Re: [WiX-users] Text Manipulation of Registry string

2007-04-30 Thread Rob Hamflett
Is there a programmer you could borrow from your company/friends?


Andre Nelson wrote:
> Hey,
> Thanks for that tidbit.  I was hoping someone could guide me in the 
> writing of that custom action.  I've done a couple here and there, but 
> none that do text manipulation so I am at a total loss.  Thanks for the 
> help!
>> Subject:
>> Re: [WiX-users] Text Manipulation of Registry string
>> From:
>> Rob Hamflett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date:
>> Fri, 27 Apr 2007 16:02:31 +0100
>> To:
>> To:
>> Windows Installer doesn't really have any string manipulation 
>> abilities, just some comparisons. You'll need a custom action.
>> Rob
> -
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[WiX-users] Uninstall event?

2007-04-30 Thread Thomas B

If I want to call a custom event right before files are deleted, what event
would I chain it before? How to detect if it's an uninstall etc. (Our
application needs to be called with a switch on uninstall)

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[WiX-users] ServiceInstall / ServiceControl

2007-04-30 Thread Simon Topley
Long time no see everyone!

I am wondering if anyone else has seen this issue with Services... I
suspect that it is a problem that we should handle but I thought I'd
post on here first to got some thoughts. Using Version 2.0.4611.0 I am
installing a service using ServiceInstall and ServiceControl. It
installs ok however under the properties tab the "Path To Executable"
has quotes around it whereas none of the others (not installed by WIX)
do.. So:

"C:\Program Files\Blah\BlahBlah.exe"

Instead of

C:\Program Files\Blah\BlahBlah.exe

As I say I suspect that our code should be able to handle it, but it
does not and I am curious if I can do anything about it without asking
the owner of the service to handle quotes

Kind Regards

Simon Topley
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[WiX-users] Uninstall Question

2007-04-30 Thread bob private


I hope someone is going to be able to offer some advice on this issue as I
seem to have hit a dead stop!

I am new to WiX, so hopefully I am not missing any fundamental steps here. I
am creating an installer for a web service. This web service needs to go
through all of the testing phases, and then into a live environment. Because
of the different environments the application will be used in, a new
dialogue window was added to the UI to capture the environment specific
information whilst installing. This information is stored into the registry
at the time of install like so:

All of this works fine. I can see all of this information being written to
the registry, and when viewing the website in IIS, everything has been set
up correctly.

Now for the problem, Uninstalling. When I try to uninstall the application
by running the MSI and selecting Remove, it reaches the status of
"Committing IIS Metabase Transaction", and then displays a msgbox informing
me that it "Failed to read IIsWebSite table (-2147023728 )". After
investigating for a while, it seems that this error appears to be happening
because of the none-default installation information of the website. If I
try to uninstall the application using the command line and passing it some
parameters like so:

C:\>msiexec.exe /x
Site" SERVER_PORT="20200" SERVER_IP="*"

The application uninstalls fine. I read somewhere on someone's blog, that
creating a shortcut allows you to pass arguments, so I thought this might be
a good way of fixing my problem, as this would allow me to simulate the
command line version of the uninstall. So I created this:

However, this fails with "Failed to read IIsWebSite table. (-2147024883)". I
believe the answer to this issue now is that when the application comes to
uninstall, it does not know what the constants [REGINSTALLDIR]
[REGWEBSITELOC] [REGSERVERPORT] [REGSERVERIP] are, as these were created at
install time and written to the registry.

So my question is then, how, at uninstall time, can I read the registry and
re-populate these constants with the values from the registry? Is this even
the right way of doing this?

Sorry about the long winded explanation, but I thought it better to try and
explain the situation as best as I could before creating the post.

Any help / advice on this would be great!!


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[WiX-users] Text Manipulation of Registry string

2007-04-30 Thread DE�K JAHN, G�bor
On Fri, 27 Apr 2007 17:10:21 -0400, Andre Nelson wrote:


I have a custom action library with various string manipulation functions. My 
aim was to finish it and contribute it to WiX; this goal still stands but I 
haven't got the time to finish it yet... But it might already be enough for you.


DEÁK JAHN, Gábor -- Budapest, Hungary

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Re: [WiX-users] Installing/uninstalling Services

2007-04-30 Thread F. David del Campo Hill
Dear Mike and others,
Thank for the help! The service installs, starts, stops and
uninstalls fine now when I use:

But I have had to take the entry in the features list out since there is
now no direct reference to the service installation, so that the service
is always installed and there is no choice to install just the file but
not the service.
Do you know of a way to separate the service installation to a
separate component so it can be referenced and optionally installed
differently to the file it uses?
Thanks again for your help.

From: Mike Dimmick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2007 11:29 PM
To: F. David del Campo Hill;
Subject: RE: [WiX-users] Installing/uninstalling Services

The ServiceInstall element installs the exe which is the key
file for the component as a service. Since you haven't specified a
 for this component, I suspect this will do nothing. You must
place the  element in the same component which installs
the file. The Arguments are the command line options for the service
executable. I suspect that this should actually be just -service. You
should check the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\stunnel registry
key for the correct value to use.


To ensure that the service can be removed, use a
 element to stop the service during uninstall, by
setting ServiceControl/@Stop to "uninstall". Consider setting the value
to "both" to ensure that the service is stopped before trying to upgrade
the file.


(Should candle issue a compiler warning or error if there are no
files in a component containing a ?)



Mike Dimmick


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of F. David
del Campo Hill
Sent: 29 April 2007 22:36
Subject: [WiX-users] Installing/uninstalling Services


Hi All,


I am using WIX 2 to repackage STunnel for Windows into a MSI
file I can use to attach to an Active Directory group policy object. I
have had no problems in creating WIX files to install the files and
shortcuts necessary for STunnel, but I am having problems in making the
MSI file install and uninstall a service.


The main WXS file in the project has the following entry to
install the service:






file3 is the executable for stunnel.exe. 'stunnel.exe -service
-install -quiet' is the line the non-MSI STunnel service has as

The features list has the following for choosing to install the





The MSI file I have created works in all respects except
that the service is not installed; not even an error message is given.
Even the presence of Vital="yes" does not stop it from working even
though the service is not installed.


I have also tried to install the service using a







This actually works as intended (the service is installed and
started at the end of the installation), but it has the obvious problem
that uninstalling the MSI will not stop and uninstall the service, so it
is no good (remember, this MSI is for automatic installation through a
GPO, so no user involvement is allowed).


What am I doing wrong? The total lack of error messages or
failure to terminate the installation makes me believe that there is
something fundamentally wrong in the way I am trying to install the
service, but I cannot find any tutorials on how to do it properly; can
anyone help, please?


Thank you for your help.


   F. David del Campo Hill

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Re: [WiX-users] Installing/uninstalling Services

2007-04-30 Thread Tony Hoyle
F. David del Campo Hill wrote:
> Do you know of a way to separate the service installation to a 
> separate component so it can be referenced and optionally installed 
> differently to the file it uses?

Include the file in two separate components (one service, one not) with 
mutually exclusive conditions separating them.

Validation will complain because it isn't sophisticated enough to know 
the two are exclusive, but it is the only way I'm aware of.


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Re: [WiX-users] Uninstall Question

2007-04-30 Thread Rob Hamflett
Sounds like you want a few RegistrySearch elements.  After a quick search of 
Gábor's tutorial I 
found this if you want an example:


bob private wrote:
> Hi,
> I hope someone is going to be able to offer some advice on this issue as 
> I seem to have hit a dead stop!
> I am new to WiX, so hopefully I am not missing any fundamental steps 
> here. I am creating an installer for a web service. This web service 
> needs to go through all of the testing phases, and then into a live 
> environment. Because of the different environments the application will 
> be used in, a new dialogue window was added to the UI to capture the 
> environment specific information whilst installing. This information is 
> stored into the registry at the time of install like so:
>  Key="Software\test\testapp" Name="InstallDir" Action="write" 
> Type="string" Value="[INSTALLDIR]" />
>  Key="Software\test\testapp" Name="TraceLogsInstallDir" Action="write" 
> Type="string" Value="[INSTALLDIR]TraceLogs\" />
>  Name="ServerIP" Action="write" Type="string" Value="[SERVER_IP]" />
>  Key="Software\test\testapp" Name="ServerPort" Action="write" 
> Type="string" Value="[SERVER_PORT]" />
>  Key="Software\test\testapp" Name="WebSiteLocation" Action="write" 
> Type="string" Value="[WEBSITE_LOCATION]" />
> All of this works fine. I can see all of this information being written 
> to the registry, and when viewing the website in IIS, everything has 
> been set up correctly.
> Now for the problem, Uninstalling. When I try to uninstall the 
> application by running the MSI and selecting Remove, it reaches the 
> status of "Committing IIS Metabase Transaction", and then displays a 
> msgbox informing me that it "Failed to read IIsWebSite table 
> (-2147023728 )". After investigating for a while, it seems that this 
> error appears to be happening because of the none-default installation 
> information of the website. If I try to uninstall the application using 
> the command line and passing it some parameters like so:
> C:\>msiexec.exe /x Installer.msi 
> INSTALLDIR="F:\Home\WebsiteHome\IIS\testapp" WEBSITE_LOCATION="test Web 
> Site" SERVER_PORT="20200" SERVER_IP="*"
> The application uninstalls fine. I read somewhere on someone's blog, 
> that creating a shortcut allows you to pass arguments, so I thought this 
> might be a good way of fixing my problem, as this would allow me to 
> simulate the command line version of the uninstall. So I created this:
>  Guid="0AB3DEEB-81F0-460c-9206-94EF1AD583E5">
>  Target="[System64Folder]msiexec.exe" Arguments="/x [ProductCode] 
> Directory="ShortcutFolder" Description="Uninstall JWEmail" />
> However, this fails with "Failed to read IIsWebSite table. 
> (-2147024883)". I believe the answer to this issue now is that when the 
> application comes to uninstall, it does not know what the constants 
> these were created at install time and written to the registry.
> So my question is then, how, at uninstall time, can I read the registry 
> and re-populate these constants with the values from the registry? Is 
> this even the right way of doing this?
> Sorry about the long winded explanation, but I thought it better to try 
> and explain the situation as best as I could before creating the post.
> Any help / advice on this would be great!!
> Cheers
> Bob
> -
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Re: [WiX-users] ServiceInstall / ServiceControl

2007-04-30 Thread Simon Topley
I'll answer my question incase anyone else hits this problem...

According to articles on the ImagePath registry value is
supposed to have quotation marks around the pathname of the services
executable if the path contains spaces.
This registry value is used for the pathname and command line parameters
of the service exectutable, quotation marks are to be used around the
pathname part.

-Original Message-
From: Simon Topley 
Sent: 30 April 2007 11:18
To: ''
Subject: ServiceInstall / ServiceControl

Long time no see everyone!

I am wondering if anyone else has seen this issue with Services... I
suspect that it is a problem that we should handle but I thought I'd
post on here first to got some thoughts. Using Version 2.0.4611.0 I am
installing a service using ServiceInstall and ServiceControl. It
installs ok however under the properties tab the "Path To Executable"
has quotes around it whereas none of the others (not installed by WIX)
do.. So:

"C:\Program Files\Blah\BlahBlah.exe"

Instead of

C:\Program Files\Blah\BlahBlah.exe

As I say I suspect that our code should be able to handle it, but it
does not and I am curious if I can do anything about it without asking
the owner of the service to handle quotes

Kind Regards

Simon Topley
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Wallingford Software Limited, Howbery Park, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 8BA

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Re: [WiX-users] Check for at least one required

2007-04-30 Thread Scott Parker


Thanks for the tip. As you were probably guessing, it was in fact an
Ordering issue. Once I saw that column, a bit of research on the wix-users
archives turned up what I was missing.

Is there any way to specify the order rather than just ensuring that your
publish actions are ordered last-to-first? Also, is this documented anywhere
in the WiX docs? (If not, I'd be happy to add it if someone would let me
know the best way to do so)


On 4/27/07, Stefan Krueger [MVP] wrote:

Could you please check and post the entries in the ControlEvent table that
your WiX code generates?

Stefan Krueger
Microsoft Windows Installer MVP

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2007 2:37 PM
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Check for at least one required

So then is it correct to say that &FEATURE doesn't evaluate to
during the UI Sequence? Or do I have my Publish actions below

Here's an example: In my main Installer .wxs file I have...

Then in a secondary file dialogs.wxs on a Next button I have

It ALWAYS goes to NormalDialog regardless of whether or not I
FEATUREAAA in the customization step earlier in the UI sequence.

Any thoughts or help? Thanks,

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[WiX-users] Apostrophe in TargetDir

2007-04-30 Thread Pallavi Patrutkar
HI All,


In my project, if TARGETDIR contains Apostrophe, my service fails to


Is it possible that I can have a deferred custom action for getting
TARGETDIR in a DLL, by which I will format TARGETDIR by putting '\'
before that?


Can I edit TARGETDIR from a deferred custom action?


Thank you,




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Re: [WiX-users] Apostrophe in TargetDir

2007-04-30 Thread Richard.Foster
How is the apostrophe getting into the TARGETDIR? Is it being entered /
selected by the user, or are you attempting to author a folder which
contains an apostrophe?


Personally, I would suggest that the best thing to do is stay away from
folders with odd names, but I understand that you may not have that





[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Pallavi
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2007 11:56 AM
Subject: [WiX-users] Apostrophe in TargetDir


HI All,


In my project, if TARGETDIR contains Apostrophe, my service fails to


Is it possible that I can have a deferred custom action for getting
TARGETDIR in a DLL, by which I will format TARGETDIR by putting '\'
before that?


Can I edit TARGETDIR from a deferred custom action?


Thank you,




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Re: [WiX-users] After changing "Program Menu" folder, shortcuts are not removed

2007-04-30 Thread Igor Maslov

OK, I can do that,  but now I'm seriously doubting the walue of Windows

I thought that it at least guarantees clean removal of whatever it

We had our own C executable that was installing and uninstalling our
It required maintenance effort, and I thought to move to Windows Instaler
Amount of time I had to put in developing Winfdows Installer solution way
time I would've spent writing the same functionality using C.


Bob Arnson-3 wrote:
> Igor Maslov wrote:
>> After I use my dialog to change shortcut location folder, the shortcuts,
>> and
>> folder are not removed on uninstall.
>> It's like installer does not know that shortcuts are in a different
>> folder
>> now.
> It doesn't, unless you save the property value and restore it during 
> uninstall and maintenance mode. The easiest way is to write it to the 
> registry and use a RegistrySearch element to load it.
> -- 
> sig://boB
> -
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[WiX-users] CustomAction = .NET dependancy?

2007-04-30 Thread Chris.Rowland
My installer is failing on some systems, and it appears that its
dependant on the .NET framework.  My CustomActions were authored in
VC++.  Is .NET always a requirement of installers that use CustomActions
or is this a result of the build settings I used to build the DLL?

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Re: [WiX-users] CustomAction = .NET dependancy?

2007-04-30 Thread Simon Dahlbacka

check your build settings
(you are probably including /clr )



 My installer is failing on some systems, and it appears that its
dependant on the .NET framework.  My CustomActions were authored in VC++.
Is .NET always a requirement of installers that use CustomActions or is this
a result of the build settings I used to build the DLL?

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Re: [WiX-users] ServiceInstall / ServiceControl

2007-04-30 Thread Wilson, Phil
This was a security fix that went into the MSI engine sometime - I don't
recall the details of when. It's related to spoofing a service because
of the way the SCM looks for the executable.

Phil Wilson 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Simon
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2007 6:04 AM
To: Simon Topley;
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] ServiceInstall / ServiceControl

I'll answer my question incase anyone else hits this problem...

According to articles on the ImagePath registry value is
supposed to have quotation marks around the pathname of the services
executable if the path contains spaces.
This registry value is used for the pathname and command line parameters
of the service exectutable, quotation marks are to be used around the
pathname part.

-Original Message-
From: Simon Topley
Sent: 30 April 2007 11:18
To: ''
Subject: ServiceInstall / ServiceControl

Long time no see everyone!

I am wondering if anyone else has seen this issue with Services... I
suspect that it is a problem that we should handle but I thought I'd
post on here first to got some thoughts. Using Version 2.0.4611.0 I am
installing a service using ServiceInstall and ServiceControl. It
installs ok however under the properties tab the "Path To Executable"
has quotes around it whereas none of the others (not installed by WIX)
do.. So:

"C:\Program Files\Blah\BlahBlah.exe"

Instead of

C:\Program Files\Blah\BlahBlah.exe

As I say I suspect that our code should be able to handle it, but it
does not and I am curious if I can do anything about it without asking
the owner of the service to handle quotes

Kind Regards

Simon Topley
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not liable for unauthorised disclosures nor for subsequent actions or
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Registered in the UK, company no: 02288719 Wallingford Software Limited,
Howbery Park, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 8BA

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[WiX-users] Trouble building with wcautil.lib

2007-04-30 Thread Chris.Rowland
In Visual C++ 2005 Express, everything compiles ok until I add the line:


WcaInitialize(hInstall, "VerifyLicenseDir");


which yields the message:


LicenseFileUtils.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
[EMAIL PROTECTED] referenced in function [EMAIL PROTECTED]



If I add 

#pragma comment(lib,"wcautil.lib")


I get 

wcautil.lib(wcalog.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
[EMAIL PROTECTED] referenced in function "int __stdcall
IsVerboseLogging(void)" (?IsVerboseLogging@@YGHXZ)

wcautil.lib(wcalog.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
[EMAIL PROTECTED] referenced in function "int __stdcall
IsVerboseLogging(void)" (?IsVerboseLogging@@YGHXZ)

wcautil.lib(wcalog.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
[EMAIL PROTECTED] referenced in function "int __stdcall
IsVerboseLogging(void)" (?IsVerboseLogging@@YGHXZ)



I'm not sure what these messages are telling me.  Do I have the wrong
version of some library?  This all worked ok in Visual Studio .NET 2005.



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Re: [WiX-users] Trouble building with wcautil.lib

2007-04-30 Thread Rob Mensching
RegKey operations are in advapi32.

Sent: Monday, April 30, 2007 12:47 PM
Subject: [WiX-users] Trouble building with wcautil.lib

In Visual C++ 2005 Express, everything compiles ok until I add the line:

WcaInitialize(hInstall, "VerifyLicenseDir");

which yields the message:

LicenseFileUtils.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] referenced in function [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If I add
#pragma comment(lib,"wcautil.lib")

I get
wcautil.lib(wcalog.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] referenced in function "int __stdcall IsVerboseLogging(void)" 
wcautil.lib(wcalog.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] referenced in function "int __stdcall IsVerboseLogging(void)" 
wcautil.lib(wcalog.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] referenced in function "int __stdcall IsVerboseLogging(void)" 

I'm not sure what these messages are telling me.  Do I have the wrong version 
of some library?  This all worked ok in Visual Studio .NET 2005.

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Re: [WiX-users] how to make msi include an exe, 2 files without installing them

2007-04-30 Thread antoine antoine
I may consider going back to wix 2 ;(

>From: Bob Arnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: antoine antoine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [WiX-users] how to make msi include an exe,   2 files without 
>installing them
>Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2007 22:13:42 -0700
>antoine antoine wrote:
>>installdriver is legacy code and what it does is install the drv.sys and 
>>drv.inf to some dir and register the driver with the system. All this can 
>>be 'done' via wix DIFxApp but this is broken in wix 3 so it cannot be done 
>>until the bug is fixed in wix 3. So i am falling back to using the old
>Why not go back to WiX v2, which includes Difxapp?
>>installerdriver.exe expects drv.sys and drv.inf to be located in the same 
>>dir from where it is being run.
>MSI doesn't support that other than by installing the files. You could 
>write a custom action to stream them from the Binary table but it's an 
>awful lot of work to get right when you can just install them.

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Re: [WiX-users] ServiceInstall / ServiceControl

2007-04-30 Thread Mike Dimmick
Yes, if someone manages to write a file named C:\Program.exe, that will run
instead of your service, presumably with elevated privileges, resulting in a
local privilege escalation vulnerability.

If you have spaces in paths that will be handled by ShellExecuteEx,
particularly, the path should be surrounded by quotes. Whether it's
necessary for CreateProcess depends on whether a file name only is expected
(in which case it will be passed in the first argument) or whether it could
be a file name and arguments (in which case it will be passed in the second
argument and the spaces become ambiguous). Best practice - always use quotes
except where the parsing does not accept them.

Mike Dimmick

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Wilson, Phil
Sent: 30 April 2007 19:15
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] ServiceInstall / ServiceControl

This was a security fix that went into the MSI engine sometime - I don't
recall the details of when. It's related to spoofing a service because
of the way the SCM looks for the executable.

Phil Wilson 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Simon
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2007 6:04 AM
To: Simon Topley;
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] ServiceInstall / ServiceControl

I'll answer my question incase anyone else hits this problem...

