RE: book covering the fine points of advanced wordprocessing

2016-08-01 Thread Doug Hovelson
That's a good resource!

-Original Message-
From: TN Patriot [] 
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2016 8:01 PM
Subject: Re: book covering the fine points of advanced wordprocessing

On Mon, 1 Aug 2016 11:15:52 -0400
DaveMainwaring  wrote:

> I am looking for book covering the fine points of advanced 
> word-processing applications vs classic typewriters.
> A book that explains all the items in the pull down menus, view, 
> encoding, language, preferences, style configurator, importing, 
> exporting, plug ins, and the new spacing practices (leading, 
> kerning,all the niceties of OO

Not a book per se, but this site may be able to help also...

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DocuSign Document Shared

2016-09-01 Thread Doug Hovelson
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2016-09-19 Thread Doug Hovelson
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Doug Hovelson
Big Thunder Public Relations 

Re: Cursor stuck

2018-08-29 Thread Doug Hovelson
Try using the arrow keys. Works sometimes.

Get Outlook for Android

From: Bev 
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2018 3:20:06 PM
Subject: Re: Cursor stuck

And you would choose that how? with no curser movement?

From: "David Robley" 
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2018 9:25 PM
Subject: Re: Cursor stuck

> To force a new page, go to the top menu and choose Insert | Manual Break,
> select Page break and click OK
> On 29/08/18 07:16, Stan Reffin wrote:
>> HI Please could you tell me how to move a stuck cursor from the bottom of
>> page 8 to page 9. My system is version 4/12 I have created a  document
>> and I
>> have tried to tab down to create page nine with no luck.
>> Thank you.
> Cheers
> --
> David Robley
> If ignorance is bliss, you must be ecstatic.
> -
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RE: Transition to OpenOffice Writer

2013-02-06 Thread Doug Hovelson
Yes I too am interested in this topic. Headers and footers are a major 
OpenOffice weakness. I gave up and subscribed to the Microsoft Office online 
service for Word but I'm willing to learn new OpenOffice tricks too.

Doug Hovelson 

 > From:
> To:
> Subject: Transition to OpenOffice Writer
> Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2013 06:50:16 -0600
> To Whom It May Concern:
> I have been adjusting to OpenOffice Writer for a few weeks after losing my 
> Microsoft Word application, and I hope you can imagine how frustrated and 
> confused I am with this new software. As Microsoft Word is what I know, I 
> naturally approached Writer like I would Word. However, there are stark and 
> considerable differences between Writer and Word that I have inevitably 
> encountered. For example, there is apparently no "vertical paragraph 
> alignment" option in Writer, but there is in Word. As a writer, there are 
> many essential tools and options that I need from my word processor that I am 
> not finding or having trouble finding. I do refer to OpenOffice Wiki and the 
> Help Tool, however, there are many things the Wiki and the Help Tool do not 
> explain. For example, they do not explain how to apply a certain page-style. 
> I only stumbled across the fact that a page-style can only be applied by 
> inserting a manual page break. 
> I am struggling with how to format my documents to display various 
> page-numbers. I am a novelist and any guides I discover only pertain their 
> information to technical and business-style document formats. For example, 
> the guides on "headers" always go into great detail about customizing your 
> header and skip over the essential "simple" how-to-make a normal, average 
> everyday header that is not going to be viewed by a company CEO or graded by 
> a business education instructor. I am simply a writer writing a novel, and I 
> need my word processor to apply to me specifically.
> Here is what I need to know how to do:
> 1. Format different page numbers- Title Page (no number)- Dedication Page (no 
> number)- Table of Contents (roman numerals)- Preface (roman numerals)- 
> Prologue through all chapters ( starting at page 1)- Acknowledgments 
> (continuing page numbers)- Appendices/Index (continuing page numbers)2. 
> Create a traditional Table of Contents (like in any other novel, no business 
> topics or sections and complete with a leader)3. Design headers to display 
> book name on one page, chapter title on the next, continuously4. Vertically 
> align a paragraph
> Any information regarding these issues would be most certainly appreciated 
> and duly acknowledged. I am new to OpenOffice Writer, but I know I will be 
> just fine with it once I get my bearings. I also have another question 
> concerning file format and extensions. As a writer, I will have to eventually 
> electronically submit part or all of my manuscript to a Literary Agent and or 
> Publisher at some point and so the file extension will need to be in a format 
> usable by these organizations' software (most likely Word). Is the ODT file 
> format compatible with Word or do I need to save my documents under a 
> different format? This, above all else, is perhaps the most important 
> question because the others are useless without the file being able to 
> proceed. I thank you very much for your time, consideration, all manners of 
> things and especially for the development and availability of this software 
> to simple people like myself. Thank you.
> Sincerely,
> Joel S. Ikenberry   


2013-04-11 Thread Doug Hovelson
Second that.

Doug Hovelson 

 > Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 22:10:09 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: HTTP://
> On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 02:34:22PM -0400, Eugene Neutel (Harry Neutel and 
> Associates) wrote:
> > Was thinking the same thing.  Can a mod please do something about this??
> > 
> > 
> > On 10 April 2013 14:33, Maurice Howe  wrote:
> > 
> > > How can I get rid of these endless "Ruthie" notes?  Maddening.
> > 
> Anything wrong with filtering them out at your MUA?
> -- 
> Bob Holtzman
> If you think you're getting free lunch, 
> check the price of the beer.
> Key ID: 8D549279

RE: what happened to

2014-03-16 Thread Doug Hovelson
Good quote from Orwell. - Doug

-Original Message-
From: Fernando Cassia [] 
Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2014 8:33 PM
Subject: Re: what happened to

On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 10:14 PM, Peter Junge  wrote:

> The problem is that these are tons of GB. My upstream connection in 
> Beijing isn't sufficient for that and while I'm in Germany I'm using a 
> mobile 3G package with limited volume.

Hi Peter,

You might want to check into this NGB thing.


During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act 
Durante épocas de Engaño Universal, decir la verdad se convierte en un Acto 
- George Orwell

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