Re: Word documents

2016-04-28 Thread Jean Lear
I cannot give any advice to John with his problem but I would caution
anyone who upgrades to Windows 10, before doing anything else to check the
Tools > Options > Language Settings > Language of Apache Open Office. (This
is if they are using anything other that English (USA).
My sad experience was that Windows 10 was put onto my computer without me
being aware of it. I later found that the Options I had previously set for
languages, which was English (Australian) had been changed to English
(USA).  This changed formatting such as dates in all my OpenOffice Calc
files.  When I reset the formatting in the Options all the dates became
corrupted and ended up being shown as a four year and one day difference in
everything.  The only thing I could do then, apart from going through all
the settings for OpenOffice in the Options in case anything else had been
changed, was to start new files for everything I was currently wanting to
use from the date I found the errors. The old files I have retained are of
very little use to me now.
Jean (

On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 11:44 AM, John Davidson  wrote:

> Hi,
> I was running win 7, however after up grading to win 10 I find that I am
> now unable to open Word documents. Can someone help.
> Regards,
> Jonno

Re: side by side view

2016-06-13 Thread Jean Lear
I do not know if I am misunderstanding the requirement here but I often
work on two separate files in the one window using Open Office and Windows
with each filling half of the screen.
Open one of the files and press the Windows Key and the right arrow key.
This put the file to the right half of the screen.  Open the other file and
press the Windows key and the left arrow key and this file will fill the
left half of the screen.
If this is not what is wanted please disregard this reply.

On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 8:44 PM, nasrin khaksar 

> hi.
> i only know openning each document in a separate window.
> i appreciate any solution beside it.
> On 6/8/16, Lucetta  wrote:
> > This is exactly what I do when I'm comparing SS. Works for me.
> >
> >> On Jun 8, 2016, at 11:47 AM, Julian Thomas  wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>> On Jun 7, 2016, at 23:28, Ariya Subasingha
> >>>  wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Since I prefer to use Open office writer. please let me know whether
> >>> there is a way to view 2 documents side by side in open office writer.
> >>
> >> One way to do this would be to open each document in a separate window.
> >>
> >> —
> >> jt -
> >>
> >> O Famous Last Words #29: "It's perfectly safe. Let me show you..."
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> -
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> >
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
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> >
> --
> Those who follow the Messenger-Prophet, the Ummi, whom they find
> written down with them in the Taurat and the Injeel [who] enjoins them
> good and forbids them evil, and makes lawful to them the good things
> and makes unlawful to them impure things, and removes from them their
> burden and the shackles which were upon them; so [as for] those who
> believe in him and honor him and help him, and follow the light which
> has been sent down with him, these it is that are the successful.
> holy quran, chapter 7, verse 157.
> best website for studying islamic book in different languages
> -
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Re: Quick question

2016-06-13 Thread Jean Lear
I do not know if this will be the help needed.  I do a lot of work with
Calc and in some columns some of the cells contain text that will
overflow.  I go to the top of the column and highlight the whole column
keep the highlighting on.  Then to to Format > Cells > Alignment > tick in
Wrap Text Automatically > Click OK.
Now anything entered in cells in that column will wrap if the contents are
more than the column width and the row height will adjust automatically.
If there is a cell with contents that are only one line that row height
will not be altered..

On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 2:40 PM, toki  wrote:

> I wrote:
> >> Is there a way to prevent text from spilling/overflowing over into the
> next cell without wrapping it??
> > The simplest solution is to make the cell in row 30 contain a blank
> space, with no other glyphs in it.
> Oops. That should be "the column to the right of the cell in row 29."
> jonathon
> -
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Re: How can I Cut and Paste Calc's Formulae Data into Thunderbird email Client?

2016-10-17 Thread Jean Lear
In reference to -
"o Paste plain text. If Thunderbird has a facility to paste unformatted
text only,"
I have always used - Ctrl + Shift + V (the Paste Shortcut) to paste into a
Thunderbird e mail
to paste as unformatted text.
This may clear part of the original users problem.

