How to Embed My List of Reminders
AOO415m1(Build:9789) - Rev. 1817496 2017-12-11 17:25 - Calc in use on a WIN10-64 desktop. I would like to register/link/embed a file on my computer that serves as a reminder of the colors that I should use within a particular Calc workbook, as shown below. There is a high likelihood that additional "reminder" entries will occur sometime in the future, so I think a centrally registered, stored AOO Writer file, which shall be revised as needed, is desired for this purpose. At present I have the reminders present on each Calc sheet in my spreadsheet file. This is problematic, because it is somewhat difficult to paste the info when considering the width of the column and the likelihood that additional reminder entries are potentially needed. I tried using copy-paste into a "comment" box, but the color shadings are not shown when displaying the comment in Calc; i.e., the color shading is required. I suspect that an "object" file must be inserted; however, I am not experienced in that Calc feature at present. Can anyone suggest a method that I might use such that I can optionally display my "registered reminders" (see below), perhaps as a popup on screen while I am at the same time viewing the Calc sheet presently being worked on? Is it possible to "split" the displayed screen such that Sheet 1 is on the left and Sheet 2 is on the right? I need to see both the reminders and the present worksheet on the screen at the same time. Thanks. Regards, VinceB. COLOR CODING USED ON THIS SHEET GRAY 1: Shaded box area for filled-in form. GRAY 3: Calculated (locally) value result. GREEN 3: Values swiped from another sheet. CHART 1:Values swiped from another document/sheet. YELLOW: Values filled-in manually by operator. GRAY 1 GRAY 2 GRAY 3 GRAY 4
Need Help with Calc =LARGE( ) Function
AOO415m1(Build:9789) - Rev. 1817496 2017-12-11 17:25 on WIN10-64 Desktop _ Hi: I am working with the data set shown below, at bottom. Cells E4:T4 contain the names of 13 players. Cells E32:T43 contain the score numerical data of interest. I used the =LARGE($E$32:$T$43;1) thru =LARGE($E$32:$T$43;9) to calculate the nine highest scores within the score data of interest, and obtained the following results: __ _POSITION_ _HIGHEST SCORES__Player Name_ 1 233 2 222 3 194 4 188 5 185 6 179 7 176 8 174 9 184 I need to correlate the player's name with the HIGHEST SCORE, and fill in the Player Name column. E.g., Position 1 shows a score of 233 (in cell F13) and that was by player whose name is Bob M. (in cell F4). Is there a Calc function that will "look up" the appropriate name in Row 4 for each of the remaining HIGHEST SCORES and display in the Player Name column? */ /* _Date_ _ _ /ANTHONY ?/ /BOB M./ /DENISE C./ /GLEN U./ /JASIU M./ /JOHN G./ /RAY H./ /RON J./ /SAM C./ /RUSSEL P./ /VINCE B./ /WILLIE M./ /VAN ?/ _20th February-practice #1_ _Game 1_ 92 149 122 0 117 150 61 104 197 154 184 177 n/a _Game 2_0 147 148 0 130 179 97 143 212 107 185 156 n/a _Game 3_0 187 152 0 129 165 80 144 181 122 141 154 n/a _27th February-practice #2_ _Game 1_ 0 190 0 140 113 149 0 142 153 96 169 199 n/a _Game 2_0 162 0 124 155 166 0 157 220 132 151 134 n/a _Game 3_0 204 0 119 100 184 0 137 143 175 154 161 n/a _6th March -Competition #1_ _Game 1_ 0 161 125 83 87 173 88 188 222 105 179 126 119 _Game 2_0 168 110 146 154 185 92 159 194 167 132 157 77 _Game 3_0 233 113 147 108 152 129 147 176 125 173 174 0 _Competition #2_ _Game 1_ n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a _Game 2_n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a _Game 3_n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a _Competition #3_ _Game 1_ n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a _Game 2_n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a _Game 3_n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a _Competition #4_ _Game 1_ n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a _Game 2_n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a _Game 3_n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a _ _ /ANTHONY ?/ /BOB M./ /DENISE C./ /GLEN U./ /JASIU M./ /JOHN G./ /RAY H./ /RON J./ /SAM C./ /RUSSEL P./ /VINCE B./ /WILLIE M./ /VAN ?/
Re: Need Formula to use with Results of LARGE( ) Function's Result- Lookup?
