Re: are emails getting through to the list?

2021-06-09 Thread Michael Gmelin

On Wed, 9 Jun 2021 16:26:47 +0100
tech-lists  wrote:

> Is working?

Yes, "J." aka "tech-lists".

Michael Gmelin

Should we include ttyu* to devfs_ruleset 3 (devfsrules_unhide_login)?

2021-08-01 Thread Michael Gmelin

There are many TTY devices in devfsrules_unhide_login=3, but ttyu*
(serial lines) are not part of it.

As a result, certain things won't work as expected when connecting over
a serial console, one example being connecting to a local bhyve vm over
serial console (e.g., `vm console myvm' when using vm-bhyve).

The example that brought this to my attention is using ssh within a
jail that's running inside of a VM, while being connected to that VM
over serial console.

So the setup is:
- FreeBSD 13 host
- bhyve vm running FreeBSD 13 on top
- Jail using mount.devfs running within the bhyve vm, using the default
  devfs_ruleset inside of the bhyve vm (which in turn loads
  devfsrules_jail=4, which includes devfsrules_unhide_login=3).

Now, ssh within that jail won't work, as /dev/tty can't be accessed.

Example (while being connected to the vm over a serial line):

# jail -c path=/ mount.devfs ip4=inherit command=ssh localhost
Host key verification failed.
jail: ssh localhost: failed

Now, adding in an extra rule to ruleset 3:

# devfs rule -s 3 add 3250 path "ttyu*" unhide

Things work as expected:

# jail -c path=/ mount.devfs ip4=inherit command=ssh localhost
The authenticity of host 'localhost (' can't be
established... Are you sure you want to continue connecting

Now the question is, would it make sense to add ttyu* (or at least
ttyu0) to [devfsrules_unhide_login=3] in /etc/defaults/devfs.rules, or
are there any (security) reasons why this might be a bad idea?


Michael Gmelin

Re: bastille : poudriere not working in jail: jail: jail:_set: Operation not permitted!

2022-02-28 Thread Michael Gmelin

On Mon, 28 Feb 2022 16:15:45 +0100
FreeBSD User  wrote:

> Hello folks,
> we run at least two poudriere build systems on recent CURRENT boxes
> and one of these poudriere build systems is working within a jail -
> setup via FreeBSD's /etc/jail.conf and by misusing the port ezjail
> for copying/deploying our self-compiled jail binary. The poudriere
> jail uses ZFS and is, to make it short, working like a charme.
> Now we try to setup another poudriere, but this time the base is
> XigmaNAS, which is based upon 12.X-RELENG, utilizing
> "bastille". Bastille is up to date (in terms od the XigmaNAS plugin).
> Following the setup we used on the native CURRENT "jailed poudriere"
> builder and also following this reference (for those who want to
> check on this)
> which seems quite recent and with the exception, that we use "vnet"
> on all of our systems for jails and so does XigmaNAS.
> Starting a building process via poudriere ends up with
> # poudriere bulk -p head -z default -j 123-amd64 -f
> /usr/local/etc/poudriere.d/zeit4-default.pkglist [00:00:00] Creating
> the reference jail... done [00:00:01] Mounting system devices for
> 123-amd64-head-default [00:00:01] Warning: Using packages from
> previously failed, or uncommitted, build:
> /mnt/poudriere/data/packages/123-amd64-head-default/.building
> [00:00:01] Mounting ports from: /mnt/poudriere/ports/head [00:00:01]
> Mounting packages from:
> /mnt/poudriere/data/packages/123-amd64-head-default [00:00:01]
> Mounting distfiles from: /mnt/poudriere/ports/distfiles [00:00:01]
> Copying /var/db/ports from:
> /usr/local/etc/poudriere.d/head-amd64-head-default-options [00:00:02]
> Appending to make.conf: /usr/local/etc/poudriere.d/make.conf
> /etc/resolv.conf ->
> /mnt/poudriere/data/.m/123-amd64-head-default/ref/etc/resolv.conf
> [00:00:02] Starting jail 123-amd64-head-default jail: jail_set:
> Operation not permitted [00:00:02] Cleaning up [00:00:02] Unmounting
> file systems
> poudriere jail -l:
> # poudriere jail -l
> 123-amd64 12.3-RELEASE amd64
> url= ... 3-RELEASE/ 2022-02-24
> 14:14:25 /mnt/poudriere/jails/123-amd64 130-amd64 13.0-RELEASE amd64
> url= ... 0-RELEASE/ 2022-02-24
> 14:11:32 /mnt/poudriere/jails/130-amd64
> The jail.conf for this specific jail is as follows:
> [...]
> pulverfass-001 {
> devfs_ruleset = 13;
> enforce_statfs = 1;
> exec.clean;
> exec.consolelog =
> /mnt/extensions/bastille/logs/pulverfass-001_console.log; exec.start
> = '/bin/sh /etc/rc'; exec.stop = '/bin/sh /etc/rc.shutdown';
> host.hostname = X;
> mount.devfs;
> mount.fstab = /mnt/extensions/bastille/jails/pulverfass-001/fstab;
> path = /mnt/extensions/bastille/jails/pulverfass-001/root;
> securelevel = 0;
> vnet;
> vnet.interface = e0b_bastille4;
> exec.prestart += "jib addm bastille4 igb0";
> exec.prestart += "ifconfig e0a_bastille4 description \"vnet host
> interface for Bastille jail pulverfass-001\""; exec.poststop += "jib
> destroy bastille4";
> allow.mount;
> allow.mount.fdescfs;
> allow.mount.devfs;
> allow.mount.tmpfs;
> allow.mount.nullfs;
> allow.mount.procfs;
> allow.mount.linsysfs;
> allow.mount.linprocfs;
> allow.mount.zfs;
> allow.chflags;
> allow.raw_sockets;
> allow.socket_af;
> allow.sysvipc;
> linux = new;
> exec.created += "/sbin/zfs jail ${name} BUNKER00/poudriere";
> exec.start += "/sbin/zfs mount -a";
> exec.poststop += "/sbin/zfs unjail BUNKER00/poudriere";
> }
> [...]
> Tracking the execution of the build process by issuing
> poudriere -x bulk ...
> and examin the resulting trace doesn' tgive me any hint, the error
> reported above immediately occurs when the jail is about to be
> started:
> + set -u +x
> + jail -c persist 'name=123-amd64-head-default'
> 'path=/mnt/poudriere/data/.m/ \ 123-amd64-head-default/ref'
> 'host.hostname=basehost.local.domain' \ 'ip4.addr='
> 'ip6.addr=::1' allow.chflags allow.sysvipc jail: jail_set: Operation
> not permitted
> + exit_handler
> [...]
> Searching the net revealed some issues with setting IP4 and IP6 in
> poudriere, but those findings are dated back to 2017 and 2014 and I
> guess this is solved right now.
> The difference between our manually jail.conf drive

Re: (vm-)bhyve stopped working recently on 13.2

2024-01-12 Thread Michael Gmelin

> On 12. Jan 2024, at 21:50, Tomek CEDRO  wrote:
> Hello world :-)
> Aftere recent 13.2-RELEASE freebsd-update and pkg bhyve stopped
> working. It starts a machine that stops right after start. I am using
> vm-bhyve (1.5.0) frontend and enabling debug="yes" does not really
> reveal anything more except error code and its cause.
> Does anyone know what can be the problem and solution here? :-)
> Any hints appreciated :-)
> Tomek

What are you running inside bhyve (OS and version)? Could you maybe share 
vm-bhyve‘s config file?


> --

Re: (vm-)bhyve stopped working recently on 13.2

2024-01-12 Thread Michael Gmelin

> On 12. Jan 2024, at 23:08, Tomek CEDRO  wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 10:54 PM Michael Gmelin wrote:
>> What are you running inside bhyve (OS and version)? Could you maybe share 
>> vm-bhyve‘s config file?
> I was running Debian 11 and since it stopped working I tried Debian 12.
> debug="yes"
> #loader="bhyveload"
> loader="uefi"
> uefi_vars="yes"
> graphics="yes"
> graphics_res="1920x1080"
> graphics_listen=""
> graphics_wait="no"
> graphics_vga="no"
> cpu="4"
> memory="20G"
> network0_type="virtio-net"
> network0_switch="public"
> #disk0_type="virtio-blk"
> disk0_type="nvme"
> disk0_name="disk0.img"
> sound="yes"
> sound_play="/dev/dsp"
> passthru0="6/0/0"
> xhci_mouse="yes"
> uuid="XXX"
> network0_mac="XXX"


Does it work when you disable passthrough?