On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 6:34 AM, Vince@Gmail  wrote:

> On 10/16/2016 10:41 PM, Brian Barker wrote:
>> At 12:24 16/10/2016 -0400, Vince Bonly wrote:
>>> I am attempting to paste a portion of a AOO 4.1.2 Calc sheet with
>>> Formulae displayed into Thunderbird 45.4.0 compose window on WIN10x64
>>> machine. My ISP is Verizon. Seems that I am not able to show the formulae,
>>> which is what I want to discuss, into the email compose window; only the
>>> results of the existing formulae can be pasted.
>> Two suggestions:
>> o Paste plain text. If Thunderbird has a facility to paste unformatted
>> text only, I think that should work. If not, consider staging the copy via
>> a plain text editor or even via an OpenOffice text (Writer) document, using
>> Paste Special and "Unformatted text" to paste there. Values will be
>> separated by tab characters, so you will need to set tabs to space your
>> columns out appropriately.
> I must look onto obtaining a better understanding of the Paste Special and
> the "Unformatted test" features...:-)
>> o Save the sheet as CSV (as has been suggested).
>> o Reopen the CSV file in Calc.
>> o In the Text Import window, select appropriate columns and change
>> "Column type" from Standard to Text.
>> o You now have a new spreadsheet with just the appearance of your
>> original one with formulae viewed.
>> o Copy and paste from that.
> -
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OpenOffice Calc Problem with scroll bars moving unexpectedly at times

2017-03-12 Thread Jean Lear
I have been asked for help by a friend who is using a MacBook Pro and
Apache OpenOffice Calc.

It is a problem I have not encountered when using Calc on my various
versions of Windows and versions of OpenOffice so I do not know if it
occurs because a Mac machine is being used.

When entering text or numbers in a cell in Calc the scroll bars on the side
and on the bottom of the page occasionally suddenly jump to the right hand
corner of the page so if one wants to make the entry the scroll bars both
have to be returned to the places they were on the page where entries were
being made.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you


Re: Help numbering papers

2018-07-03 Thread Jean Lear
I do not know if I am over simplifying this or missing the point of the
requirement. I do not know what format the original document is but as a
test I used a writer page and made either a header or a footer on the page.
This can be made whatever size you wish and can be used to insert as much
information as you need and then at the position you want the number to
appear use the > Insert > Fields > Page number and insert your number
999001 on the first page.  When you copy the same detail to the next page
the number will change to 999002 going to what ever number you want to go
to (999050)
I had a template set up for my use for Raffle Tickets which have a butt and
tickets four to a page and have the same number on the butt and the tear
off ticket.  After setting up page one with numbers one to four, copy that
page, and then paste at the end of page one and the numbers roll on to
whatever number of tickets needed.  I had a link to how this was done at - - but I could not
connect to this site as it timed out - may be too old to still exist.
Another idea may be to do a calc sheet with the numbers (999001 to 999050)
and do a mail merge with the original document.
This may give some ideas if I have not missed the point of the original

On Tue, Jul 3, 2018 at 5:36 PM, Caroline Molin 

> I have a single document and when I print 50 copies I need a new number
> for each one. So it would be 9990001 on the first and 9990050 on the last.
> I have never made a macro so I guess I'll have to look into that. Thanks
> for the help.
> -Ursprungligt meddelande-
> Från: Andrew Pitonyak 
> Skickat: den 2 juli 2018 16:25
> Till:
> Ämne: Re: Help numbering papers
> I just wanted to clarify:
> You start with a document that contains the text, which is always a
> number, "9990001".
> You open the document and print the document. The document prints the text
> "9990001" as part of the document, but, after print, the text reads
> "9990002". You save the document with the text 9990002.
> OR
> Were you hoping to print the document, request 10 copies, and have it
> print with a different number each time?
> OR
> You have a single document containing the same text 50 times and each
> copy  contains a different number?
> In my mind, I would write a macro to change the number then print the
> document (if that workflow is possible), but I write many macros!
> On 2018-07-02 5:59, Caroline Molin wrote:
> > Hello, I work for a company called Betonglarsson. We use Apache
> > OpenOffice to print transport reports (see attachmet). Now I need
> > help
> > to add the order number where it says NUMBERS, and I need those
> > numbers to change everytime that I print one. I normally print 50 at
> > a
> > time and I have been manually writing the order number on these but I
> > was wondering if there is a way to add an order number to these like
> > a
> > page number? Our order numbers normally starts with the numbers on
> > the
> > licence plate. Here is an example "9990001". We have about 40-50 cars
> > so I need to be able to change the numbers each time I need to print
> > for another car. Thank you in advance!

Re: Mail Merge

2018-08-23 Thread Jean Lear
I had this problem with mail merges until I found that when I was ready to
print the
merged documents and opened the Print window there are a number of tabs at
top - General - OpenOffice Writer - Page Layout - Options.
Go to the OpenOffice Writer and the last  item on this sheet is Page - with
a tick
box  for Print automatic inserted blank pages.  If there is a tick in the
tick box remove
it and this should solve the problem.
I know there are hundreds of different printers and various operating
systems but I always
see the same window come up for both Canon and Brother printers I have.  I
been using various versions of Windows from 95 to 10.  The earlier versions
I cannot
speak for but know this has been  the same in 7 and 10.
Hope this helps.