FYI: I have updated my Drop Box BVL Summary Trial.ods sheet. Here is the link to it (I hope that it works this time): . On 3/10/2018 10:57 AM, WA.TWORSX via AOL wrote: Hi Again: Well, my previous posting failed, due to the formatting not being carried over in the post. Copy and Paste works okay with a YahooGroup Mailing List, but not here. So, I am making another attempt to present my question/problem, and ask for advice and assistance. (I imagine that this problem is not unlike a sales manager ranking the performance of 13 salesmen during a specific period, nor is it unlike determining which of 13 factories produced the highest product output over a specific time period. I have read through Chapter 7 of the Calc vers 3 user's guide, but did not find a solution. Perhaps this problem could more easier be solved using AOO- Base, with which I am not experienced in using.) _ AOO415m1(Build:9789) - Rev. 1817496 2017-12-11 17:25 on WIN10-64 Desktop _ I am working with a data set that, ultimately, at the end of a bowling tournament will show a collection of bowling scores. At present, there are 13 bowlers participating in the tournament, and that number might increase. See this drop box link, which shows my work thus far: . Cells E25:T25 contain the names of the 13 bowlers. Cells E33:T44 contain the numerical data of interest (i.e., scores gathered during the tournament's competition phase). I used the =LARGE($E$33:$T$44;1) thru =LARGE($E$33:$T$44;9) to calculate the nine highest scores within the score data of interest; the results are shown in cells E9:E17. This will ultimately be expanded to include the 45 highest bowling scores with the identifying bowler's name for each (qualifying) score. (I have begun doing that in cells G9:I19.) I need to correlate the BOWLER'S NAME with each of the HIGHEST SCORES, and fill in the BOWLER's NAME column (cells D9:D17;H9:H19, etc.). E.g., POSITION 1 shows a score of 233 (in cell F35) and that was by bowler Bob M. (in cell F25). Is there a Calc function that will "look up" the appropriate name in Row 25 for each of the remaining HIGHEST SCORES and display the result within the BOWLER's NAME columns? Any suggestions shall be appreciated. Regards, VinceB. - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
NAMES in AOO- Calc
AOO415m1(Build:9789) - Rev. 1817496 2017-12-11 17:25 on WIN10-x64 desktop Using Calc: Have recently became aware of and began using Names in Calc spreadsheets (thanks MartinG.). Is there a method to transfer Names that already exist within a Calc .ODS file to another Calc .ODS file? How is it done? Regards, VinceB. - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
Re: Trouble printing
Glad that you managed to clean things up. I occasionally allow my HP8600 to run a 'clean-the-print head' routine. If I am not mistaken, the recommendation for inkjet printers is to Not have it energized until ready to put it into operation; to avoid inkjets becoming clogged ? VinceB. On 3/26/2018 7:01 PM, MARIE RETKA wrote: I think I got it fixed. I ended up cleaning my whole printer, including taking out the print heads and scrubbing them. It seemed to work. THANKS!! _ - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
Unable to Insert a Column
AOO415m1(Build:9789) - Rev. 1817496 2017-12-11 17:25 Desktop Win10-64 Working with an existing Calc spreadsheet, I copied it in its entirety to a new sheet. I now find that I am unable to insert a column anywhere on the new targeted sheet. When I attempt to insert a column in the targeted new sheet, I am shown the following error, which I have not ever seen before. /*Filled cells cannot be shifted beyond the sheet.*/ I am able to insert a new row. Would like to find out what is causing this problem. TNX. Regards, VinceB.
Re: Unable to Insert a Column
Cause of my problem has been found and removed! Yes; I had copied & pasted an entire row from the original spreadsheet into my new targeted sheet, and that filled every column. On 5/23/2018 11:51 AM, Brian Barker wrote: At 11:03 23/05/2018 -0400, Vince Bonly wrote: Working with an existing Calc spreadsheet, I copied it in its entirety to a new sheet. I now find that I am unable to insert a column anywhere on the new targeted sheet. When I attempt to insert a column in the targeted new sheet, I am shown the following error, which I have not ever seen before. /*Filled cells cannot be shifted beyond the sheet.*/ I am able to insert a new row. In any spreadsheet application, there is a limit to the number of columns (and rows) that you can use. The limits are so large that you don't usually have to have any recognition of them. But when you insert a column (or row), an existing column (or row) has to be knocked of the side or bottom of the sheet. This is fine if that column (or row) is empty - as will normally be the case - but not if it contains a value or formula. If you cannot insert a column, there must be something in the extreme right hand of the available columns; that's *available* columns, of course - not just those you can see. So why is there something in that column? Unless your active data is unusually extensive, it is probable that you have used a technique to fill at least one row indefinitely, perhaps using Edit | Fill > | Series... or by selecting an entire row before pasting some content, which will have put content into all the possible cells of that row. The reason that you can insert new rows is simply because you have not filled any column indefinitely in the same way. There are various solutions: o When filling the row or rows, avoid doing so indefinitely. o Move to the right of the spreadsheet area that you are actually meaning to use, and delete an unnecessary column or columns. This will move the rogue material at the extreme right of the relevant row in by a column or columns, leaving empty cells. You will now be able to insert a column, dropping a new, empty column off at the right. I trust this helps. Brian Barker - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
Incomplete/Incorrect Template Name is Shown via Use of Splash Screen
AOO415m1(Build:9789) - Rev. 1817496 2017-12-11 17:25 WIN10-64 desktop I went through a process to convert an existing .ods to a .ots . I used File | Templates | Save, after removing the various inputted numerical data from a previous year's computation. Now, however, I believe that an incomplete/incorrect is shown via the Splash Screen and/or via File | Templates | Template Management. When clicking on "Te_m_plates..." at the logo/splash screen, the Templates and Documents dialogue screen is displayed. I then click on _T_emplates and then I select My Templates to get a listing within the Title pane area. Within the listing is shown: IRS Income Tax Template; that is an incorrect template name/filename. I think it should be listed as: IRS Income Tax CalculationsTEMPLATE (no space between Calculations and TEMPLATE). The complete Windows filename is: IRS Income Tax CalculationsTEMPLATE.ots, which is what I Saved As into my /AppData/Roaming/OpenOffice/4/user/template/ folder after removing numerical data from a spreadsheet named: IRS Income Tax.ods. I get the same incorrect template name when using File | Templates | Template Management in the Templates pane, whereas I get the correct filename shown within the Documents pane. What am I not doing correctly? I have shut down AOO and restarted AOO with the same problem. I have rebooted my PC and opened AOO, also with the same problem. Has anyone else had this problem? Regards, VinceB.
Re: Incomplete/Incorrect Template Name is Shown via Use of Splash Screen
Thanks Brian. On 5/27/2018 6:53 PM, Brian Barker wrote: At 16:13 27/05/2018 -0400, Vince Bonly wrote: I went through a process to convert an existing .ods to a .ots . I used File | Templates | Save, ... Now, however, I believe that an incomplete/incorrect is shown via the Splash Screen and/or via File | Templates | Template Management. When clicking on "Te_m_plates..." at the logo/splash screen, the Templates and Documents dialogue screen is displayed. I then click on _T_emplates and then I select My Templates to get a listing within the Title pane area. Within the listing is shown: IRS Income Tax Template; that is an incorrect template name/filename. I think it should be listed as: IRS Income Tax CalculationsTEMPLATE (no space between Calculations and TEMPLATE). The complete Windows filename is: IRS Income Tax CalculationsTEMPLATE.ots, which is what I Saved As into my /AppData/Roaming/OpenOffice/4/user/template/ folder after removing numerical data from a spreadsheet named: IRS Income Tax.ods. I get the same incorrect template name when using File | Templates | Template Management in the Templates pane, whereas I get the correct filename shown within the Documents pane. What am I not doing correctly? I have shut down AOO and restarted AOO with the same problem. I have rebooted my PC and opened AOO, also with the same problem. I think you are perhaps contradicting yourself here. You say you saved the template in My Templates using File | Templates > | Save... . But then you say that you used Save