> …
> My last reply went to the questions list only, so as this one goes
> also to the virtualisation I would like to humbly express an idea of
> moving vh-bhyve under FreeeBSD wings and make it a default frontend
> for bhyve as it is amazingly simple and does the job :-)

Not sure if the author would like that. It’s a great tool for sure.


> Thanks Michael :-)
> Tomek
> --

Re: (vm-)bhyve stopped working recently on 13.2

2024-01-12 Thread Michael Gmelin

> On 12. Jan 2024, at 23:49, Tomek CEDRO  wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 11:45 PM Michael Gmelin wrote:
>> Does it work when you disable passthrough?
> Tried that no change :-(

Probably best to strip down the config to see if it starts and then - assuming 
it does - bring back various settings (including sound, graphics etc.).


>> Not sure if the author would like that. It’s a great tool for sure.
> Indeed! It deserves more attention / support :-)
> --

Re: (vm-)bhyve stopped working recently on 13.2

2024-01-12 Thread Michael Gmelin

> On 13. Jan 2024, at 01:59, Michael Gmelin  wrote:
>>> On 12. Jan 2024, at 23:49, Tomek CEDRO  wrote:
>>> On Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 11:45 PM Michael Gmelin wrote:
>>> Does it work when you disable passthrough?
>> Tried that no change :-(
> Probably best to strip down the config to see if it starts and then - 
> assuming it does - bring back various settings (including sound, graphics 
> etc.).
> Cheers

Actually, this looks like it might be related:

Found the link in here:


Re: bhyve vm and virtio-console

2025-02-14 Thread Michael Gmelin

> On 14. Feb 2025, at 23:46, Petru Garstea  
> wrote:
> Spinning up the vm with /dev/nmdm* and connecting with cu -l is not an issue 
> on my end.
> I am trying to create a vm using freebsd cloud image and connect to guest OS 
> terminal with virtio-console and socat(no X11).
> When spawning the vm the unix socket indeed is created, however when I 
> connect to it with socat nothing is being shown(not actions on any terminal 
> commands as well).
> Also, I noticed there is a kernel module(virtio_console.ko) and apparently I 
> believe it has to be loaded it, not sure here.
> Please advise,

You can connect to the device inside the vm like I wrote and pass data to the 
socat connected socket on the outside (this is what I tested, please see my 
previous email).

Are you trying to get some sort of shell over this connection?