On Thu, Aug 23, 2018 at 4:29 AM Leora Berns <> wrote:

> I have a lot of experience using Mail Merge with Windows.
> The past few times I have used Mail Merge in Apache Open Office I get the
> following problem:  After each page of print, a blank page is spit out of
> the computer. So if I have 98 records, I get 196 pages. Every other one is
> blank.
> When I look at the document I’m printing from, I only see the original 98
> records. But when I scroll through it, the first record is 1/196, the
> second page is 3/196, the third is 5/196, etc.
> Obviously I’ve formatted something but I don’t know where.
> Any suggestions?
> Sent from Mail for
> Windows 10

Re: Labels

2019-12-17 Thread Jean Lear
I would not condem OpenOffice because of a problem with doing a mail
merge.  I have been doing two mail merges every month from a Spreadsheet
for years. One is for an insert for the mailing of a magazine and one is
for use with a window face envelope. The references I used when I first
started to do this are too old to refer to now (Page not found etc) but the
manual for OpenOffice Writer (Chapter 11) gives instructions and a Google
search gives text and video help. Not all things one tries to use a
computer for work as expected as some times my mail merge goes like a
breeze and then for some unknown reason next month they do not and I have
to resort to a work around.  Experience with working on a computer will
find there is often more than one way to get the result wanted.

On Sun, Dec 15, 2019 at 9:50 AM Alan Pearce

> Rant it might be but  I  certainly agree.
>  Original message 
> From: Wade Smart 
> Date: 14/12/2019  23:07  (GMT+00:00)
> To:, Jacquetta Ellinger <
> Subject: Re: Labels
> Ok.Nice rant.-- Registered Linux User: #480675Registered Linux Machine:
> #408606Linux since June 2005On Sat, Dec 14, 2019 at 5:05 PM Jacquetta
> Ellinger wrote:>> I’m not a
> programmer/developer but I’m pretty competent at using software, however,
> OpenOffice is too tough.  I like it generally, I like the concept of it,
> but every time I try to do something new, I spend hours first searching out
> instructions, then trying them, having them not work, trying again, having
> them not work - that is files crashing and virtually wasting my life away.
> Today, I cannot get OO to create a database from a spreadsheet I’ve created
> so I can print a lousy 100 mailing labels.  I could have had half of them
> written by hand by now.  I’m going to have to buy Word and I hate that.>
> -> To
> unsubscribe, e-mail:> For
> additional commands, e-mail: 
> unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscribe@openoffice.apache.orgFor
> additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Numbers automatically advance in spreadsheet columns

2020-04-27 Thread Jean Lear
As a regular user of Calc in Apache OpenOffice I have added two extra items
to my tool bar (another learning curve to do this).  I have added 'Fill
Down' and 'Fill Series'
Fill Series will bring up the Fill Series window which allows a lot  of
alternatives for what is being done in the column or row selected.
Fill down is also useful to repeat text down a number of rows.
Hope this extra information helps.

On Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 4:27 AM Peter Kovacs  wrote:

> 1) Mark the Cell
> 2) Right Klick -> select copy
> 3) select first Cell of your row. (i.e. the cell below)
> 4) Press shift And mark the last cell -> you now see the rows that you
> target marked.
> 5) right click select copy.
> Am 27.04.20 um 19:08 schrieb David Deeks:
> > I have been an Open Office user for many years, but only recently
> discovered this group, and have already learned a couple of things!
> >
> > I am hoping however that someone can help with a specific and
> longstanding problem with numbers in spreadsheet columns. If I have a cell
> with a number in that I want repeated down the column, I would love to able
> to simply highlight the cell and drag down the column. The problem is that
> in each line the numbers always increase by 1. This is useful of course
> sometimes, but not always! I have tried all formats, including text etc,
> and feel as though I’ve looked through every menu - but cannot find how to
> stop it doing this. I am sure there must be a way?
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > David Deeks
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> > For additional commands, e-mail:
> >
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
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Re: all files open as read-only

