Re: Windows 10 won't install Open Office

2017-07-04 Thread Peter kovacs
Hi all,

Please help the person below.

All the best

Am 5. Juli 2017 06:48:44 MESZ schrieb Donald Thomas 
>I downloaded directly from your website, but Windows says it failed
>verification.  Do you know any way around this?
>Don Thomas

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Re: Printing Envelopes, Sent, Friday. 2-9-18.

2018-02-09 Thread Peter Kovacs

Hi OpenOffice User List,

I pass this request to you.

If there are problems that we have to solve by coding,

please send us a note to the dev list or open a bug.

Thanks for your continous effort to help users!

All the Best


On 09.02.2018 16:29, Ddardanell wrote:

Hi, I just bought a new Brother All in one Printer.

Model # (L8900cdw), and it works
Fine but I can't find out how to

Print Envelopes?. Now, when I
Had my Epson ink jet printer

There was no problem, but I can't
Seem to find the Option now

With the new printer too print

And I believe I have version 4.1.5.
Can you take me by the hand, and

Help me figure out what I am doing

Thanks so much, and I look forward too your response.

Don G Dardanelli
1168 Pembridge Dr.
San Jose, California. 95118

PH: (408-202-4624)
E-Mail: (

Sent from my Sony Xperia™ smartphone

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Fwd: Travel Assistance applications open. Please inform your communities

2018-02-18 Thread Peter kovacs
Hello all,
Sorry for the delay.
I forward to a message received from TAC:

The Travel Assistance Committee (TAC) are pleased to announce that travel 
assistance applications for ApacheCon NA 2018 are now open!

We will be supporting ApacheCon NA Montreal, Canada on 24th - 29th September 

 TAC exists to help those that would like to attend ApacheCon events, but are 
unable to do so for financial reasons. 
For more info on this years applications and qualifying criteria, please visit 
the TAC website at < 
 >. Applications are now open and will close 1st 

Important: Applications close on May 1st, 2018. Applicants have until the 
closing date above to submit their applications (which should contain as much 
supporting material as required to efficiently and accurately process their 
request), this will enable TAC to announce successful awards shortly 

As usual, TAC expects to deal with a range of applications from a diverse range 
of backgrounds. We therefore encourage (as always) anyone thinking about 
sending in an application to do so ASAP.   
We look forward to greeting many of you in Montreal

Kind Regards, 
Gavin - (On behalf of the Travel Assistance Committee)


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creating a spreadsheet (was: new cool feature)

2018-08-15 Thread Peter Kovacs

Hi Archie,

Welcome to OpenOffice. I whish you a lot of fun with the Software.

There are lots of possible ways to make your live easier.

I would recommend to use our forums or users mailing list to ask 
questions on ways what you want to do.

I think there are all the features you do expect, but it is made 
differently then you might think.

I have quickly exchanged the Postcode and the Miles with a lookup 
function, I would use. But there is an issue. Can someone else have a 
look? I do not find what I did wrong.

I loop in users for better support. Sorry, got to go. I am late for work 
... :S



On 8/16/18 5:59 AM, Archie Dyno Wizard wrote:
Dear developers! I'm beginning my experience with OpenOffice Calc, and 
I'm finding a few ugly bugs. First I think I'm too stupid, but then I 
realize it is a bug that doesn't depend on my knowledge. I have made 
one bug report about calculating time consumption and using the result 
in a formula for next cell.. But this mail is not about that. I was 
trying to find how to make my spreadsheet to fill cells according to 
previous cell, and finally I've found, that there is no option for 
that, so I created a long formula based on "IF" logic task. So now 
when I type a Name in "LOCATION" cell, it automatically recognizes it, 
and fills following cells "MILES", "POSTCODE", and "PAYRATE". Makes it 
so much easier, but makes difficult creating and maintaining the 
formula. So for now my 3-customer formula looks like this:

And it is only beginning of my Self Employment.

 So my suggestion is to create an additional AutoFill form where user 
can make a list of related data in specific columns or rows to fill up 
multiple cells at the same time.

Thank you very much for such a wonderful opportunity to use a free 
Office Sofware!!! You guys rock!!!

Attaching a piece of my Spreadsheet that shows  bug in calculation of 
a "TOTAL INC" column, and the idea about AutoFill...

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Re: OO & Mojave issue?

2018-11-01 Thread Peter Kovacs
Looping in Users.

OpenOffice on Mac can react wired when the scrolling is setup do not
match. I returned to Linux so I forgot where the settings has to be set
and how.Maybe someone on users can help?

I think it was not scrolling line by line, or something similar.

All the Best


On 01.11.18 11:20, Michael Turner wrote:
> Hi, can you assist,  I note on my 2018 iMac, with Mojave Ver 1014 running 
> that O O's Ver 4.1.5 video frames, or if scrolling through a project that 
> movement has become very jerky.   There seems to be a slight time lag between 
> mouse input and screen activity.  
> I wondered if Apache is aware and is working on or updating OO to run 
> smoothly on Mojave, or do I have a problem?
> My regards
> Michael Turner
> Cambridge
> UK
> -
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Re: OO & Mojave issue?

2018-11-01 Thread Peter Kovacs
FYI: my mailing service refuses to sent to Michael turner, because his
mailing service does not support TLS.

On 01.11.18 12:38, Peter Kovacs wrote:
> Looping in Users.
> OpenOffice on Mac can react wired when the scrolling is setup do not
> match. I returned to Linux so I forgot where the settings has to be set
> and how.Maybe someone on users can help?
> I think it was not scrolling line by line, or something similar.
> All the Best
> Peter
> On 01.11.18 11:20, Michael Turner wrote:
>> Hi, can you assist,  I note on my 2018 iMac, with Mojave Ver 1014 running 
>> that O O's Ver 4.1.5 video frames, or if scrolling through a project that 
>> movement has become very jerky.   There seems to be a slight time lag 
>> between mouse input and screen activity.  
>> I wondered if Apache is aware and is working on or updating OO to run 
>> smoothly on Mojave, or do I have a problem?
>> My regards
>> Michael Turner
>> Cambridge
>> UK
>> -
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> -
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[discussion] get rid of NOT_AN_OOO_ISSUE

2018-12-29 Thread Peter Kovacs
Hi all,

I would like to get rid of the Resolution "NOT_AN_OOO_ISSUE". This
leaves people angry and it is annoying to Copy paste or just rewrite
always the same stuff.

So I wonder if we could add a component user support, and allocate the
users list to it. With that we have a broader community looking at those
help requests, and handle them like every other Issue. Also maybe the
barrier between developers/testers and user support gets reduced a bit.

If it is a bug someone can simply change the component and we can check
for reproducibility. Instead of NOT_AN_ISSUE I would like to have FIXED
by workaround or something similar.

can you take some time and write your opinion? -would you like to help?


All the Best


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Re: Cannot install!

2019-03-03 Thread Peter Kovacs
Hello Users Mailinglist,

does anyone know what R Washington is referencing to?

Can someone help?


All the Best


On 02.03.19 20:11, R Washington wrote:
> Error 1305.  Can you help?
> Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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OpenOffice Track on Apache Roadshow EU in Berlin

2019-03-24 Thread Peter Kovacs
We have the opportunity to create a track on Apache Roadshow in Berlin.

In order to create one, the minimum requirement are 4 talks. We also
need someone who takes care on the coordinatio with the the event chhair

Sadly my time is not enough to take over the organization on this event,
but I would do a talk.

Also to those who would like to volunteer for a talk on Apache Roadschow
US, the time to organize is overdue, but if there is enough interest, we
can try next year.

Please, consider if you are interested in taking part on Apache roadshow
in general. If you would like to hold a talk this year or you are
available as Coordinator chair.

All the Best Peter

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Re: [macsupport] macOS X 10.15 Catalina - Notarization

2019-10-06 Thread Peter Kovacs
Do you have XCode 10?

Maybe we could bring 4.1.7 through the notification. And if we hurry
maybe we can bring 4.1.8. also through. Not sure throught.

I am already looking into alternatives.

All the Best


On 06.10.19 18:16, Dave Fisher wrote:
> Forwarding to the dev list for proper discussion.
> Regards,
> Dave
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 6, 2019, at 9:08 AM, Julian Thomas  wrote:
>> Is OO going to follow these procedures?  Inquiring Mac users need to know!
>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: "Daniel Settles [macsupportcentral]" 
>>> Subject: [macsupport] macOS X 10.15 Catalina - Notarization
>>> Date: October 6, 2019 at 11:04:20 EDT
>>> To: MacSupportCentral 1 main 
>>> Reply-To:
>>> Howdy.
>>> Notarization is a security topic that is confusing to many.  
>>> This is a very brief article from Apple's developer web site on a 
>>> relaxation of Notarization until January 2010. 
>>> This is intended as only a basic introduction to this topic.  
>>> "Notarizing Your Mac Software for macOS Catalina 
>>> September 3, 2019
>>> As a reminder, Mac software distributed outside the Mac App Store must 
>>> be notarized by Apple in order to run on macOS Catalina. To make this 
>>> transition easier and to protect users on macOS Catalina who continue 
>>> to use older versions of software, we’ve adjusted the notarization 
>>> prerequisites until January 2020.
>>> You can now notarize Mac software that:  
>>>•Doesn’t have the Hardened Runtime capability enabled.
>>>•Has components not signed with your Developer ID.
>>>•Doesn’t include a secure timestamp with your code-signing signature.
>>>•Was built with an older SDK.
>>>•Includes the entitlement with the 
>>> value set to any variation of true.  
>>> Make sure to submit all versions of your software. While Xcode 10 or 
>>> later is still required to submit, you don’t need to rebuild or 
>>> re-sign your software before submission." 
>>> Denver Dan 
>>> [|][|][|][|][|][|][|][|][|][|][|][|][|][|][|][|][|][|][|][|][|][|][|][|][|][|][|]
>>> iSent from iDan's GyazMail on my MacPro
>>> Posted by: Daniel Settles 
>>> Yahoo Groups Links
>>> <*> To visit your group on the web, go to:
>>> <*> Your email settings:
>>>   Individual Email | Traditional
>>> <*> To change settings online go to:
>>>   (Yahoo! ID required)
>>> <*> To change settings via email:
>>> <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
>>> <*> Your use of Yahoo Groups is subject to:
>> —
>> jt -
>> Form follows function. - Louis Sullivan 
> -
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Need help in foreign language (Cambodia)

2019-12-21 Thread Peter Kovacs
Hello all,

I need help with a user on Facebook.
He speaks not very well English, and has issues with the gatekeeper on his Mac.

He seems to be from Cambodia (Google translate claim)

It would be cool if someone can jump in who speaks Cambodian or can point me to 
a Cambodian Ressource how to handle the gatekeeper.

I already posted the link to the English forum with the article. (we had a wiki 
article somewhere but I could not find it)

All the best

Re: Need help in foreign language (Cambodia)

2019-12-22 Thread Peter Kovacs
Thanks for the link and the Google translation.
This did help me, I have posted an answer.
Let's hope it helps him to solve his issue. It is sometimes difficult if we are 
not able to translate. 

All the best

Am 22. Dezember 2019 01:08:13 MEZ schrieb David Belina :
>the Khimer translation of the relevant paragraph from Google translator
>កម្មវិធី Apache OpenOffice ៤.១.៧
>នឹងត្រូវបានដាក់ទង់ដោយកន្លែងច្រកទ្វារចូលក្នុង macOS ។
>នេះគឺជាមុខងារដើម្បីជួយការពារប្រឆាំងនឹងមេរោគនៅលើប្រព័ន្ធ macOS ។
>សម្រាប់ប្រព័ន្ធប្រតិបត្តិការ OS X រហូតដល់ទៅ ១០,១១ 'El Capitan'៖
>Mac App ដំណើរការ។ សូមមើលអត្ថបទគាំទ្ររបស់ម៉ាក់។
>សម្រាប់ macOS 10.12 'សៀរ៉ា':
>ជ្រើសបើកពីកំពូលនៃម៉ឺនុយបរិបទដែលលេចឡើង។ ចុចបើកក្នុងប្រអប់។
>នេះគឺជាការចាំបាច់នៅពេលដែលអ្នកបើកដំណើរការកម្មវិធី Apache OpenOffice ។
>ដោយសារតែមានកំហុសដែលគេស្គាល់នៅក្នុងការតំឡើង Oracle Java នៃកម្មវិធី
>Apache OpenOffice នៅលើ macOS ដែលមិនមានកេរតំណែល Apple Java 6
>ដែលបានតំឡើងនឹងមិនអាចស្គាល់ Oracle Java 7 និង 8 បានទេប្រសិនបើមិនអាចតំឡើង
>Java 9 បានជាងតំឡើងជំនាន់កេរ្តិ៍តំណែលរបស់
>ផ្លែប៉ោមចាវ៉ាពីតំណភ្ជាប់ខាងក្រោម៖ កេរដំណែលផ្លែប៉ោមចាវ៉ា ៦.
>On December 21, 2019 at 4:51:22 PM, Keith N. McKenna
>( wrote:
>On 12/21/2019 6:25 PM, Peter Kovacs wrote:  
>> Hello all,  
>> I need help with a user on Facebook.  
>> He speaks not very well English, and has issues with the gatekeeper
>on his Mac.  
>> He seems to be from Cambodia (Google translate claim)  
>> It would be cool if someone can jump in who speaks Cambodian or can
>point me to a Cambodian Ressource how to handle the gatekeeper.  
>> I already posted the link to the English forum with the article. (we
>had a wiki article somewhere but I could not find it)  
>> Thanks  
>> All the best  
>> Peter  
>I can't help you with Cambodian, but the English instructions for  
>gatekeeper are in the 4.1.7 release Notes:  
>There are 2 sets of instructions one for Up to 10.11 and another for  
>10.12. That should really be 10.12 and up. I will change that in the  
>Release Notes and in the Template.  

Re: Win 10 and AOO

2019-12-30 Thread Peter Kovacs
Hi Charles,

What do you mean by constantly failing?
Can you describe what is happening, with the best of your ability? It would 
help to diagnose the issue. 

The latest version of AOO is 4.1.7. Which version do you use?

Ms products are not fully supporting the file type.

Despite your trouble I whish you had a good merry Christmas, and hope you will 
have a nice start into 2020.