As... (presumably File | Save As...) to save a document file (as a template) to a specific folder - the "template" folder. These are two different things, and I suspect that confusion between the two is causing your problem. No, I did not use File | Save As. Perhaps I have misspoken, made a typo or experienced an unwarranted PC auto fill. I used File | Templates> | Save ... while having the revised (blank numerical data) file opened; to place the new template into AOO's template folder, (%AppData%). I chose to name the newly created template: IRS Income Tax CalculationsTEMPLATE (no space between Calculations and TEMPLATE). In general it is good practice to use the user interface provided and not to try to take shortcuts that you think or hope will produce the same effect. So I suggest that you should use File | Templates > | Save... and that you will see no problem that way. OpenOffice is being cleverer that you give it credit for here, such that you can give templates names which are not possible file names in the Windows file system. Take, for example, a template name containing a question mark: you can have this, but OpenOffice needs to use an alternative file name where it saves the template - and does. I suspect that you have been saving and deleting templates and files and confusing OpenOffice and possibly also yourself. I'm guessing that the "wrong" name you see is one your somehow previously ctreated. I am unclear as to how I managed to make AOO confused about the template name. In any case, looking forward, I shall make an effort to think of the %AppData% folder as an Authorized Personnel Only area; perhaps go there when I need to view template names and/or date of creation/modified, etc. Maybe also when I have downloaded a template that then needs to be imported there. Recommendation: Close File Explorer and don't meddle in %AppData% unless you really have to. Save, organise, and delete templates using the File | Templates interface. Delete any wrongly named template there and save it anew with your preferred name.
Insertion of a Link
AOO415m1(Build:9789) - Rev. 1817496 2017-12-11 17:25 WIN10-64 ___ I am attempting to insert a link to a .ODT file that contains "read me first" information associated with one of my Calc spreadsheets. I have made use of an inserted link on one or two occasions, but do not recall with confidence what I actually had done. At present, I want to: 1. initially, create the ReadMeFirst text (.ODT) with AOO Writer; 2. insert a link to the resulting .ODT text file within my Calc .ODS file; 3. have edits to the .ODT file with Writer in the future reflected/updated whenever I click on the link in the .ODS file. Can this be accomplished with AOO? If yes, how should I go about doing the link insertion in Calc? Regards, VinceB.
Re: Insertion of a Link
On 5/28/2018 4:16 PM, Brian Barker wrote: At 13:16 28/05/2018 -0400, Vince Bonly wrote: I am attempting to insert a link to a .ODT file that contains "read me first" information associated with one of my Calc spreadsheets. I have made use of an inserted link on one or two occasions, but do not recall with confidence what I actually had done. At present, I want to: 1. initially, create the ReadMeFirst text (.ODT) with AOO Writer; 2. insert a link to the resulting .ODT text file within my Calc .ODS file; 3. have edits to the .ODT file with Writer in the future reflected/updated whenever I click on the link in the .ODS file. Can this be accomplished with AOO? If yes, how should I go about doing the link insertion in Calc? Have you read "Hyperlinks and URLs" in Chapter 10, "Linking Calc Data", of the Calc Guide? You should, you know. o Go to Insert | Hyperlink (or click the Hyperlink button in the Standard toolbar). o Click Document at the left. o Under Document, click the Open File icon and browse to and select your target text file. o Under "Further settings", select Text or Button as preferred. o For Text, enter the text you want to appear for the link. o Click Apply and Close. You may want to go to Tools | Options... | Load/Save | General | Save and to tick "Save URLs relative to file system" or to leave it unticked if you want these to be absolute. The usefulness of relative addressing is that the link will still work if the files are moved but retain the same relative positions in folders. So if you have , say, both files in the same folder or perhaps have the text file in a "Text" subfolder of the spreadsheet's folder, the hyperlink will still work if both files are moved - perhaps even to another system - but retain their relative positions. Do not worry that, even with relative addressing chosen, the address for Path in the Hyperlink dialogue will always show as an absolute path. I trust this helps. Brian Barker Brian: I assume that you mean the following document, which I have on my PC as a PDF file: / 3.3_//_ _//_Calc Guide_//_ _//_Using Spreadsheets in 3.3_/ Copyright © 2005–2011 by its contributors. I also have a LibreOffice 4.1 document entitled: _/Calc Guide/__/ /__/Using Spreadsheets,/_ Copyright © 2013 by the LibreOffice Documentation Team. I do not use LibreOffice, but do have it installed on my PC. Both those documents' ToC appear to be very similar. I will use Chapter 10 in the OpenOffice. org 3.3 document for my study. I have added a button for Hyperlink to my toolbar. TNX. VinceB.