2020-11-22 Thread Jean Lear
Hello James,
I should not say this James, but I am pleased to hear this has happened to
The same thing happened to me after I installed Apache OpenOffice 4.1.8 on
Windows 10 Asus computer. I could not open files as usual.  I got a window
the option of "Read Only" or "Open as copy". The usual solutions to open
Only" were not available.
I uninstalled 4.1.8 and went back to 4.1.7 but the problem was still there.
I took my computer to the experienced computer technician whose business is
computers who looks after my computer.  I think he did not recognise the
I was told that by trial and error he solved the problem saying it was the
Avast program
and another program that were the problem.  I had been using  Avast and the
program for many years on this and other computers.
My computer was returned  with Windows Defender and my other favourite
program deleted.
I would be interested to hear if any other users have had this same problem
if it happens only to some users who have upgraded to 4.1.8 and if so how
the problrm
was solved.
Thank you.
Jean Lear

On Sun, Nov 22, 2020 at 10:47 AM James Pesout  wrote:

> After installing Open Office version 4.1.8 every time I open a file it's
> categorized as a read-only file.
> To edit any of my files I have to open them as a copy, edit them, and then
> save them with a new name.
> The next time I open that file, it opens as a read only file.
> I'm using a Windows 10 platform on a 64 bit system.
> I've uninstalled 4.1.8 and reinstalled it but the problem persists.
> Thanks for your advice.
> <
> >
> Virus-free.
> <
> >
> <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>

Formatting a Newsletter Containing an Index

2020-12-09 Thread Jean Lear
I have a template for a weekly newsletter with an index which I use.
I open the template and below the index copy into it the body of the
previous weeks newsletter as some of the items remain the same each week or
have minor date changes etc.  Also new items are added.
The basic layout is
Heading 1
Body Text
Heading 1
Body Text
Occasionally I use a Heading 2
When an item is copied to or written in  the Newsletter it needs to be
formatted as Heading and Body Text..  The index is then Updated.
The problem starting this week is that when a Heading is formatted as
Heading the Body Text is also changes to Heading.  When that body text is
highlighted and changed back to Body Text the Heading also changes back to
Body Text.  I can change the Heading back to Heading and the Body Text also
changed to Heading again.
I have not  had much experience with using Indexing and have not found any
solutions on the Forum for this particular problem.  The procedure I have
been given to use has worked well for months until this week.
I am using Apache OpenOffice 4.1.8 with Windows 10.
After the Newsletter is completed in OO it is copied to a Thunderbird email
to be a template for mailing out.
There is another formatting exercise but that is quite a separate issue.
Any suggestions for OO would be appreciated.
Thank you.

Re: Formatting a Newsletter Containing an Index

2020-12-10 Thread Jean Lear
Thank you to Martin and Brian I have now sorted this out.
I knew there were Hard Returns and Soft Returns but never consciously used
them. I now have to understand which, when and where to use them as I add
items to the Newsletter.  I do not know how I have managed to format the
Newsletter for the last several months without encountering the problem
that started this week.
For Martin - I use the Index part of the template I work from and update it
when I change  the items that are changed in the next week's Newsletter.
For Brian - I made an error in using the words "Body Text" instead of "Text
Body" for Writer. The term becomes "Body Text" in Thunderbird email.
" the appearance of the relevant parts of the text changes or are you
actually looking at the applied paragraph style name?" The appearance of
the text actually changes along with the style name"
Thank you both for your help sorting this out for me.

On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 12:13 AM Brian Barker 

> At 20:13 09/12/2020 +1000, you wrote:
> >I have a template for a weekly newsletter with an index which I use.
> >I open the template and below the index copy into it the body of the
> >previous weeks newsletter as some of the items remain the same each
> >week or have minor date changes etc. Also new items are added. The
> >basic layout is
> >Heading 1
> >Body Text
> >Heading 1
> >Body Text
> >Occasionally I use a Heading 2
> I'm guessing that by "Body Text" you actually mean the built-in "Text
> body" paragraph style?
> >When an item is copied to or written in the Newsletter it needs to
> >be formatted as Heading and Body Text. The index is then Updated.
> >The problem starting this week is that when a Heading is formatted
> >as Heading the Body Text is also changes to Heading. When that body
> >text is highlighted and changed back to Body Text the Heading also
> >changes back to Body Text. I can change the Heading back to Heading
> >and the Body Text also changed to Heading again.
> In taking about these changes, do you mean that the appearance of the
> relevant parts of the text changes or are you actually looking at the
> applied paragraph style name?
> >The procedure I have been given to use has worked well for months
> >until this week.
> So the question is: what have you changed? There are various
> possibilities, I think:
> o You have changed the details of one or other of the paragraph
> styles involved to match the other - or at least have sufficient
> changes to show the problem.
> o You have applied local formatting to some parts of your material to
> mimic the appearance of the other style without actually changing the
> style.
> o You do not have proper paragraph breaks (as created by pressing
> "Enter") between your various elements. If you have line breaks
> instead, or if the text flows from one line to the next without any
> break, there cannot be a change in paragraph style. If you are not
> careful about how you paste material, you may be deleting necessary
> paragraph breaks. Have you (perhaps temporarily) toggled on the
> display of "non-printing characters", so that you can see what is
> happening?
> It's impossible to tell exactly what you are doing from your
> description, and you may need to send a sample copy to someone for
> diagnosis.
> I trust this helps.
> Brian Barker - privately

