Re: Chromebook version

2020-05-06 Thread Simon Phipps
I am a ChromeBook user and have found it easy to install the LibreOffice
suite (which is based on into the Linux system. I use it
all the time and find it works well for me, including integration into the
Launcher. To install it do this:

   1. Activate the Linux subsystem on your ChromeBook, by going to the
   system settings and selecting Linux (beta). This will take some time to
   complete, maybe a few minutes, as your Chromebook has to download a new
   module containing a ChromeOS build of Debian Buster Linux.
   2. From the Launcher, start the Terminal app (you can find it easily if
   you start typing "terminal" in the search box).
   3. In Terminal, make sure your new Linux subsystem is up to date by
  sudo apt update
   and then
  sudo apt upgrade
   4. Now install the office suite by typing
  sudo apt install libreoffice
   This will take a considerable time to complete because the suite is
   large and has many dependencies, so wait until it does - on my machine it
   took about 10 minutes.
   5. Finally install an extra package so the ChromeBook integration works
   properly by typing
  sudo apt install libreoffice-gnome

You should now have the software installed on your Chromebook, and it
should auto-start to open any ODF files. However, be aware it can only open
files in the new Linux folder on your local system (under "My files" in the
Files app) so any files from Google Drive or elsewhere will need to be
moved there before they can be edited.

This all used to be much more complicated but has become straightforward in
recent builds. Hope that helps!


On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 6:42 AM Grob Alicious 

> Do you have a version of Open Office that works on the Google Chromebook?
> -
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2020-05-06 Thread

Je me permets de vous contacter car je voudrais avoir un renseignement sur les 
fonctionnalités d’open office svp.

Je me fais plusieurs tableau sur lesquels je souhaite regrouper un maximum 
d’information concernant mes clients pour ne pas avoir à toujours chercher 
partour les éléments.
Je voudrais savoir si il est possible de lier un fichier pdf ou dossier à mon 
tableau ( je clique sur la cellule et l’information s’ouvre ) ?

Pourriez vous me transmettre en version pdf, la notice complète d’open office 
en Français svp ?

Je vous en remercie par avance.

Bien cordialement

corrupt file

2020-05-06 Thread Ray s
Does anyone know if there is an online repair tool that would fix a .odt file 
in open office. I’m getting this when I open. ## Thank you.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

Re: corrupt file

2020-05-06 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Ray,

An .odt file is a zip-container. So first you should try, whether a 
zip-tool can open the file. And if not, look for a zip-repair tool.

What do you see as first characters, if you open the file in an editor?
If it is not PK, than already the zip-container is surely corrupt.

All tries only on a copy of the file!

Kind regards

Ray s schrieb am 06-May-20 um 16:00:

Does anyone know if there is an online repair tool that would fix a .odt file 
in open office. I’m getting this when I open. ## Thank you.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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Re: corrupt file

2020-05-06 Thread Rory O'Farrell
On Wed, 6 May 2020 10:00:04 -0400
Ray s  wrote:

> Does anyone know if there is an online repair tool that would fix a .odt file 
> in open office. I’m getting this when I open. ## Thank you.
> Sent from Mail for Windows 10

In case you missed an earlier reply. I repeat it below for your information.

An OpenOffice file showing ### is utterly corrupt and there will be no usable 
information in it.  Use the information below to attempt to find a complete or 
partial copy, or revert to a backup copy.

Earlier answer posted below:
The file is damaged beyond repair, possibly due to disconnection from the 
remote location because of connection failure before the file was fully 
transmitted, or over hasty power off of your computer or closure of laptop lid, 
before the file housekeeping had been transmitted

As soon as possible try the methods in this tutorial detailed 
instructions on how to

a) use Previous Versions (W7 and later) to recover previous versions of the 

b) recover your file as it was when you last opened or saved it, or as it was 
when it was last saved with AutoRecovery;

c) find previous versions of the file in the folder it is located in, but which 
have since been deleted;

d) un-delete the temporary files AOO wrote while you were editing the file, and 
then deleted.  This may recover your file as it was when you last opened or you 
last saved it.

Rory O'Farrell 

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Re: E-mail Program

2020-05-06 Thread Alan B
No open source PDF editors that I am aware of.

Regarding this particular question it is important to understand the
requirement. Many people I have supported have asked for a PDF editor.
Getting them to define what they actually want to do often determines that
the features of Adobe Acrobat Reader or Foxit Reader, among others, will
meet their requirements.

If the requirements include changing text (adding, removing, reflowing) in
an existing PDF, controlling how others can use the document (prohibit
select and copy text, open to a certain page, prevent modification, etc)
then yes, a PDF editor would be required.

If the requirements include highlighting, marking out, underscoring
existing text, applying a digital signature, adding comments, then Adobe
Acrobat Reader or Foxit Reader both will meet the requirements. If the
requirement is to create a PDF document then OpenOffice programs can be
used to do that along with other methods, e.g. Foxit Reader includes a PDF
"printer". Select it as the target printer and instead of a page coming out
of your physical printer, a PDF document is created.

On Tue, May 5, 2020 at 12:40 PM sasha blaskovich 

> That was very helpful.  The distinction is now very clear.
> Is there an Open Source PDF Editor, like Adobe Pro?
> From: Alan B 
> Sent: May 5, 2020 6:33 AM
> To: 
> Subject: Re: E-mail Program
> You're welcome, Sasha.
> Some additional information for you to consider.
> Yes, some are simply profiting without contributing. However some people
> have limited / no online access. Sellers that provide physical media,
> DVD/USB, are providing a worthwhile service for them.
> The other point, OpenOffice is "open source software". Not "freeware".
> There are distinctions. Most often, freeware comes with other unwanted or
> unneeded software that continually requests the user to upgrade to paid
> version or to buy some additional product. A nag that is not helpful and,
> if the nag is followed, can lead to undesirable problems on the pc.
> When you search for software I suggest including the phrase "open source",
> with the quotes, in your search. You will find many useful programs
> provided in the same manner as OpenOffice.
> e.g.
> Audacity - sound file editing
> GIMP, Krita - image editing and creation
> OpenShot - video editing
> Thunderbird - email
> Calibre - ebook library and management
> Gramps - geanalogical research software
> etc.
> On Tue, May 5, 2020 at 2:40 AM sasha blaskovich 
> wrote:
> > Thank you very much!  It is very sad that there are vultures out there
> > that are selling this freeware!
> > I hope they are providing a kickback from their sales
> >
> > 
> > From: Alan B 
> > Sent: May 4, 2020 6:04 PM
> > To: 
> > Subject: Re: E-mail Program
> >
> > Sasha,
> >
> > To add to Wade's statement...
> >
> > OO is free for anyone to download and should be downloaded from the
> > official website,
> >
> > Click on the "I want to download Apache OpenOffice" link to get to the
> > download page.
> >
> > No registration required.
> > Return to the page as often as you like to check for a new version.
> > Download the new version, again for free, when it is available on the
> > download page.
> >
> > On Mon, May 4, 2020 at 6:28 PM sasha blaskovich 
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Hi,
> > > I recently bought your Open Office software CD on and need to
> > > know if there is an Open Office E-mail program similar to the MS
> Outlook
> > > program?
> > > Thanks,
> > > Regards,
> > > Sasha
> > >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Alan Boba
> > CISSP, CCENT, ITIL v3 Foundations 2011
> >
> --
> Alan Boba
> CISSP, CCENT, ITIL v3 Foundations 2011

Alan Boba
CISSP, CCENT, ITIL v3 Foundations 2011

Re: E-mail Program

2020-05-06 Thread Steven Ahlers
Creating a PDF is a function of the Operating System and printer driver.

