Re: two-pages on one screen, how to return to one

2021-05-27 Thread Rory O'Farrell
On Thu, 23 Apr 2020 17:14:37 + (UTC)
"j. a"  wrote:

> I attach a document that I wrote on a single page format. Somehow it got 
> changed to two pages, side-by-side.How can I return it to a single page?John 
> Allison

If Status bar is turned on, click on single page icon at bottom right (/View 
/Status bar to turn on)

Or /View /Zoom and select Single Page

Rory O'Farrell 

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Re: Can User Functions Be Created In OpenOffice Spreadsheet

2021-05-27 Thread Julian Thomas

> On May 26, 2021, at 16:58, David Stuhr  
> wrote:
> I have an OpenOffice Calc (spreadsheet) that has over a thousand Hyperlinks 
> and I would like to create a user defined function which would extract the 
> URL from the Hyperlink and put it in a separate cell.

If all else fails this should work:

- export as CSV [or TSV]
- write a program to find the URLs and rebuild the CSV with the new cell
- open in calc and save as .calc

jt -

Do unto those downstream as you would have those upstream do unto you. - 
Wendell Berry 

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unable to login or get new account activated

2021-05-27 Thread VE4PER / Andy
I am unable to login or get new account activated to access forums and 
make board posts.

I set username and password as requested but did not receive any 
activation information.

Assistance in resolving this is appreciated.

ve4per  Andy

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Re: unable to login or get new account activated

2021-05-27 Thread David Robley
For the record, a user with that email address has recently posted a 
question on the forum.

On 28/5/21 6:43 am, VE4PER / Andy wrote:
I am unable to login or get new account activated to access forums and 
make board posts.

I set username and password as requested but did not receive any 
activation information.

Assistance in resolving this is appreciated.

ve4per  Andy

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David Robley

I have a 33.6Kbps modem and 1.5bps fingers

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