Adding a zero as a leading figure to a number

2021-04-13 Thread Jean Lear
 There have been a couple of enquiries to the Forum in recent days
mentioning a problem with having a leading zero in a number in a Openoffice
Calc document (eg with a mobile telephone number 0 with three digits a
space three digits a space and three digits) in a column..
I cannot find the actual concise answer to this problem that I first read
so will put it in my words.
Highlight the column in a Calc document that you want to use for these
Go to .> Format > Cells > Numbers > General > Format code towards the
bottom of the window.
Enter zeros  space 000 space 000 Click OK
When you insert a number leaving spaces where required the result will be
0442 876 543.  If the number is not inserted with spaces it will appear  as
In a saved document with numbers without a leading zero to the numbers and
needing one - If the column is high lighted and the formatting is done as
above a zero will be placed in front of each number. If the column also
contains landline numbers which contain only eight numbers two zeros will
be placed in front of these numbers. The decision has to be made "with or
without zeros"
I hope  this is clear enough to be of use to some members of the Forum.

Mail Merge Problems with Printing

2014-02-24 Thread Jean Lear
I am using Apache Open Office 3.4.0 (meaning to upgrade but have not done so 
yet) on Windows 7 Home Premium.
I have had this problem for some time with a monthly mail out using a mail merge 
to print inserts to be included for posting a magazine.

The most recent merge was set up to print out eighty three insert sheets.
After overcoming the problem of linking the merge to the correct Spreadsheet 
names I set the Brother Laser Printer to print 'all'.  Things go well until 
about forty inserts are printed when the printer stops. I go back to the 
addresses and either select the remainder of the list by highlighting and say 
print 'selected records' or in other trials print '41-83'  The printer starts 
again and may print six or so and then stop.  Reset again to do a selected 
number say '47-83' and it will print another half dozen or so.  With patience

the whole 83 can be printed.
Can anyone suggest how I can get the whole number printed at first go.
Thank you.

No virus found in this message.
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Version: 2013.0.3462 / Virus Database: 3705/7122 - Release Date: 02/24/14

Re: Mail Merge Problems with Printing

2014-03-03 Thread Jean Lear
Hello Andrea,
Thank you very much.  I have read the quoted bug report and have done a
test of highlighting all the names in the data base file and have watched
it go
from 1 to 83 in the numbers at the bottom of the list of names.
As I do not want to print these all again now I changed it to print to
file. I was able to see that it saved all 83.
I will get the mail merge printing done in half the time next month.
Once again thank you very much.

On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 2:40 AM, Andrea Pescetti  wrote:

> On 25/02/2014 Jean Lear wrote:
>> The most recent merge was set up to print out eighty three insert sheets.
>> ... Things go well until about forty inserts are printed when the printer
>> stops.
> Could it be related to this known bug?
> Regards,
>   Andrea.


2015-03-24 Thread Jean Lear
I need to print Raffle tickets with Butt and Ticket four to an A4 page.
I have registered an OpenOffice Calc document containing numbers from one
to seven hundred with columns for Butt and Ticket numbers as a Registered
Data Base.
I am able to do a mail merge from this  OpenOffice Calc to a blank Writer
document (with fiddling to get them in the right places), but am unable to
do a merge from the same OpenOffice Calc Registered Data Base to an Open
Office Calc document set up for the tickets or a Writer document set up for
the tickets in sections and columns.  I cannot see how to make up the
Raffle tickets on a Writer to have them four to a page other than in
sections and two columns.
As a last resort I had thought of printing the tickets from the Calc
document and then using the writer document with the merged numbers to run
the tickets through the printer a second time.
I have used Calc for the tickets as I find I can use that to more precisely
produce four raffle tickets to an A4 sheet with a butt and a ticket.  I use
Calc to produce work that other members may use writer for as I find it
easier to work with.
Can someone offer any suggestions or advice on how to merge the numbers
into the Calc document please - if this can be done.
I am using Apache OpenOffice 4.1.1 on  a computer with Windows 7
Professional  64 Bit.
Thank you.


2015-03-28 Thread Jean Lear
Thank you Alexandro for the suggestion of using tables.  That works with a
bit of fiddling to fit to an A4 page althouh for one who has relied on Calc
for years to set out work it was a bit of a learning curve.
I have now encountered a separate problem with the numbering of the
tickets.  I have read and re read so many things about getting the next
record to work but so far have only managed to number tickets 1 and 2.  No
other numbers appear when I do a preview to printing.  If I can do it to
get a number 2 to show on a ticket why can I not get other numbers to
follow I ask myself?
This  is the reason for the delay in acknowledging the help you gave with
your suggestion. I was hoping to reply saying that everything is working in
Writer with tables the way I wanted it to be.

On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 1:31 AM, Alexandro Colorado  wrote:

> On Wednesday, March 25, 2015 03:35:21 PM Jean Lear wrote:
> > I need to print Raffle tickets with Butt and Ticket four to an A4 page.
> > I have registered an OpenOffice Calc document containing numbers from one
> > to seven hundred with columns for Butt and Ticket numbers as a Registered
> > Data Base.
> > I am able to do a mail merge from this  OpenOffice Calc to a blank Writer
> > document (with fiddling to get them in the right places), but am unable
> to
> > do a merge from the same OpenOffice Calc Registered Data Base to an Open
> > Office Calc document set up for the tickets or a Writer document set up
> for
> > the tickets in sections and columns.  I cannot see how to make up the
> > Raffle tickets on a Writer to have them four to a page other than in
> > sections and two columns.
> Why not just do a table inside a writer document? Is there any additional
> calculation you depend on calc for this? Writer has some basic formulas too
> like SUM and AVERAGE.
> > As a last resort I had thought of printing the tickets from the Calc
> > document and then using the writer document with the merged numbers to
> run
> > the tickets through the printer a second time.
> > I have used Calc for the tickets as I find I can use that to more
> precisely
> > produce four raffle tickets to an A4 sheet with a butt and a ticket.  I
> use
> > Calc to produce work that other members may use writer for as I find it
> > easier to work with.
> > Can someone offer any suggestions or advice on how to merge the numbers
> > into the Calc document please - if this can be done.
> > I am using Apache OpenOffice 4.1.1 on  a computer with Windows 7
> > Professional  64 Bit.
> > Thank you.
> > Jean


2015-03-28 Thread Jean Lear
Hello Alexandro,
I got another helpful hint from one of the references you gave and have now
turned on the View>Fields>Shading which was turned off.  I can now see the
Next Record Bar with the fields I am inserting to know where I am up to
with inserting the next record.
I am very familiar with doing Mail Merges for addressing mail and writing
letters but these are all one record to a page so I know I am missing one
little thing somewhere along the line here with inserting four numbers to a
I know I can ask someone next week to show me how to do it but I will try
again before then to see if I can make it work.
Thank you for your help.

On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 11:03 AM, Alexandro Colorado  wrote:

> I see, I am sorry is giving you troubles. I am not sure exactly how to
> reproduce the error and all I can do is forward you some tutorials.
> Basically the mailmerge has to do with fields, the Mailmerge Wizards is in
> fact a macro that assign these fields and automagically go ahead in a
> sequence.
> To debug these mailmerges you would need to go to the assigned field and
> see if there is something wrong being defined. Fields are very powerful and
> can have something more than just squence, but lso conditionals,
> randomizers,  references, etc.
> We have a whole book on Fields[1] that you can learn from. But this is for
> your own education on the platform. To solve the issue I think you can
> re-build the mailmerge and go step by step (if you haven't have to). And
> pay close attention where the field in question is being created. Another
> strategy is to breakdown the merge and do the merging in sections, meaning
> that you would need to generate the mailmerge with only the fields that you
> think have issues and see if this is being repeated in isolation. If this
> works, then there might be some other field interrupting the process.
> PD: Sovleigh Haugland has an excellent tutorial on Mail Merge althought is
> a bit dated, it still works wonders. It explores and redescover the power
> of mailmerging. [2]
> [1]:
> [2]:
> On Sat, Mar 28, 2015 at 7:22 PM, Jean Lear  wrote:
> > Thank you Alexandro for the suggestion of using tables.  That works with
> a
> > bit of fiddling to fit to an A4 page althouh for one who has relied on
> Calc
> > for years to set out work it was a bit of a learning curve.
> > I have now encountered a separate problem with the numbering of the
> > tickets.  I have read and re read so many things about getting the next
> > record to work but so far have only managed to number tickets 1 and 2.
> No
> > other numbers appear when I do a preview to printing.  If I can do it to
> > get a number 2 to show on a ticket why can I not get other numbers to
> > follow I ask myself?
> > This  is the reason for the delay in acknowledging the help you gave with
> > your suggestion. I was hoping to reply saying that everything is working
> in
> > Writer with tables the way I wanted it to be.
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 1:31 AM, Alexandro Colorado 
> wrote:
> >
> > > On Wednesday, March 25, 2015 03:35:21 PM Jean Lear wrote:
> > > > I need to print Raffle tickets with Butt and Ticket four to an A4
> page.
> > > > I have registered an OpenOffice Calc document containing numbers from
> > one
> > > > to seven hundred with columns for Butt and Ticket numbers as a
> > Registered
> > > > Data Base.
> > > > I am able to do a mail merge from this  OpenOffice Calc to a blank
> > Writer
> > > > document (with fiddling to get them in the right places), but am
> unable
> > > to
> > > > do a merge from the same OpenOffice Calc Registered Data Base to an
> > Open
> > > > Office Calc document set up for the tickets or a Writer document set
> up
> > > for
> > > > the tickets in sections and columns.  I cannot see how to make up the
> > > > Raffle tickets on a Writer to have them four to a page other than in
> > > > sections and two columns.
> > >
> > > Why not just do a table inside a writer document? Is there any
> additional
> > > calculation you depend on calc for this? Writer has some basic formulas
> > too
> > > like SUM and AVERAGE.
> > >
> > > > As a last resort I had thought of printing the tickets from the Calc
> > > > document and then using the writer document with the merged numbers
> to
> > > run
> > > > the 


2015-03-31 Thread Jean Lear
Hello Alexandro,
I have spent a lot of time trying to get mail merge to put numbers on the
raffle tickets I am trying to produce since my last e mail.
Years ago I started to keep items from the Forum that I thought would be
helpful to me.  I thought today that I would go back and see what I could
find there about mail merges and came across something from Apr 06 when
someone asked for help in printing numbers on four raffle tickets to a
page.  It was written for OO 2.0 and went about it in a very different way
to what I had been trying to make work.  The instructions are at -

I thought I would send this on in case it would be of help to anyone else
who could not make more recent instructions work for them.

Thank you for your help getting me onto using OpenOffice Writer.

On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 3:14 PM, Jean Lear  wrote:

> Hello Alexandro,
> I got another helpful hint from one of the references you gave and have
> now turned on the View>Fields>Shading which was turned off.  I can now see
> the Next Record Bar with the fields I am inserting to know where I am up to
> with inserting the next record.
> I am very familiar with doing Mail Merges for addressing mail and writing
> letters but these are all one record to a page so I know I am missing one
> little thing somewhere along the line here with inserting four numbers to a
> page.
> I know I can ask someone next week to show me how to do it but I will try
> again before then to see if I can make it work.
> Thank you for your help.
> On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 11:03 AM, Alexandro Colorado 
> wrote:
>> I see, I am sorry is giving you troubles. I am not sure exactly how to
>> reproduce the error and all I can do is forward you some tutorials.
>> Basically the mailmerge has to do with fields, the Mailmerge Wizards is in
>> fact a macro that assign these fields and automagically go ahead in a
>> sequence.
>> To debug these mailmerges you would need to go to the assigned field and
>> see if there is something wrong being defined. Fields are very powerful
>> and
>> can have something more than just squence, but lso conditionals,
>> randomizers,  references, etc.
>> We have a whole book on Fields[1] that you can learn from. But this is for
>> your own education on the platform. To solve the issue I think you can
>> re-build the mailmerge and go step by step (if you haven't have to). And
>> pay close attention where the field in question is being created. Another
>> strategy is to breakdown the merge and do the merging in sections, meaning
>> that you would need to generate the mailmerge with only the fields that
>> you
>> think have issues and see if this is being repeated in isolation. If this
>> works, then there might be some other field interrupting the process.
>> PD: Sovleigh Haugland has an excellent tutorial on Mail Merge althought is
>> a bit dated, it still works wonders. It explores and redescover the power
>> of mailmerging. [2]
>> [1]:
>> [2]:
>> On Sat, Mar 28, 2015 at 7:22 PM, Jean Lear  wrote:
>> > Thank you Alexandro for the suggestion of using tables.  That works
>> with a
>> > bit of fiddling to fit to an A4 page althouh for one who has relied on
>> Calc
>> > for years to set out work it was a bit of a learning curve.
>> > I have now encountered a separate problem with the numbering of the
>> > tickets.  I have read and re read so many things about getting the next
>> > record to work but so far have only managed to number tickets 1 and 2.
>> No
>> > other numbers appear when I do a preview to printing.  If I can do it to
>> > get a number 2 to show on a ticket why can I not get other numbers to
>> > follow I ask myself?
>> > This  is the reason for the delay in acknowledging the help you gave
>> with
>> > your suggestion. I was hoping to reply saying that everything is
>> working in
>> > Writer with tables the way I wanted it to be.
>> >
>> >
>> > On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 1:31 AM, Alexandro Colorado 
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > > On Wednesday, March 25, 2015 03:35:21 PM Jean Lear wrote:
>> > > > I need to print Raffle tickets with Butt and Ticket four to an A4
>> page.
>> > > > I have registered an OpenOffice Calc document containing numbers
>> from
>> > one
>> > > > to seven hundr

Re: Calc "There is not enough space on the sheet.. "

2015-04-08 Thread Jean Lear
This has happened to me when I have had something already entered in a
spreadsheet and when making  copy of something extra from another
spreadsheet to paste into it have done Ctrl A (select All)  Ctrl C (copied
whole of what was selected right down to the bottom row of the sheet
including rows with no content). When I tried to paste it to the first
spreadsheet was told "there is not enough room"
I then realised that I was copying all the blank rows in the second spread
sheet and not just the rows that I needed.  Of course it would not fit as
there were already rows used in the first spreadsheet - even if it was just
a heading row. Spreadsheets do not put in rows beyond their limit.
I now go to the bottom row of what I want to paste in and copy from the
bottom row there to the top row.
The answer from Brian may have solved your problem but the above is one of
those traps you do not know about until you try to do something.

On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 12:13 AM, Brian Barker 

> At 03:55 06/04/2015 -0400, Linda Hull wrote:
>> I'm trying to compare data between different access lists. I have managed
>> to create pretty nice spreadsheets with the CSV, but now Calc says that
>> "There is not enough space on the sheet to insert here", when I try to
>> paste a second list.
> I think this happens only when you are trying to paste something
> inappropriate. You may be trying to paste a complete column or columns, a
> complete row or rows, or even a complete sheet into a single cell (or using
> a single cell as a marker) - or you may be trying to paste a column into a
> row or (without using Transpose) a row into a column. Remember that copying
> a row or a column doesn't copy just the cells of that element into which
> you have inserted data but instead the entire element to the right edge or
> bottom of the sheet.
>  What can I do?
> If you select just appropriate rows, columns, or ranges that contain your
> data to be copied, everything should work. If necessary, import your new
> data into a separate sheet and then select the significant range to copy to
> your required destination.
> I trust this helps.
> Brian Barker
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: 2 questions

2015-05-22 Thread Jean Lear
To add to the usefulness of the above, I have included the Paste Icon on
the Toolbar.  (The icon is on the drop down of visible buttons so just
highlight it there*)  The drop down arrow gives a number of options
including Unformatted text.  The same icon on the tool bar also helps when
using Calc.  If you do a lot of 'copy and paste' work this is very useful
and time saving.
(* I am not sure now if I had to add it as an extra icon to the Visible
list or whether it was there on that list all the time. I have been using
it for so long that I do not remember.  Even if you have to add it as an
extra icon on the tool  bar it is well worth doing)
Hope this helps some members of the list.

On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 4:36 PM, Brian Barker 

> At 14:52 22/05/2015 +1000, Martin Groenescheij wrote:
>> On 22-May-15 06:39, Julian Thomas wrote:
>>> 2.  Is there a way to change the default Copy option so that it is
>>> Unformatted text?  If not, is there a feature request for this?
>> I have no idea if you can change the default, but as a workaround you can
>> add en entry to the edit menu.
>>Go to Tools --> Customize
>>Select the Menus tab and the Edit menu click the Add button
>>From the menu select Edit as Category and Paste Unformatted Text as
>> Command
> In this context, it's perhaps worth commenting that there is also already
> a keyboard shortcut for this function:
> o Ctrl+V: ordinary Paste
> o Ctrl+Shift+V: Paste Special (brings up the dialogue including
> "Unformatted text")
> o Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V: Paste Unformatted Text
> (Thank you for the pointer to this, which I had not been aware of and will
> find useful!)
> I trust this helps.
> Brian Barker
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail: