Re: [USRP-users] SOB/EOB Burst Mode on X310 Splitting Signal

2021-01-22 Thread Johannes Demel via USRP-users

Hi Jeff,

I use burst mode all the time (mostly on N310 but X310 as well). I 
usually prefer a `packet_length` tag instead of SOB --> EOB. As Marcus 
mentioned, as soon as the first sample goes into the USRP sink, you 
start transmitting and need to sustain your sample rate. To ensure that 
you provide enough samples, I'd recommend to start with a vector source 
and a defined signal. Or use a PDU with a PDU to tagged block to control 
the frequency of your individual packets.
A sine wave with increasing amplitude is probably a very useful signal. 
And I assume you're aware that bursts should be preceeded and followed 
by some zero values to ensure everything is in a steady state as soon as 
your real data is transmitted. The proposed signal would be really 
useful to debug these issues.


On 21.01.21 19:34, Jeff S via USRP-users wrote:

Here's an output of a sine wave which replaced the spikey one:

I think that shows what I believe you were explaining, that the SOB/EOB 
doesn't work like I thought.  I was using them as packet identifiers and 
assumed the USRP would wait for the whole packet to begin transmission, 
but your description seems to indicate that tx_sob turns the radio on 
and tx_eob turns the radio off (maybe a simplification?) and just 
streams whatever it sees during that time.  And during that time, the 
buffer may be empty because data isn't produced fast enough.

The time between the segments of the sine wave show the delay from one 
call of the work function to the next.  There is a delay within the 
source that slows the output of the data, and since I thought the 
SOB/EOB combination would only transmit after the EOB was received, I 
did not think it would be a problem.  It obviously is.

I now have to think of a way to do that with random length data.  Maybe 
add a tx_time to provide some delay before transmission?


*From:* Marcus Müller 
*Sent:* Thursday, January 21, 2021 10:29 AM
*To:* Jeff S ; usrp-users 
*Subject:* Re: [USRP-users] SOB/EOB Burst Mode on X310 Splitting Signal
Hi Jeff,

thanks for clarifying!

Yes, that should work. Also, your GR version definitely has support for 

Generally, I'd expect this to work; only misconception I see is that the 
Sink doesn't
start sending when it sees the EOB; it starts sending at SOB, and stops 
expecting and

sending samples to the USRP at EOB.

Could you try replacing your very "spikey" signal with something like a 
sine, so to see

whether we might be seeing turn of/off behaviour?

Best regards,

On 21.01.21 16:34, Jeff S wrote:

Thanks, Marcus.

Of course, I forgot the important version information.  I'm currently using 
v3.7.13.5.  We
are also doing some RFNoC work, which we had some issues upgrading a while 
back, so we
were holding off until it matured more.  I'll ask our team if they want to try 
and upgrade
to 3.8 again.

I'm sure my description wasn't clear, so I'll try and clarify a little better 
based on
your feedback.

I created the Random Source, and it is sending approximately 10,000 samples to 
the UHD
USRP Sink as one message, with a tx_sob at the start and a tx_eob at the end.  
My thought
was that the sink would not transmit anything until the EOB was received.  The 
GNURadio seems to be running, I'm getting [noutput_items == 4096], so it takes 
three calls
to the work function to deliver all 10K samples of one message to the Sink.  I 
only want
one burst from the sink of those 10K samples.  What I am receiving seems to be 
transmissions that make up the one sample.  The length of the three 
transmissions seem to
correspond to the value of noutput_items I was seeing.

The mention of 100 ms between bursts was only indicating how fast the modulator 
was being
requested to transmit a single message.  So if I only requested one message, 
there would
have been one group of three signals seen in the Rx signal.

Hope that clarified what I was trying to convey a little better.


*From:* Marcus Müller 
*Sent:* Thursday, January 21, 2021 9:06 AM
*To:* Jeff S ; usrp-users 
*Subject:* Re: [USRP-users] SOB/EOB Burst Mode on X310 Splitting Signal
Hi Jeff,

which version of GNU Radio are you using? Judging by the looks of your flow 
graph it's the
(now legacy) 3.7, but *if* I remember correctly (it's really been a while), the 
functionality appeared *somewhen* in 3.7.x; it might be worth trying your exact 
application in GNU Radio 3.8 (or 3.9).

Conceptually, it's important to note that after tx_sob you need to supply the 
full burst
of samples: I think you're doing that, but then again, you say you get three 
data bursts
100 ms apart, so I'm not sure about that, to be honest. The USRP sink can't 
guess that you
want three bursts of samples to be sent as one; it starts streaming as 

Re: [USRP-users] SOB/EOB Burst Mode on X310 Splitting Signal

2021-01-22 Thread Jeff S via USRP-users
Hi, Johannes!

Is the packet_length vs SOB/EOB more of a preference, or are there some 
underlying reasons to go with packet_length?  This is the first time I have 
used burst mode, so I'm just learning all the details of it.  I started with 
packet_length, but I wasn't getting my expected results and switched to 
SOB/EOB.  I apparently wasn't getting my expected values due to the delay in my 
code and my misunderstanding of burst mode.  Fixing where I was getting the 
significant delay in my work function has seemed to clear up my expected signal.