All the best

Am 30. Dezember 2019 23:22:02 MEZ schrieb CHM :
>I have Win  10
>I'm not a robot
>I'm not a nerd
>I'm completely lost in fixing my AOO so I can use it once again.
>I've switched to MS Works but would love to return to a stable,
>Answers and help on the Forum are all 'gobbly de gook' to me.
>Don't you have a fix for someone like me so I can use AOO once and get
>my many files?
>I'm 91 yrs old trying to write my memories and most of what's written
>on AOO and constantly failing.
>Charles Monroe

Re: Update failures

2020-01-02 Thread Peter Kovacs

that the updater gives an update error is a known issue. A possible fix has 
been discussed, but not executed. If the plan works out and our analysis are 
correct the fix has to be done on the server which offers the updates.
Todo is on dev side.


Am 1. Januar 2020 19:46:52 MEZ schrieb Russ Peters :
>I've searched and searched the internet for answers and seem to get
>I have two computers running windows 10. I have open office 
>4.1.7.installed. When I check for
>updates I get the following message  " error reading data from
>server error message".
>Is this a known problem of can you recommend a fix? Response for both 
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Re: Tutorial

2020-01-08 Thread Peter Kovacs
There is a complete tutorial section on forum.Openoffice.Org under board index 
> getting started >  tutorials

Did you check it out?
What kind of tutorial are you looking at.
I am sure you can find plenty on YouTube too. 

Am 8. Januar 2020 23:28:28 MEZ schrieb Alain Gronner 
>Although many features of this software are intuitive and readily
>understood, quite a number are not. It would be helpful if a tutorial
>for this product was available for sale or otherwise. I would
>appreciate receiving any available information on this subject that
>would allow me to make full use of this terrific product..
>Thanks in advance.
>Alain Gronner

Re: Using Apache Open Office as an assistant to my industry.

2020-01-12 Thread Peter Kovacs

The Apache Software License itself is quite permissive. You can review
this at [1]. The Product depends on Libraries with other Licenses, but I
think for what you want this does not play any role.

You have to take care about trademarks a bit. The Software is called
Apache OpenOffice not Apache Open Office. There is also no professional
or other Qualifier in the product name, something a lot of people seem
love to add.

Project Trademark policies you find at [2]. Describing you in what way
you are allowed to use the Trademarks. I recommend also to consider [3],
I am not sure if this applies. If you sell a document in the
OpenDocument Format there are multiple applications that can work with
this format. You do not depend on the Projects agreement.

Please also note that the project is a community project with only
volunteers. This means while there is support and development it is all
based around volunteers, and the project as its base does not have any
SLAs. If your customer requests professional support, you have to
organize it for them. There is a page that can help you with that. I am
sure there are partners, too. I am a bit unexperienced with this field.

This answer expresses my personal opinion and is not an answer from the
Project Management Committee. ([3] will provide Information how to contact.)

All the Best





On 13.01.20 00:30, Dont_be Naive wrote:
> I would like to use Apache Open Office spreadsheet as the Program to build 
> and sell an animal control industry estimating program. My customers would be 
> required to download and use Apache Open Office to use the estimating 
> templates I wish to create. I would appreciate your approval, to create and 
> sell this industry estimating product. 
> Thank you!
> Keith O'Conner2650 State Route 56New Marshfield Ohio 45766email 
> dontbe_naive@yahoo.comphone USA 740 664 

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Re: Windows 10 version 1903

2020-01-20 Thread Peter Kovacs

I am not able to find any issues to 1903 related to OpenOffice.
Can you please link them in a new topic?
I would like to check if we need to fix something.

What I could find out 1903 is a functional update and not a security one. 

However Sally will not have to fear much. Your files are independant  objects 
in your computer. They should not be affected. But to be on the save side do a 
copy of all important work. 
I am not a windows user. I have Not an overview what you can do to prefent the 
loss of your work. 

What works if you have an internet connection is to use Google drive or dropbox 
to store them at some service. 

What works if you have a SD card drive in your laptop is to copy your work onto 
the SD card and Therefor secure it from the update. 
There are also CD burners that can write to a CD. 

If you provide more information what computer you use maybe I can provide more 

There are also software products helping you in general to create safety copies 
of your files. 
If OpenOffice makes trouble then report here. We will help you as much as we 

Am 20. Januar 2020 03:36:56 MEZ schrieb Alan B :
>Hi Sandy,
>I have Windows 10 v 1903 with LibreOffice. Not the same as Open Office,
>know, but both come from the same code.
>LibreOffice works fine on my pc and has been on it since it was Windows
>I has continued to function through all upgrades... Windows 7 -->
>10 (whatever the earliest release was) --> all the other Windows 10
>upgrades through and including Windows 10 v 1903.
>I've also done some searching to see if there are issues with Open
>on Windows 1903. It seems some people are having issues with Open
>Office on
>Windows 1903. Whether that happens to you will only be known if you try
>If you try the upgrade and have problems then there are two solutions
>seen. Upgrade to the latest version of Open Office which people report
>sometimes resolves the problem. The other option is install LibreOffice
>which doesn't seem to be experiencing the problem and is reported to
>without issue.
>I hope this information is helpful and is enough for you to decide what
>want to try next.
>I encourage you to update Windows. It is the most widely used pc
>system in the world and because of that the most widely attacked. Not
>updating it leaves it vulnerable to attacks.
>On Sat, Jan 18, 2020 at 5:31 PM Sandy M  wrote:
>> Good afternoon
>> I have Apache Open Office on my Windows 10 pc. I need to update to
>> 10 version 1903. I have you heard anything about the update wiping
>the open
>> office out during the update?
>> Thank you
>> Sandy M.
>> Sent from my iPad
>> -
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>> For additional commands, e-mail:
>Alan Boba
>CISSP, CCENT, ITIL v3 Foundations 2011

Re: mac computer

2020-01-20 Thread Peter Kovacs
4.1.7 is the newest release for mac and it is 64 Bit.

Please read the release notes Carefully:

On 20.01.20 14:33, Marv Hachmeister wrote:
> what is the correct version for mac with Catalina   need 64 bit version ???   
> thanks 
> -
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Re: Sharing Excel

2020-01-23 Thread Peter Kovacs

Did you do the following?

1. send unsubscribe message.

2. system will answer with a mail.

3. answer the mail. IMPORTANT: sender has to be the subscribed address.

4. now the bot will confirm that you are unsubscribed

Am 24.01.20 um 05:49 schrieb Mord.Sith Jenn:

I have unsubscribe 25 damn times... Please take me off this mailing!!

On Fri, Jan 17, 2020, 3:28 PM Sarah Staddon 

My son lives away and we are trying to share an excel spreadsheet to work
together on a diary fitness and dieting.
Can you please tell me how to do this?
Many thanks
Sarah Staddon

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Re: [AOO-Templates]

2020-02-03 Thread Peter Kovacs

this has been send to users. Is this a good move?

Shouldn't it go to @dev or @sysadmin?

The contact link on the bottom names @users.

All the Best


On 03.02.20 14:29, Richard wrote:

Re: [AOO-Templates]

2020-02-03 Thread Peter Kovacs
yea I know. that is why I cross post to the other lists.

Now I hope that the people who can fix it become aware and we might
change the mailing list so users write to the right address from the start.

Sorry if this causes confusion.

On 03.02.20 19:25, Dave AOO wrote:
> Yes it probably would have been better to have gone to @dev or
> @sysadmin, but the message was moderated through to @users from a
> non-subscribed poster.
> On 03/02/2020 17:57, Peter Kovacs wrote:
>> Hi,
>> this has been send to users. Is this a good move?
>> Shouldn't it go to @dev or @sysadmin?
>> The contact link on the bottom names @users.
>> All the Best
>> Peter
>>> On 03.02.20 14:29, Richard wrote:
>>> The e-mail address is already registered. Have you 
>>> forgotten your password?
>>> User account
>>> Unable to send e-mail. Contact the site administrator if the problem 
>>> persists.
> -
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Re: Hang in 3rd file saving

2020-02-03 Thread Peter Kovacs
Hello Mr Chong,

Can you provide more Information on your Issue?

How big are the files in MB? On which Hardware do you run the software.

How Many documents do you open in Parallel?


All the best


On 03.02.20 02:12, Eddy Chong wrote:
> Dear Sir / Madam,
> I am using Open Office Calc in Windows 10, I found that when saving the 3rd
> files the software will hang for about 15 second.
> I hope that this problem will be solved in next update.
> Thank you.
> Regards,
> Eddy Chong

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Re: Open office too many icons

2020-02-09 Thread Peter Kovacs
Hello Joseph P. Carlin,

My OpenOffice installation has 8 Icons Installed.

Base, Calc, Writer, Impress, Draw, Math, Printer setup and a generic one

The first 6 start directly the application you want to use. the 7th Icon
regulates Printer setup and the last one starts an application where I
can select what I want to do.

Please note that all applications are different with a different purpose.

I have no Idea what your 9th Icon is, maybe Uninstall?

Maybe you could add what do you expect, when Installing the OpenOffice
Productivity suite.

All the Best


On 08.02.20 14:56, Dave AOO wrote:
> Forwarded to users mailing list.
>  Original Message 
> From: Joseph Carlino []
> Sent: Friday, February 7, 2020, 18:30 UTC
> To:
> Subject: Open office too many icons
>> Hi I just purchased a new HP laptop and downloaded open office Apache and 
>> now I have 9 icons I didn’t ask for.
>> Can you shed some light on this. 
>> Sincerely 
>> Joseph P. Carlino 
> -
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Re: nice if you could make a Mail app to iOS connected to word open office?

2020-02-11 Thread Peter Kovacs

What do you mean? Can you maybe rephrase maybe, starting with

I as a user want to ...

Am 11.02.20 um 08:50 schrieb aleksander kolås:

nice if you could make a Mail app to iOS connected to word open office?

vat Aleksander Kolås
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Re: Open Office calculator

2020-02-13 Thread Peter Kovacs

Hi Jon,

Have you tried to use the "save as" option?

If that is working for some reason your file probably has a copy 
protection activated.



Am 13.02.20 um 19:53 schrieb RJ:


I have been using Open Office calculator without problems for quite a long time.

However suddenly my work will not save and an error notice appears stating 
“General input/output error while accessing”

How can I repair this error and get back to work?

An early response would be much appreciated

Thanking you in advance


Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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Re: Found an issue in left indent in OpenOffice Writer

2020-02-17 Thread Peter Kovacs

Hi Binny,

I thought I wrote an answer. Well never mind.

I have created a bug report for you:

I linked the report to this thread for credits, but I guess you do not care.

Thank you for your report, anyhow. Sorry for the fuzz.

All the Best


Am 17.02.20 um 08:40 schrieb Binny James:

Hi all,

Thank you for your quick responses.

What I asked is about a scenario, but got colorful responses, hahaha. I
have Microsoft Word as well in one of my PCs, found they don't allow left
indent once it reach the home place of a line. But here it is different and
reported to your team, don't want you blunt. I am also working in customer
service in an IT company. I really don't respond like this in my
experience. Actually I asked about an issue before around 4 years back,
that time really your team responded very nice and asked me to go ahead to
a later version and I did. Now I don't want your application and I shall
choose Libre Office.


On Fri, Feb 14, 2020 at 9:40 PM Martin Groenescheij 

On 14/02/2020 08:21, Binny James wrote:


Found an issue in left indent.
1. Launch Open Office Writer

2. Read the manual
3. Learn to work with Styles

2. Type a text.

4. Type text

3. Click on 'Decrease indent' from toolbar button.

Why do you need to Decrease indent if you already at the left margin?

The typed text is indented left out of the editor.

You get what your asked for.

Expected Result:
Should not indent once the text is left most of the editor.

Wrong expectation

Version Details: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.3

You should always use the most recent version


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Re: Installation Problems.

2020-02-24 Thread Peter Kovacs


do you have the CD with OpenOffice Version 3.2?

All the Best


Am 24.02.20 um 20:30 schrieb Gilbert Gabrielsen:

I am a long time user of Open Office. I recently tried to install ver.
4.1.7. I had some problems so I decided to remove the old version and
install the newer one. Every time I try I get this message 'The feature you
are trying to use is on a CD-ROM or other removable disk that is not
available.   Insert the 'Open' 3.2 disk and click ok'. Any
help you can give me with this problem would be appreciated. This is my
second request. Gilbert Gabrielsen at

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2020-03-05 Thread Peter Kovacs

You probably want to read this page:

All the Best


Am 05.03.20 um 21:37 schrieb John Clipper:

Apache too big to have a help line?

I have a  spreadsheet - 8 columns. All cols contain data. When I print 
spreadsheet -

result 7 cols on page 1

col 8 on page 2.

Any solution available?

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Re: problemi

2020-03-09 Thread Peter Kovacs


Deepl translation:

Scusate se non parlo italico.

1) Segnare il testo e premere Ctrl+B, questo dovrebbe formattare il 
testo in un blocco. Suppongo che questo sia quello che volete.

2) si prega di reimpostare il profilo utente:


sorry I do not speak itallian.

1) Mark your text and press Ctrl+B this should format the text in a 
block. I assume this is what you want.

2) please reset the user Profile:

All the best


Am 07.03.20 um 08:05 schrieb

ho installato sul mio computer l'ultima versione di OpenOffice, ossia Apache 
OpenOffice 4.1.7, ma rilevo 2 problemi, in modo particolare:
1)Scrivendo un testo, alla fine di ogni riga, non riesco ad andare a capo 
automaticamente, occupando tutto lo spazio utile della riga stessa, ossia, se 
necessario, spezzando l'ultima parola inserita sulla riga prima di andare a 
capo in sillabe, in modo automatico
2)Se attivo il tasto ''Controllo ortografico automatico'', in un testo, mi 
viene sottolineata in rosso ogni parola, tranne i numeri, anche le parole 
giuste , quindi, e non solo quelle errate

Cosa devo selezionare, nei vari menu degli strumenti, per risolvere tali 
Grazie anticipatamente per quanto potrete farmi sapere.

Re: Your product is the worst ever. Twice already, you cut out and lost my book that took me hours to upload. I will be on facebook making sure everyone on my friends list, almost 5,000 people, know a

2020-03-19 Thread Peter Kovacs
Yes, please explain more in detail what you are doing. OpenOffice is a 
community Product. It is made and supported by community. People like 
you. We do not cut out on our own.

Maybe we have an idea to help you. Just take a moment and tell us.

We are here to help.

All the best.


Am 19.03.20 um 19:35 schrieb David Belina:

Open Office has nothing to do with uploading a book.  It only does editing and 
hands off the document to your email account to send or to your OS to save. You 
might as well blame your Microsoft Windows 10 for your problem.

I’m sorry ythat you think you have to blast 5K people beforee investigating 
what the problem really might be.