Alternate Row Shading
AOO415m1(Build:9789) - Rev. 1817496 2017-12-11 17:25 WIN10-64 Desktop ___ I find that often the template files obtained from make use of alternate row shading, and I would like to also. Example (copied from a CALC spreadsheet): Does anybody know of a technique of placing shading on alternate rows in CALC, as shown above? Does this require use of macros or is there a function that can implement this? Implementing this in my CALC spreadsheets might lead to some difficulties, since I often use a sorting routine. I will address that issue at a later time. Regards, VinceB.
Method to select multiple columns:rows in Calc
I have a Calc sheet in which unwanted background fill color is displayed. The range begins B1307 and C1307 and seems to go the the end (wherever that is). Can anyone suggest an easier method than using the mouse to scroll to the "end" starting from B1307:C? Is there an specific keystroke to jump to the end of a selected column? Using Windows10-64 desktop and AOO-Calc 4.1.5.
No Selection Possible in AOO Calc
Hi: After doing a sort routine in AOO Calc, whenever I right-click on a cell, I am getting an error that reads "". Also, Sort is grayed out under the Data menu. In fact, there are many options that are now grayed out in several drop down menus. The Calc file is opened at present time. Can I close this file w/o loosing work/data? Any ideas on how to correct these problems? Regards, VinceB.
Links Do Not Work in Calc
AOO 4.1.5 on DELL desktop; WIN10 Home x64 _ I don't know or understand how update Links, or update Styles, is supposed to work in Calc. Each time a Calc file is opened, I am prompted for a Yes/No to up date All Links, or sometimes Y/N to update New Styles. In an opened Calc file I have selected a cell and pointed to a specific cell that is located in a different Calc file. ( e.g., entered in the cell: =('file:///C:/Users/Username/Documents/./filename.ods'#$'sheetname...'.J79 ). This is no longer working in several Calc files ( "0" value is returned rather than the expected value contained within the external file & Cell). But, this /pointing to an external file's cell/ does work in a New Calc file, when pointing to the same external file sheet & cell. I hope that somebody can point me in the direction of or give me a description of how this is suppose to work, and perhaps enlighten me on the possibilities of why it is no longer working for several of my existing Calc files. In addition, I would appreciate receiving hints about the Update/Use Old Styles template prompts. TNX. Regards, VinceB.
Update All Links Question
With a Calc file already opened, is it possible to update all links? - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
Re: Links Do Not Work in Calc
On 9/29/2019 2:12 PM, Brian Barker wrote: One idea: the target document needs to have been saved after any changes before any values from it can be harvested in this way. That one idea hit the mark Brian! When I returned to work on my Calc spreadsheets today, the problem was not experienced. Then, when I made a change to one of my /_external_/ref/source/ Calc files, (i.e., what you have called " the target document") today, the problem was experienced again. After saving my /_external_///ref/source/ file, closing AOO and reopening Calc, I was able to "harvest" once again. So, I must remember to save those files before attempting to harvest data values from them. Many thanks for your insight and sharing of your ideas. Regards, VinceB.
