[USRP-users] N32x - Signal amplitude distorted when NOT using coherent frontend ?

2022-03-16 Thread tebetix672--- via USRP-users

I have been doing a simple test where an impulse (with a rather small duty 
cycle) is sent over a (short) wire and then captured by two N32x boards 
synchronized with White Rabbit. The B210 has a sampling rate of 4 Msps, while 
I’ve tried using both 10 Msps and 5 Msps for the N32x (with the bandwidths 
adjusted correspondingly).

To my surprise, the amplitudes of the signals seem to be “modulated” — see, for 
instance, a plot of the absolute value of the signals here: 

This effect “magically” disappears if I configure the two boards to have a 
coherent frontend — by connecting “out0” of the N321 board to the LO input on 
the N320, and “out1” to “in1”, where I do the latter despite using only the 
first channel of each board. Even weirder, if I just configure the N321 board 
to use the coherent frontend (thus being a timing source and destination), 
while I leave the N320 as it is, the signal on the N321 is just fine while the 
other gets largely distorted: https://ibb.co/Q9qqKcq

My guess is that I’ve misconfigured something…. but what?\
The only differences are the commands:

`usrp->set_rx_lo_source("external", "lo1", 0);`\
`usrp->set_rx_lo_source("external", "lo1", 1);`\
`usrp->set_rx_lo_export_enabled(true, "lo1", 0);`\

on the N321, with just the first two lines for the N320 — but I cannot see how 
this could affect the acquired signals…

Thanks a lot in advance for any help!


(note: I’ve also asked help on this on dsp-related, thinking this was an issue 
with my understanding of SDRs, but the last test mentioned above made me wonder 
whether this was an issue due to a misconfiguration of the N32x boards…)
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[USRP-users] Re: N32x - Signal amplitude distorted when NOT using coherent frontend ?

2022-03-16 Thread Rob Kossler
Could this be an issue related to automatic DC bias calibration? If you are
using a "DC" pulse (that is, at 0 Hz relative to the LO), perhaps you are
seeing effects from DC bias cancellation.  You can either turn off this
calibration using the appropriate "args" at startup or you could request an
LO offset or you could modify your digital waveform to be not at DC.

On Wed, Mar 16, 2022 at 8:28 AM tebetix672--- via USRP-users <
usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:

> Hello!
> I have been doing a simple test where an impulse (with a rather small duty
> cycle) is sent over a (short) wire and then captured by two N32x boards
> synchronized with White Rabbit. The B210 has a sampling rate of 4 Msps,
> while I’ve tried using both 10 Msps and 5 Msps for the N32x (with the
> bandwidths adjusted correspondingly).
> To my surprise, the amplitudes of the signals seem to be “modulated” —
> see, for instance, a plot of the absolute value of the signals here:
> https://ibb.co/PggyT06
> This effect “magically” disappears if I configure the two boards to have a
> coherent frontend — by connecting “out0” of the N321 board to the LO input
> on the N320, and “out1” to “in1”, where I do the latter despite using only
> the first channel of each board. Even weirder, if I just configure the N321
> board to use the coherent frontend (thus being a timing source and
> destination), while I leave the N320 as it is, the signal on the N321 is
> just fine while the other gets largely distorted: https://ibb.co/Q9qqKcq
> My guess is that I’ve misconfigured something…. but what?
> The only differences are the commands:
> usrp->set_rx_lo_source("external", "lo1", 0);
> usrp->set_rx_lo_source("external", "lo1", 1);
> usrp->set_rx_lo_export_enabled(true, "lo1", 0);
> usrp->get_device()->get_tree()->access("/blocks/0/Radio#0/dboard/rx_frontends/0/los/lo1/lo_distribution/LO_OUT_0/export").set(true);
> usrp->get_device()->get_tree()->access("/blocks/0/Radio#0/dboard/rx_frontends/0/los/lo1/lo_distribution/LO_OUT_1/export").set(true);
> on the N321, with just the first two lines for the N320 — but I cannot see
> how this could affect the acquired signals…
> Thanks a lot in advance for any help!
> Best,
> Rob
> (note: I’ve also asked help on this on dsp-related, thinking this was an
> issue with my understanding of SDRs, but the last test mentioned above made
> me wonder whether this was an issue due to a misconfiguration of the N32x
> boards…)
> ___
> USRP-users mailing list -- usrp-users@lists.ettus.com
> To unsubscribe send an email to usrp-users-le...@lists.ettus.com
USRP-users mailing list -- usrp-users@lists.ettus.com
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[USRP-users] Re: N32x - Signal amplitude distorted when NOT using coherent frontend ?

