Re: Calc Crashing

2020-06-30 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 29/06/2020 20:54, Jason Menendez wrote:

My ods files crash nonstop. I can’t even use the product anymore. Every 2 
minutes it starts recovery.

There is an outstanding bug for over 6 years: *Issue 125006* 
 - Calc Consistently 
crashing, usually with "Fatal Error - Bad Allocation"

So there is not much hope this will be solved.

As a workaround try to play with the memory settings under Tools -> 
Options - Memory

It has been happening for weeks. Please help me.
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Re: Calc Crashing

2020-06-30 Thread Simon Phipps
Hi Jason,

Do your spreadsheets work in LibreOffice (or another ODS-compatible tool
like Microsoft Office)? If they are corrupted that would display a message
or crash as well I expect.



On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 8:29 PM Jason Menendez 

> My ods files crash nonstop. I can’t even use the product anymore. Every 2
> minutes it starts recovery.
> It has been happening for weeks. Please help me.

Re: Base error message

2020-06-30 Thread Martin Groenescheij
Have you compared the sizes of the database Fields with the length in 
your Form.

Please reply always to the mailing list

There are many more people that can give solutions/answers on the 
mailing list

On 26/06/2020 15:37, John Pojman wrote:

Thank you for your response.

I’m new to this. What structure information would be helpful? Should I 
send the form? The entire error message? The entire project?

I appreciate your help.

John Pojman

On Jun 26, 2020, at 1:53 AM, Martin Groenescheij 

Op 26 jun. 2020 om 06:23 heeft John Pojman  het 
volgende geschreven:

Using OO 4.1.7 on Win 10. I’ve created a table in Base and a 
corresponding form for data entry. I make data changes and additions 
and, on saving, get the error message: Value too long in statement. 
How do I clear the message?

Do you really want to clear the message? Probably it’s better to fix 
the underlying problem.
As you don’t tell anything about the structure of database and form 
we can only guess.
You could check the size of the field in the database, but probably 
the problem is in the form. In the General tab check your length of 
the field.

John Pojman

macOS catalina

2020-06-30 Thread Joe Love
I have used open office for years on my older MacBook Pro and love it.  
Downloaded on my new MacBook with macOS Catalina, but it will not 
install.  Could you help resolve the problem???
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Re: macOS catalina

2020-06-30 Thread Steven Ahlers

What steps have taken?

What if any error messages have you gotten?

Are you aware of the Gatekeeper function of OSX?

Please respond to the users list at: so that all 
users can assist you.

As a courtesy I have sent a copy of this message to you, if you’re not 
subscribed to the users list you may not see all of the responses to your 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 30, 2020, at 7:16 PM, Joe Love  wrote:
> I have used open office for years on my older MacBook Pro and love it.  
> Downloaded on my new MacBook with macOS Catalina, but it will not 
> install.  Could you help resolve the problem???
> Thanks,
> Joe
> -
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Re: macOS catalina

2020-06-30 Thread David Robley
Please refer to the Installation Guide -

Since you are not subscribed to this list you may not see all the 
replies to your query. To subscribe to Apache OpenOffice mailing lists 
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As a courtesy I have sent a copy of this reply to you as well as to the 
mailing list. Do Not reply to me personally but just to the list at 
 - replies to my personal email address 
will be ignored.

On 1/7/20 9:44 am, Joe Love wrote:

I have used open office for years on my older MacBook Pro and love it.  
Downloaded on my new MacBook with macOS Catalina, but it will not
install.  Could you help resolve the problem???
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David Robley

I am not an animal! I am ... well, not an animal.

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