On March 19, 2020 at 12:21:56 PM, laurie purcell ( 

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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Re: Your product is the worst ever. Twice already, you cut out and lost my book that took me hours to upload. I will be on facebook making sure everyone on my friends list, almost 5,000 people, know a

2020-03-19 Thread Peter Kovacs
Please be friendly. You should know how frustrating it can be if the 
computer does something and it is not what you want.

We have learned to deal with it, others hit their personal limits.

If I talk to my dad, he does not understand how a smartphone works. It 
is impossible for him to accept calls. Really!

He gets impacient and angry, because when he was younger he was the 
techie. He set the standards of new tech in his workarea. Convinced 
bosses to buy computers and Programmers instead of using old paper 

But today the new tech toys are beyond him. I think I have a pretty good 
Idea how Laurie is feeling.

I think words matter here more then talking to a techie.

Am 19.03.20 um 20:55 schrieb Wade Smart:

Dang Laurie, its like you have never in your life sent a email before.
You dont write a email in the subject line.

Im sure all those people are following you so very closely on
facebook because... what?? You are the toilet paper queen?
No. They wont have a clue what you are talking about. Why
you cant trouble shoot a problem or ask a simple question.
But be sure that all those on this list have seen your post ;)

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Re: Migrating from MSO

2020-03-22 Thread Peter Kovacs
OpenOffice does currently have Issues with complex docx, xlsx, pptx 

For better migration results you need to save documents in doc, xls or 
rtf formats.

If you need modern Document File support you might want to look at other 
alternative Office Products.

Am 22.03.20 um 05:50 schrieb Stan Hendryx:

I’m evaluating migrating to OpenOffice from MSO, using a MacBook Pro with Mojave, 
MSO Office Mac 2011. I’m new to OpenOffice. I work on documents collaboratively 
with others who use MSO, so my edits need to be transparent to them in style and 
layout. My first trial had serious problems. I opened a .docx document in 
OpenOffice 4.1.7. The original document comprises multiple tables, one table per 
section, each table being about one or two pages or so, total 60 pages. When 
opened in OpenOffice, the font was changed from Times New Roman to Calibri. The 
footers do not show in OpenOffice, although they are listed and checked under 
Insert->Footer as Converted1-Converted59. The text boxes were missing. The 
number of pages was 57 instead of the original 60 (possibly due to the missing 
footers).  Are these problems endemic, or is there a way to avoid them, have my 
documents look the same as in MSO?
Thank you,
Stan Hendryx

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Re: Openoffice 4.1.7

2020-03-29 Thread Peter Kovacs

(english translations below)

Hallo Mirko,

Ich kann Andrea nur zustimmen. Wir haben eine relativ starke deutsche 
Nutzergemeinschaft. Bitte Nutz die deutschen Anlaufpunkte, für deutsch.

deutsche user list:

deutsches user Forum:

deutsche dev-de List

Für Englische ressourcen gibt es diverse translatoren. deepl produziert 
relative vernünftige übersetzungen:

Ein Schuss ins blaue: Häufige Fehlerursache ist ein korruptes profil:

resetting profile (ressource english):

Beste Grüße




I agree with Andrea. There is a strong german community, please use the 
german offering if you want to speak german.

(list of ressources.

Maybe translate what you say to english. one translator given with 
pretty okayish results.

Shot in the blue: reseting the user profile.

[link to english forum]

All the BEst



after I had repeated crashes, both in text and
Calc files, I have installed V4.1.7

There it became even more violent. Whenever I do a calculation
the message came in

"Could not create /java implementation loader/"

I then updated Java, but it did not get any better.

It wasn't until I went to Tools/Settings/Java oracle... a black
point, I was able to perform calculations again without
came crashing down.

Crashes still happen.

That can't be.

Just because Java wasn't enabled, there can't be any crashes,
a warning, yes, but not a full crash. That's botched.

Fix this bug.

Instead of the error message "Could not create..."
to open a window immediately to activate Java or to display a message
"Enable Java?"

But without crashing.


Mirko Lüthge


Answer Andrea:

Hello, Mirko.

Firstly, the language on this list is English - the fewest will
understand German and...
Second: We can't fix bugs - we are users like you.
Maybe someone who understands German knows if the crashes are something
have to do with OpenOffice or with the Java installation, but that also
only if you reveal what kind of operating system you have.

Mfg Andrea

Translated with (free version)

Am 28.03.20 um 19:53 schrieb Andrea:

Hallo Mirko.

Erstens ist die Sprache auf diese Liste Englisch - die Wenigsten werden
Deutsch verstehen und ...
Zweitens: Wir können keine Fehler beheben - wir sind User wie Du.
Vielleicht weiss ja jemand er Deutsch versteht, ob die Abbstürze etwas
mit OpenOffice oder mit der Javainstallation zu tun haben, aber das auch
nur wenn du noch verrätst was für ein Betriebssystem du hast.

Mfg Andrea

Am 28.03.2020 um 18:11 schrieb Mirko Luethge:


nachdem ich wiederholt Abstürze hatte, sowohl bei Text- als auch
Calcdateien, habe ich V4.1.7 installiert.

Dort wurde es dann noch heftiger. Immer, wenn ich eine Calculation
durchführen wollte, kam die Meldung

"Could not create /java implementation loader/"

Ich habe dann Java upgedated, aber es wurde nicht besser.

Erst als ich unter Extras/Einstellungen/Java oracle... einen schwarzen
Punkt setzte, konnte ich wieder Berechnungen durchführen, ohne, daß es
zu Abstürzen kam.

Abstürze gibt es immer noch.

Das kann nicht sein.

Nur , weil Java nicht aktiviert war, darf es keine Abstürze geben,
eine Warnmeldung ja, aber keinen Komplettabsturz. Das ist Pfusch.

Behebt diesen Fehler.

Statt der Fehlermeldung "Could not create..." wäre es sinnvoiller,
gleich ein Fenster zu öffnen, um Java zu aktivieren oder eine Meldung
"Java aktivieren ?"

Aber eben ohne Absturz.


Mirko Lüthge

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Re: Recordar ID de openoffice

2020-03-29 Thread Peter Kovacs

There is no registration function in Apache OpenOffice.

Possible solution

a) (recommended) install the free community Version of OpenOffice

-> download Apache OpenOffice from:

-> deinstall installed version

-> ŕeset profile (just to be sure)

All the Best


b) get in contact where you got openoffice from with your issue.

Am 28.03.20 um 19:42 schrieb Jose Francisco Lario Pozo:

Les agradecería que ayudaran a recuperar mi nombre de usuario y mi contraseña 
en Openoffce, ya que no la recuerdo y no me reconoce el e-mail de registro y al 
mismo timpo me dice que dicho e-mail ya está en uso.Saludos y 
I would appreciate it if you could help me recover my username and password in 
Openoffce, since I don't remember it and it doesn't recognize the registration 
email and at the same time it tells me that this email is already in 
use.Greetings and thanks.

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Re: How to open docs

2020-04-04 Thread Peter Kovacs
The special Star Office Format has been removed. sxw document filter 
does still exist in 4.1.7

Am 05.04.20 um 03:29 schrieb Dan Lewis:
Tony is not subscribed to this mailing list, so I have sent him a Cc 
so he can see what Julian wrote.

Is it possible that  these documents are .sxw files? Or was the :w" 
replaced with another letter? If so, the format for these documents 
predate the open document format such as .odt, .odc, odb, etc. I do 
not know if the latest versions of Open Office will read the .sxw or 
similar files. Perhaps someone else knows.

This mailing list strips all attachments, so no one saw your example. 
Also, when you answer my questions, make sure that you sent it to and NOT to me personally.


On 4/4/20 16:04, Julian Thomas wrote:

On Apr 4, 2020, at 11:56, Tony Seidel  wrote:

I have several documents created 10 years ago etc. with Open Office. 
Now i’m using Open Office 4.1.7 and can’t open these documents 
(example below). Any suggestions?
there was no 'below' and you don’t tell us what OS you are using, but 
it is likely that you have lost your file associations.  Try opening 
OO and then selecting one of the documents to open.  The best result 
is that it will open; if it cusses at you and claims that it is an 
unknown format, someone else here may be able to help better than I.  
I can’t find anything that old on this computer to test.


Julian Thomas   -

‌When small men begin to cast big shadows, it means that the sun is 
about to set. - Lin Yutang‌  ‌


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Re: aangepaste installatie openoffice

2020-04-08 Thread Peter Kovacs

Hi Jaimie,

vertalen met door David
Dit is een Engelstalige mailinglijst - misschien wilt u uw vraag in die 
taal stellen. Merk op dat de mailinglijst bijlagen en afbeeldingen bevat.

my answer in english:

Base needs to have Java (installed. For Windows systems we need a 32 bit 

you can download java from here if you do not have something better:

English Translation what Jamie wrote:

I have to install everything on the hard disk and only one at startup of 
the program. I understand how to do everything one way and how to do 
everything the other way but not the combination:

*Math :installed at first use*

*Base: don't isntall*

*everything: run from my computer*

*I know these options: run everything on local hard disk OR run 
everything from the network*.

Am 05.04.20 um 13:05 schrieb David Robley:
This is an English language mailing list - you may wish to put your 
question in that language. Note that the mailing list strips 
attachments and images.

Since you are not subscribed to this list you may not see all the 
replies to your query. To subscribe to Apache OpenOffice mailing lists 
go to As a courtesy I 
have sent a copy of this reply to you as well as to the mailing list. 
Do Not reply to me personally but just to the list at 
 - replies to my personal email address 
will be ignored.

On 5/4/20 6:55 pm, Jaimie Berk wrote:
Ik moet alles op harde schijf isntalleren en eentje pas bij opstarten 
ven het programma. Ik snap hoe je alles op de ene manier moet doen en 
hoe je het andere allemaal op de andere manier moet doen maar niet de 

*Math :geinstalleerd bij eerste gebruik*

*Base: niet isntalleren*

*alles: uitvoeren vanaf mijn computer*

*ik weet deze opties: alles op lokale harde schijf OF alles uitvoeren 
vanaf het netwerk*


Met vriendelijke groeten,
Jaimie Berk


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Re: Archive download failure

2020-04-10 Thread Peter Kovacs

I am not sure if you are subscribed.

Dan wrote a link where you can receive Version 3.3 below which is the 
last Windows 2000 supported Version

From 3.4 onwards up until today we support every Windows Version from 
XP onward.

Maybe you want to have also a look at reactOS [1], and if only for 
curiosity. I can not resist the advertisement

for it. I am Sorry.

All the Best



Am 11.04.20 um 04:34 schrieb Dan Lewis:

I recommend using the above link. This page has the version you are 
looking for.


On 4/10/20 19:11, William Lee Valentine wrote:

I want to download the last version of OpenOffice that executes under
Microsoft's Windows 2000. (I am still running Windows 2000 on one
computer.) I looked at the OpenOffice web site, and it appeared that the
last such version of OpenOffice was 3.3. (I was not able to tell whether
version 3.4 would run under Windows 2000.)

I was directed to the following web site to download version 3.3:

I went there; but my browser gave me the following error message:

   Apache / 2.4.25 (Debian) server at
  Port 80

   The requested URL was not found on this server.

Should I be attempting to make use of a different URL? Is this back
version of OpenOffice available for download?

I would appreciate any assistance.

-- Lee Valentine

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Re: Calc: How to graph polynomial trend line like Excel?

2020-04-13 Thread Peter Kovacs

Which Version do you use?

In 4.1.7 you can

1) select the Dots you want to add a trendline to.

2) right click

3) in the Menue select the trend line

4) select the Formula you want to add

5) if you click again, you can add the trendline formula to the trendline.

I hope this helps.

Am 13.04.20 um 18:51 schrieb helices:

How can we create more complex trend lines in Calc, like the Polynomial
line in Excel?

~ Mike

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Re: Calc: How to graph polynomial trend line like Excel?

2020-04-14 Thread Peter Kovacs


I checked to day Excel 2016 and the main difference is that OpenOffice 
does not have a + Symbol.

Okay, maybe when you have the Graph selected, then you need to double 
click, to be able to manipulate the Graph itself.

And then you can select the line you want to add the trend line too.

And only then you see the trend line in the Menu.

By now I found the wiki article too:

Hope that clarifies.



Am 13.04.20 um 22:58 schrieb Mike Schleif:


This does not work for me. I have not gotten anywhere with Insert 
Trend Line where there is any option to insert an equation.

Of course, devising my own equation is not the same as Excel doing it 
for me ...

What am I missing?

On Mon, Apr 13, 2020 at 3:33 PM Peter Kovacs <>> wrote:

Which Version do you use?

In 4.1.7 you can

1) select the Dots you want to add a trendline to.

2) right click

3) in the Menue select the trend line

4) select the Formula you want to add

5) if you click again, you can add the trendline formula to the

I hope this helps.

Am 13.04.20 um 18:51 schrieb helices:
> How can we create more complex trend lines in Calc, like the
> line in Excel?
> ~ Mike

If I can ever be of service to you; contact me at once.

I wish for you a truly extraordinary day ...

Best Regards,

Mike Schleif

Re: It Is Time for Me to Generate an Updated Telephone-Addressbook

2020-04-18 Thread Peter Kovacs


I would say it depends what your goal is.

Is it a simple Address List, then Calc is the way to go. Do you want to 
do complex stuff with the List then you may want to consider a database 
approach and look if you base is sufficient.

I would personally install locally an Email App and use the build in 
Address book (maybe Thunderbird?). If you configure to sync Google then 
you have an easy job syncing the Addresses between your PC, Google and 
even to an Android Smart phone will be simple. And you can then maintain 
your address List on your phone. This works for me.

All the Best


Am 17.04.20 um 22:34 schrieb Vince@GMAIL:


I am staying at home and have time on my hands, so I think this might 
be a good time to generate an updated telephone/address book in a PC 

Can anyone suggest a "relatively" simple database template for 
tracking Names, Postal Addresses, Telephone numbers-House, Telephone 
numbers-Cell, Telephone numbers-Businesses, Medical offices' data, etc?

I started by exporting my Contacts from the GMAIL website for my one email account, and have that data now on my WIN10-x64 
desktop PC as a .CSV file (to Excel).  I also plan to eventually enter 
the data from a paper telephone/address book into a database.  I am 
not certain which to use, (vers 4.1.5) AOO-Calc or AOO-Base.  I also 
have Libre Office (Version: (x64)
Build ID: 60da17e045e08f1793c57c00ba83cdfce946d0aa) installed, but am 
even less skilled with its operation.

