> direction (help!).
> Kind regards,
> David Birch
> --
>  All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
> contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
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> WiX-users mailing list

virtually, Rob Mensching - LLC

All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
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sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
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[WiX-users] Struggling with a bootstrapper application for .NET prerequisites installation

2011-11-02 Thread Mathias Bauer

I have some problems with using the new "burn" feature. I want to create 
a bootstrapper that checks for a particular .NET version and then 
eventually installs the missing prerequisite before it installs my own 

If have two problems:

(1) The "DetectCondition" for my .NET Webinstaller ExePackage doesn't 
work as I want it to work

I try to check the exact complete version number of the installed .NET 
package. As I'm targetting .NET 3.0, I want to check if the installed 
version is "3.0.30729.5420". Maybe my attempt is a little bit naive, but 
from reading the documentation I couldn't find why this shouldn't work:

> xmlns:util="";>
>Manufacturer="FooBar" UpgradeCode="B8B07D94-4E16-4942-8EE1-3342C5CC22CD">
>Id="WixStandardBootstrapperApplication.RtfLicense" />
>  Key="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.0\Setup" 
> Value="InstallSuccess" Variable="DotNet30InstallRegValue" />
>  Key="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.0\Setup" Value="Version" 
> Variable="DotNet30Version" />
>PerMachine="yes" Name="DotNet3.0" SourceFile="DotNetFx3Setup.exe" 
> DetectCondition="DotNet30InstallRegValue=1 AND 
> DotNet30Version=3.0.30729.5420"/>
>Name="FoobarInstall" SourceFile="foobar.msi" Vital="yes" />

This is the result I get in the log file on a system that has the 
desired version installed:

> [0BBC:11CC][2011-11-02T12:47:18]: Setting string variable 
> 'DotNet30InstallRegValue' to value '1'
> [0BBC:11CC][2011-11-02T12:47:18]: Setting string variable 'DotNet30Version' 
> to value '3.0.30729.5420'
> [0BBC:11CC][2011-11-02T12:47:18]: Detected related bundle: 
> {732f16dc-46cd-4f24-8b55-a5c4f0e9b03e}, scope: PerMachine, version:, 
> operation: None
> [0BBC:11CC][2011-11-02T12:47:18]: Error 0x8007000d: Failed to parse condition 
> "DotNet30InstallRegValue=1 AND DotNet30Version=3.0.30729.5420". Unexpected 
> character at position 47.

I also tried without the "AND" condition, just with the second half of 
my condition, but the result is the same.

Does anybody have an idea what might be wrong here?

(2) Uninstalling always tries to remove .NET

If I just check for the presence of .NET 3.0 without checking the exact 
version, I can successfully install my application on a computer where 
.NET 3.0 is already installed. But when I try to uninstall the 
bootstrapper, it always tries to uninstall .NET 3.0 also. As this is not 
possible on Windows 7 (at least not that way), the whole uninstall 
process fails and I can't uninstall my application.

Can someone explain me what I'm doing wrong here?


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[WiX-users] Shortcuts in the All Users Start Menu

2011-11-02 Thread Kjartan Þór Kjartansson

I have a wix project that places a shortcut in a subfolder in the users start 
menu, when I change the source to set the ALLUSERS property to 1 I get the 
shortcut in the correct place but the permissions of the shortcut are incorrect 
resulting in users not having access to the shortcut. Only system and the 
installer service account have permissions for the shortcut.

Below are the parts that I use to install the shortcut onto the start menu.





I hope someone has a solution for me

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Re: [WiX-users] Localized Product Version

2011-11-02 Thread Gareth
So what is the correct usage of Localizable="no" as an attribute of String? 
Are loc files not effectively just a string table, which are conveniently

I too use localised version numbers, the reason being we release the same
software in different markets/countries under different names, some of which
started at version 1 relatively recently.  For example, our website creation
software was version 11 in the UK, but under a different name as version 4
in the Netherlands. To acheive this I used (in WiX 2) a different product
version in the Dutch (localized?) string table (1043.wxl).

Perhaps this error reported by candle could be moved to a warning, allowing
people like me to build despite the version info not complying with the
"x.x.x.x" convention?  Or add a new switch in the candle.exe call to allow
for this error to be ignored?

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Re: [WiX-users] Localized Product Version

2011-11-02 Thread Gareth
We also reference the same localized string to write the version number to
the registry so we can query it as a potential launch condition for other
products, ie. "This package will only install if so and so is version x or
above."  Hardcoding it requires a synchronized change in several places
rather than a single wxl file.

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[WiX-users] Error with InstallUtilLib.dll: CoreBindToRuntimeHost path not found error.

2011-11-02 Thread Aled Hughes
Hi, I have a merge module that was authored using the VisualStudio 2010
installer and this MSM installs a windows server and has a custom action
that registers the service using the InstallUtil program.
However, when I use that MSM in a MSI authored using WiX 3.5, I get the
following error on installation:

"Error 1001. InstallUtilLib.dll: CorBindToRuntimeHost (hr=0x80070003): The
system cannot find the path specified."

.Net4 is already installed on the machine.

When the MSM was included in a MSI authored using the VS2010 installer tool
the problem did not occur. I needed to move from the VS2010 installer to a
WiX installer to allow for more flexibility.

Any ideas as to what the cause of this is?
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[WiX-users] Patch with a simple file change

2011-11-02 Thread john.burak
[Sorry if you got this twice, I think I botched posting via Nabble the
previous time]


I tried the patching example given at but I changed it so
the source-path points to a single file in both versions (1.0 vs 1.1), and I
just change the file contents of the text file between building each
installer.  In other words, I compile the 1.0 installer, change the text
file, compile the 1.1 installer, then make the MSP.  This is more like what
I'd be doing at work. 

The problem is, if I use the file contents given in the tutorial or anything
similar (old: "This is version 1.0", new: "This is version 1.1") then it
misses the file in the patch.  It doesn't even include it in the CAB (I get
an empty CAB warning).  If I make the new value file drastically different
(e.g. add a sentence or two more) then it detects the change and puts the
file into the patch.

Apparently this only happens using pyro/torch, and not when going the
patchwiz rout.  

Anyone know, is this simply a known characteristic of the hashing algorithm
used to detect changes?  Is there a workaround to have it do a better
comparison (perhaps an exact comparison)?  I don't want a config file to be
missed someday because it only differed slightly from the previous version. 


- John Burak

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Re: [WiX-users] Error with InstallUtilLib.dll: CoreBindToRuntimeHost path not found error.

2011-11-02 Thread Wilson, Phil
I have heard that there is an issue with VS 2010 merge modules where they 
always install files to the Module Retargetable Folder instead of the intended 
one. That may have something to do wth it. Other issues may occurr when 
InstallUtilLib.dll is 32-bit and you attempt to use it on a 64-bit system. 

If there is any way you can re-build that merge module, you should do it. Even 
in the dubious world of using installer classes to install services you never 
needed to run InstallUtil.exe. The setup will call installer class custom 
actions without running InstallUtil.exe. There's nothing that special about 
.NET services, so if possible convert that merge module to WiX and use the 
built-in ServiceInstall elements that populate the ServiceInstall table in the 
MSI file. 


From: Aled Hughes []
Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2011 10:34 AM
Subject: [WiX-users] Error with InstallUtilLib.dll: CoreBindToRuntimeHost   
path not found error.

Hi, I have a merge module that was authored using the VisualStudio 2010
installer and this MSM installs a windows server and has a custom action
that registers the service using the InstallUtil program.
However, when I use that MSM in a MSI authored using WiX 3.5, I get the
following error on installation:

"Error 1001. InstallUtilLib.dll: CorBindToRuntimeHost (hr=0x80070003): The
system cannot find the path specified."

.Net4 is already installed on the machine.

When the MSM was included in a MSI authored using the VS2010 installer tool
the problem did not occur. I needed to move from the VS2010 installer to a
WiX installer to allow for more flexibility.

Any ideas as to what the cause of this is?
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Re: [WiX-users] Heat -generate

2011-11-02 Thread David L. Beckwith

David L. Beckwith wrote:
> Yes, unfortunately that is what the custom action in the msi is doing.
> I could have sworn I tried the payloads under the BootstapperApplication
> element, but I'll check again.
> Rob Mensching-7 wrote:
>> I'm a little confused. Are you saying the custom action is using the
>> current working folder to find files? If so, that won't work out most of
>> the time or rather it will work in very limited situations.
>> If you want Payloads cached with the bootstrapper, you can add additional
>> Payload elements under the BootstrapperApplication element. If you don't
>> want them compressed mark them Compressed="no".
I remember why this did not work. The dlls need to be in the location of the
bootstrapper, not the cache location. Argh!

I've given up this approach. The real solution here is a change in the MSI
which I have no control. Another possibility is to use the bootstrapper that
comes with this install which I suspect changes the working directory. I
tried this a while ago but couldn't figure out how to create folders and
designate which payload goes to what folder for burn. I also wasn't sure if
an msi payload would be harvested like it is in an msiPackage.

The other four chained packages work great!

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[WiX-users] Handling MSI with size more than 2GB using multiple embedded Media/Cab file

2011-11-02 Thread Reddy, Narasimha

I have an MSI Installer which is generated using Wix and the size of MSI
is >2GB so I have written multiple media tags having multiple embedded
cab files, no error are shown during generation of MSI.


But when I try to install MSI I am getting an error saying "the system
cannot open the device or file specified".



Can someone please suggest how to resolve this issue?


Thanks & Regards

Narasimha Reddy



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Re: [WiX-users] Error with InstallUtilLib.dll: CoreBindToRuntimeHost path not found error.

2011-11-02 Thread Aled Hughes
Indeed, ideally the merge module should be rebuilt. At the moment that
isn't possible, however with a bit of help from 'dark' and installation log
files I've found what appears to be a solution to the problem. MSMs built
with Visual Studio Deployment tool which use this InstallUtil (which
installs services) require the some additional support files and properties
to be set-up - basically it seems a .config file is required for the custom
action that calls InstallUtil, and this config file is specified in the
property VSDFxConfigFile.

Here's the custom action from the msm:

So to provide that config file [VSDFxConfigFile], I used dark to extract
two binary files from a MSI created using VS Deployment tool:
* VSDNETCFG - this is the app.config file
* MSVBDPCADLL - a custom action DLL that reads various VSDxxx properties
and sets the VSDFxConfigFile property

Once I had those files, I added these lines in to my Wix project file (that
references the merge module).


Then in InstallExecuteSequence / InstallUISequence I call that custom


At least this stops the error 1001 occurring (I've not yet verified that
the service installed by the MSM is actually working!)

On 2 November 2011 19:34, Wilson, Phil  wrote:

> I have heard that there is an issue with VS 2010 merge modules where they
> always install files to the Module Retargetable Folder instead of the
> intended one. That may have something to do wth it. Other issues may occurr
> when InstallUtilLib.dll is 32-bit and you attempt to use it on a 64-bit
> system.
> If there is any way you can re-build that merge module, you should do it.
> Even in the dubious world of using installer classes to install services
> you never needed to run InstallUtil.exe. The setup will call installer
> class custom actions without running InstallUtil.exe. There's nothing that
> special about .NET services, so if possible convert that merge module to
> WiX and use the built-in ServiceInstall elements that populate the
> ServiceInstall table in the MSI file.
> Phil
> From: Aled Hughes []
> Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2011 10:34 AM
> To:
> Subject: [WiX-users] Error with InstallUtilLib.dll: CoreBindToRuntimeHost
>   path not found error.
> Hi, I have a merge module that was authored using the VisualStudio 2010
> installer and this MSM installs a windows server and has a custom action
> that registers the service using the InstallUtil program.
> However, when I use that MSM in a MSI authored using WiX 3.5, I get the
> following error on installation:
> "Error 1001. InstallUtilLib.dll: CorBindToRuntimeHost (hr=0x80070003): The
> system cannot find the path specified."
> .Net4 is already installed on the machine.
> When the MSM was included in a MSI authored using the VS2010 installer tool
> the problem did not occur. I needed to move from the VS2010 installer to a
> WiX installer to allow for more flexibility.
> Any ideas as to what the cause of this is?
> --
> RSA® Conference 2012
> Save $700 by Nov 18
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> ___
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> *** Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail, including any associated or
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[WiX-users] .NET 4 Prereq using burn

2011-11-02 Thread Dieter Lunn
I was looking at the wix installer for help on using burn however the
.net 4 prerequisite isn't working for me. It says it can't find the
source file when I have specified the download url. Is there something
I am missing?

Dieter Lunn

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Re: [WiX-users] Heat -generate

2011-11-02 Thread David L. Beckwith
OK, I'm back where I started. Basically, heat does not create a PayloadGroup
with "-generate". If that option was available this thread would probably
not be here. The help says:

"Specify what elements to generate, one of: components, container,
payloadgroup, layout (default is components)."

However, it only produces components. The default is the only option which
means there is no option.

So here is my next harvest question...

I know the external files are automatically harvested in the msiPackage
element. Is there a way to get this from heat? Or is there an option with
dark? I'm at that point where I manually created payloads that the legacy
setup needs. It  includes an msi that needs 135 other external files. It is
error prone attempting to do this by hand at the least and a chore

David L. Beckwith wrote:
> David L. Beckwith wrote:
>> Yes, unfortunately that is what the custom action in the msi is doing.
>> I could have sworn I tried the payloads under the BootstapperApplication
>> element, but I'll check again.
>> Rob Mensching-7 wrote:
>>> I'm a little confused. Are you saying the custom action is using the
>>> current working folder to find files? If so, that won't work out most of
>>> the time or rather it will work in very limited situations.
>>> If you want Payloads cached with the bootstrapper, you can add
>>> additional
>>> Payload elements under the BootstrapperApplication element. If you don't
>>> want them compressed mark them Compressed="no".
> I remember why this did not work. The dlls need to be in the location of
> the bootstrapper, not the cache location. Argh!
> I've given up this approach. The real solution here is a change in the MSI
> which I have no control. Another possibility is to use the bootstrapper
> that comes with this install which I suspect changes the working
> directory. I tried this a while ago but couldn't figure out how to create
> folders and designate which payload goes to what folder for burn. I also
> wasn't sure if an msi payload would be harvested like it is in an
> msiPackage.
> The other four chained packages work great!

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Re: [WiX-users] .NET 4 Prereq using burn

2011-11-02 Thread Bob Arnson
On 02-Nov-11 17:37, Dieter Lunn wrote:
> I was looking at the wix installer for help on using burn however the
> .net 4 prerequisite isn't working for me. It says it can't find the
> source file when I have specified the download url. Is there something
> I am missing?
You still need to specify a local source, so WiX can get size and hash 


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Re: [WiX-users] Burn Chain Packages and Upgrading

2011-11-02 Thread Bob Arnson
On 01-Nov-11 21:35, Phong wrote:
> When I say fail, I mean the Chain_version2.exe will kick off the
> Chain_version1.exe (from cache, to do the uninstall?) and wait for users to
> click through the Chain_version1.exe steps of uninstall.

Burn (at least in the current version) asks the older bundle to 
uninstall itself with the "-quiet" switch, which shouldn't show UI or 
prompt the user. That's up to the bootstrapper application to handle 


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Re: [WiX-users] Localized Product Version

2011-11-02 Thread Bob Arnson
On 02-Nov-11 11:43, Gareth wrote:
> So what is the correct usage of Localizable="no" as an attribute of String?

It might be helpful to quote a message you're replying to, especially 
when it's 2.5 years old. @Localizable is ignored; it's documentation 
for people doing the loc work.

> Perhaps this error reported by candle could be moved to a warning, allowing
> people like me to build despite the version info not complying with the
> "x.x.x.x" convention?  Or add a new switch in the candle.exe call to allow
> for this error to be ignored?

Sure, please file a feature request.


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Re: [WiX-users] Managed bootstrapper application issue

2011-11-02 Thread Bob Arnson
On 02-Nov-11 04:45, Nicolas Penin wrote:
> I have this issue regarding the Managed Bootstrapper application :

Which version of WiX are you using?

> In the log, the only information I have is : "Loading prerequisite 
> bootstrapper application because managed host could not be loaded".

Is there an error code?


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Re: [WiX-users] Missing files in

2011-11-02 Thread Bob Arnson
On 31-Oct-11 09:00, Albert van Peppen wrote:
> When will the next (weekly release?) version appear on Codeplex?

Not for a while. We want people to use the beta, after all. And at the 
moment, we need to figure out how to automate the weekly drops; I'm not 
sure we want to put them all on Codeplex.

>   And is it possible to mention a buildnumber of the beta available?

I updated the release notes.


