OpenOffice 4.1.10 NOT doing spell check

2021-05-07 Thread
 Hi, I got the open office 4.1.10 and  also got the english language pack.
I closed all other programs then installed the full pack, then installed
the language pack.
Then opened a blank new doc. or an old file both would do the following;
When I type ANY word at all, its underlined as an unknown word or if I do a
spell check, every word gets underlined as an unknown word. I did go into
tools, options, language settings to confirm usa english is picked but
doesnt help. I just uninstalled it all and reinstalled it all and still the
same problem. What's going on? How do I make this work?

I did read many ppl have this problem in the forum and none had an answer.



Re: OpenOffice 4.1.10 NOT doing spell check

2021-05-07 Thread Richard Beeston

For your spelling check problem please see

-Original Message- 

Sent: Friday, May 07, 2021 9:54 AM
Subject: OpenOffice 4.1.10 NOT doing spell check

Hi, I got the open office 4.1.10 and  also got the english language pack.
I closed all other programs then installed the full pack, then installed
the language pack.
Then opened a blank new doc. or an old file both would do the following;
When I type ANY word at all, its underlined as an unknown word or if I do a
spell check, every word gets underlined as an unknown word. I did go into
tools, options, language settings to confirm usa english is picked but
doesnt help. I just uninstalled it all and reinstalled it all and still the
same problem. What's going on? How do I make this work?

I did read many ppl have this problem in the forum and none had an answer.



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Calc 4.1.9 - bad allocation

2021-05-07 Thread Kontakt Ahnenspuren


it's first time that I'm present in this forum.

I'm working under WIN 8.1 using OO 4.1.9

I'm using a lot  and  commands instead of mouse.

Calc is very often crashing with "bad allocation" error. The reason for 
this is not clear.

Calc is not offering a send report for the error to me. And I could not 
find, if this can be done in the settings.

Does anybody know about this bug ?

Regards, Fritz

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Problems with Openoffice software Only Openoffice Calc keeps appearing:

2021-05-07 Thread 九妹
to whom It May Concern

Every time you input the first Chinese character, the first character
cannot be found, and the first character must be re-entered;

In addition; if you want to enter a Chinese sentence with
numbers/punctuation/symbols, it will jump to the front of the Chinese
characters. If you want to complete this sentence, you must press enter and
then press F2 again to enter the sentence and then continue to input
unfinished numbers/  Punctuation/symbols;

But this action cannot last for a long time; it will shut down the machine;
hold a screen; force you to close the window, that is, if you do not save
in the middle of the input; that is, all the effort is wasted, and you will
have to go out to revert.  After repairing and restoring for a period of
time to retrieve it, if the file is opened and reused; the time will get
shorter and shorter, and you will need to turn off the repair and restore
and reopen it. It will not be used at all!

I have deleted the openoffice software in my computer; reinstalled it
again, it is already updated to the latest version; but none of the above
problems can be solved!

Please pay attention and solve this problem as soon as possible
