converting language to Spanish from my English saved document

2019-05-15 Thread Renee Proctor

I have open office 4.1.4 please help me. Thank you

Loving Christ, Renee

Re: converting language to Spanish from my English saved document

2019-05-15 Thread Rory O'Farrell
On Wed, 15 May 2019 11:27:23 -0400
Renee Proctor  wrote:

> I have open office 4.1.4 please help me. Thank you
> Loving Christ, Renee

OpenOffice and most (all?) other word-processors do not handle translation 

You need to Copy and Paste your text from OpenOffice into a translation 
application, such as Google Translate or Promt (in chunks of about 1000 words - 
depending on the requirements of the translation application); when that has 
translated it into your target language  Copy and Paste into a new OpenOffice 
document.  You will have to check the formatting, and also check the 
translation, as all translations are imperfect.  

If you do not speak Spanish, do not send the un-revised translation out - send 
the text in English and let the recipients translate it themselves.

Rory O'Farrell 

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

RE: converting language to Spanish from my English saved document

2019-05-15 Thread Geoffrey Hartwell
For what it is worth, I often send my original English and follow it with
the machine translation.

With kind regards, 
Geoffrey Hartwell
Eur Ing Professor Geoffrey M. Beresford Hartwell CEng
FIMechE FIET SenMIEEE(USA) FCIArb(retired) FICArb(India)
Consulting Engineer  and FIDIC Accredited Adjudicator

-Original Message-
From: Rory O'Farrell [] 
Sent: 15 May 2019 16:59
Cc: Renee Proctor 
Subject: Re: converting language to Spanish from my English saved document

On Wed, 15 May 2019 11:27:23 -0400
Renee Proctor  wrote:

> I have open office 4.1.4 please help me. Thank you
> Loving Christ, Renee

OpenOffice and most (all?) other word-processors do not handle translation

You need to Copy and Paste your text from OpenOffice into a translation
application, such as Google Translate or Promt (in chunks of about 1000
words - depending on the requirements of the translation application); when
that has translated it into your target language  Copy and Paste into a new
OpenOffice document.  You will have to check the formatting, and also check
the translation, as all translations are imperfect.  

If you do not speak Spanish, do not send the un-revised translation out -
send the text in English and let the recipients translate it themselves.

Rory O'Farrell 

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

RE: converting language to Spanish from my English saved document

2019-05-15 Thread Renee Proctor
Thanks guys, 


Loving Christ, Renee

From: Geoffrey Hartwell
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2019 12:18 PM
Cc: 'Renee Proctor';
Subject: RE: converting language to Spanish from my English saved document

For what it is worth, I often send my original English and follow it with
the machine translation.

With kind regards, 
Geoffrey Hartwell
Eur Ing Professor Geoffrey M. Beresford Hartwell CEng
FIMechE FIET SenMIEEE(USA) FCIArb(retired) FICArb(India)
Consulting Engineer  and FIDIC Accredited Adjudicator

-Original Message-
From: Rory O'Farrell [] 
Sent: 15 May 2019 16:59
Cc: Renee Proctor 
Subject: Re: converting language to Spanish from my English saved document

On Wed, 15 May 2019 11:27:23 -0400
Renee Proctor  wrote:

> I have open office 4.1.4 please help me. Thank you
> Loving Christ, Renee

OpenOffice and most (all?) other word-processors do not handle translation

You need to Copy and Paste your text from OpenOffice into a translation
application, such as Google Translate or Promt (in chunks of about 1000
words - depending on the requirements of the translation application); when
that has translated it into your target language  Copy and Paste into a new
OpenOffice document.  You will have to check the formatting, and also check
the translation, as all translations are imperfect.  

If you do not speak Spanish, do not send the un-revised translation out -
send the text in English and let the recipients translate it themselves.

Rory O'Farrell 

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: not installing on macbook pro

2019-05-15 Thread David Belina
Mac’s don’t like apps from non-Apple store installs.  Google “install non-apple 
app on MacBook” to find out how to bypass the apple lockout.  It is something 
about using “allow non-apple apps to install on Mac"

On May 15, 2019 at 1:02:50 PM, Greg Gonzalez ( wrote:


I downloaded the application OPEN OFFICE; not installing.  

I get error message about app not approved by Apple Store ...???  

What do you suggest i do?  

Thank you  


not installing on macbook pro

2019-05-15 Thread Greg Gonzalez

I downloaded the application OPEN OFFICE; not installing.

I get error message about app not approved by Apple Store ...???

What do you suggest i do?

Thank you


Re: not installing on macbook pro

2019-05-15 Thread Greg Gonzalez
Thanks, I'll check it out.

On Wed, May 15, 2019 at 3:07 PM David Belina  wrote:

> Mac’s don’t like apps from non-Apple store installs.  Google “install
> non-apple app on MacBook” to find out how to bypass the apple lockout.  It
> is something about using “allow non-apple apps to install on Mac"
> On May 15, 2019 at 1:02:50 PM, Greg Gonzalez (
> wrote:
> hello,
> I downloaded the application OPEN OFFICE; not installing.
> I get error message about app not approved by Apple Store ...???
> What do you suggest i do?
> Thank you
> Greg

Best regards,

Greg Gonzalez,
Business Developer

*GRM Document Management*

15800 NW 48 Avenue

Miami Gardens, FL 33014

*Direct: 786-661-2739*


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*Atlanta | Austin|  Baltimore | Boston | Chicago| Dallas | Houston |
Indianapolis | Los Angeles |Miami | New York  New Jersey |Philadelphia |
San Francisco | Washington, D.C. | | Lima, Peru | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil*

Re: not installing on macbook pro

2019-05-15 Thread David Robley
Please read the installation instructions -]Installation 
instructions for Mac

Since you are not subscribed to this list you may not see all the 
replies to your query. To subscribe to Apache OpenOffice mailing lists 
go to As a courtesy I 
have sent a copy of this reply to you as well as to the mailing list. Do 
Not reply to me personally but just to the list at 
 - replies to my personal email address 
will be ignored.

On 16/5/19 4:24 am, Greg Gonzalez wrote:


I downloaded the application OPEN OFFICE; not installing.

I get error message about app not approved by Apple Store ...???

What do you suggest i do?

Thank you


David Robley

WARNING: my messages are offensive to morons!