2022-03-16 Thread tebetix672--- via USRP-users
Hello Rob,

Thanks for your reply! Actually I was observing the same phenomenon, though 
significantly less pronounced, with a sine wave. In the dsp-related forum 
they’ve pointed me to the fact that it could be due to the sampling phase 
(emitter and receivers do not share the LOs), I still have to meditate a bit 
about this but it might be the cause… :S

USRP-users mailing list -- usrp-users@lists.ettus.com
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[USRP-users] pybombs install of rfnoc onto ubuntu 20.04 lts

2022-03-16 Thread Caffrey, Michael Paul via USRP-users

I am trying to install rfnoc usiing pybombs per


It seems to fail in the gnuradio portion, as shown below. I have found 
references to issues like gnuradio branch should be maint-3.7, but the recipes 
already have that, and I have found references to qt4 should be replaced by qt5 
in the recipes, but they already have that fix , too.

How should I be re - running this command ? is there cleanup I need to do 
first? I've just been trying things and repeating...
 pybombs prefix init ./rfnoc -R rfnoc -a rfnoc

I see that uhd and gnuradio can be installed by apt install, but how can I do 
that and get rfnoc installed successfully to work with them?

Finally, it appears that the uhd portion built and installed correctly, however 
I have this problem...
./uhd_config_info: error while loading shared libraries: libuhd.so.4.2.0: 
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Thanks for any suggestions, Mike

[INFO] Installing package: gnuradio
[WARNING] Build dir already exists: 
Configuring: (100%) 
[WARNING] Configuration failed. Re-trying with higher verbosity.
-- Build type set to RelWithDebInfo.
-- Extracting version information from git describe...
-- Compiler Version: cc (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 9.4.0
Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
-- Compiler Flags: /usr/bin/cc:::-O2 -g -DNDEBUG  -std=gnu99 
-fvisibility=hidden -Wsign-compare -Wall -Wno-uninitialized
/usr/bin/c++:::-O2 -g -DNDEBUG  -fvisibility=hidden -Wsign-compare -Wall 
-- Building Static Libraries: OFF
-- Could NOT find PythonLibs (missing: PYTHON_LIBRARIES PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS) 
(Required is at least version "2.7")
-- Checking for module SWIG
-- Found SWIG version 3.0.12.
-- The build system will automatically enable all components.
-- Use -DENABLE_DEFAULT=OFF to disable components by default.
-- Configuring python-support support...
--   Dependency SWIG_FOUND = TRUE

USRP-users mailing list -- usrp-users@lists.ettus.com
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[USRP-users] Re: pybombs install of rfnoc onto ubuntu 20.04 lts

2022-03-16 Thread Marcus D. Leech

On 2022-03-16 12:05, Caffrey, Michael Paul via USRP-users wrote:


I am trying to install rfnoc usiing pybombs per


It seems to fail in the gnuradio portion, as shown below. I have found 
references to issues like gnuradio branch should be maint-3.7, but the 
recipes already have that, and I have found references to qt4 should 
be replaced by qt5 in the recipes, but they already have that fix , too.

How should I be re - running this command ? is there cleanup I need to 
do first? I've just been trying things and repeating...

     pybombs prefix init ./rfnoc -R rfnoc -a rfnoc

I see that uhd and gnuradio can be installed by apt install, but how 
can I do that and get rfnoc installed successfully to work with them?

Finally, it appears that the uhd portion built and installed 
correctly, however I have this problem...


./uhd_config_info: error while loading shared libraries: 
libuhd.so.4.2.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

WHere did these get installed?

Since this is a pybombs install, you need to run setup_env.sh to get 
various environment variables set correctly based on where your pybombs run

  installed things, including shared libraries.

Thanks for any suggestions, Mike


[INFO] Installing package: gnuradio

[WARNING] Build dir already exists: 

Configuring: (100%) 

[WARNING] Configuration failed. Re-trying with higher verbosity.

-- Build type set to RelWithDebInfo.

-- Extracting version information from git describe...

-- Compiler Version: cc (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 9.4.0

Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO


-- Compiler Flags: /usr/bin/cc:::-O2 -g -DNDEBUG  -std=gnu99 
-fvisibility=hidden -Wsign-compare -Wall -Wno-uninitialized

/usr/bin/c++:::-O2 -g -DNDEBUG -fvisibility=hidden -Wsign-compare 
-Wall -Wno-uninitialized


-- Building Static Libraries: OFF

-- Could NOT find PythonLibs (missing: PYTHON_LIBRARIES 
PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS) (Required is at least version "2.7")


-- Checking for module SWIG

-- Found SWIG version 3.0.12.


-- The build system will automatically enable all components.

-- Use -DENABLE_DEFAULT=OFF to disable components by default.


-- Configuring python-support support...


--   Dependency SWIG_FOUND = TRUE


This looks like you're missing Python2.7 libraries--it may be the case 
that 20.04 doesn't installed 2.7 libraries by default and you'll have to 
install them.

USRP-users mailing list -- usrp-users@lists.ettus.com
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[USRP-users] Re: pybombs install of rfnoc onto ubuntu 20.04 lts

2022-03-16 Thread Caffrey, Michael Paul via USRP-users

From: Marcus D. Leech 
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2022 10:15 AM
To: usrp-users@lists.ettus.com
Subject:  [USRP-users] Re: pybombs install of rfnoc onto ubuntu 20.04 lts

On 2022-03-16 12:05, Caffrey, Michael Paul via USRP-users wrote:

Since this is a pybombs install, you need to run setup_env.sh to get various 
environment variables set correctly based on where your pybombs run
  installed things, including shared libraries.

Aw, this made the difference, thank you Marcus.

This looks like you're missing Python2.7 libraries--it may be the case that 
20.04 doesn't installed 2.7 libraries by default and you'll have to install 
Indeed, Ubuntu hasn’t included 2.7 for some time apparently, so I installed it, 
but I get the same error from pybomb. Does pybomb not handle dependencies? 
Where might I find a list of python2.7 library dependencies that need to be 
installed for gnuradio?
Thank you for the input -Mike

USRP-users mailing list -- usrp-users@lists.ettus.com
To unsubscribe send an email to usrp-users-le...@lists.ettus.com

[USRP-users] Re: pybombs install of rfnoc onto ubuntu 20.04 lts

2022-03-16 Thread Marcus D. Leech

On 2022-03-16 12:41, Caffrey, Michael Paul via USRP-users wrote:

*From:* Marcus D. Leech 
*Sent:* Wednesday, March 16, 2022 10:15 AM
*To:* usrp-users@lists.ettus.com
*Subject:*  [USRP-users] Re: pybombs install of rfnoc onto ubuntu 
20.04 lts

On 2022-03-16 12:05, Caffrey, Michael Paul via USRP-users wrote:

Since this is a pybombs install, you need to run setup_env.sh to get 
various environment variables set correctly based on where your 
pybombs run

  installed things, including shared libraries.

Aw, this made the difference, thank you Marcus.

This looks like you're missing Python2.7 libraries--it may be the case 
that 20.04 doesn't installed 2.7 libraries by default and you'll have 
to install them.

Indeed, Ubuntu hasn’t included 2.7 for some time apparently, so I 
installed it, but I get the same error from pybomb. Does pybomb not 
handle dependencies? Where might I find a list of python2.7 library 
dependencies that need to be installed for gnuradio?

Thank you for the input -Mike

I think you may be heading down a path of grief here, since GR 3.7 is 
now quite obsolete, and the RFNoC bits and pieces for it are also quite 

With the part1 and part2 RFNOC 4 workshop slide deck:



And the migration guide:


I think you're probably a new user of this stuff, so it's better to 
point you at "newer" stuff, than let you go down a path that is obsolete 
before your start

USRP-users mailing list -- usrp-users@lists.ettus.com
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[USRP-users] LP0965 Antenna

2022-03-16 Thread Giuseppe Santaromita

Dear community,

I have purchased a few LP0965 Antennas 
(https://www.ettus.com/all-products/lp0965/) because I would like to do 
a 5G transmission at 3.5 GHz (using OpenAirInterface).

Is there any guidelines that I can follow for deployment? For example, 
in the link it mentions that "The SMA connector is supplied but needs to 
be soldered in place.", but soldered how?

Thanks in advance,

USRP-users mailing list -- usrp-users@lists.ettus.com
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[USRP-users] Re: LP0965 Antenna

2022-03-16 Thread Marcus D. Leech

On 2022-03-16 17:34, Giuseppe Santaromita wrote:

Dear community,

I have purchased a few LP0965 Antennas 
(https://www.ettus.com/all-products/lp0965/) because I would like to 
do a 5G transmission at 3.5 GHz (using OpenAirInterface).

Is there any guidelines that I can follow for deployment? For example, 
in the link it mentions that "The SMA connector is supplied but needs 
to be soldered in place.", but soldered how?

Thanks in advance,

USRP-users mailing list -- usrp-users@lists.ettus.com
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I believe those antennas are manufactured by WA5VJB, and there's a bit 
of a user guide here:


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