ascending/descending order
Gentlemen; First, may I say I thoroughly appreciate Open Office. I do a lot of letter writing, and it is a blessing. I have a small question about an annoying problem. For some reason, one folder has all of the files in reverse alphabetical order. I can’t figure out how I did it, and can’t figure out how to put the files in alphabetical order. If you could tell me how to put those files in alphabetical order, your assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Please note, that they are in alphabetical order in the Windows document folder, but not in Open Office folder. Thank you so much. Betty Enos nee Damms 845-883-0960 Sent from Windows Mail
Question about alphabetizing file list
Greetings. First, I truly appreciate Open Office, and I thank you. My question is about alphabetizing a list of files in a folder. For some reason, a couple of my files are in reverse alphabetical order, i.e. from Z to A instead of A to Z. I have hunted to see how to correct this, and cannot find anything. It’s not a major problem, just annoying. I find it strange, since the files are listed alphabetically in the main files in File Explorer of the computer. It is only when I want to search files in Open Office. I had put this question on a forum and no one seemed to understand what I was saying. I look forward to your reply and appreciate your assistance. Betty Enos Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10