Call for Papers: ACM HPDC 2022 (The 31th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing)

2021-11-07 Thread Ali Anwar
The ACM International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and
Distributed Computing (HPDC) is the premier annual conference for
presenting the latest research on the design, implementation, evaluation,
and use of parallel and distributed systems for high-end computing. The
31st HPDC will take place in Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 27-July 1, 2022.


Submissions are now open here (


Abstracts due: January 20th 11:59pm Anywhere on Earth (AoE), 2022

Papers due: January 27th 11:59pm Anywhere on Earth (AoE), 2022

Author notifications: March 31st, 2022

Camera-ready version: April 21, 2022

Conference dates: June 27 - July 1, 2022

Scope and Topics

Submissions are welcomed on high-performance parallel and distributed
computing (HPDC) topics including but not limited to: clouds, clusters,
grids, big data, massively multicore, and extreme-scale computing systems.
Experience reports of operational deployments that provide significantly
novel insights for future research on HPDC applications and systems are
also welcome.

In the context of high-performance parallel and distributed computing, the
topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Datacenter, HPC, cloud, serverless, and edge/IoT computing platforms

Heterogeneous computing accelerators and non-volatile memory systems

File and storage systems, I/O, and data management

Operating systems and networks

System software and middleware for parallel and distributed systems

Programming languages and runtime systems

Big data stacks and big data ecosystems

Scientific applications, algorithms, and workflows

Resource management and scheduling

Performance modeling, benchmarking, and engineering

Fault tolerance, reliability, and availability

Operational guarantees, risk assessment, and management

Novel post-Moore computing technologies including neuromorphic,
brain-inspired computing, and quantum computing.

New at HPDC 2022

New paper submission categories:

This year, submissions to HPDC can be made in one of the following two
categories: (1) regular papers, or (2) open-source tools and data papers.
The primary focus of "regular papers" should be to describe new research
ideas supported by experimental implementation and evaluation of the
proposed research ideas. The primary focus of "open-source tools and data"
should be to describe the design, development, and evaluation of new
open-source tools or novel data sources. Submissions in the "regular
papers" category are also encouraged to open-source their software or
hardware artifacts.

The authors are required to indicate the category of the paper as a part of
the submitted manuscript's title. The last line of the title should
indicate the paper type by using one of the two phrases (1) Paper Type:
Regular, or (2) Paper Type: Open-source tools and data paper.

Papers in the open-source tools and data papers category with relatively
shorter length (e.g., 6 pages) are welcome, if the contributions can be
well articulated and substantiated in 6 pages. However, all submissions in
the tool and data category have the flexibility of using the maximum
allowed number of pages, similar to the regular category papers.

The submissions in both categories will be evaluated to the same standards
in terms of novelty, scientific value, demonstrated usefulness, and
potential impact on the field. The nature of the contribution differs
between the two categories (new research idea vs. new open-source
tool/data) and papers will be evaluated based on the intended nature of the
contribution, as declared by the chosen paper category at the time of the
submission. The chosen category at the time of the submission can not be
changed after the submission deadline.

Suggested formatting for Introduction section of the paper

This year, HPDC authors are encouraged to structure their introduction
section of the paper in the following format (as subsections or headings).
The suggested length is two pages at maximum for this format.

[A] Motivation: Clearly state the objective of the paper and provide
(quantitative) support to motivate the specific problem your submission is

[B] Limitation of state-of-art approaches: Briefly review the most relevant
and most recent prior works. Clearly articulate the limitations of prior
works and how your approach breaks away from those limitations. A more
detailed discussion should be reserved for the related work section. But,
this section should be sufficient to help readers recognize the novelty of
your approach.

[C] Key insights and contributions: Briefly articulate the major insights
that enable your approach or make it effective. Clearly specify the novelty
of these insights and how they advance state-of-the-art. Describe the key
ideas of your approach and design. List the key contributions including
flagship empirical results and improvement over the prior art as applicable.

[D] Experimental methodology and artifact availability: Cl

Re: [PATCH V7] gpio: virtio: Add IRQ support

2021-11-07 Thread Viresh Kumar
On 04-11-21, 16:37, Bartosz Golaszewski wrote:
> I picked up the v7 I see in patchwork (but not in my inbox :( )

I did send it to and can see both in the --to field:

Bartosz Golaszewski ,
Bartosz Golaszewski ,

Anything wrong there ?

Virtualization mailing list

Re: [PATCH -next] gpio: virtio: remove unneeded semicolon

2021-11-07 Thread Viresh Kumar
On 08-11-21, 12:03, Yang Li wrote:
> Eliminate the following coccicheck warning:
> ./drivers/gpio/gpio-virtio.c:437:2-3: Unneeded semicolon
> Reported-by: Abaci Robot 
> Signed-off-by: Yang Li 
> ---
>  drivers/gpio/gpio-virtio.c | 2 +-
>  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
> diff --git a/drivers/gpio/gpio-virtio.c b/drivers/gpio/gpio-virtio.c
> index aeec4bf..84f96b7 100644
> --- a/drivers/gpio/gpio-virtio.c
> +++ b/drivers/gpio/gpio-virtio.c
> @@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ static void virtio_gpio_event_vq(struct virtqueue *vq)
>   ret = generic_handle_domain_irq(vgpio->gc.irq.domain, gpio);
>   if (ret)
>   dev_err(dev, "failed to handle interrupt: %d\n", ret);
> - };
> + }
>  }
>  static void virtio_gpio_request_vq(struct virtqueue *vq)

Acked-by: Viresh Kumar 

Virtualization mailing list

Re: [PATCH 1/2] eni_vdpa: Fix an error handling path in 'eni_vdpa_probe()'

2021-11-07 Thread Jason Wang
On Mon, Nov 8, 2021 at 12:15 AM Christophe JAILLET
> In the error handling path, a successful 'vp_legacy_probe()' should be
> balanced by a corresponding 'vp_legacy_remove()' call, as already done in
> the remove function.
> Add the missing call and update gotos accordingly.
> Fixes: e85087beedca ("eni_vdpa: add vDPA driver for Alibaba ENI")
> Signed-off-by: Christophe JAILLET 
> ---
>  drivers/vdpa/alibaba/eni_vdpa.c | 6 --
>  1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/drivers/vdpa/alibaba/eni_vdpa.c b/drivers/vdpa/alibaba/eni_vdpa.c
> index 3f788794571a..12b3db6b4517 100644
> --- a/drivers/vdpa/alibaba/eni_vdpa.c
> +++ b/drivers/vdpa/alibaba/eni_vdpa.c
> @@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ static int eni_vdpa_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const 
> struct pci_device_id *id)
> if (!eni_vdpa->vring) {
> ret = -ENOMEM;
> ENI_ERR(pdev, "failed to allocate virtqueues\n");
> -   goto err;
> +   goto err_remove_vp_legacy;
> }
> for (i = 0; i < eni_vdpa->queues; i++) {
> @@ -513,11 +513,13 @@ static int eni_vdpa_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const 
> struct pci_device_id *id)
> ret = vdpa_register_device(&eni_vdpa->vdpa, eni_vdpa->queues);
> if (ret) {
> ENI_ERR(pdev, "failed to register to vdpa bus\n");
> -   goto err;
> +   goto err_remove_vp_legacy;
> }
> return 0;
> +err_remove_vp_legacy:
> +   vp_legacy_remove(&eni_vdpa->ldev);

Won't vp_legacy_remove() be triggered by the put_devic() below?


>  err:
> put_device(&eni_vdpa->;
> return ret;
> --
> 2.30.2

Virtualization mailing list