1. Should I go with AOO-Calc or attempt to learn more about AOO-Base
   for this project?
2. Any suggestion for a template file would be appreciated.

Thanks for reading this.

Regards and stay safe,


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Re: Maintainer of danish spellchecker

2020-04-21 Thread Peter Kovacs

Hi Jeppe,

The mailinglist organizing translation is

If you respond to this mail you write to the translation list.

They help you with the details.

I recommend subscribing to the translation list by sending an email to:

All the Best


Am 21.04.20 um 10:58 schrieb Jeppe Bundsgaard:

I got a bounce back on the e-mail I sent to the mail address on the page below. 
Maybe I have better luck here?

I saw at this page,,
 that no one is actively maintaining the Danish spellchecker. I am one of the 
maintainers of, the Danish hunspell spell checker. I can 
take over, if you want me to.
Best regards,

Jeppe Bundsgaard * Professor MSO, Ph.d.
DPU, Aarhus Universitet/Department of Education, Aarhus University
Tuborgvej 164 - 2400 København NV - Danmark
K: B310; T: +45 3119 2607; E:; W: /

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Re: Probloms

2020-04-22 Thread Peter Kovacs

Hello Sivan,

After Copy you do not choose insert (Control+V), but  insert as 

in the pop up select unformatted text. It will remove all formation and 
hopefully also the fragments you do not like,

Then use the Styles to Format the Text as fits in your document.

All the Best


Am 22.04.20 um 07:22 schrieb Sivan Assayag:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I  work with both Hebrew and English (mostly English) and experience a 
lot of probloms alining English texts to the left.

I attached a screenshot of a document where you can see how I alined 
that the  the left (I drew two errows that indicate how I alined it).

You can also see that inspite the fact that the text was alined to the 
left, the full stop is in the beginning Of the sentence instead on the 

Another problom I experiance is that when I past sexts from gmail to  
OpenOffice I have grey marks where there are spaces.

(See in the begining of the sentances in this case).

How can I deleat these gray marks all together without having to 
dealit them one by one?


Best wishes,

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Re: Probloms

2020-04-22 Thread Peter Kovacs

Hi Sivan,

Should be similar on Mac, with control is the apple key (I think). But 
you can look into the insert menu, see the link to the Wiki guide.

I tried to provide one solution for removing the gray boxes. I assume 
the gray boxes come from the Page copy from.

The basic knowledge I refer to you can read here:

Please, try it out and write to the email 
address if it worked or not.

Does anyone know a hebrew Forum? There is no official one, and I was not 
able to google one.

All the Best


Am 22.04.20 um 10:57 schrieb Sivan Assayag:
I'm realy not good in computers and English isn't my first language so 
is it possible for you to write me which part of your reply refer to 
which of my questions?


בתאריך יום ד׳, 22 באפר׳ 2020, 11:54, מאת Sivan Assayag 

Hi Peter
Many thanks for your prompt reply.
Is it the instructions for mac?

Best wishes,

בתאריך יום ד׳, 22 באפר׳ 2020, 10:55, מאת Peter Kovacs

Hello Sivan,

After Copy you do not choose insert (Control+V), but insert as

in the pop up select unformatted text. It will remove all
formation and hopefully also the fragments you do not like,

Then use the Styles to Format the Text as fits in your document.

All the Best


Am 22.04.20 um 07:22 schrieb Sivan Assayag:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I  work with both Hebrew and English (mostly English) and
experience a lot of probloms alining English texts to the left.

I attached a screenshot of a document where you can see how I
alined that the  the left (I drew two errows that indicate
how I alined it).

You can also see that inspite the fact that the text was
alined to the left, the full stop is in the beginning Of the
sentence instead on the end.

Another problom I experiance is that when I past sexts from
gmail to  OpenOffice I have grey marks where there are spaces.
(See in the begining of the sentances in this case).

How can I deleat these gray marks all together without having
to dealit them one by one?


Best wishes,

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Re: Auto Updates

2020-04-22 Thread Peter Kovacs

Hi Richard,

In the Menue extras -> Preferences you open the cofiguration winodw for 

Then in the section OpenOffice -> onlineUpdates you can uncheck the 

All the Best


Am 23.04.20 um 00:42 schrieb Ric Bailey:

Hi Friends.  I need to know how to stop getting automatic software updates.  
The update pop-ups on my desktop are a constant distraction and whenever I do 
an update, it causes all sorts of problems on my computer, for example, the 
update won’t upload and I get alert notices on various aps, and worse.  All I 
want is for no more updates.

Thanks so much for your help.

Richard Bailey
OpenOffice User

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Re: Error Creating Object

2020-04-24 Thread Peter Kovacs

I have no Idea.

Do other save locations work?

Am 24.04.20 um 17:13 schrieb WA.TWORSX via AOL:

AOO 4.1.5; Windows 10 x64 Home on DELL desktop.

I have a Calc file opened, and have made some revisions. Everything 
appears to still be active/working as expected, including auto saves 
flashings. However, when I attempt to close the file I am shown an 
error message that reads:

Error saving the document filename..   :

Error creating object.

Could not create backup copy.

Any ideas on what is going on and how to save the file?

Regards, and please stay safe:


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Re: doc vs docx

2020-04-27 Thread Peter Kovacs
On the development list, we discuss modern MS Office Formats from time 
to time. And we have multiple Ideas on how we could improve the issue.

But currently the Discussions are maybe more a bundle of Ideas then a 
real plan. I believe this topic will get more attention after we have 
finally managed to release 4.2.0.

This my personal personal position and is not an aligned development list.

This does not help you much, but maybe it is nice to have some 
impressions from the dev perspective.

Am 27.04.20 um 02:02 schrieb pat hanford:

A company wants me to submit an article in docx form. I can not save an article 
in docx only doc. Is there an update?

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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Re: Numbers automatically advance in spreadsheet columns

2020-04-27 Thread Peter Kovacs

1) Mark the Cell

2) Right Klick -> select copy

3) select first Cell of your row. (i.e. the cell below)

4) Press shift And mark the last cell -> you now see the rows that you 
target marked.

5) right click select copy.

Am 27.04.20 um 19:08 schrieb David Deeks:

I have been an Open Office user for many years, but only recently discovered 
this group, and have already learned a couple of things!

I am hoping however that someone can help with a specific and longstanding 
problem with numbers in spreadsheet columns. If I have a cell with a number in 
that I want repeated down the column, I would love to able to simply highlight 
the cell and drag down the column. The problem is that in each line the numbers 
always increase by 1. This is useful of course sometimes, but not always! I 
have tried all formats, including text etc, and feel as though I’ve looked 
through every menu - but cannot find how to stop it doing this. I am sure there 
must be a way?


David Deeks
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Re: doc vs docx

2020-04-28 Thread Peter Kovacs

Imho you have a wide choice on Tools, if you need MS Support:

# WPS Office

# Free Office (Free Variant of Softmaker Office)

# G Suite from Google

# Neo Office

# iWorks (Mac only)

The Market is rich on Solutions.

And most of them have also support for ODT Format.

Some you have to pay, others are Free.

AFAIK the quality varies, you should inform yourself.

Am 28.04.20 um 22:24 schrieb Hagar Delest:

Apache OpenOffice cannot save in OOXML (.docx).
Either use LibreOffice that supports this format or use MS Office.
OOXML has not been designed to be compatible with anything else than 
MS Office. Thus, even LibreOffice may lead to glitches.

Welcome to the vendor lock-in policy.

Beware, you're not subscribed to the list, you may miss replies.


Le 27/04/2020 à 02:02, pat hanford a écrit :
A company wants me to submit an article in docx form. I can not save 
an article in docx only doc. Is there an update?

Sent from Mail for 
Windows 10

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Re: Difficulty to control printing of a Calc file

2020-04-30 Thread Peter Kovacs

you can check this How To:

All the Best


Am 30.04.20 um 17:58 schrieb WA.TWORSX via AOL:

AOO415m1(Build:9789) -  Rev. 18174962017-12-11 17:25

win10x64 home desktop


It seems that print-settings for my Calk file do not stick. (Wasted 
several sheets of ink.) A change of page-breaks also causes a change 
of scaling, or width, of the printed document. Is that normal?

Please, someone remind me of which slider control, near top  or near 
bottom of screen, actually controls print-output scaling factor and 
which controls the screen scale factor. I might be using the incorrect 

Please be well and stay safe.


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Re: Optimum Row Height-Default

2020-05-05 Thread Peter Kovacs

Am 04.05.20 um 18:12 schrieb WA.TWORSX via AOL:

On 5/3/2020 1:44 AM, Brian Barker wrote:

At 13:04 02/05/2020 -0400, Vince Bonly wrote:

Optimum Row Height-Default
In Calc, where can the default setting be reset/changed?

I don't think it can - but do you need to?

o You can easily select multiple rows using click and Shift+click in 
the row headers or by dragging down the row headers. Then you can 
adjust the row height for all those rows in a single step.

o Even more generally, you can select an entire sheet (or even 
multiple sheets) by clicking in the rectangle at top left, where the 
row and column headers meet. Again, you can adjust the row height for 
all those rows at once.

Yes, but first I must drop down to any Row's left margin header area 
and do a right-click; only after doing that, am I able to add my 
desired additional space (pitch) and make a change for optimum row 
height for all rows in the sheet (most of the time, as this sometimes 
misses a row(s)).

I am not sure what you try to accomplish. Selecting all rows does not 
help you?

While it is not obvious solution you could change the Style. Press F11, 
in the Popup you will see a default style. You modify this style and 
change on the Borders tab you find the distance to the cell space.

You set up the styles you need, and then you mark the complete sheet as 
described above, select optimal Row hight and it will adjust.

The only exception is if you have merged cells. That will not work as 
you might expect.

If you want to change the default distance you have to adjust the 
default style and save the document as your default template.



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Re: openoffice

2020-05-05 Thread Peter Kovacs

Requirement for OpenOffice are AFAIK:

   OS X

 * OS X 10.7 (Lion) or higher
 * Intel Processor
 * Free memory of 512 MB RAM
 * 400 MB available disk space
 * 1024 x 768 pixel or higher resolution with 16.7 million colors

Am 05.05.20 um 17:53 schrieb Marco Destro:

goodmornig i’ve a little problem,there is the possibility to have open 
office for this kind of old configuration?

thanks best regards

Dott. Marco Destro
Strada Ca’ della terra 69/m
27100 Pavia
339 6178290 

Re: [AOO-Templates]

2020-05-09 Thread Peter Kovacs


I am sorry my french is horrible. i am also sorry for sending a mail 
that has not been ment for you.

I just realized that I had a mail mismatch.

The Documentation we have you can read at [1]

The base is a normal Database Frontend, which designed to support for 
"simple" database models.

You could write a macro that reads a Path and adds elements to a database.

If you havbe only one table, that you want to fill, it is probable 
better to use a calc sheet for the purpose.

There you can simnply add a macro that scans a directory for files and 
adds each entry to cell.

Database is better if your case is more complex than that.


English translation:

Good morning, sir,

I am taking the liberty of contacting you because I would like to have 
information about the features of open office please.

I have several tables on which I would like to gather as much 
information as possible about my customers so that I don't always have 
to look for elements.
I would like to know if it is possible to link a pdf file or folder to 
my table (I click on the cell and the information opens)?

Could you send me the complete open office manual in pdf version in 
English please?

Thank you in advance.

With kind regards

Translated with (free version)

Am 06.05.20 um 16:51 schrieb


Je me permets de vous contacter car je voudrais avoir un renseignement sur les 
fonctionnalités d’open office svp.

Je me fais plusieurs tableau sur lesquels je souhaite regrouper un maximum 
d’information concernant mes clients pour ne pas avoir à toujours chercher 
partour les éléments.
Je voudrais savoir si il est possible de lier un fichier pdf ou dossier à mon 
tableau ( je clique sur la cellule et l’information s’ouvre ) ?

Pourriez vous me transmettre en version pdf, la notice complète d’open office 
en Français svp ?

Je vous en remercie par avance.

Bien cordialement

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Re: Java Version

2020-05-19 Thread Peter Kovacs

Hi Vince,

there should be no issue in having a 32  bit version and a 64 bit 
version on disk.

LibreOffice and OpenOffice can coop very well next to each other. If you 
get issue let us know.

All the Best


Am 19.05.20 um 20:17 schrieb Vince@GMAIL:

Hello Group:

My Windows 10 Home is used on a 64-bit architecture DELL desktop.

I recently downloaded and installed Libre Office software.  So, now I 
have both packages:

1. Apache Open Office: AOO415m1(Build:9789)  -  Rev. 1817496
   2017-12-11 17:25 (This is AOO 32-bit version.)
2. Libre Office: Version: (x64)
   Build ID: dd0751754f11728f69b42ee2af66670068624673

The two JREs available to me are:

1. jre-8u201-windows-i586
2. jre-8u241-windows-x64

Given that a 32-bit java and a 64-bit java should/must not be 
installed on the same machine/partition. I therefore must remove one 
of the JREs from my machine.    Or, install and run the AOO 64-bit 
version, and keep the JRE-64 bit. But I am uncertain if I would loose 
any of my 32-bit AOO existing files and/or templates.

How should I proceed if I go ahead with the 64-bit AOO installation?  
Will I loose any 32-bit AOO files/templates? Are there any practical 
advantages included in AOO-64 over AOO-32?

Your suggestions will be appreciated.

Thanks for reading this. Stay well and be safe.


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2020-05-26 Thread Peter Kovacs
The users mailing list send to all who are subscribed. So you receive all mails 
send to the list. 

Am 27. Mai 2020 07:34:12 MESZ schrieb Haim Giloh :
>  Hello, please be aware:  this mail has been *sent erroneously to me*,
>instead of to the person who has submitted the question.
>To a number of other people asking for support has happened the same.
>Haim Giloh
>On Wed, May 27, 2020 at 6:42 AM Brian Barker
> wrote:
>> At 17:35 26/05/2020 -0400, Drew Jensen wrote:
>> >Same for AOO on Linux, print to pdf works for me. (AOO 4.2 dev
>> So you are saying that your Linux installation also comes with a PDF
>> virtual printer? Good. But - again - we cannot assume that this is so
>> for all users, as it is not part of OpenOffice.
>> Brian Barker
>> -
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Re: MAC OS - Still cannot eliminate OO icon from Mac desktop when program running

2020-05-26 Thread Peter Kovacs

Hello Haim Giloh,

Why do you think I have send the mail to you? The address is

Do you know what the technology "Mailing List" does?

All the best


Am 27.05.20 um 07:53 schrieb Haim Giloh:

   Hello, please be aware:  this mail has been *sent erroneously to me*,
instead of to the person who has submitted the question.
To a number of other people asking for support has happened the same.
Haim Giloh

On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 8:44 PM Chuck Spalding  wrote:


It appears that that you are opening the OpenOffice program from within the
downloaded dmg file (i.e., from the window described below). That file
contains a virtual disk that contains the program and other files. You are
supposed to copy the OpenOffice program from that virtual disk to the
Applications folder on your computer.

The steps for installing OpenOffice on a Mac are as follows:

1. Download the OpenOffice distribution file

2. Double click on the icon for the dmg file (i.e., wherever it got
downloaded to), which will (a) mount the virtual disk contained in the dmg
file, which creates an "OpenOffice" icon on the desktop, and (b) display
the virtual disk's contents in a window named "OpenOffice" (which is the
"screen" referenced in the instructions that you quoted).

3. *In that "OpenOffice" window*, drag the "" icon to the
"Applications" icon (also in that window—it is an alias for the actual
Applications folder). (You appear to have dragged the "OpenOffice" icon
from the desktop to the Applications folder, which is not the same
thing—different name and different source location.)

4. Close the "OpenOffice" window.

5. Select (single-click) the "OpenOffice" icon on the desktop, and select
File > Eject "OpenOffice". (You could also right click [or hold down
Control and left click] on that icon and select Eject "OpenOffice" from the
menu that is displayed.)

6. Drag the downloaded dmg file to the Trash (or save it somewhere for
[unlikely] future use).

Then, to use OpenOffice, double click on its icon in the Applications

If you want to avoid having to go to the Applications folder (or the
Launcher?) each time you want to use OpenOffice, you can keep its icon in
the Dock permanently.

I hope this helps,


P.S. For the record, I have not looked at the instructions posted on the
OpenOffice website.

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Re: crash

2020-06-01 Thread Peter Kovacs

Hello Giulio,

sorry for the late answer. Can you providfe more details?

Operating System, maybe on Windows MS Patches?

What you can try out of the blue is resetting your profile.



Am 29.05.20 um 17:25 schrieb Giulio Caprera:

Good afternoon,
I require some help with my Open office, it keeps on crashing as I press enter 
or write a new paragraph causing me to have to do a recovery of the file 
I would really appreciate some help.
Kind regards,

Giulio Caprera

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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Re: Query

2020-06-01 Thread Peter Kovacs

Hello Ann,

sorry for the late answer. This is an information from the Gate keeper 
of Apple.

Please see our Release Notes:

 For macOS users

 * Apache OpenOffice 4.1.7 will be flagged by the Gatekeeper facility
   in macOS. This is a feature to help guard against malware on macOS
 o For OS X up to 10.11 "El Capitan": There is a procedure laid out
   at the following link to allow applications not installed from
   the Mac App store to run. See the Mac support article
 o For macOS 10.12 "Sierra" and up: In Finder, Control-click or
   right click the icon of the app. Select Open from the top of
   contextual menu that appears. Click Open in the dialog box. If
   prompted, enter an administrator name and password. This is
   needed just the first time you launch Apache OpenOffice.
 o Due to a known bug in Oracle Java
   installations of Apache OpenOffice on macOS that do not have the
   legacy Apple Java 6 installed will not be able to recognize
   Oracle Java 7 and 8. If not able to upgrade to Java 9 than
   install the legacy version of Apple Java from the following
   link: Legacy Apple Java 6 .
   This will allow the portions of AOO that require Java to run

Am 29.05.20 um 12:30 schrieb Ann Quinn:

Dear Stafff at Open Office,

I have downloaded Open Office for my MacBook Air and it Staes that by
opening this app I will override system security and could expose my
computer to Malware.
Can you please advise me ?



2020-06-06 Thread Peter Kovacs
Maybe you want to read how it is done at 

Am 06.06.20 um 19:52 schrieb B Sasz:

· Section "4) Verify With": Paste the hash from the SHA256 / MD5 file 
you have downloaded. First you have to open it and copy the hash value.

Really? This is not an option in Windows. Totally Bogus. LIES. PRINT A 
Also Please clarify that opening the downloaded file won’t infect your 
machine…? Really? Does anyone believe that? Idon’t think so

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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Re: Text/background colours on spreadsheet

2020-06-10 Thread Peter Kovacs
You could copy the format from and existing cell.
Just select the cell you want to copy from.
Then select the brush from the toolbar.
Then select the target cell you want to copy to.

Am 10. Juni 2020 12:35:19 MESZ schrieb David Deeks :
>Hi all
>I am editing a previously created spreadsheet that uses a variety of
>colours for background and text. I need to add more cells that use the
>same colours. If I select an existing cell, is there a way of
>identifying the previously used colours? At the moment I’m selecting
>all colours that look close, until I find the right one!
>David D
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Re: In Calc, can the horizontal and vertical scroll sections be enlarged?

2020-06-11 Thread Peter Kovacs

Hi Kay,

I did not have any Issues with very small tabs size on Linux.

Can you specify the Distribution, Windowmanager (KDE, GNome, mate etc) 
and if you use any themes?

I know that we have Issues with themes. So maybe this belongs in this 
topic too?

Or maybe Do you have a 4K Monitor?

All the Best


Am 11.06.20 um 23:21 schrieb Kay Schenk:
Thanks for the tip, and my apologizes for the bad syntax of my first 

"Don't let anyone dull your sparkle."

On 6/11/20 1:00 PM, Brian Barker wrote:

At 12:08 11/06/2020 -0700, Kay Schenk wrote:
I am using AOO 4.1.7 on Linux-64. A have a spreadsheet with multiple 
sheets. Once I could easily navigate from one to the next but now, 
with the VERY SMALL bottom scroll area, this is nearly impossible. 
The bottom area for showing the sheets seems to be bounded in height 
by the height of the horizontal scroll bar eight. I could have sworn 
that using the Zoom facility also enlarged this bottom area in the 
past, but this is NOT the case now. Any help would be greatly 

I don't see how to change this, but it may be helpful to know that 
Ctrl+PageDown moves to the next sheet (and so on) - and Ctrl+PageUp 
the other way. If your version of Linux interferes with this, you may 
be able to set alternative keyboard shortcuts.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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Fwd: Missing verification email

2020-06-25 Thread Peter Kovacs

Forwarding email to the admin list.

 Weitergeleitete Nachricht 
Betreff:Missing verification email
Datum:  Thu, 25 Jun 2020 19:03:44 +
Von:John Pojman 
Antwort an:

I’m trying to register as jpojman and jpojman@ I am not 
receiving the email to verify. I saw there may be a hotmail problem.

Can you please complete my registration so I can get support on the forum.

Thank you.

John Pojman

Re: Microsoft hack

2020-08-02 Thread Peter Kovacs

Am 02.08.20 um 10:59 schrieb Laurence Petch:

Just had wi-fi fitted to housing hooked up okay next day took 2 hours to
open laptop then found all open office docs had windows icons. Edit has
been. changed and in edit paint cannot cut & paste.

I am not sure, but sounds like your computer has lost some configuration.

I would check if calling the application and open the documentation 
still works.

If this is fine I would check if the file association is still okay.

It is hard to tell from the view words you have used what really is 
going on your system.

Contacted Microsoft UK
they ignored me tried email to USA silly reply so reported to FBI Cyber
Crimes they hacked a foreign nationals computer. Has this happened before?
Why is there no physical mailing address for Apache Open Office? I prefer
real letter s.

I do not believe we have enough funds to support physical mail as 
distribution line.

We are a community driven project for the public good. We aim for a cost 
free infrastructure towards our users. Everything that we have to pay 
for is funded through donations.

I think if you are more of a physical person you should look for 
physical help. Maybe in the nearest computer store they might offer you 
a support service for some money.

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Re: numbering book pages?

2020-08-24 Thread Peter Kovacs
This page here should give you a lead.

Am 24. August 2020 05:02:22 MESZ schrieb Michael Coughlin 
>Open Office people:
>I am trying to design a 100-page book using Open Office 4.1.6
>For three days I have wrestled with various issues and seem to have
>most of
>them worked out. However, I cannot get the page  numbering sequence to
>as I would like.  I have front matter that I would like numbered with
>numerals and a few pages later the rest of the book numbered with
>numerals.  If needed, I can skip the first set of Roman numerals
>(though I
>would prefer to have them), but every time I apply the footer numbers
>the later section of the text, the number starts with 13--which in fact
>is the 13th page, but I want the numbering to start there with 1.  What
>I do to correct this problem?
>Mike Coughlin
>Letterpress Book Publishing

Re: cant request new password

2020-08-30 Thread Peter Kovacs

In general:

If you need an admin on the forum:

If you need an admin on another page:

If you are unsure and you need to send confidential stuff like your user 

is never wrong.

Best is always to pass a URL and login and email address you use. In 
order to resolve the issue / gain controll.

All the best


Am 27.08.20 um 13:10 schrieb Office User:

 Original Message 
From: 王蕾 []
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2020, 10:41 UTC
Subject: cant request new password


I wanted to request a new password but failed. Your website gave a tip
as below:


Please help me solve this problem.


For the benefit of list subscribers Isabella's screen capture shows the
Templates login page and the error message:
"Unable to send e-mail. Contact the site administrator if the problem

This is an ongoing unresolved issue. Is it not tome we gave Template
contributors a useable contact link for the "Site Administrator(s)",
whoever those mysterious and secretive folks might be?

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Re: please help

2020-10-15 Thread Peter Kovacs

Am 15.10.20 um 20:55 schrieb Edward Miller:

I created a document in Open Office.  Then I cut and pasted a Zoom website 
(info for a meeting) into the document and saved it.  However, I cannot get to 
the website from the document.  Why not?

Maybe this helps:

The standard (default) behavior for activating hyperlinks within OOo is 
to use Ctrl+click. This behavior can be changed in *Tools > Options > > Security > Options*, by deselecting the option 
*Ctrl-click* required to follow hyperlinks. If clicking in your links 
activates them, check that page to see if the option has been deselected.


Re: Complaint: "buggy implementations"

2020-10-25 Thread Peter Kovacs

Hello all,

Thanks for this discussion. Because it has been mentioned multiple times 
now, we have a bug report. There is no need to fill a new one.

A Bug report alone does not fix the Bug. However we have so many of them 
that this kind of discussion is really helpful to raise attention and to 
structure the Issues.

I guess not all have the Issue on Mac? Maybe if we ciould collect the 
current information, I can update the ticket:

I assume we have this now on windows, Linux, Mac? The report states only 
mac is affected.

Can you confirm that this happens on 4.1.7?

Am 25.10.20 um 11:29 schrieb Hagar Delest:

Le 24/10/2020 à 21:38, William Lee Valentine a écrit :

This seems straightforward. I do not understand why Mr. Olsson would
find this disconcerting or difficult.
I fully understand Mr. Olsson's complaint. In the Forum, we are indeed 
used to advise saving any picture to be embedded in AOO on the HD 
first and then to insert it with the relevant menu.

However, this is not a very good user experience.

I agree.
Note that I never filed a bug report for that. First because there 
already too many reports for too few coders and second because I often 
adjust the pic before actually inserting it in the document. 

Despite we are a view Coders it helps if Tickets are updated, and maybe 
it would make sense to link support emails / forum issues. It is quite 
hard to prioritize Tickets. However a prioritization is not a ranking 
for a fix ;)

Everything helps, even if there are only people giving feedback by 
updating the bugs. Just be nice when you do. The Software Product is on 
community support.

All the best


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Re: Problems saving

2020-11-08 Thread Peter Kovacs

Am 08.11.20 um 14:50 schrieb Martin Groenescheij:

On 08/11/2020 14:01, Michel Pelland wrote:

Thank you.

When I wrote this email, I thought I was writing to the developper. 
Do you have their address?

you wrote to user support the email the dev uses:

Check the OpenOffice site and click on Support, there you find how you 
can report a bug.

The Bugzilla account creation is locked due to regular SPAM attempts.

Request an account on the dev mailing list (see top), providing a 
preferred user name. (address see above.)

Also we need a file in order to reproduce the issue. If we are not able 
to reproduce we will not follow up the issue.

I do recommend to look into the Microsoft defender solution first. The 
more facts you have that you can say, the more likely it is one will 
look into the case.

The Information I have read so far are not sufficient from my point of view.

Michel Pelland

Le dim. 8 nov. 2020, à 07 h 24, Martin Groenescheij>> a écrit :

    On 8 Nov 2020, at 08:27, zahra ayat>> wrote:
    > i believe that openoffice is not stable as microsoft office.
    > and its a common problem in this program.
    > but i believe that you should report the bug for openoffice

    That’s a lot of believes, I rather like to see facts.
    Apart from that the error message “general input/output error'' 

    from the Operating System and that’s in this case Microsofts

    > i had some files that when i wanted to open with libreoffice, the
    > result was crashing.
    > i reported the bug to libreoffice developers.
    > thanks God, they resolved the bugs for me.
    > and openning all of my files using libreoffice without crashing
    became possible.
    > when you made account and reported the bug, dont forget to
    attach your
    > file and remove sensitive informations if you have such 

    > in your file.
    >> On 11/7/20, Michel Pelland>> wrote:
    >> I always receive a ''general input/output error while
    accessing'' my file.
    >> I get this message twice, then ''error saving document''???
    >> I reloaded the application, restarted my computer, tried again:
    I was able
    >> to save once and then the same problem.
    >> What can I do?
    >> Thanks
    >> Michel Pelland
    > --
    > By God,
    > were I given all the seven heavens
    > with all they contain
    > in order that
    > I may disobey God
    > by depriving an ant
    > from the husk of a grain of barley,
    > I would not do it.
    > imam ali
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Re: Fwd: Windows 10 mit OpenOffice 4.1.8

2020-12-13 Thread Peter Kovacs
I try to take care. A solution in future could be to forward these to 
the german user list? I think (sorry I am a bit lazy to look 
it up)?

On 13.12.20 17:04, Moderator wrote:

This message from an elderly German speaking gentleman posted to the
developer list and was rejected by another moderator.
Knowing that we have German speaking subscribers here, I would ask if
someone on this list would try and assist him.

Thank you.

seit Jahren benutze ich, inzwischen 89 jahre alt, OpenPffice, zuletzt
4.17. Von meinen diversen Reisen habe ich mit dem Write-Programm, jede
Menge Alben produziert,

die allgemeine Anerkennung finden.

Seit ca einem halben Jahr habe ich Windows 10 auf meinem LapTop und
damit ist das Apache OpenOffice 4.1.8 nicht einverstanden. Ich war
nicht einmal in der

Lage, Weihnachtskarten aus den Zeichnungen meiner Frau, zu produzieren !

Sicher sehen Sie eine Möglichkeit, wie ich das beliebte Programm
weiter nutzen kann. Aber bedenken Sie mein Alter und das ich
Autodidact bin. Ich bin gerne bereit,

Ihnen den Fernzugang zu ermöglichen. Oder soll ich das unbrauchbare
Programm jetzt löschen und Sie schicken mir zu einem angemessenen
Preis eine  CD, mit der ich dann

das nutzbare Programm herunterladen kann.

Ich hoffe sehr, dass Sie mit weiterhelfen können und verbleibe

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Karl-Günther Baumgarth

Very rough Google translation:

For years, I have been using 89 years old, OpenOffice, last 4.17. From
my various trips I have produced with the Write program, lots of albums,
find general recognition.

For about half a year I have Windows 10 on my laptop and therefore the
Apache OpenOffice 4.1.8 does not agree. I was not even in the location
to produce Christmas cards from the drawings of my wife!

Sure you see a way I can continue to use the popular program. But
remember my age and that I am Autodidact. I like to be ready

To enable remote access. Or should I delete the unusable program now and
send me a CD for a reasonable price, with which I then

The usable program can download.

I hope so that you can help with help and remain

Yours sincerely
Karl-Günther Baumgarth

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Re: Fwd: Windows 10 mit OpenOffice 4.1.8

2020-12-14 Thread Peter Kovacs

In the end, all he needed was the download link.

Now everything seems to be in shape.

On 13.12.20 19:29, Moderator wrote:

Thanks Peter. I have only been a moderator for AOO since 2010, so my
first move was to forward the non-subscribed user to:
 which returned the error:

"Host or domain name not found. Name service error for type=: Host not found"

I only understand a couple of hundred words in German and have almost
zero comprehension of German grammar. So, in an attempt to assist
someone who appeared to be a long term user of our software I appealed
to German speaking subscribers to this list for assistance.


On 13/12/2020 18:11, Peter Kovacs wrote:

I try to take care. A solution in future could be to forward these to
the german user list? I think (sorry I am a bit lazy to look
it up)?

On 13.12.20 17:04, Moderator wrote:

This message from an elderly German speaking gentleman posted to the
developer list and was rejected by another moderator.
Knowing that we have German speaking subscribers here, I would ask if
someone on this list would try and assist him.

Thank you.

seit Jahren benutze ich, inzwischen 89 jahre alt, OpenPffice, zuletzt
4.17. Von meinen diversen Reisen habe ich mit dem Write-Programm, jede
Menge Alben produziert,

die allgemeine Anerkennung finden.

Seit ca einem halben Jahr habe ich Windows 10 auf meinem LapTop und
damit ist das Apache OpenOffice 4.1.8 nicht einverstanden. Ich war
nicht einmal in der

Lage, Weihnachtskarten aus den Zeichnungen meiner Frau, zu produzieren !

Sicher sehen Sie eine Möglichkeit, wie ich das beliebte Programm
weiter nutzen kann. Aber bedenken Sie mein Alter und das ich
Autodidact bin. Ich bin gerne bereit,

Ihnen den Fernzugang zu ermöglichen. Oder soll ich das unbrauchbare
Programm jetzt löschen und Sie schicken mir zu einem angemessenen
Preis eine  CD, mit der ich dann

das nutzbare Programm herunterladen kann.

Ich hoffe sehr, dass Sie mit weiterhelfen können und verbleibe

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Karl-Günther Baumgarth

Very rough Google translation:

For years, I have been using 89 years old, OpenOffice, last 4.17. From
my various trips I have produced with the Write program, lots of albums,
find general recognition.

For about half a year I have Windows 10 on my laptop and therefore the
Apache OpenOffice 4.1.8 does not agree. I was not even in the location
to produce Christmas cards from the drawings of my wife!

Sure you see a way I can continue to use the popular program. But
remember my age and that I am Autodidact. I like to be ready

To enable remote access. Or should I delete the unusable program now and
send me a CD for a reasonable price, with which I then

The usable program can download.

I hope so that you can help with help and remain

Yours sincerely
Karl-Günther Baumgarth

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Re: Open office on mac - can't open

2020-12-18 Thread Peter Kovacs

If you use Big Sur, there is currently a bug. Investigation is ongoing.

On 18.12.20 20:50, Jeff Cheung wrote:


Another problem is that it keeps quitting unexpectedly when I try to open
up some MS word or excel files to Open Office. Please advise.


On Fri, Dec 18, 2020 at 11:35 AM Rory O'Farrell  wrote:

On Fri, 18 Dec 2020 11:15:22 -0800
Jeff Cheung  wrote:

Hi Users Open Office,

I recently downloaded Open office on mac but can't open it because it


"OpenOffice" cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified.
Please advise.

I'm on Mac OS Big Sur 11.1



This is probably Apple Gatekeeper telling you this.  The solution to the
Gatekeeper problem is Question 05/Answer 05 in this set of Mac problems:
Rory O'Farrell 

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Re: Status of the former Sun Microsystems "Opendocument filters for Microsoft Office"?

2021-01-16 Thread Peter Kovacs


According to Wikipedia Microsoft Office supports the ODF standard 1.2 
since 2013.

My cooperate Microsoft Word Version (which is 365) supports the Foirmat 
using Apache POI.

The Microsoft user needs to select Save as and then select the ODF 
Document Format (which would be odt in word)

I think this is currently the best way to exchange files between 
Microsoft Word and OpenOffice.

All the Best


On 11.01.21 22:08, Fernando Cassia wrote:

Hi users,

Recently I had a nightmarish experience with trying to edit long
tables on a document originally created with Microsoft Office (the
last version before the Office365 move, I believe it was Office 2003).
It had tables pasted inside of tables... something which was a
nightmare to edit and move properly in AOO.

To make a long story short: I ended up deleting the tables and redoing
those by hand from scratch It worked well.

The issue still remains that I end up editing stuff created on
Microsoft Office by users whom, per company policy, must use the
installed copy of Microsoft Office and do not have administrative
rights to install other software.

I can edit those documents fine with AOO 4.1.8, save as ODT, and then
when I have a final copy, e-mail back the document saving it in .DOC
(Word97,Word2000, WordXP, or words to that effect).

In my last exchange with this office, I emailed .DOC documents that
looked perfectly on my AOO 4.1.8  (and which started as DOC documents
emailed to me), only to be told that the returned document "missed all
the margins" and had to be re-edited by them on MS Office.

So, I would very much prefer emailing ODT to them for them to open in
Microsoft Office, and then re-save by themselves in DOCx format on
their system...

Sun Microsystems used to offer a set of installable Opendocument
Filters for Microsoft Office. The download page was at:

On Web Archive the last version seems to be v3.0 archived at

But since the binaries weren´t direcly linked there is no way to
download the installer from

Would anyone on this list be so kind as to provide me with filename of
the installer and sha1sum so I can try to find them on other sites and
know the installer is "safe" to install and use?

And anyone happens to know the legal status of those filters, were
them ever open sourced by Sun? Could they be open sourced by Oracle

Please do not reply "use the AOO fork". Such replies will be ignored. ;)

Thanks in advance.

During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary
- George Orwell

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Re: Java JRE Zusatz für Open Office

2021-01-25 Thread Peter Kovacs

This is an English speaking mailinglist

German list is


On 24.01.21 15:24, Rolf Güttmann wrote:

Nach etlichen Download Versuchen - ich bekomm dies nicht richtig hin!!
Wer kann mir sagen ,welcher Download auch funktioniert  bei Open Office?
Alle Downloads bisher nicht verwendbar waren.
Alternativ evt. mir dies Programm  als Kopie  zusendet ??
Bitte um Tipp oder zusendung dieses nötigen Zusatz-Programms.

Frage  am  Rande :Habe kein WIndows -Office -genauer gesagt:Kein Outlook
mehr !!

Daher diese Email über

Danke vorab

Rolf Güttmann

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Re: Mac Mini M1 Chip

2021-03-27 Thread Peter Kovacs

OpenOffice works currently through the Rosetta compatibility layer.

We are not aware on any Issues with it.

All the Best


On 13.03.21 19:25, David Stuhr wrote:


Does Open Office 4.1.9 for the Mac work with the new Mac Mini M1 Chip?


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Re: Mailinglist Löschung Inhalt

2021-06-20 Thread Peter Kovacs
english: Wolfgang Reinkunz is requesting the deletion of his data on the 
de mailing list.

I take the email in a separate mail, and bring the case to the attention 
of the PMC (

All the best


PMC member.

On 20.06.21 11:21, Wolfgang Reinkunz wrote:

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,


wird mit meinem Namen und offenen Daten Einträge von vor 18 Jahren in den
Suchanfragen bei Google usw. geführt.

Ich möchte Sie bitten, diesen Inhalt zu löschen, bzw. nichtöffentlich zu
stellen, da es ja ohnehin mit 18 Jahren mehr als nicht mehr aktuell
bezeichnet werden kann. Soweit ich mich erinnern kann, war das eigentlich
von meiner Seite nicht als öffentlich gestellte Anfrage gedacht. Dass das
jetzt nach über 18 Jahren in der Öffentlichkeit auftaucht, noch dazu mit
allen persönlichen Daten, sehe ich nicht als korrekt an.

Bitte löschen Sie diesen Beitrag deshalb möglichst umgehend!

Besten Dank und mit freundlichen Grüßen

Wolfgang Reinkunz

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Re: turn off autoformat

2021-09-10 Thread Peter Kovacs


I am not sure what you mean by "opposite of helpful"

Turning it off is described in the first link.

Format -> AutoFormat -> while typing

If all the options are ticked off the AutoFormat is deactivated.

However, if you want to modify the behavior better ask on the 
development list for pointers .

All the best


Am 09.09.21 um 13:18 schrieb Pirouette 93:

hello everyone

I am writing for help because I need to disable or alter the autoformat
behavior in Open office.

I JUST downloaded so I have the recent version I can only access
autocorrect, autoformat no appear in the dropdown menu. The software menu I
have does not match the documentation on the site:

I need to alter or turn off auto formatting because the behaviors you have
chosen are the opposite of helpful,

I did find a way to turn off "autocorrect as I type" which I HOPE will turn
off autoformatting as well but it is a blunt instrument way of dealing with
this IF it even works.

I would like to keep spell correct but not use "autocomplete a word," I am
finding your expectations of what I might want to say to be disturbing and

I would ike to alter the autoformatting behavior to be more useful but in
the absence of that I do need to turn it off because I can barely type a
list, the behavior is too chaotic.

Thank you for your help.

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Re: Corrupt ODT File Recovery

2021-11-13 Thread Peter Kovacs

Hi John,

I see a lot of topics in your email. So please forgive me if I hurry 
through them. I understand that you have troubles at the moment and 
maybe not the mind for all of this right now.

a) Important:

Please note you published your phone number on the internet. We do 
advise against it, please look take care on your privacy. This email is 
copied to various archives which are public reachable. This has been 
done now for 30 or so years. And you agreed to this by sending this to 
the email address of your choseing.

b) About your main Issue recovering files:

You have options at [1]. The tutorial describes what you can do on total 
loss. Which is far more then  what you experience in my opionion. We try 
to improve the ressilliance in such cases.

But there is not much that we can do when the system starts to stop.

c) your options on Office tools for the future

AOO is not a cloud tool, and thus is hardly comparable to O365 as it is 
offered today. The right match would be next Cloud or OwnCloud, with 
their Web implementation of LibreOffice(LO) / OneOffice /ColaboraOffice. 
You can buy services that are cheaper, or similar price then O365. Which 
brings me to AOO. AOO is currently developed on pro-bono model.

The business people have forked into LibreOffice [3], they have more 
business support options, due to their stronger commercial footprint. (I 
am oversimplifying here, for the shake on the message.) You can try 
reach out to companies at [2] concerning AOO, to receive professional 
service. However this include likely involve cost.

d) On your System Choice

I want to give you a story of a Yoga teacher[4]. Maybe this is something 
for you to read. I wonder why your Operating system has been started to 
reboot, during your important work. This should not happen.

Maybe you want to look into your setup in general.

my general opinion:

# If you need professional help, plan it up front and not when you are 
in an emergency.

# Have a fail strategy ready. Not only this gives you faith, but it will 
help in emergency situations.

# Dont fear to invest time into your IT. Build your own know How. You 
need less then you think, but the right one.

All the Best


AOO Committer





Am 12.11.21 um 08:44 schrieb John Carll:

This is to inform you that I have been using Open Office calc spread sheets for 
many years.
Today while I was working on one of the ODT docs in Open Office calc, my 
computer was suddenly rebooted and I lost the important data from 10/14/2021 to 
I unable to see any recovery option on the tool itself. Also, I am unable to 
find any live support person who can help.
I just need a way to recover the data entry files and cannot find a way to do 
PLEASE  look into it, I really don't want to move to MS-Excel.
I researched the Open Office community forum but cannot find a solution.
Please contact me ASAP, these are the files I used to keep track of my drivers 
payroll and need to issue payroll checks tomorrow.
Thank you,
John Carll Silverstar Logistics, Inc.Direct: 909-938-9104Fax: 888-441-8001

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Re: Appearance of buttons in Open Office

2021-12-22 Thread Peter Kovacs

Hi Dierk,

Can you provide more informations on your Operating System?


All the best


On 22.12.21 20:39, Dierk Neugebauer wrote:


I am hoping that I can get some information here about a most annoying issue 
that I have with OO; it is so annoying that I am reluctant to use the product.

Here is the issue:

Whenever I have the option of choosing an action via a button, such as  “save” 
or “cancel” or “delete”, the buttons themselves are a dark blue colour which is 
so dark that I can barely make out what the button label itself says. I 
understand that this is controlled by the computer’s system preferences which 
only has the choice of blue or dark grey.

None of my other computer applications  have this colour problem because most 
are white with black writing. Interestingly enough when looking in a book on 
OO,pictures of screen shots that have buttons do NOT show them as being 
coloured. … So there must be a way of getting rid of the computer’s colour 
system and using one that is consistent with most other applications.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: Appearance of buttons in Open Office

2021-12-23 Thread Peter Kovacs

On 23.12.21 00:07, David Belina wrote:

Hi Dierk,

Can you provide more informations on your Operating System?

He is on a Mac. It is a OpenOffice Issue.

I just figured that there is no Issue in Bugzilla. So I will add it.

Sorry, forgot to forward the info.