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Re: [WiX-users] Struggling with a bootstrapper application for .NET prerequisites installation

2011-11-02 Thread Bob Arnson
On 02-Nov-11 07:55, Mathias Bauer wrote:

> [0BBC:11CC][2011-11-02T12:47:18]: Setting string variable 
> 'DotNet30InstallRegValue' to value '1'
> [0BBC:11CC][2011-11-02T12:47:18]: Setting string variable 'DotNet30Version' 
> to value '3.0.30729.5420'
> [0BBC:11CC][2011-11-02T12:47:18]: Detected related bundle: 
> {732f16dc-46cd-4f24-8b55-a5c4f0e9b03e}, scope: PerMachine, version:, 
> operation: None
> [0BBC:11CC][2011-11-02T12:47:18]: Error 0x8007000d: Failed to parse condition 
> "DotNet30InstallRegValue=1 AND DotNet30Version=3.0.30729.5420". Unexpected 
> character at position 47.

Try putting a "v" in front of the version number; Burn then treats it 
explicitly as a version.

> (2) Uninstalling always tries to remove .NET
Add @Permanent="yes" to the ExePackage.


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Re: [WiX-users] Patch with a simple file change

2011-11-02 Thread Bob Arnson
On 02-Nov-11 13:44, john.burak wrote:
> Anyone know, is this simply a known characteristic of the hashing algorithm
> used to detect changes?

It's not a hash: If two files are the same length, the binder does a 
byte-by-byte comparison. If you can repro this with a simple case, 
please file a bug.


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Re: [WiX-users] Shortcuts in the All Users Start Menu

2011-11-02 Thread Bob Arnson
On 02-Nov-11 09:10, Kjartan Þór Kjartansson wrote:
> I have a wix project that places a shortcut in a subfolder in the users start 
> menu, when I change the source to set the ALLUSERS property to 1 I get the 
> shortcut in the correct place but the permissions of the shortcut are 
> incorrect resulting in users not having access to the shortcut. Only system 
> and the installer service account have permissions for the shortcut.

That's expected: It's in a per-machine location so normal users can't 
modify them.


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Re: [WiX-users] Heat -generate

2011-11-02 Thread Bob Arnson
On 02-Nov-11 19:28, David L. Beckwith wrote:
> I know the external files are automatically harvested in the msiPackage
> element. Is there a way to get this from heat?

No, they're entirely separate processes.

> Or is there an option with dark?

Not that I know of.


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Re: [WiX-users] Handling MSI with size more than 2GB using multiple embedded Media/Cab file

2011-11-02 Thread Bob Arnson
On 02-Nov-11 17:25, Reddy, Narasimha wrote:
> I have an MSI Installer which is generated using Wix and the size of MSI
> is>2GB so I have written multiple media tags having multiple embedded
> cab files, no error are shown during generation of MSI.

I'm not sure you'll be able to get an .msi bigger than 2gb working. Try 
it with the cabinets external.


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Re: [WiX-users] Burn Chain Packages and Upgrading

2011-11-02 Thread Phong
Thanks Bob, I do have my own custom bootstrapper application.  Is there a
hook that I can use so that if the bootstrapper app was called to Uninstall
with the "-quiet" switch, I can just call Engine.Plan(Uninstall), then exit
before my UI code loads?



On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 6:14 PM, Bob Arnson  wrote:

> On 01-Nov-11 21:35, Phong wrote:
> > When I say fail, I mean the Chain_version2.exe will kick off the
> > Chain_version1.exe (from cache, to do the uninstall?) and wait for users
> to
> > click through the Chain_version1.exe steps of uninstall.
> Burn (at least in the current version) asks the older bundle to
> uninstall itself with the "-quiet" switch, which shouldn't show UI or
> prompt the user. That's up to the bootstrapper application to handle
> correctly.
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Re: [WiX-users] .NET 4 Prereq using burn

2011-11-02 Thread Dieter Lunn
Ok. I shall download and add it then.
Dieter Lunn

On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 8:27 PM, Bob Arnson  wrote:
> On 02-Nov-11 17:37, Dieter Lunn wrote:
>> I was looking at the wix installer for help on using burn however the
>> .net 4 prerequisite isn't working for me. It says it can't find the
>> source file when I have specified the download url. Is there something
>> I am missing?
> You still need to specify a local source, so WiX can get size and hash
> information.
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