I was considering a vector source, but the size of the vector may be variable 
and that seems like it could pose a challenge.  I did use a [stream to 
vector]-->[vector to stream] to create a makeshift buffer to test if the delay 
was in my source or somewhere else.  That also proved that my source was the 
cause of the delay.

I was not aware of needing the zeros before and after the signal, but it's 
obvious (as soon as you pointed it out).  It makes total sense.  Is there a 
rule of thumb you use for setup time?  I haven't searched yet.

PDU is something else I have not used much, but I thought it might prove useful 
here.  I need to read up on it and do some experimenting to see what I can do 
with it.

Thanks for the help, Johannes.  You and Marcus have been a great help!


From: USRP-users  on behalf of Johannes 
Demel via USRP-users 
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2021 2:47 AM
Subject: Re: [USRP-users] SOB/EOB Burst Mode on X310 Splitting Signal

Hi Jeff,

I use burst mode all the time (mostly on N310 but X310 as well). I
usually prefer a `packet_length` tag instead of SOB --> EOB. As Marcus
mentioned, as soon as the first sample goes into the USRP sink, you
start transmitting and need to sustain your sample rate. To ensure that
you provide enough samples, I'd recommend to start with a vector source
and a defined signal. Or use a PDU with a PDU to tagged block to control
the frequency of your individual packets.
A sine wave with increasing amplitude is probably a very useful signal.
And I assume you're aware that bursts should be preceeded and followed
by some zero values to ensure everything is in a steady state as soon as
your real data is transmitted. The proposed signal would be really
useful to debug these issues.


On 21.01.21 19:34, Jeff S via USRP-users wrote:
> Here's an output of a sine wave which replaced the spikey one:
> I think that shows what I believe you were explaining, that the SOB/EOB
> doesn't work like I thought.  I was using them as packet identifiers and
> assumed the USRP would wait for the whole packet to begin transmission,
> but your description seems to indicate that tx_sob turns the radio on
> and tx_eob turns the radio off (maybe a simplification?) and just
> streams whatever it sees during that time.  And during that time, the
> buffer may be empty because data isn't produced fast enough.
> The time between the segments of the sine wave show the delay from one
> call of the work function to the next.  There is a delay within the
> source that slows the output of the data, and since I thought the
> SOB/EOB combination would only transmit after the EOB was received, I
> did not think it would be a problem.  It obviously is.
> I now have to think of a way to do that with random length data.  Maybe
> add a tx_time to provide some delay before transmission?
> Jeff
> *From:* Marcus Müller 
> *Sent:* Thursday, January 21, 2021 10:29 AM
> *To:* Jeff S ; usrp-users 
> *Subject:* Re: [USRP-users] SOB/EOB Burst Mode on X310 Splitting Signal
> Hi Jeff,
> thanks for clarifying!
> Yes, that should work. Also, your GR version definitely has support for
> Generally, I'd expect this to work; only misconception I see is that the
> Sink doesn't
> start sending when it sees the EOB; it starts sending at SOB, and stops
> expecting and
> sending samples to the USRP at EOB.
> Could you try replacing your very "spikey" signal with something like a
> sine, so to see
> whether we might be seeing turn of/off behaviour?
> Best regards,
> Marcus
> On 21.01.21 16:34, Jeff S wrote:
>> Thanks, Marcus.
>> Of course, I forgot the important version information.  I'm currently using 
>> v3.7.13.5.  We
>> are also doing some RFNoC work, which we had some issues upgrading a while 
>> back, so we
>> were holding off until it matured more.  I'll ask our team if they want to 
>> try and upgrade
>> to 3.8 again.
>> I'm sure my description wasn't clear, so I'll try and clarify a little 
>> better based on
>> your feedback.
>> I created the Random Source, and it is sending approximately 10,000 samples 
>> to the UHD
>> USRP Sink as one message, with a tx_sob at the start and a tx_eob at the 
>> end.  My thought
>> was that the sink would not transmit anything 

Re: [USRP-users] No streaming using OOT RFNoC Block in UHD4

2021-01-22 Thread Cédric Hannotier via USRP-users
Hi Rob,

Thanks for your assistance.

On 21/01/21 22:49, Rob Kossler wrote:
> Also, regarding building in-tree, are you opposed to building in-tree as even
> a temporary test case?  It's not too difficult to do.  I am not
> talking about the
> FPGA code - just the block controller HPP / CPP.

I am not, especially as a temporary solution.
I just fear the possible implicated burden in the long run
compared to OOT when propagating those blocks to multiple hosts.
Do you have documentation on how to properly build
the block controller cpp/hpp in-tree?

I guess I'll have to rebuild the whole UHD?
I was just pulling binaries provided by my distribution.


Cédric Hannotier

USRP-users mailing list

Re: [USRP-users] No streaming using OOT RFNoC Block in UHD4

2021-01-22 Thread Aaron Rossetto via USRP-users
On Thu, Jan 21, 2021 at 4:49 PM Cédric Hannotier via USRP-users

> On a side note:
> Are we forced to implement a custom controller for each RFNoC block?
> I was expecting that I could just write the verilog part
> and use the basic noc_block_base controller to manage my blocks in C++,
> using regs()->peek32/poke32 to set my registers etc.
> But from above, it seems that it does not forward the issue_stream_cmd
> by default? Is that correct?

For very basic RFNoC block prototyping, you should be able to use the
default noc_block_base implementation if you are willing to access
your NoC block's functionality via register reads and writes and deal
with some additional complications when dealing with multiple custom
RFNoC blocks. You should be able to get a reference to the block by
calling get_block() on your rfnoc_block object--this method returns a

The bit that's complicated is that get_block() takes a block_id_t,
which consists of the device number, block name, and instance (e.g.,
'0/MyBlock#0' when represented as a string). Generally, the name is
assigned to the block in the custom block controller via the
UHD_RFNOC_BLOCK_REGISTER_DIRECT() macro. If the block is not
registered via this macro, as is the case when using noc_block_base
directly, the block will be assigned the unimaginative but technically
correct name of 'Block'. Thus, if you want to use multiple different
custom RFNoC blocks without custom block controllers in this manner,
you will need to verify that when you call get_block("0/Block#n"), it
is the block that you expect. You can call get_noc_id() on the
noc_block_base that is returned and ensure that the 32-bit ID indeed
represents the block that you wish to control.

Unless specifically overridden, the default behavior of a
noc_block_base-derived object, I believe, is to forward actions
(stream commands) using the ONE_TO_ONE forwarding policy, which means
to forward the action to the same port on the opposite edge (so to
output port #N if the action is received on input port #N, and vice
versa). Consult the documentation of uhd::rfnoc::node_t and
forwarding_policy_t for more details.

Best regards,

USRP-users mailing list

Re: [USRP-users] Add Xilinx IP in OOT RFNoC UHD4.0

2021-01-22 Thread Wade Fife via USRP-users
Yes, I have done it. I'll share an example with you. Putting your IP
in-tree is also an option.



On Thu, Jan 21, 2021 at 5:01 PM Cédric Hannotier via USRP-users <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> On 08/01/21 18:58, Cédric Hannotier via USRP-users wrote:
> > Dear all,
> >
> > I am following the RFNoC on UHD4.0 wiki [1],
> > but there is no mention on how to add Xilinx IPs in the OOT.
> >
> > When following [2],
> > after copy-pasting from "host/example/rfnoc-example",
> > and following [3] to setup basic shell env/script,
> > how can I add for example IP ""?
> >
> > Furthermore, how do I add that IP "module wise" or "block wise",
> > i.e. inside rfnoc-example or inside rfnoc-example/fpga/rfnoc_block_gain?
> >
> > There is viv_create_ip [3], but it just creates the tree,
> > it does not link that new IP with the current OOT tree.
> >
> > [1]
> > [2]
> > [3]
> Unfortunatly, I am still facing that issue.
> Has anyone managed to add a Xilinx IP into an OOT RFNoC block?
> --
> Cédric Hannotier
> ___
> USRP-users mailing list
USRP-users mailing list

Re: [USRP-users] No streaming using OOT RFNoC Block in UHD4

2021-01-22 Thread Rob Kossler via USRP-users
> On 21/01/21 22:49, Rob Kossler wrote:
> > Also, regarding building in-tree, are you opposed to building in-tree as 
> > even
> > a temporary test case?  It's not too difficult to do.  I am not
> > talking about the
> > FPGA code - just the block controller HPP / CPP.
> I am not, especially as a temporary solution.
> I just fear the possible implicated burden in the long run
> compared to OOT when propagating those blocks to multiple hosts.
> Do you have documentation on how to properly build
> the block controller cpp/hpp in-tree?
> I guess I'll have to rebuild the whole UHD?
> I was just pulling binaries provided by my distribution.

Based on Aaron's other email, it sounds like your plan of running
without a custom block controller should work and that the default
block controller should forward actions (I'm guessing that
issue_stream_cmd is an action but not positive).  So, maybe we're on
the wrong path.  But, if you are able to run ddc->issue_stream_cmd()
rather than rx_stream->issue_stream_cmd() and get better results, then
that is a good sign that the issue_stream_cmd is never making it to
the DDC.

If you decide you want to build an in-tree custom controller, here are
my thoughts. Yes, you would need to build UHD from source. But, after
building once, you could add additional blocks without rebuilding the
whole UHD.  My procedure is the following:
- copy the HPP into host/include/uhd/rfnoc/
- update the CMakeLists.txt file in that folder to incorporate my new file
- copy the CPP into host/lib/rfnoc/
- update the CMakeLists.txt file in that folder to incorporate my new file
- run make -jN from the host/build/ folder (it will notice the changes
to CMakeLists and build just your files & re-link the UHD library)

USRP-users mailing list