All the best



All the best


On 22.12.21 20:39, Dierk Neugebauer wrote:
> Hi,
> I am hoping that I can get some information here about a most 
annoying issue that I have with OO; it is so annoying that I am reluctant to use the 
> Here is the issue:
> Whenever I have the option of choosing an action via a button, such as  
“save” or “cancel” or “delete”, the buttons themselves 
are a dark blue colour which is so dark that I can barely make out what the button label itself says. I understand 
that this is controlled by the computer’s system preferences which only has the choice of blue or dark grey.
> None of my other computer applications  have this colour problem because most 
are white with black writing. Interestingly enough when looking in a book on OO,pictures of 
screen shots that have buttons do NOT show them as being coloured. … So there must be 
a way of getting rid of the computer’s colour system and using one that is consistent 
with most other applications.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Dierk
> -
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Re: Appearance of buttons in Open Office

2021-12-27 Thread Peter Kovacs

Hello all,

For reference.

On 23.12.21 11:37, Peter Kovacs wrote:

On 23.12.21 00:07, David Belina wrote:

Hi Dierk,

Can you provide more informations on your Operating System?

He is on a Mac. It is a OpenOffice Issue.
As an addition. This issue appears  in system preferences on 
“accessibility”  the high contrast option causes this behavior.

I just figured that there is no Issue in Bugzilla. So I will add it.

I am updating Bugzilla and try to figure out a patch.

Sorry, forgot to forward the info.

All the best



All the best


On 22.12.21 20:39, Dierk Neugebauer wrote:
> Hi,
> I am hoping that I can get some information here about a 
most annoying issue that I have with OO; it is so annoying that I am 
reluctant to use the product.

> Here is the issue:
> Whenever I have the option of choosing an action via a 
button, such as  “save” or “cancel” or 
“delete”, the buttons themselves are a dark blue colour 
which is so dark that I can barely make out what the button label 
itself says. I understand that this is controlled by the 
computer’s system preferences which only has the choice of blue 
or dark grey.

> None of my other computer applications  have this colour 
problem because most are white with black writing. Interestingly 
enough when looking in a book on OO,pictures of screen shots that 
have buttons do NOT show them as being coloured. … So there 
must be a way of getting rid of the computer’s colour system 
and using one that is consistent with most other applications.

> Any help would be appreciated.
> Dierk
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Re: Appearance of buttons in Open Office

2021-12-27 Thread Peter Kovacs

On 27.12.21 11:36, Matthias Seidel wrote:

Hi Peter,

Am 27.12.21 um 10:48 schrieb Peter Kovacs:

Hello all,

For reference.

On 23.12.21 11:37, Peter Kovacs wrote:

On 23.12.21 00:07, David Belina wrote:

Hi Dierk,

Can you provide more informations on your Operating System?

He is on a Mac. It is a OpenOffice Issue.
As an addition. This issue appears  in system preferences on 
“accessibility”  the high contrast option causes this behavior.

System preferences from AOO?

In the mac system preference. That was the feedback from  Dierk. I did 
not had time to test it yet.

I disabled "Automatically detect high contrast mode of operating 
system" and still get black text on the buttons.



I just figured that there is no Issue in Bugzilla. So I will add it.

I am updating Bugzilla and try to figure out a patch.

Sorry, forgot to forward the info.

All the best



All the best


On 22.12.21 20:39, Dierk Neugebauer wrote:
> Hi,
> I am hoping that I can get some information here about a 
most annoying issue that I have with OO; it is so annoying that I 
am reluctant to use the product.

> Here is the issue:
> Whenever I have the option of choosing an action via a 
button, such as  “save” or “cancel” or 
“delete”, the buttons themselves are a dark blue colour 
which is so dark that I can barely make out what the button label 
itself says. I understand that this is controlled by the 
computer’s system preferences which only has the choice of 
blue or dark grey.

> None of my other computer applications have this colour 
problem because most are white with black writing. Interestingly 
enough when looking in a book on OO,pictures of screen shots that 
have buttons do NOT show them as being coloured. … So there 
must be a way of getting rid of the computer’s colour system 
and using one that is consistent with most other applications.

> Any help would be appreciated.
> Dierk
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Re: Open Office - Download and reinstallation

2022-03-17 Thread Peter Kovacs

If you want to do a complete "reset" you need to reset the profile, too.

The profile is not touched during install if it is existing and contains 
all sorts of configurations. Tutorial for Windows 10 at [1]

Then go to [2] and download the installer. Make sure you select 
Protugese Language.





Am 17.03.22 um 07:06 schrieb Whenri ___:


Please how do I reinstall Open Office again? On my computer version 4.1.11 in Portuguese 
is not "running" very well and that's why I decided to uninstall and install it 

Could anyone tell me in detail all the steps to install Open Office again and 
the website where I can download it?

Thank you!


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Re: Open Office install on Windows 11

2022-03-18 Thread Peter Kovacs

Am 18.03.22 um 16:29 schrieb Philippe Bazire:
Hi acquired a new computer recently running on windows 11. and I 
cannot install open offfice

exe file is blocked and it requires that I switch off the S mode 
whichthey say could impact my pc performance negatively.

your app is not available in the MS app store. It seems it is not 

Does this link help?


We are on the Store for free.

However is you new machine an intell or an arms machine?

Could you please aadvise what to do. thanks


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Re: Open Office Calc

2022-05-16 Thread Peter Kovacs


Maybe this forum thread helps?

Can you check the part with the Windows defender?

All the best


Am 16.05.22 um 22:44 schrieb

I'd like to report a problem with Open Office Calc.  I have a spreadsheet 
that's about 6 Megs.  On occasion, Open Office Calc goes into an infinite file 
save routine that's unstoppable.  The only way to stop it is to use Windows 
File Manager and end task.
So far, the file has been recoverable, but it loses my latest inputs.

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Re: installation

2022-05-19 Thread Peter Kovacs


Sorry to hear that OpenOffice has no simple start for you.

Can you please, take a short time and answer the following questions?

- What Operating System do you use?

- Have you checked the Release notes?

- What indicates to you that the Software is not working? - (Please, try 
to explain like you would explain it to a child. It makes it simpler for 
me to understand what the issue is.)

For your planned expenditure on AOO, this might be good to know.

Apache OpenOffice is developed on voluntary bases, There are only a very 
small amount of volunteers that do not work on pro bono bases. We offer 
the Software at no cost at or on the Windows 11 

You can support Apache OpenOffice by joining the community, and help 
with translation, guides, tests of new versions and other streams.

You can also donate to the ASF. The ASF provides the Project 
Infrastructure, that we need to develop Apache OpenOffice. We greatly 
appreciate any donation from your side if you want to support us here.

Currently there is no simple way for the community to provide funds for 
an improved development cycle.

All the best


Am 19.05.22 um 20:10 schrieb

Sirs:  My computer said the installation of Open Office was successful but it 
isn't working.  Cayou hlp me?  I would be glad to pay $49 a year to have Open 

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Re: Open office won't work

2022-05-28 Thread Peter Kovacs

Have you executed  the instructions mentioned in the  Release notes?

All the best


Am 28.05.22 um 00:10 schrieb Rick Johnson:

I noticed I had an update reminder for OpenOffice on my MAC (Monterey 12.4) I 
have always used OpenOffice with no issues. I did the update and now it won’t 
open because it says it can’t be verified to be free of malware. Can someone 
please help?

Rick Johnson

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Re: Problems deleting my OO account

2022-06-11 Thread Peter Kovacs

Forwarding this to Sysadmin Mailinglist.

I am not sure what to do. But we have a check.

Am 10.06.22 um 16:53 schrieb V. Shtabovenko:


I'm facing some problems when trying to delete my OO Extensions
account. Despite of the the fact that the given e-mail address 

is correct and working, I always get the

"Unable to send e-mail. Contact the site administrator if the problem 

error message (see attached screenshots) upon clicking on the "cancel 


Some assistance would be great here.


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Re: CORRECTION, post upgrade glitch is still serious

2022-06-23 Thread Peter Kovacs

Am 23.06.22 um 12:09 schrieb PCS:

CORRECTION, the Extension Update glitch froze a spreadsheet I had put aside in 
the Dock and forgotten was open when I tested with a couple of new documents. 
It was successfully recovered but it is still a serious glitch.

Sadly the extension code has a unresolved bug :(

It is a release blocker for 4.2.0. I hope we get to the bug someday.

I have used LibreOffice on Linux fairly often over the past 12 years and 
occasionally on the Mac (my main computer), but I prefer OpenOffice on the Mac.

LO seems to be more fully featured than OO and some of its features are better 
implemented than the same ones in OO, but overall I find OO easier to use (for 
what I use it for, others may disagree) despite a couple of annoying issues 
(the worst is the RH side panel popping out unwanted if you happen to click on 
its opening button when scrolling up or down or when resizing a window: the 
activator should be out of the way, in the top menu panel, or at least have an 
option to move it out of the way, maybe some people actually like the 
Jack-in-a-box). The less frequent updates of OO is a plus also, obviously we 
all want to be up to date with security but other than that I see no need for 
frequent updates of a bread-and-butter application that does the job you need 
it to do, unless there is a genuine improvement, like stopping the RH panel 
from being a Jack-in-the-box, or if it needs to be updated for compatibility 
with an OS update.

So overall I am content to stay with OO rather than move to LO (I do have LO 
installed, but I rarely use it), and unless OO and LO can be successfully 
merged, with options to allow users to configure the merged app to work the way 
they want to work, I would not want to see OO “wound down and shuttered”.

All Flaviu Tamas needs to do, after all, is to uninstall OO and use LO, problem 
solved for him without denying others what for them is a useful alternative. Who is 
he anyway, to try to dictate that we should all use the app he prefers? That seems 
pretty arrogant to me, he should not assume that he knows what is best for me better 
than I do. He is probably like my father, who used to say, when he owned a 1928 
Dodge, “If you can’t afford a Dodge, dodge a Ford”, then changed it to, “If you 
can’t afford a Ford, dodge a Dodge” when he bought a 1953 Ford Customline, i.e. 
"I am such an expert that whatever I buy / have / use is automatically what 
everyone else should buy / have / use. Flaviu should just use the app he/she prefers 
and let others continue to have access to the one they prefer, and I am surprised 
that nobody else has told him/her that already.

There is an annoying glitch in the recent OO Mac update that seems to make the 
case for not updating without good reason. When an OO document is opened now, 
the green update arrow appears in the main menu bar, but when you click on it 
it doesn’t work properly. For a while it opened an initially transparent 
Extension Manager window offering a Spelling dictionary when you clicked it 
visible, but clicking on it froze the application and it had to be Force Quit 
and reopened. The app's data recovery feature minimised data loss, but it was 
still a nuisance. I have been ignoring the green arrow to circumvent the 
problem, but have just tried it again (with a new document, so as not to risk 
compromising a real one), and now the problem seems to be half fixed, clicking 
on the green arrow in the main menu bar doesn’t do anything, not even offer a 
genuine extension update, so at least the app no longer freezes. But this is a 
good example of why I am normally a late updater, because new updates of the OS 
or an app often have glitches in them that I would much rather have discovered 
by other people than discover myself, hence my dislike of LO’s much more 
frequent updates, I haven’t had problems with them, but the more frequent they 
are the greater is the risk, so I prefer less frequent and better tested 
updates, and the glitch in recent OO update is a significant disappointment.


On 23 Jun 2022, at 5:16 pm, Frank McIsaac  wrote:

Well said FC

Snapafun - Frank&Jan
Rock'n'Rolling Forever

On Thu, 23 Jun 2022, 6:20 pm Fernando Cassia,  wrote:

On 22/06/2022, Flaviu Tamas  wrote:

Why hasn't OpenOffice been wound down & shuttered?

The existence of the website makes users assume that OpenOffice is
still actively being developed

It is.

when those users would be much better
served migrating to LibreOffice.

Speak for yourself. I for one wouldn' t touch LO with a 10ft pole.

I've seen this conversation several times over the past few years in
various open source communities.

Cows see a lot of trains pass by while pasturing, and that doesn' t
make the cows train engineers.

At the very least, a prominent notice that users should use
LibreOffice on the main OpenOffice site would be nice.

Please, go away,



Re: Winding OpenOffice down

2022-06-23 Thread Peter Kovacs

Hello Flaviu

Am 22.06.22 um 23:30 schrieb Flaviu Tamas:

Why hasn't OpenOffice been wound down & shuttered?

I can only explain my view on this. I am an AOO committer because people 
use AOO. And more often then not they are aware on the market, and they 
did decide on Apache OpenOffice.

Winding down the project would mean that the people will most likely to 
use an abandoned software. We still see updates from 3.x Versions. So 
for me it is the right thing to continue the project and keep it alive 
as long as people use the software and we people volunteer to work on 
it. I think it would be damaging if the current team would quit the 
OpenSource development.

Especially OpenOffice shows a resilience that is remarkable and a 
recommendation for OpenSource in comparison to closed source.

The existence of the website makes users assume that OpenOffice is
still actively being developed, when those users would be much better
served migrating to LibreOffice.

There is no discussion with LO on a migration path.

I've seen this conversation several times over the past few years in
various open source communities.

Which is a bubble discussion. With no relevance or power of solution.

From my perspective is the only orderly way  a project merge. AFAIK 
there is no interest on LO side to discuss this path. So there is no 
point to follow this up.

If LO Community is willing to talk they know how to start the 
discussion. From my perspective the ball is in their half (as we Germans 

At the very least, a prominent notice that users should use
LibreOffice on the main OpenOffice site would be nice.

My dedication is to AOO. I am still open to discuss a merge. And this 
will remain. But my dedication is to AOO and the users who decided to 
use AOO with all its pros and cons.

I am not in favor in promoting any other specific project like LO as 
long there are active committers. If the move to attic becomes relevant 
again we can discuss this point. But I would favor an open approach that 
enables Users to make their own discussion, then dominate them with a 
predefined decision. But currently I see no need. We getting slowly 
better in fixing stuff and moving forward.

All the best

Peter Kovacs

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Re: OpenOffice destroys Word documents

2022-07-01 Thread Peter Kovacs

Hi Helmuth,

Am 02.07.22 um 00:07 schrieb Helmuth Adolph:
The document was created with Word  97. Now, after repairing it, I 
transformed it to ODT.
I think the bug should be fixed. I often tell people to use OpenOffice 
because it is compatible (and free).


I could not find the Issue in ourr bugtracker 
( What developers can not reproduce, we are 
not able to fix. This does not mean that you are wrong or right, but the 
code base is simply to large to go on a goose hunt. so we need something 
to go in for.

We need more Information. So how was the document produced in the first 
place? Is it a document that has been created by AOO? Or another 

I assume following steps on the document you had:

1. Open OpenOffice

2. Select openFile from the Entry OpenFile menue

3. Select the document

4. Press Open

Is this true?

Or did you use another way to open the document?

All the best


Am 01.07.2022 um 14:45 schrieb ELAINE MURSZEWSKI:
Why would you use Word 97 format? Personally, when I use a more 
recent Word format there are never any changes to the document BUT 
using the Word 97 format there have been.


*The best job goes to the person who can get it done without passing 
the buck or coming back with excuses. ~~ Napoleon Hill*

-Original Message-
From: Helmuth Adolph 
Sent: Fri, Jul 1, 2022 6:54 am
Subject: OpenOffice destroys Word documents


I opened a formerly created writer document which contains pictures in
jpg-format. After changing some text, I stored the file. When opening
the document again, I found all pictures were smaller than before: the
size changed from half page size to stamp size.

This happens when I use the Word 97 format, not when odt- format is 

Kind regards

Helmuth Joachim Hinrich Adolph


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Re: OpenOffice destroys Word documents

2022-07-03 Thread Peter Kovacs

Hello Helmuth,

Hmm, well hard to say then. Lets stay vigilant if it pops up again. But 
I am greatfull you invested the time and tried. Thanks for the effort!

For now I will try to keep this on mind. I follow the user list, but do 
not read all mails. Maybe an eye catcher would be nice to get my or 
other dev subscribed attention. Starting the subject with "[bug]" maybe 
an Idea.

All the best


Am 02.07.22 um 22:47 schrieb Helmuth Adolph:

Hello Peter,
I used the Windows 'Open with' function of the explorer.

Today I tried to reproduce the problem with a fresh new document 
created but had no problem.

Then I grabbed the old document I used before, but also had no 
problem  this time.

Before I had the problem with files of a program documentation, two 
files with containing English text were correctly stored, the two with 
the German text were destroyed. After repairing the files with AOO the 
problem occurred a second time. Then, totally frustrated, I repaired 
the files with LibreOffice (by replacing the stamp size pictures) and 
had no problem with reopening, I also can open then with AOO now 
without downsized pictures. Maybe the repair with Libre Office changed 
something in the files.

So, if I can not say what to do to reproduce the problem, nobody can 
do anything.



Am 02.07.2022 um 07:26 schrieb Peter Kovacs:

Hi Helmuth,

Am 02.07.22 um 00:07 schrieb Helmuth Adolph:
The document was created with Word  97. Now, after repairing it, I 
transformed it to ODT.
I think the bug should be fixed. I often tell people to use 
OpenOffice because it is compatible (and free).


I could not find the Issue in ourr bugtracker 
( What developers can not reproduce, we 
are not able to fix. This does not mean that you are wrong or right, 
but the code base is simply to large to go on a goose hunt. so we 
need something to go in for.

We need more Information. So how was the document produced in the 
first place? Is it a document that has been created by AOO? Or 
another Application?

I assume following steps on the document you had:

1. Open OpenOffice

2. Select openFile from the Entry OpenFile menue

3. Select the document

4. Press Open

Is this true?

Or did you use another way to open the document?

All the best


Am 01.07.2022 um 14:45 schrieb ELAINE MURSZEWSKI:
Why would you use Word 97 format? Personally, when I use a more 
recent Word format there are never any changes to the document BUT 
using the Word 97 format there have been.


*The best job goes to the person who can get it done without 
passing the buck or coming back with excuses. ~~ Napoleon Hill*

-Original Message-
From: Helmuth Adolph 
Sent: Fri, Jul 1, 2022 6:54 am
Subject: OpenOffice destroys Word documents


I opened a formerly created writer document which contains pictures in
jpg-format. After changing some text, I stored the file. When opening
the document again, I found all pictures were smaller than before: the
size changed from half page size to stamp size.

This happens when I use the Word 97 format, not when odt- format is 

Kind regards

Helmuth Joachim Hinrich Adolph


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Re: Restoring account

2022-07-17 Thread Peter Kovacs

Hi Edward,

Apache OpenOffice does not need a Password. Do you mean you have 
encrypted a file?

Or do you speak of the forum? Can you post the link you refer to?

All the best


Am 17.07.22 um 02:17 schrieb Edward Ellis:

I have an active Apache word processing program but forgot the password.
Your link says it will link to my known email with Instructions on how to
change my password .I ve waited a week now for that link to come in this
email box of record.

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Re: Open Office

2022-07-18 Thread Peter Kovacs
Apache OpenOffice is not released for iPad. However there is a 3rd Part 
port using AOO ass a base.

Am 18.07.22 um 22:51 schrieb Wayne Reid:

I use Open office on my Windows 10 but need to use it in my Apple computer. I 
tried 3 times to download it and it says when I try
To run it that the app has not been verified to work in apple. Can you make it 
work in apple? I need it in my iPad as well.

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Re: help with open office

2022-08-24 Thread Peter Kovacs


Am 24.08.22 um 21:25 schrieb Peter Fox:

Hi ,

I am having problems achieving my aims on open office.

 when on text documents I choose landscape and then click on 2 columns 
which divides the page in half , but I can only text on the left 
column because the cursor will not travel to the right hand column .

You write first on the left site and instead of opening a new page you 
will continue on the right side.

Can you help please .


  Kind regards

 Pete Fox

All the best


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Re: Spell Check

2022-09-30 Thread Peter Kovacs

Am 29.09.22 um 23:10 schrieb Alan Cohen:
I have been using Open Office for years.  Today your spell check 
function stopped working.  It stops on every word and there is nothing 
wrong.  I'v' tried to use your user forum. it's useless.

Why are Forums useless?

I guess it does not know which language to use. Check if this is correkt 
in the settings. See [1]

If that looks fine and every word is underlined with red lines Then you 
should look to reset your profile. Actually you do not need to rename 
the complete profile. Only the section of the spellchecker, but I am 
currently unsure which folder it is. On windows all configurations are 
stored in the folder %appdata%\OpenOffice\4. Rename it, and OpenOffice 

I've downloaded the current version of open office.  Same problem.  
Can you help?

Please respond to this email address.  Been using this product for 
years and never had this problem before.

Alan Cohen




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Re: [DISCUSS][PROPOSAL] "Dark Mode" Color Palette(s) for "Extras>Settings>OpenOffice>Appearance", declutter Menu

2022-12-04 Thread Peter Kovacs

Hi Joana,

In General volunteers who develop Apache OpenOffice are discussing on

The Software is developed by pro bono volunteers. This is open to you if 
you want to drive change.

The project has concluded not to change GUI order by argumentation of 
pure Intuition or logic.

The reason is that we did not see the proposed, benefits on community 

It is a generic issue that ease depends heavily on your individual 
training. We are open to solutions that target all users.

OpenOffice "Dark Theme" fails on all platforms due to lack of icons and 
other topics. We can use help.

All the best


Am 05.12.22 um 06:57 schrieb Joana Ottenbacher:

Disclaimer: I am new here, just subscribed. Please be kind if this ended
up in the wrong place.

I have a mixture of a discussion but also a proposal I would like to
make. I ended up here after doing a fair share of search engine digging,
not finding a good solution for the initial problem. Apparently, about
12 years ago, there started to be demand for what I'm going to discuss,
according to old Open Office forum posts I found in the process.

Problem part A:
As far as I can understand the software, there is not an easy structure
to user-friendly switch color themes in Open Office Writer (I haven't
looked at other programs, but it could be true for them as well).
Yes, there is one solution to switch colors.
You go... What was it? Edit, Settings? No, maybe View... Extras...
Appearance? No, not either. The correct way is
Extras>Settings>OpenOffice>Appearance (as an example, I'm myself still
confused about whether that now applies to all programs under the Open
Office wing, or just Writer??).
You see the first problem?
I as a user/dig my way through the whole interface/, potentially even
missing the settings for program appearance. This is not only very
difficult to find, it leads to *frustration*.
What I've been experiencing through the years of usage is the same
problem over and over again. We do have functions, but the amount of
clicks required to find them, is inefficient and brain-wrecking.
An analogy: Some updates ago, the 3D Software Blender moved their "User
Preferences" window from "Files" to "Edit". Why? It's more logical, it's
convenient and easy to find by one click, containing everything you need
in one single window with a couple of tabs. Blender also lets you choose
your "Theme" on first startup and later in the preferences and add new
themes as you please.

Which leads me to problem part B:
There are people who do have issues with bright light screens. Websites
these days update to "Dark Mode".
I could imagine following scenario: A person who needs accessibility
aids like a customized dark theme, would they even manage to find the
according settings to change the program appearance to their needs?
Would a person who is already puzzled by where to even save their file
or how to print find such an option?
Maybe, if it were easier to find, AND what I think of an improvement: If
there were well-designed pre-installed examplary color themes one could
just switch by clicking a button. There is a list of color schemes (for
me, there is only the OpenOffice light theme in the list!), but again,
until a user finds this option, they might have given up on it already.
Users are not designers. They might struggle with color values, how
light or dark the font color should be displayed and also, they might
worry that changing these colors might make their printer switch colors
as well. (I saw somebody in a forum stating you should revert appearance
before printing, they were likely scared of exactly that!). The concept
of a "Dark Theme" or "Dark Mode" is not so easy for them to understand
when they get a long, long list of colors they are to change themselves.
So what to do to improve? Instead, let the user have a standard one they
could switch by clicking one button a light theme button and a dark
theme button with an icon to determine what's going on.
Voilà. We have an accessible, easy system to make these changes. Just
like clicking a different theme in a PowerPoint presentation. And if
there is none the user likes, they can add a new one and have a new
button or a list for their themes, as well, selecting each color
individually just like you can do right now in version 4.1.7.

Now there's one extra point to the mix. We have users who are using
OpenOffice under Linux. I read that for some reason there is a Dark
Mode, but I don't understand the details at all. I cannot speak for
anybody using that OS, so this here is all from a Windows perspective. I
though do believe that a standardized option to do this throughout each
program *regardless* of OS or the like, would make things so much easier
for everybody.

In my own POV there are enough reasons to overhaul this part of the
system. Possibly, there are menu parts that could be put in one large
window containing everything you might need. The problem when you look

Re: Downloading

2023-01-09 Thread Peter Kovacs
please send the Web URL to 

Am 05.01.23 um 00:44 schrieb Vivian King:

  I downloaded OpenOffice and began filling out the required forms in which my 
credit card number was requested.  Within a few minutes of supplying that 
number  I was confronted with some “Lazy Games” site immediately followed by a 
message from Capital One asking if I had just placed an order for $45.  I had 
not; consequently they held up the payment, suspended my card while they search 
out the fraud.  Unfortunately, that meant that you were unable to accept my 
card which means that until I receive a replacement I cannot join OpenOffice!  
I will try again when the new card is received.
Vivian King
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Re: [ANNOUNCE] Maintenance Window on Forums and Wiki

2023-01-14 Thread Peter Kovacs

Am 11.01.23 um 16:42 schrieb

I was hoping that the opportunity was good to fix the registration form of the 
Italian forum, but it was not so.
 From the Italian forum it seems you don't care about anyone...

@casalva The maintenance have been triggered by infra. Wrong people.

@Andrea / @Dave: can i help? I have time on Mondays, but need some 
starting help.

- Messaggio originale -
Da: "Dave Fisher" 
A: "dev" ,
Inviato: Martedì, 10 gennaio 2023 18:57:25
Oggetto: [ANNOUNCE] Maintenance Window on Forums and Wiki

ASF Infrastructure Scheduled routine maintenance, OpenOffice forums and wiki 
starting at Jan 11, 2023 - 11:00AM UTC and ending at Jan 11, 2023 - 11:15AM UTC.

The server hosting the OpenOffice forums and Wiki will be undergoing routine 
maintenance on Wednesday the 11th of January at 11AM UTC. We expect this 
operation to last 10-15 minutes at most, during which the OpenOffice forums and 
wiki will be unavailable.

Please send an email to if there is trouble with either 
website after the end of this window.
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Re: Misbehaviors from OpenOffice Software

2023-02-23 Thread Peter Kovacs

Am 22.02.23 um 23:02 schrieb Adam Branca:

Dear OpenOffice,

  I wanted to report specific misbehaviors from OpenOffice software so you 
can fix them. I will not be treated as a nobody any longer!

I am not sure what you mean. Can you describe the issues again?

We need Operating system, OpenOffice version.

Best would be a step by step guide if the issue is repeatable.

you can try to reset the profile at random crashes. see

all the best


Sincerely, Adam Branca


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Re: new version of OO?

2023-03-01 Thread Peter kovacs

Unlike LO, AOO is not compiled for M1 yet. There are some blockers we need to 
work on. However Rosetta seems to work well for AOO.

I have tested AOO on the M2 during release and have not seen glitches. But if 
you had I would be interested in some screenshots.

There is a special issue I am aware of with M1 compiled Java version. You must 
install a Intel Java version and it has to be first in the java listing. I had 
crashes in this case while testing the bugs.

The drawbacks that are valid for Mac Intel are also true for the M1.
I hope I have time soon to look deeper into AOO on Mac and work on improvements.

All the best

Am 2. März 2023 05:31:28 MEZ schrieb PCS :
>I have just received the official update notification. It says the update is 
>for MacOS_x86-64. Is that compatible with an M1Mac Mini running OS 12.6.3 or 
>is it only for Intel Macs? I had some glitches in the previous OO update so 
>have been using LibreOffice instead of OO for the past couple of months (some 
>pros, some cons), and I’m wondering if the OO problems might have been 
>incompatibility with the M1 chip, or if it would be worth trying this OO 
>> On 27 Feb 2023, at 9:39 am, David Robley  wrote:
>> Expect it within 24 hours.
>> On 27/02/2023 09:35, PCS wrote:
>>> When will the new version of OO be released?
>>> PCS
 On 26 Feb 2023, at 9:49 pm, Matthias Seidel  
  I will have a deeper look later after we released the new version of 
>> -
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Re: E-mail address for publishing extensions is wrong

2023-03-27 Thread Peter Kovacs

Sorry, for the long wait.

Can you test? Should be fixed now.

All the best


Am 09.03.23 um 17:24 schrieb Bogdan:


After I created my extension, I wanted to publish it, but instead I 
saw the message:

This extension is currently not published. Please contact the system 
administrator at to have it 
published, including a link to this page.


 What would be the actual address to write to? Because it isn't 
"noreply", right?

The extension is:

Thank you!

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