>> On 2/14/25 17:23, Paul Vixie wrote:
>> if you want to use cu, you have to use -l to map guest com1 to some host nmdm
>> device. if you want to use virtio-console, it will create unix domain sockets
>> not pseudo tty endpoints. from bhyve(8) we see:
>>>  Virtio console device backends:
>>>  port1=/path/to/port1.sock[,portN=/path/to/port2.sock ...]
>>>A maximum of 16 ports per device can be 
>>> created.  Every
>>>  port
>>>  is named and corresponds to a Unix domain socket created by
>>>  bhyve.  bhyve accepts at most one connection per port at a
>>>  time.
>>>•   Due to lack of destructors in bhyve, 
>>> sockets on the
>>>  filesystem must be cleaned up manually after bhyve
>>>  exits.
>>>•   There is no way to use the “console 
>>> port” feature, nor
>>>  the console port resize at present.
>>>•   Emergency write is advertised, but 
>>> no-op at present.
>> i know of no host-side client which will connect to these unix domain sockets
>> and offer a cu-like user interface. "unidirectional" may be the experience
>> you'll get from "socat".
>> if what you're trying to accomplish is a graphical console, virtio-console is
>> not the way to do it. rather, you'll want "fbuf" to create a guest 
>> VGA/similar
>> that gateways to a host VNC.
>> re:
>>> On Friday, February 14, 2025 9:55:23 PM UTC Petru Garstea wrote:
>>> I tried with the following command, and got the same result.
>>> */usr/sbin/bhyve -H -P -A -c 1 -m 1500M \
>>> -s 0,hostbridge \
>>> -s 6,virtio-console,0=/tmp/vtcon.0 \
>>> -s 31,lpc \
>>> -l bootrom,/tmp/BHYVE_UEFI.fd \
>>> -s 1,virtio-blk,/tmp/fbsd.img \
>>> -s 2,virtio-net,tap0 \
>>> tmp*
>>> I also able to connect but the bidirectional connection is not happening
>>> *socat - UNIX-CONNECT:/tmp/vtcon.0
>>> ls
>>> *
>>> PS: if I use null modem emulation instead virtio-console, then
>>> connecting with cu is not an issue.
>>> any ideas ?
>>> Thanks
>>> On 2/14/25 14:57, Michael Gmelin wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 14 Feb 2025 14:21:07 -0500
>>>> Petru Garstea wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I am trying to configure bhyve vm with support of virtio-console, the
>>>>> following option is added to bhyve command line
>>>>> *-s 3,virtio-console,port1=/test/console.sock
>>>>> *However when trying to connect to socket with socat trere are no
>>>>> input/ouptut is observed.
>>>>> Has virtio-console ever worked ?
>>>> Yes it works, I just tried it using sysutils/vm-bhyve (just add
>>>> virt_console0="Yes" to the configuration file).
>>>> Based on the logs, these device settings are used by it:
>>>>  bhyve devices:
>>>>-s 0,hostbridge \
>>>>-s 31,lpc \
>>>>-s 4:0,virtio-blk,/dev/zvol/zroot/vms/freebsd14-test/disk0 \
>>>>-s 5:0,virtio-net,tap0,mac=58:9c:fc:aa:aa:aa \
>>>>-s 6:0,virtio-console,0=/vms/freebsd14-test/vtcon.0
>>>> I could connect to /vms/freebsd14-test/vtcon.0 using socat:
>>>>  socat - UNIX-CONNECT:/vms/freebsd14-test/vtcon.0
>>>> Inside the vm it's /dev/vtcon/0.
>>>> -m

Re: bhyve vm and virtio-console

2025-02-14 Thread Michael Gmelin

On Fri, 14 Feb 2025 14:21:07 -0500
Petru Garstea  wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to configure bhyve vm with support of virtio-console, the 
> following option is added to bhyve command line
> *-s 3,virtio-console,port1=/test/console.sock
> *However when trying to connect to socket with socat trere are no 
> input/ouptut is observed.
> Has virtio-console ever worked ?

Yes it works, I just tried it using sysutils/vm-bhyve (just add
virt_console0="Yes" to the configuration file).

Based on the logs, these device settings are used by it:

bhyve devices:
  -s 0,hostbridge \
  -s 31,lpc \
  -s 4:0,virtio-blk,/dev/zvol/zroot/vms/freebsd14-test/disk0 \
  -s 5:0,virtio-net,tap0,mac=58:9c:fc:aa:aa:aa \
  -s 6:0,virtio-console,0=/vms/freebsd14-test/vtcon.0

I could connect to /vms/freebsd14-test/vtcon.0 using socat:

socat - UNIX-CONNECT:/vms/freebsd14-test/vtcon.0

Inside the vm it's /dev/vtcon/0.


Michael Gmelin

Re: bhyve vm and virtio-console

2025-02-15 Thread Michael Gmelin

On Fri, 14 Feb 2025 19:36:21 -0500
peter garshtja  wrote:

> Alright, I was missing the point, in my case if I want to get shell
> access via virtio-console then I should have attached getty to that
> console inside the guest os, and eventually I expected to see the
> same behavior as I have experienced with null modem emulator.

Yes, e.g., adding this in the vm's /etc/ttys will give you access to
a console without login/password prompt:

ttyV0.0 "/usr/libexec/getty autologin"  xterm   on secure


p.s. To make the life of those reading threads later, and if your
email client allows, please avoid top posting on the mailing lists:

Thank you!

Michael Gmelin