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 6, 2020, at 8:25 PM, Alan B  wrote:
> No open source PDF editors that I am aware of.
> Regarding this particular question it is important to understand the
> requirement. Many people I have supported have asked for a PDF editor.
> Getting them to define what they actually want to do often determines that
> the features of Adobe Acrobat Reader or Foxit Reader, among others, will
> meet their requirements.
> If the requirements include changing text (adding, removing, reflowing) in
> an existing PDF, controlling how others can use the document (prohibit
> select and copy text, open to a certain page, prevent modification, etc)
> then yes, a PDF editor would be required.
> If the requirements include highlighting, marking out, underscoring
> existing text, applying a digital signature, adding comments, then Adobe
> Acrobat Reader or Foxit Reader both will meet the requirements. If the
> requirement is to create a PDF document then OpenOffice programs can be
> used to do that along with other methods, e.g. Foxit Reader includes a PDF
> "printer". Select it as the target printer and instead of a page coming out
> of your physical printer, a PDF document is created.
>> On Tue, May 5, 2020 at 12:40 PM sasha blaskovich 
>> wrote:
>> That was very helpful.  The distinction is now very clear.
>> Is there an Open Source PDF Editor, like Adobe Pro?
>> From: Alan B 
>> Sent: May 5, 2020 6:33 AM
>> To: 
>> Subject: Re: E-mail Program
>> You're welcome, Sasha.
>> Some additional information for you to consider.
>> Yes, some are simply profiting without contributing. However some people
>> have limited / no online access. Sellers that provide physical media,
>> DVD/USB, are providing a worthwhile service for them.
>> The other point, OpenOffice is "open source software". Not "freeware".
>> There are distinctions. Most often, freeware comes with other unwanted or
>> unneeded software that continually requests the user to upgrade to paid
>> version or to buy some additional product. A nag that is not helpful and,
>> if the nag is followed, can lead to undesirable problems on the pc.
>> When you search for software I suggest including the phrase "open source",
>> with the quotes, in your search. You will find many useful programs
>> provided in the same manner as OpenOffice.
>> e.g.
>> Audacity - sound file editing
>> GIMP, Krita - image editing and creation
>> OpenShot - video editing
>> Thunderbird - email
>> Calibre - ebook library and management
>> Gramps - geanalogical research software
>> etc.
>> On Tue, May 5, 2020 at 2:40 AM sasha blaskovich 
>> wrote:
>>> Thank you very much!  It is very sad that there are vultures out there
>>> that are selling this freeware!
>>> I hope they are providing a kickback from their sales
>>> From: Alan B 
>>> Sent: May 4, 2020 6:04 PM
>>> To: 
>>> Subject: Re: E-mail Program
>>> Sasha,
>>> To add to Wade's statement...
>>> OO is free for anyone to download and should be downloaded from the
>>> official website,
>>> Click on the "I want to download Apache OpenOffice" link to get to the
>>> download page.
>>> No registration required.
>>> Return to the page as often as you like to check for a new version.
>>> Download the new version, again for free, when it is available on the
>>> download page.
>>> On Mon, May 4, 2020 at 6:28 PM sasha blaskovich 
>>> wrote:
 I recently bought your Open Office software CD on and need to
 know if there is an Open Office E-mail program similar to the MS
>> Outlook
>>> --
>>> Alan Boba
>>> CISSP, CCENT, ITIL v3 Foundations 2011
>> --
>> Alan Boba
>> CISSP, CCENT, ITIL v3 Foundations 2011
> -- 
> Alan Boba
> CISSP, CCENT, ITIL v3 Foundations 2011

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Unable to uninstall

2020-05-06 Thread BERNARD H SILVERMAN
I downloaded Open Office and somehow it downloaded the French version.  I do 
not speak French and since all of the instructions are shown to me in French I 
am unable to Uninstall it.  To make matters worse I tried to reinstall open 
office again this time making sure I was reinstalling the English version but I 
am getting back an error message telling me the download is not completing 
because another Open Windows application is already installed.  HELP!

Sent from Mail for Windows 10