[vchkpw] Re: New server

2012-08-20 Thread Allan Dukat
Eric Shubert skriver: 

Hey Allan.

Hey Eric 

Thanks for your reply. 


The server you've built is fairly close to a qmail-toaster
(http://wiki.qmailtoaster.com). As the project leader there, I'm curious
to know why you didn't choose to go that route. We aim to make QMT easy to
build and suitable for as many situations as we can. Care to comment?

I use Ubuntu Server for this project, as for most others in the company, and
I want to have as much control of the application as possible, and I want to
migrate to the new server whith as few changes as possible, so I concluded
that the best way was to follow the procedure i used for the current
production server, which was inspired by http://www.lifewithqmail.org/ 

Oh, and one more thing. You really should consider using spamdyke
(http://spamdyke.org). It's the single most effective spam fighting tool
available, and it only works with qmail (at this time).

I use an other company product as a spam firewall in front of my server. 

Kind regards 

Allan Dukat


Re: [vchkpw] New server

2012-08-20 Thread Allan Dukat
John M. Simpson skriver: 

On 2012-08-17, at 13:33, Allan Dukat wrote:
> On my current server I am using the netqmail-1.05-validrcptto.cdb.patch
> but I have decided to switch to chkuser.patch, so chkuser is new to me. 

Is it okay for me (the author of the validrcptto.cdb code) to ask why you
decided to switch?

Sure. It is not that I have had any problems whith your patches, which I
have used for years. 

But for a long time ago I made a note to my self, that chkuser was
recommended on this list, so I checked it up when I started the build of
this new server. 

I concluded that I did not need the pipe-watcher functionality if I used the
chkuser.patch, thus my system would be less complex. 

That's the only reason. 

Kind regards 

Allan Dukat


[vchkpw] 送信先変更のお願い

2012-08-20 Thread info


セブン銀行 テレホンセンター   
受付時間 8:00〜21:00(年中無休)


Re: [vchkpw] New server

2012-08-20 Thread Allan Dukat
Tonix (Antonio Nati) skriver: 

chkuser does not check for local users when domain is defined into locals.
In such a case it simply accept any recipient for local domains. Reason is
simple. For checking local domains users it should have root privileges,
which is not wanted for a lot of reasons. 

I suggest to abandon any local domain, and use only virtual domains. 

You have to delete that domain from locals, and create it again as a
normal virtual domain. In such a way you can have complete control using

I did in this way for any of my local domains, where a virtual domain has
been created for each local domain, or a global alias has been defined to
route local recipients to virtual users. 



Thank you very much, for the answer, it clears things up. 

Kind regards 

Allan Dukat


[vchkpw] Re: New server

2012-08-20 Thread Eric Shubert

On 08/20/2012 05:26 AM, Allan Dukat wrote:

I use Ubuntu Server for this project, as for most others in the company,
I want to have as much control of the application as possible, and I
want to
migrate to the new server whith as few changes as possible, so I concluded
that the best way was to follow the procedure i used for the current
production server, which was inspired by http://www.lifewithqmail.org/

QMT is a descendant of lifewithqmail as well. QMT is an offshoot of 
qmailrocks, which is an offshoot of LWQ. So they have strong 
similarities, although LWQ and QMR are no longer active projects TTBOMK.

Unfortunately, QMT hasn't been ported to .deb based systems yet (rpm 
platforms only). We hope to do this in the future though, as we're in 
the process of moving sources to Github, and plan to build binary 
packages using the openSUSE Build Service, which will allow us to build 
binaries for all the major linux distros. We presently have a repository 
with 9 mirrors world wide provided by community members.

QMT has grown into a strong community project, and we welcome whoever 
would like to participate. People with qmail and debian based experience 
will be especially welcomed additions to the community at some point. 
Like I said though, we're not yet ready to be cranking out debian 
builds. When we are though, I'll try to remember to look you up.

Thanks Allan.

-Eric 'shubes'


[vchkpw] 送信先変更のお願い

2012-08-20 Thread info


セブン銀行 テレホンセンター   
受付時間 8:00〜21:00(年中無休)


RE: [vchkpw] Re: New server

2012-08-20 Thread Thibault Richard

>QMT is a descendant of lifewithqmail as well. QMT is an offshoot of
qmailrocks, which is an offshoot of LWQ. So they have strong similarities,
although >LWQ and QMR are no longer active projects TTBOMK.

QMR is not totally dead. 3 years ago, I've created the site
http://qmailrocks.thibs.com/ largely inspired by QMR but only with
instructions about Debian

Friendly Regards



[vchkpw] Re: New server

2012-08-20 Thread Eric Shubert

On 08/20/2012 08:04 AM, Thibault Richard wrote:


QMT is a descendant of lifewithqmail as well. QMT is an offshoot of

qmailrocks, which is an offshoot of LWQ. So they have strong similarities,
although >LWQ and QMR are no longer active projects TTBOMK.

QMR is not totally dead. 3 years ago, I've created the site
http://qmailrocks.thibs.com/ largely inspired by QMR but only with
instructions about Debian

Friendly Regards


I'm glad to know that Thibault. I'm sure that your site will be an 
invaluable reference as QMT includes .deb.

Would you care to join us at QMT? We have a developers list that's low 
noise which I'd be glad to see you join.


-Eric 'shubes'


[vchkpw] 送信先変更のお願い

2012-08-20 Thread info


セブン銀行 テレホンセンター   
受付時間 8:00〜21:00(年中無休)