According to articles on the ImagePath registry value is
supposed to have quotation marks around the pathname of the services
executable if the path contains spaces.
This registry value is used for the pathname and command line parameters
of the service exectutable, quotation marks are to be used around the
pathname part.

-Original Message-
From: Simon Topley
Sent: 30 April 2007 11:18
To: ''
Subject: ServiceInstall / ServiceControl

Long time no see everyone!

I am wondering if anyone else has seen this issue with Services... I
suspect that it is a problem that we should handle but I thought I'd
post on here first to got some thoughts. Using Version 2.0.4611.0 I am
installing a service using ServiceInstall and ServiceControl. It
installs ok however under the properties tab the "Path To Executable"
has quotes around it whereas none of the others (not installed by WIX)
do.. So:

"C:\Program Files\Blah\BlahBlah.exe"

Instead of

C:\Program Files\Blah\BlahBlah.exe

As I say I suspect that our code should be able to handle it, but it
does not and I am curious if I can do anything about it without asking
the owner of the service to handle quotes

Kind Regards

Simon Topley
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[WiX-users] Permission Element, and next v3 pre-release build?

2007-04-30 Thread Lewis G. Pringle, Jr.

I've just tried WIX, after a decade of suffering with
Installshield, and I'm truly impressed! This is a major improvement!


I'm using the latest WIX v3 pre-release build 3.0.2420.0.


One of the few (blocking) bugs I've run into appears to be a
known bug with handling the Permission element under registry entries.


According to this link, it was actually fixed in January of


Since the last release (3.0.2420.0) was at the end of 2006, I
don't yet have this fix.


I was wondering, when is the next planned 'build' of the v3
series to be made available? Is there some way I can get the pre-pre-release
builds from CVS, and build the latest version myself (or is it too unstable
to make that worthwhile?)






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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Permission Element, and next v3 pre-release build?

2007-04-30 Thread John Vottero
Weekly builds are at:



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lewis G.
Pringle, Jr.
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2007 10:07 PM
Subject: [WiX-users] Permission Element, and next v3 pre-release build?



I've just tried WIX, after a decade of suffering with
Installshield, and I'm truly impressed! This is a major improvement!


I'm using the latest WIX v3 pre-release build 3.0.2420.0.


One of the few (blocking) bugs I've run into appears to be a
known bug with handling the Permission element under registry entries.


According to this link, it was actually fixed in January of


Since the last release (3.0.2420.0) was at the end of 2006,
I don't yet have this fix.


I was wondering, when is the next planned 'build' of the v3
series to be made available? Is there some way I can get the
pre-pre-release builds from CVS, and build the latest version myself (or
is it too unstable to make that worthwhile?)






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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] CustomAction = .NET dependancy?

2007-04-30 Thread Bob Arnson


My installer is failing on some systems, and it appears that its 
dependant on the .NET framework.  My CustomActions were authored in 
VC++.  Is .NET always a requirement of installers that use 
CustomActions or is this a result of the build settings I used to 
build the DLL?

It's definitely your settings. Are you sure it's a dependency on .NET? 
The typical problem is using the DLL CRT and not having it installed on 
the target system.


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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Check for at least one required

2007-04-30 Thread Bob Arnson
Scott Parker wrote:
> Is there any way to specify the order rather than just ensuring that 
> your publish actions are ordered last-to-first?

If you use "floating" Publish elements, you can(/must) use the Order 
attribute. Otherwise, it's the order of your XML authoring.

> Also, is this documented anywhere in the WiX docs? (If not, I'd be 
> happy to add it if someone would let me know the best way to do so)

All the schema doc comes from comments in wix.xsd.


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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] After changing "Program Menu" folder, shortcuts are not removed

2007-04-30 Thread Bob Arnson
Igor Maslov wrote:
> I thought that it at least guarantees clean removal of whatever it
> installed.

It does, when you use its tables to do so. When you get user data or use 
custom actions, you're responsible for the data gathered.


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Re: [WiX-users] Trouble building with wcautil.lib

2007-04-30 Thread Bob Arnson


In Visual C++ 2005 Express, everything compiles ok until I add the line:

You might also need the Windows SDK to get all the headers. VC++Express 
is geared mostly toward .NET development.


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