Calc Help
AOO 4.1.5 on Win10 Home desktop _ Note: Cells with a yellow background identify required data must be entered. Cells with a (darker) gray background identify cells which show calculated results. I have a Calc sheet that I enter data on a regular basis, as shown below: [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] < Column headings */_Today is Week #_/* */_Today's Date Is_/* */_Game #1_/* */_Game #2 _/* */_Game #3_/* */_Match Series_/* */_Match Average_/* *1* 6-Sep 152 146 187 485 161.7 *2* 13-Sep 133 159 141 433 144.3 *3* 20-Sep 147 155 148 450 150.0 *4* 27-Sep 161 151 142 454 151.3 *5* 4-Oct 130 139 116 385 128.3 *6* 11-Oct *Did Not Bowl. * *7* 18-Oct 148 187 119 454 151.3 *8* 25-Oct 155 167 169 491 163.7 *9* 1-Nov 140 141 157 438 146.0 *10*8-Nov 147 135 155 437 145.7 *11*15-Nov 139 133 155 427 142.3 *12*22-Nov 164 162 164 490 163.3 *13*29-Nov 120 110 155 385 128.3 *14*6-Dec 150 136 125 411 137.0 *15*13-Dec 170 187 132 489 163.0 *16*20-Dec 160 168 146 474 158.0 *17*27-Dec 160 144 150 454 151.3 *18*3-Jan 151 141 138 430 143.3 */_---Half Season---_/* *19*10-Jan *Did Not Bowl. * *20*17-Jan 161 134 147 442 147.3 *21*24-Jan I use the results generated in columns G and H in another section of the sheet, as shown: [AL] [AN] < Column headings *Team #2- ACHES & PAINS v2.0 Post Match Play* *Russ: *458 *Player's Average: *152.67 *Vince: * 442 147.33 *Dave: *555 185.00 *Bob: * 600 200.00 Cells AL7 and AN7 are set to = the results calculated and provided within cells G26 and H26, i.e., they show: 442 and 147.3. My problem is that after calculating an update result within columns G and H, e.g., on 24 Jan, (week # 21's data), the results based on entry of data in D27:F27, there will be new results in the next row, at cells G27 and H27. Therefore, I am forced to manually change the formulae within AL7 and AN7 to correctly reflect the updated results provided in columns AL and AN, by changing =G26 to =G27 and by changing =H26 to =H27. Is there an easier method of handling this task, through use of a function or a formula? I hope this is described clearly enough. If needed, I will attempt to store the complete calc sheet at a Dropbox link. Let me know. Regards, VinceB.
Re: Calc Help
Hello Alan B: TNX for reading my query about Calc Help-updating Data.ods. For reasons, unknown to me, my pasted example seems to be plain/unformatted text, although I had sent it out via Mozilla Thunderbird email client using both HTML and plain text to the AOO mailing list, and appeared properly displayed in my compose window. I realize that w/o the full formatting, it is difficult to read and understand what is displayed at your end. This Dropbox link, I think, will allow you to download the full AOO-Calc file: . I am trying to "harvest", via a formula or function, the resulting _Match Series_ (column G) data, which is data only relevant to Vince's game scores. Sorry, I neglected to include the _Vince's Individual Record_ heading over columns B:L in my original example. The game scores for Vince (only) are being tracked on a weekly basis to generate the result that is given in column $G. At present, Cell AL7 contains the formula =G26. This value changes each week, as Vince's new scores are poked into columns D, E, and F each week (i.e., on the next week's row). So, at present, I am manually changing the formula within AL7 to reflect the current week's row. (The _Match Series_ data for my teammates Russ, Dave, and Bob are being poked manually into AL6, AL8, and AL9, weekly. ) In another thread, dated 1/18/2020, Brian Barker has offered suggestions using =MATCH, =OFFSET, and =INDIRECT functions. I am not familiar with those functions, but will likely attempt their use when time permits me to learn more about them. Brian also prefers the use of minimal examples; therefore, I fear that I am verbose in my queries and comments. However, I am hopeful that my comments above have been helpful in clarifying my OP. Again, thanks for your interest in solving my problem. Regards, VinceB. On 1/19/2020 10:00 PM, Alan B wrote: Hello Vince, I'm intrigued but not able to follow what you're trying to do. Columns D through H appear to be the games bowled in any given week, rows (or should I say weeks) 1 through 21 are the results of the games in those weeks. That seems clear to me. But whose games, Russ, Vince, Dave, or Bob's? The disconnect comes with "using the results in [AL] and [AN]". How does a single row shown as 1 - 21 and columns [D] though [H] in your example relate to multiple individuals [AL] through [AN]? They do not . And more importantly, what are you trying to achieve? If I understood that I might be able to offer some useful help. See my comments above. HTH. On Sat, Jan 18, 2020 at 12:48 PM Vince@GMAIL wrote: AOO 4.1.5 on Win10 Home desktop _ Note: Cells with a yellow background identify required data must be entered. Cells with a (darker) gray background identify cells which show calculated results. I have a Calc sheet that I enter data on a regular basis, as shown below: [D] [E] [F][G][H] < Column headings */_Today is Week #_/* */_Today's Date Is_/* */_Game #1_/* */_Game #2 _/* */_Game #3_/* */_Match Series_/* */_Match Average_/* *1* 6-Sep 152 146 187 485 161.7 *2* 13-Sep 133 159 141 433 144.3 *3* 20-Sep 147 155 148 450 150.0 *4* 27-Sep 161 151 142 454 151.3 *5* 4-Oct 130 139 116 385 128.3 *6* 11-Oct *Did Not Bowl. * *7* 18-Oct 148 187 119 454 151.3 *8* 25-Oct 155 167 169 491 163.7 *9* 1-Nov 140 141 157 438 146.0 *10*8-Nov 147 135 155 437 145.7 *11*15-Nov 139 133 155 427 142.3 *12*22-Nov 164 162 164 490 163.3 *13*29-Nov 120 110 155 385 128.3 *14*6-Dec 150 136 125 411 137.0 *15*13-Dec 170 187 132 489 163.0 *16*20-Dec 160 168 146 474 158.0 *17*27-Dec 160 144 150 454 151.3 *18*3-Jan 151 141 138 430 143.3 */_---Half Season---_/* *19*10-Jan *Did Not Bowl. * *20*17-Jan 161 134 147 442 147.3 *21*24-Jan I use the results generated in columns G and H in another section of the sheet, as shown: [AL] [AN] < Column headings *Team #2- ACHES & PAINS v2.0 Post Match Play* *Russ: *458 *Player's Average: *152.67 *Vince: * 442 147.33 *Dave: *555 185.00 *Bob: * 600 200.00 Cells AL7 and AN7 are set to = the results calculated and provided within cells G26 and H26, i.e., they show: 442 and 147.3. My problem is that after calculating an update result within columns G and H, e.g., on 24 Jan, (week # 21's data),
It Is Time for Me to Generate an Updated Telephone-Addressbook
Hi: I am staying at home and have time on my hands, so I think this might be a good time to generate an updated telephone/address book in a PC format. Can anyone suggest a "relatively" simple database template for tracking Names, Postal Addresses, Telephone numbers-House, Telephone numbers-Cell, Telephone numbers-Businesses, Medical offices' data, etc? I started by exporting my Contacts from the GMAIL website for my one email account, and have that data now on my WIN10-x64 desktop PC as a .CSV file (to Excel). I also plan to eventually enter the data from a paper telephone/address book into a database. I am not certain which to use, (vers 4.1.5) AOO-Calc or AOO-Base. I also have Libre Office (Version: (x64) Build ID: 60da17e045e08f1793c57c00ba83cdfce946d0aa) installed, but am even less skilled with its operation. 1. Should I go with AOO-Calc or attempt to learn more about AOO-Base for this project? 2. Any suggestion for a template file would be appreciated. Thanks for reading this. Regards and stay safe, VinceB.
Error Creating Object
AOO 4.1.5; Windows 10 x64 Home on DELL desktop. I have a Calc file opened, and have made some revisions. Everything appears to still be active/working as expected, including auto saves flashings. However, when I attempt to close the file I am shown an error message that reads: Error saving the document filename.. : Error creating object. Could not create backup copy. Any ideas on what is going on and how to save the file? Regards, and please stay safe: VinceB.
Java Version
Hello Group: My Windows 10 Home is used on a 64-bit architecture DELL desktop. I recently downloaded and installed Libre Office software. So, now I have both packages: 1. Apache Open Office: AOO415m1(Build:9789) - Rev. 1817496 2017-12-11 17:25 (This is AOO 32-bit version.) 2. Libre Office: Version: (x64) Build ID: dd0751754f11728f69b42ee2af66670068624673 The two JREs available to me are: 1. jre-8u201-windows-i586 2. jre-8u241-windows-x64 Given that a 32-bit java and a 64-bit java should/must not be installed on the same machine/partition. I therefore must remove one of the JREs from my machine. Or, install and run the AOO 64-bit version, and keep the JRE-64 bit. But I am uncertain if I would loose any of my 32-bit AOO existing files and/or templates. How should I proceed if I go ahead with the 64-bit AOO installation? Will I loose any 32-bit AOO files/templates? Are there any practical advantages included in AOO-64 over AOO-32? Your suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks for reading this. Stay well and be safe. VinceB. - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: